I see so much different point of views from escorts. On twitter one of them posted what i think was a joke, another one answered "good idea" and then i proceed to tell her its not enough, i was very polite in my answer and told her i know its her livehood and its a hard time etc , but she answered by "thanks for the unsolicited advice, blocked" while the one who originally posted sent me a DM saying she fully agree with me.
Saw another escort today mentioning how "its no big deal" and its just another flu yada yada, one i actually really enjoy following in general... I again politely answered her and even tough she wasn't hostile in her tone in replying to me (and she didn't blocked me lol) she said at first i was spreading "fear mongering" , but then a few other guys replied and she may either realize the deal or just decided to not argue more.
In any case its such a weird situation. I guess the thing is escorts in the nature of their business can decide themselves if they want to remain "open for business" , no pun intended, as governement has no say in the nature of this activity, and we all know SOME clients are not the smartest guys when their "second brain" take over... So they still get clients, they still make money, so they think unless something happen to THEM why stop?
At least the good news is borders are closing now, no american clients unless they are there for other reasons allowed as exeption and decide to partake... But we already have plenty of cases if we take the whole Canada into consideration, hell last i saw it was close to 100 in Quebec alone, wich seem rather small considering the population, but we must ERADICATE IT COMPLETELY. We can't even have 1 or 2 cases popping here and there, otherwise it risk gaining traction again and the problem won't resolve itself...