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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Let’s be careful about what “essential” means in these executive orders. Connecticut has a similar executive shutdown order but “legal services” have been specifically defined as “essential.” Therefore attorneys are free to work at their office or at home if they wish.

I would tend to think “escort services” are not essential, although some here might feel otherwise. Has Mr. Legault exempted escort agencies?

Maybe only the SAQs, haha ...

... but yeah, health care is mostly a provincial jurisdiction in Canada. The feds have lots of executive control and dole-out the money ...

... but that means lots of different, confusing, and often contradictory information right now, depending on who you're listening to at any given moment.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Tomorrow was my 14th day of quarantine (self-imposed). Bored to hell. Now I need to go for 21 more days. Yeah!

Ha well I am still alive that's what is important. The 7 days I spent down south early march felt like 3 days. The last 14 days felt 2 months.

EB you can still by beer and wine at regular grocery store right? Would be good to educate on the need to taper down consumption instead of completely stopping which is indeed dangerous.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB you can still by beer and wine at regular grocery store right? Would be good to educate on the need to taper down consumption instead of completely stopping which is indeed dangerous.

I am not in Pennsylvania, so I do not know. In CT, liquor stores have remained open and any kind of liquor can be purchased.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2016
... Like Chernobyl, the Chinese government tried to hide this disaster in the making. Do you think that is fair?


I blame the Chinese Communist Party.

You are 100% correct.

We should be clear on something, the Chinese communist party (CCP) DOES NOT represent the Chinese people.

The Chinese population has been extremely frustrated against their government for hiding this virus. They all know the images put out by their media is fake. Look at this video, a senior official inspecting the sites in Wuhan being heckled by residents screaming "It's Fake":
Video (english subtitle):
Vice Article:

The CCP is desperately trying to put off responsibility by blaming the US, by trying to convince the world they're the ultimate standard to follow in combatting the virus, and reporting "ZERO new case". Really? Who believes that. What surprises me is the western media repeats "ZERO case" without asking any questions. I heard a friend working at a chinese radio station saying that Chinese locals are still seeing dozens of cases every day, in ONE city.

Let's not fall into the trap of some media outlet spinning it into a racism narrative, which is what the CCP hopes for because that shifts the responsibility away from them. Coronavirus could have started in any country with wet markets, but in this case the CCP (with its dishonest tactics) is 100% accountable for turning this into a global pandemic. If it were me, I'd call it the Chinese Communist virus. Again, not racist. Chinese people are great and the culture is 5000 years rich, much to discover and learn from.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Would be good to educate on the need to taper down consumption instead of completely stopping which is indeed dangerous.

Not me man, I’ve been gettin fucked up every night! Boris is shuttin everything down so I’m not takin any chances. Got silly @ the local tescos and loaded up on carlsburg and Cadbury.


Jul 6, 2017
Over the past three months i've been reading up on several pandemics over history and it's been quite an eye-opener! This is why the current pandemic around the world hasn't really been too surprising for me and actually expected. What i did not expect was the fact the American government would be so slow in responding to it and especially when it comes to testing and getting much-needed protective equipment to health care workers. This i did not expect. But then again look who's the so-called "President". Should we be really surprised??

Why are you surprised? Over 90% of all surgical masks in the U.S. are being made in China. I'm sure it's the same in Canada. In fact your idiot Trudeau is now finally begging for more surgical masks, etc. Yet you have no criticism of St. Justine, as he is "WOKE". Do you think China is racing to supply more surgical masks to the U.S. or Canada? Of course not. They are laughing at us. According to the New York Times China is hoarding all masks manufactured at 3M's manufacturing facilities in China. In addition, they bought up most of the world's supply after their initial outbreak, way before the U.S. or Canada had a chance to get their hands on any excess supply. This is a ludicrous situation and both the Obama and Trump administrations were warned of the dire consequences especially after the Swine Flu outbreak. Among Trump, Trudeau, and Obama, the only one who has advocated for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the West is Trump. He hasn't been very successful during his 1st term, but if he gets re-elected I expect him to drop the hammer on China. On the contrary, Obama was a Chinese puppet when he famously said "...those jobs aren't coming back."

Ass Assassin

New Member
Jul 2, 2018
And yet, some escort agencies continue to operate. Sad. Directly contradicting the stay home and social distancing rules. Respect to Euphoria and others who have respect for health.

Yeah I can’t believe that some agencies are still running and that Some guys actually go on humpchies, Leo list and other listings. I made a thread encouraging social distancing and taking a break from services but it got removed.

Thor Jr

Asian Peach Inspector
Jul 24, 2008
:grouphug: Social distancing is the best cure at this time, so a virtual group hug. I wish all of you a healthy year.
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