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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I actually met an American yesterday who believes still that this is a hoax concocted by the left and media during an election year to try and derail Trump. I was like so you don’t believe everything happening here in Europe? He was like Europe hates trump cause he’s making them pay their way.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2003
New Jersey
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I totally agree with Ass Assasin. I am very surprised that some are not aware of the serious of this virus and how easy it is to spread! I only travel a couple of times a year to take part in lobbying. I am planning on the July comic-con but that may not happen. OK by me. I have been dealing with JAMES for more because of his real concern not only for the client but also for the young ladies SAFETY! I APPLAUD HIM.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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The neverending myth that Covid-19 affects only old people continues w/ Texas Lt Gov Dan Patrick proclaiming “let’s get back to work, let’s get back to living, let’s be smart about it, and those of us who are 70-plus, we’ll take care of ourselves ... Don’t sacrifice the country”

To be clear, most of the fatalities caused by Covid-19 are among the elderly BUT it also sends a significant percentage of younger people to the hospitals & ICU(Intensive Care Unit)!!!

US data from 12-17 March indicate that up to 20.8% & 4.2% of 20-44 yr olds w/ Covid-19 end up in hospitals & ICU respectively.

For 45-54 yr olds w/ Covid-19, up to 10.8% of go to ICU.

Follow @ScottGottliebMD, former FDA commissioner on Twitter for more detailed data.

So yes, the vast majority of these younger patients will survive because modern medicine is great. However after ICU, most people are never the same again. Long term damage can include reduced lung capacity and for Covid-19, possibly heart, kidney, liver damage, etc.

W/ such serious long term damage, some of these younger folks may even wish that they died a quick painless death instead.

Sparing only teens & children, Covid-19 is a fucking dangerous virus for the rest of us.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think the real point of what Dan Patrick says is that we all need to get back to work and take our chances, or else the economy will totally be beyond repair:

I am not sure if we will be able to survive a long term shutdown of the economy. At some point a cost-benefit damage assessment will have to be made if the economy remains locked down. The people who are working cannot be made to pay for the people who are not working. And the government can’t pay for anything if there is no tax revenue because nobody is working. And people need to work in order to manufacture medical supplies etc. Once the supply chain starts to break down, it will be a scramble to get all necessities including food, never mind toilet paper. Something to think about.


Nov 30, 2017
Covid 19 vs Reality

1200 people are murdered every single day globally.

1 000 000 people die every year of suicide worldwide.

500 000 people on average die of regular flu every year.

9 000 000 people die of hunger and hunger related disease every year.

9 600 000 people die of cancer globally every year.

12 000 000 people die of drugs,smoking and alcohol every year.

1 250 000 people die in road crashes every year.

15 200 000 people die of heart disease every year.

I could go on and on.........Covid 19 kills 18 000 people and the world is in panic? 150 000 people have died of suicide since the pandemic and that includes may children and not people over the age of 75.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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True, the shutdown of the economy is dangerous but no economy can function w/o a working healthcare system either. If Covid-19 spreads unchecked, the hospitals will collapse even if thse above 60 yrs r not treated. W/o a functioning healthcare system, the fatality rate for even semi-serious Covid-19 cases will spike. That’s why China was forced to shutdown its economy. Given the power that the China leaders have within their country, they could hv continued covering up but they realized that it was unsustainable.

Also the damage to the economy is still the same when those under 60 yr realize that Covid-19 can easily send them to the hospital or ICU. Most people will still choose to self-isolate.

The only solution is to do social distancing combined w/ extensive testing & contact tracing. The social distancing buys us time while the extensive testing & contact tracing will allow us to quarantine the ill and prevent them from spreading the virus.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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.... I could go on and on.........Covid 19 kills 18 000 people and the world is in panic? 150 000 people have died of suicide since the pandemic and that includes may children and not people over the age of 75.

