Montreal Escorts


Dec 22, 2017
stoneeca said:
and now we have our escorts going full blast like there is nothing wrong
and they are working out there with no masks or protective gear
is there something wrong with this picture
For escorts this is their job.

I work in tech field and have been fortunate to be able to work from home in this difficult situation, but if I had lost my job I would have tried to find any other job in my domain even if it meant that I had to go to office which would have put me at some risk still.

So it is very wrong to blame any escort for working according to me but I definitely blame the guys who are looking for a session at this time. I have a lot of respect for the escorts and guys who have taken a break at this time to slow the spread and who are taking care of themselves too.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Wonder if it makes sense to start a post covid-19 TSL thread?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally at this moment i am ok with isolating as much as possible and everything being closed down to beat the virus. Even if the cases rise to 500 by the end of March, if if then start to go down and peoples either get cured or sadly die, then at some point without going careless we could maybe start to live again. Borders should remain close, but our day to day life could start back HERE in Quebec. Cause they say it take 2 weeks max before knowing if peoples have it or not, add a few more weeks to get cured and normally 1 month from now if peoples follow directives, there shouldn't be much new cases/propagation here. We are not Italy where the spread is insane.

But when i see peoples mentioning this could take 12 to 18 months, im like "woaaaa wait a minute, are we really gonna stop to live for over a year?"

I remember fondly a year ago because this is when i started my weight loss transformation (in around 2 week it will be a year) and that was a LONG time... lot happened since then. I don't see myself living like i live now for that long and hell im not even somebody that goes out that much in the first place. And before someone says it, yeah i could go a year without seeing an escort... it would not be pleasant, but its not what im talking about here.

Its just that right now some "measures" are very extreme. I mean whats the point of stopping to sell lotery tickets really? You could have them be validated while going to the grocery or convenient store and gather your foods at the same time. Can't even return consigned cans... gonna have a LOT to return when it start back, storing that for 3 months would be already hard, but a year? ARG !

I hear peoples say maybe they will stop taking cash... i don't have a bank forfeit personally. i can use my credit card where they accept it because i can do one big transaction and pay everything back at the end of the month but i can't do interact.... cost me over 1$ EVERY TIME. I pay lots of stuff in cash.

Maybe i sound like a spoiled brat right now, and i know some peoples are living way worst condition in war/famine countries, but my point is ok right now i say lets trust our governements, lets try stopping the spread. But if it fail and after 2 months it keep rising up and peoples still get infected, then i dunno...

That being said, maybe down the road a vaccine/cure may exist and even if the virus is still present, it could "fix it" but i dunno..


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
But when i see peoples mentioning this could take 12 to 18 months, im like "woaaaa wait a minute, are we really gonna stop to live for over a year?"

I'd be surprised if it was that long. It started in December 2019 in China, and now it looks like they're just starting to open things up and release patients from hospitals, etc.

The more locked down we are now, the quicker we can eventually recover.
Dec 22, 2017
charmer said:
The more locked down we are now, the quicker we can eventually recover.
So true.

I have couple of friends from university who are currently in China and they say that more people are going out now, since situation is getting better and schools are expected to open late March or early April.

But the Chinese government has taken some draconian steps to achieve this. The first cases started in China in November. They didn’t report it till later. When it got worse they had to forcefully ask people to stay in and even get drones to monitor areas and if someone was found outside, they would monitor their temperature and extreme steps were taken if something seemed wrong. In the end I feel unless some draconian steps are taken it will be hard to contain the number of cases here too and that’s what will cause the delays.


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Sorry guys use google translate.

Ma belle-soeur qui travaille pour un laboratoire prive m'a transmit cette article de LaPresse:

Etude clinique coordonnées par le Centre de coordination des essais cliniques de Montréal a la grandeur du Canada appelé Colcorana qui débute ajd pour vérifier le potentiel de la colchicine (anti-inflammatoires deja commercialiser et disponible en pharmacie) pour atténuer le symptôme grave d'inflammation causé par le Covid-19.

Je souhaite de tout cœur que cette étude soit positive et je suis vraiment fière d'être Montréalais/Québécois/Canadien quand je lit cette article. :)
Temps qu'il y a de la vie il y a de l'espoir!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Another sign of the recovery in China is that the Chinese Basketball Association, their professional league, is ready to resume play after a 2 month long suspension, and Jeremy Lin and others have flown back to China:

If the Chinese can recover after 2 months suspension of professional basketball, there is certainly hope at least that we can do the same.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
I think it's better to stay safe if we don't want to have a same situation like Italy and Spain where 800 die per day ! The US is now out of control ! People don't take it seriously.. ! Let stay safe..!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As far as I know the Spanish flu was called Spannish because they were the only one brave enough to report the truth. A former king of Spain had caught the disease and they reported it.

Somewhat true. One thing that seems fairly certain now is that the 'Spanish flu' did not originate in Spain. Various theories suggest it originated either in France, UK, United States or quite possibly China. It's also quite certain that its origins were not in 1918 but in fact earlier. Possibly as earlier as 1915. I quote Wikipedia:

To maintain morale, World War I censors minimized early reports of illness and mortality in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and the United States. Papers were free to report the epidemic's effects in neutral Spain, such as the grave illness of King Alfonso XIII, and these stories created a false impression of Spain as especially hard hit. This gave rise to the pandemic's nickname, "Spanish flu". Historical and epidemiological data are inadequate to identify with certainty the pandemic's geographic origin, with varying views as to the origin."

