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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I don’t’ approve but kind of understand the psychology of girls who continue working. They have already considered themselves being on a frontline even before the virus with the threat of STDs, violent clients and boyfriends, threat being discovered by the family, drug use etc. One more threat does not change that much for them. As for clients, they probably do not give a f-k about filthy old dudes they despise and disdain anyway

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I see so much different point of views from escorts. On twitter one of them posted what i think was a joke, another one answered "good idea" and then i proceed to tell her its not enough, i was very polite in my answer and told her i know its her livehood and its a hard time etc , but she answered by "thanks for the unsolicited advice, blocked" while the one who originally posted sent me a DM saying she fully agree with me.

Saw another escort today mentioning how "its no big deal" and its just another flu yada yada, one i actually really enjoy following in general... I again politely answered her and even tough she wasn't hostile in her tone in replying to me (and she didn't blocked me lol) she said at first i was spreading "fear mongering" , but then a few other guys replied and she may either realize the deal or just decided to not argue more.

In any case its such a weird situation. I guess the thing is escorts in the nature of their business can decide themselves if they want to remain "open for business" , no pun intended, as governement has no say in the nature of this activity, and we all know SOME clients are not the smartest guys when their "second brain" take over... So they still get clients, they still make money, so they think unless something happen to THEM why stop?

At least the good news is borders are closing now, no american clients unless they are there for other reasons allowed as exeption and decide to partake... But we already have plenty of cases if we take the whole Canada into consideration, hell last i saw it was close to 100 in Quebec alone, wich seem rather small considering the population, but we must ERADICATE IT COMPLETELY. We can't even have 1 or 2 cases popping here and there, otherwise it risk gaining traction again and the problem won't resolve itself...


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014

The disease is very contagious..sorry i mean VERY CONTAGIOUS!! It does not matter where in the world they are, warmer weather will not help. All epidemiologist agree on this. You can still catch it!

Supposedly warm weather makes it “LESS CONTAGIOUS”, at least that’s what I understood from reading up a bit
Covid-19 MAY spread much faster in cold weather Chinese researchers are now saying , it has a “COLD RESISTANCE “ . So I’m guessing warmer weather might help to keep it more in check . Let’s hope that it doesn’t adapt to different climates and then mutates
But like everything else out there , we have contradictory information/views


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
not to mention that our prime minister (who I beleive is doing his best) is dolling out tons of cash to the future unemployed, hurting self-employed and everybody else under the sun who can fill our a form. Unfortunately, the ones we owe the most to on this board are not in a recognized line of work and get nothing from the government. If some decide to keep working a bit, let's keep that in mind lest we falsely cast stones.


Nov 30, 2017
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large crowds.Remember to stay calm cause its just a flu bro.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Well said loveless and I agree with you. I do not about about you guys but I am far more worried about the economic collapse and mass recession that will happen then catching this virus. If this goes on too long everyone will be eventually affected. Think of how many ppl are loosing their jobs, stores that will go bankrupt, bars and clubs shutting down, hotels going bankrupt and eventually landlords and banks will go bankrupt to where the government can collapse. We cannot shut down the whole world each time there is some virus. Viruses are inevitable and like all diseases in the past they came and went. We survived the bubonic plague, tubercolosis, cholera, and small pox. These diseases make COVID-19 look like just like a flu. This as I said is the government's chance to install martial law. They will use this to take away our liberty and put more prohibition. I am very worried about loosing liberty and being under government control then this virus.

Check this out ->


New Member
Sep 14, 2011
The economy is directly linked to the number of new cases/day in the USA. As that number goes up, the economy goes down. There will be no sense of stability until that number decreases constantly and consistently for a good 2 weeks. It’s a question of suffer for the next 2-6 weeks vs suffer for the next 2-6 months.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
See the danger of stats... This 9% is calculated on "cases which had an outcome" not on the total of positives.

219101 = 100%
8962 = 4%

Which is still high!

I specifically said in my post a 9% fatality rate in closed cases, your 4% means nothing whatsoever because those cases are still active, have NOT been closed by medical personnel and those positive people could still die. The only meaningful stat is closed cases and documented recoveries.

And by the way today it went up to 10% fatality rate in CLOSED CASES:

The only danger in stats is YOUR post which badly misconstrues or misunderstands the data.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
When I went grocery shopping Tuesday at Big Y, the cashier was very careful not to touch my hands when she gave me my change back. It later occurred to me that we all should be avoiding cash transfers whenever possible.

This week at the office I have been greeting my coworkers with Bernie Sanders/Joe Biden style "elbow shakes." Unfortunately yesterday we sent one of the girls home with a hacking cough. I think we will all be working at home pretty soon. I am all set up with remote access and have been for years, but our IT guy needs to configure 4 more employees to make the whole operation capable of running remotely.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Not good at all.

Look at my post 1026 of yesterday. The testing capacity is improving a lot per day. So of course we see a spike. If you factor in asymptomatic positive case there is around 230K US citizen infected at the moment. And going up.


Sr Moderator
Jan 27, 2014

I hate to do it but I have already posted a warning in this thread. This is a very important discussion but filling it with long quotes and long articles makes this thread impossible to read, when you do post a link we need your opinion. Please do your best to manage to shorten quotes and articles, when posting a link please give your opinion (saying this is an interesting link or article is NOT an opinion). Those who choose not to respect this will be put in quarantine for two weeks, seriously.



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
TNB, please repost your link after adding some of your own comments....thanks.

BTW guys if you don`t like to read dark theories then don`t read further.
If the coronavirus acts like the cold virus in some ways then it will mutate as it spreads. There is no vaccine for the common gold because there are dozens of varieties. When you catch a cold then you have resistance , maybe months or years , but you don`t have resistance to the mutated varieties so you can easily catch a new cold in a relatively short time. I believe that the corona virus has mutated already at least once.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Sorry Mod 20,

this is is an article illustrating what I’ve been saying for a while. We still don’t know everything about this virus. Not sure If it’s evolving but reports out of Europe are indicating it may be. Its not just the elderly with co-morbidities is who it affects. younglings are requiring hospitalization as well. Italy’s patient zero was on a vent for 3 weeks he was in early 40’s, spain had a 37 (soldier I think) who died, no co morbidities. Again, not sure if the virus is evolving or the health care systems are hitting their surge capacities or both? This is what we don’t want in North America


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It is not such a far cry from the US if you factor in the difference in population.

I do think however that Canadians are reacting with more concern and perhaps isolating themselves better.
You don’t see scenes like the Florida beaches where people seem to be so nonchalant about this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010

It's a valid point. The USA population is almost 10X(!) that of Canada. Which more or less, is in proportion to the ratio of the number of COVID-19 cases so far.

Good point about the beaches. Florida businesses (bars, clubs, etc) should do their part and close shop in order to dissuade Spring Break partying.
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