Left unchecked Covid-19 will kill millions, just do the math. The hospitals will be overwhelmed & collapse. That means even a minor infection or appendicitis can become fatal because there’s no one left to treat these cases.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Completely agree with Donbusch.

The economy will not recuperate at all because we say it should. It does not work that way. The economy will recuperate slowly once we know our life are not at risk simply doing our daily task.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Loveless the figures you quote are meaningless. All those figures have been around for years and our health care system has adapted to them. Most are nor contagious and nowhere near as contagious as this novel virus. If governments would follow your naïve reasoning then this pandemic would make the Spanish flue look like a bad cold.
My new signature should be "I`d rather be a victim of a pansexual than a pandemic"


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2016
Donbusch, thanks for that dose of reality. should be mandatory reading for anyone on this thread.
This virus hits the sweetspot where just enough get seriously ill (hospitalized) and just enough die. And, all health systems (Canada and elsewhere) are fragile entities to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
WOW I'm speechless how some indys are still available this week with little or no mention of what's going on in this world!!!


Nov 30, 2017
You are right but this is not the one.This isn't the one that will kill us all,when it comes we will be dead and not have the luxury of debating about it.


New Member
Mar 14, 2019
You are right but this is not the one.This isn't the one that will kill us all,when it comes we will be dead and not have the luxury of debating about it.

No. YOU'LL be dead, because you think you know better than doctors.

The rest of us will be alive because we followed instructions, and stopped coughing all over each other.

I'm really struggling to see your point of view? It seems like it can be broken down to "This pandemic isn't so bad, so I don't care if a lot of people get sick"
Let's work your theory into other historical episodes and see if there's a different result:

"Eh, those nazis aren't killing Americans, Canadians or Australians. Let's not bother helping America and Europe defeat them"
" Hmm, well I dont' have any bubos on MY skin, Im not really concerned too much about the black plague."



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Loveless , no one said that this will kill us all....but killing 2% of the world`s population is nothing to sneeze at.

Already in some countries health care systems have collapsed. Countries are shut down creating 30% unemployment rates. Multiple trillion dollars have been lost....gone....evaporated. Businesses going bankrupt , something Trump is very familiar with, will be popping up all over the place. Don`t compare this to car accidents !!.

Yes in Quebec optometrists are closed, dental offices are closed, Doctors are self isolating yet some agency escorts and some indies are still working....insanity.


Nov 1, 2015
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi certaines agences d'escortes sont encore ouvertes. Nous faisons tous un effort pour respecter les consignes du gouvernement, dont la distanciation sociale de 2 m et le télétravail, et voilà que ces agences restent ouvertes, risquant ainsi de propager le virus. Les propriétaires de ces agences ne se préoccupent donc pas de la santé publique! SHAME ON THEM. Congratulations to Euphoria et Vogue, qui on compris compris le bon sens!


Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Yes in Quebec optometrists are closed, dental offices are closed, Doctors are self isolating yet some agency escorts and some indies are still working....insanity.

The police need to step in and close them down. anyone providing or using these services is being incredibly stupid, and are now a threat to the public at large.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Quebec Province goes into "lockdown" effective midnight 24 March 2020:

[FONT=&]Quebec Premier François Legault orders:

[FONT=&]As of midnight Tuesday (March 24),[/FONT][FONT=&] all in-person business and commercial activity in the province will be shut down [/FONT][FONT=&]until April 13, except grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations and other essential services.

Ontario is also being shutdown tonight at midnight. It was announced yesterday by Premier Doug Ford. Once Quebec announced it would do so i only knew it was only a matter of time until Ontario followed suit. Legault seems to be leading the charge among the country's premiers.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The police need to step in and close them down. anyone providing or using these services is being incredibly stupid, and are now a threat to the public at large.

As long as you have a few idiots willing to sacrifice their well being & the well being of others then you'll always have providers willing to do the same & make a few bucks more since many of their counterparts have put their 'services' on hold. So basically you'll only see a complete shutdown of the sex business if they no longer have any johns to profit from.
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