Up to 500 million people worldwide were infected by Spanish flu, also known as H1N1. This was a quarter of the planet's population at the time, which is an enormous number. Between 17 to 50 million people ended up dying because of the flu and the number could have been as high as 100 million. It was the first H1N1 pandemic & made a return as a pandemic in 2009 and better known as the 'swine flu'.

Over the past three months i've been reading up on several pandemics over history and it's been quite an eye-opener! This is why the current pandemic around the world hasn't really been too surprising for me and actually expected. What i did not expect was the fact the American government would be so slow in responding to it and especially when it comes to testing and getting much-needed protective equipment to health care workers. This i did not expect. But then again look who's the so-called "President". Should we be really surprised??

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think it's better to stay safe if we don't want to have a same situation like Italy and Spain where 800 die per day ! The US is now out of control ! People don't take it seriously.. ! Let stay safe..!

At least South Korea has been leading the pack in doing things the right way, so that's a reason to remain optimistic. As of this morning South Korea reported 64 more coronavirus cases from Sunday, but it's the lowest daily figure since daily reported cases peaked at 909 on February 29. So that's good news.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Je viens d'entendre qu"ils ont besoin de 6,000 patients testé positifs pour procéder et ensuite attendre 30 jours pour voir les ré colchicine est notamment déjà utilisé pour la goûte et est très peu dispendieux.......croisons les doigts. Ne serait pas utilisé en prévention MAIS pour traiter les cas sérieux.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Voilà ce que je viens de lire sur Annonceintime:

Je rêve de me faire baiser la chatte par plusieurs hommes.

Alors j'organise une Orgie dans maison privé à Laval pour VENDREDI 27 mars. Plaisir assurer. J'accepte juste les homme!!! Rendez-vous à partir de 20h jusqu'à 22h30
( 15 participant ) dans ma maison privé
Orgies ouverte à tous ceux qui veulent du bon sexes alors réservé ta place maintenant par Virement Paypal.

Jade mignonne jeune femme de 25 ans de nature soumise. J'adore être un objet de désirs. Une vraie nymphomane qui ne demande qu’une chose: être abusée !

J'ai relu cette annonce, tellement je croyais avoir mal lu.
La seule chose que j'espère, c'est qu'aucun gars ne se pointent là vendredi.
Malheureusement je pense qu'il va y avoir des imbéciles, des inconscients, des gars qui vivent sur une autre planète, des bombes humaines, bref je pourrais en rajouter mais je me retiens (Si j'étais méchant je souhaiterais que cette femme deviennent infectée et malade et que son activité destructrice soit annulée).

Hey les gars restés chez vous, et aussi vite tous les gars pourront retrouver les préférées.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sene elle demande virement paypal. C'est une arnaque. Etre sérieuse elle serait au courant qu'une soirée 15 homme et elle c'est pas une orgie mais un gangbang ;)

Ca va être le festival de l'arnaque de toute sorte si ce virus se prolonge trop.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Merci Jalimon, je n'y avais pas pensé, c'est certainement une fraude.
Je suis sûr que certains hommes vont se faire prendre, car ils pensent avec leur cerveau entre les jambes, au lieu d'utiliser leur cerveau et de se dire, c'est vraiment une crise et je dois absolument respecter le confinement.

Le titre de son annonce est: GANGBANG 27 MARS


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2007
Ouais ça sent l’arnaque à plein nez! C’est vrai que présentement, avec les bars fermés, les pimps et les pushers doivent voir leur revenu diminuer drastiquement. Le hobby devient donc encore plus dangereux. J’espère que nous pouvons tous prendre une pause. Les gens qui continuent le hobby sont surement ceux qui ne prennent pas de mesures appropriés face au Covid dans différentes sphères de leur vie, potentiellement des gens plus à risques de l’avoir que la moyenne donc....

Be safe guys, this can’t last 12 months!


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
If the Chinese can recover after 2 months .

With the Chinese system (I think) is, was much easier to recover unlike the West with open and free society and civil liberties
(And the BS that comes with it), parties fighting and bickering (Instead of one party making THE decision) and so on and so on.


If the world or at least North America and the West had listened to this guy few years back , we wouldn't have been in this situation.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
#COVID19 – Au Québec, en date du 23 mars 13h, la situation est la suivante:

➡️628 cas confirmés *
➡️4 décès
➡️1 personne guérie
➡️1888 personnes sous investigation
➡️11 211 analyses négatives

Pour connaître le nombre de cas confirmés par régions : #santéqc

* L’augmentation importante des cas confirmés s’explique par le fait que, le 22 mars 2020, les cas testés positifs par les laboratoires des centres hospitaliers sont maintenant considérés confirmés. Ils n’ont plus besoin d’une validation par le LSPQ.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Quebec Province goes into "lockdown" effective midnight 24 March 2020:

[FONT=&amp]Quebec Premier François Legault orders:

[FONT=&amp]As of midnight Tuesday (March 24),[/FONT][FONT=&amp] all in-person business and commercial activity in the province will be shut down [/FONT][FONT=&amp]until April 13, except grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations and other essential services.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Let’s be careful about what “essential” means in these executive orders. Connecticut has a similar executive shutdown order but “legal services” have been specifically defined as “essential.” Therefore attorneys are free to work at their office or at home if they wish.

I would tend to think “escort services” are not essential, although some here might feel otherwise. Has Mr. Legault exempted escort agencies?
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