Montreal Escorts


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I was just informed that the Omni Mont-Royal, the Ritz Carlton & other hotels have since closed down until at least June 1st. Any others?

I have a question about what's going on currently in hotels that are open if some of you reading this have been in Mtl recently or presently:

-Is there any screening of visitors entering the hotel? Or is it business-as-usual and you can simply walk into the lobby & head towards the elevators to go up to your floor?

-I've seen this in Toronto & wonder if it's going on in Mtl: are you required to indicate the # of people who will be visiting you in your room during your stay and whom when you check-in?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Waterloo, how is a golf course open today in this environment?

The golf courses I’m talking about are either state run or by the local counties so evidently they do comply to the states initiative for social distancing and safety. Although I would strongly disagree.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
p.s. Senator Rand Paul just confirmed he's also tested positive for COVID-19. He stated he was currently asymptomatic. Lucky him he's white, wealthy & powerful so he was able to get tested although he had no symptoms.
That is sooo ironic
Rand Paul is the most isolationist of all senators.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
A new testing clinic is opening Monday in Montreal at Place des Spectacles [St. Urbain / Maisonneuve]. No appointment necessary, people can come by drive-thu or on foot. Everyday 8 am to 8 pm.

Supposedly security measures will be in place for people to keep appropriate distances.


* You have a cough, fever or difficulty breathing.

* You have travelled outside Canada within the last 14 days.

* You have been in contact with someone who has one of the above symptoms and has travelled outside the country in the last 14 days.

* You have been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient.

You don't have to have a RAMQ (Quebec health insurance) card. They are not turning anyone away.

Results of the tests are expected within two to three days.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Starting at midnight in Quebec, all shopping malls will be closed until at least May 1. Grocery stores, pharmacies & SAQS will remain open.

All schools closed until at least May 1.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Germany's DW has reported the following:

"Some of the questions we address in this article were sent to us via Facebook and Twitter. We've also looked at the questions that people most often google when they want information about SARS-CoV-2 or the disease it causes, COVID-19.
Where did SARS-CoV-2 come from?
It's widely thought that the virus originated in bats.
But this — along with other theories about whether or not it passed through another animal before infecting humans — is yet to be confirmed. What is certain is that SARS-CoV-2 is a zoonotic disease, i.e. a virus transmitted from animals to humans. While in the animal, the virus goes through a series of genetic mutations that allows it to infect and multiply inside humans.
In early February, Nature published a study showing that the novel coronavirus is 96% identical at the whole-genome level to a bat coronavirus. Unlike what some conspiracy theorists suggest, researchers rule out that the virus is an artificial laboratory product. There is strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2 made the leap from animal to human for the first time in Wuhan, the capital city of Central China's province of Hubei."

It seems the perfect storm may have came together in Wuhan, China that permitted the virus to be transmitted to humans. Further studies will provide us with greater certainty whether in fact that is what happened. Nature continues to evolve and that perfect storm could have materalize somewhere else on Earth, which also continues to evolve because our Universe continues to evolve.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
That is sooo ironic
Rand Paul is the most isolationist of all senators.

I laughed when i heard the news! :D

It also proves that even the biggest assholes aren't immune from getting COVID-19.

Will the next one be Devin Nunes?? Tom Cotton?? Tom Collins?? Louie Gomert??


New Member
May 18, 2012
I never post on this board. Ever. But I am very close to this issue in my home state and have been reading through each post in this thread from inception. The attitude of Patron is telling and represents a large cohort of individuals in the US.

I would like to think that at some point Patron has realized that corona isn't the flu, that his early posts were ignorant to a horrifying degree but I can't find his inflection point.

Perhaps it was the influx of the video reports from Italy changed his mind? Or reports from New York City this week? Or maybe these too are fake news. Anyone who understood exponential growth or took the time to listen to what the scientists were saying from day 1 saw this coming. Or perhaps there is simply no hope at all in attempting to blunt the impact of ignorance and self interest inherent in our species leaving us open to future pandemics.

Lastly and perhaps saddest of all - there is going to be a massive price tag to be paid to try and reduce mortality from this disease. One option would have been to simply allow the 60% of the population to become infected, flood the hospitals with (mostly) the elderly and the weak and bury the dead. This is the parton model of public health. The burden of the elderly and weak on our social system would have been reduced, the social security short fall would be have postponed if not eliminated and our bars and restaurants and FKK's would have stayed open. This might look appealing until you are the one with a plastic tube down your throat or you are the one who can't visit your parent who is being left to die due to rationed health care resources.

There will indeed be a massive impact measured in lives lost due to the economic impact of the decisions being made now to try and blunt the impact of corona - but what is the alternative?? Money can be made, economies can recover but lives can not be regained.

On a good day , before my third whiskey I would like to believe that this will pass and we will somehow learn from the experience and work towards a society that is more resilient and might, just might make future pandemics less horrific.

After my third whiskey, and reading posts like patron's I realize that all is lost, that our collective efforts to blunt this thing early on were for naught and that the tsunami that is coming will bury us for sure.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
^ Excellent post, but don't despair.

We'll get through this ...

Maybe just one whiskey a day, haha?

I think most of us are "socialists" of a kind during wartime ... or a pandemic.

Wishing you the best, however perilous your situation.



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Wctryltd, please don`t start your post with an obvious lie ….you rarely post but you have posted in the past. You should post when you feel like doing so....nothing to be ashamed of.
Otherwise I do commend you for an excellent post....with or without the whiskey....I hope its Crown Royal Canadian whiskey.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I feel like Meta. If humans are really but really bad at one thing it's history. It will be soon forgotten.

In the meantime it's more important to try to stay alive.

They say once 60% of the population is affected the tide will turn. Our body will have built what is needed to fight and the virus will weaken. But we cannot just do nothing until then because who the hell would want to work in the healthcare system if we give up? Some risk their life to save lives and us we would just do nothing in the name of money? Does not make sense.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I am a natural pessimist when it comes to myself but am not pessimistic at all about humanity. Hundred years ago, at the time of the Spanish flu, which was at least as bad or maybe considerably more severe than this one, the quarantine measures were haphazard, medical help basically did not exist (no ventilators) and there were at least 50M casualties. In some days, up to thousand people were dying in NYC alone. We now remember WWI and how horrible it was (10M casualties) and how heroic our soldiers were. Nobody remembers nurses working without any protection in makeshift hospitals for sick from the Spanish flu. We lived (until recently) past 80s which was an exemption just 100 years ago and thus are more sensitive to all kinds of bugs. We even can have sex in the old age due to new wonderful drugs. A hundred years ago any death of say 70-80 years old will not be a big deal and would be considered natural. So, I don’t see any doomsday scenario for the country or the mankind from this bug. This will be a very small blip in the history. Now, as individual I am of course scared as it greatly increases my chances to die in addition to cancer, heart failure, car accident etc. I worked hard and endured a lot and hope to enjoy life a bit in a so called “golden” years and don’t want some virus to rob me out of it. But look, even in this precarious situation your chances of survival are better than say 200 years ago without any epidemic.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
As far as I know the Spanish flu was called Spannish because they were the only one brave enough to report the truth. A former king of Spain had caught the disease and they reported it.

Now what we see is the fucking Chinese regime who did tried to hide the problem. But fuck hey who really can trust the Chinese communist party. Chinese people are great but run by a fucked up corrupted regime who will value the party over life.

Now you have Iran who probably have a million positive case and 100k death but who are as fucked up as the Chinese. Again not the people of Iran but their fucking leaders.

In Europe they are the hit very hard by the problem but finally we know the truth! In Europe they tell how hell this virus is without hiding anything.

And in America this thing hit at the worst possible moment because republicans are only slightly better then Iran or China when face with the reality of the situation. When they saw this was real shit they took action and stopped trying to hid it. But it was probably too late.

A virus 100 times smaller then the width of a human hair does not care about politics.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Well said jailmon. Look how Trump reacted to that poor reporter who asked a legitimate question.


Dec 13, 2004
talking about front line workers
nurses , doctors , hospital workers
and now we have our escorts going full blast like there is nothing wrong
and they are working out there with no masks or protective gear
is there something wrong with this picture


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
and now we have our escorts going full blast like there is nothing wrong

Not exactly true stonee . Unless you`ve been in a coma, you would have read that many of the most popular indies and half the top agencies are taking a break and have closed shop voluntarily.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Now what we see is the fucking Chinese regime who did tried to hide the problem.

Now you have Iran who probably have a million positive case and 100k death but who are as fucked up as the Chinese.
Again not the people of Iran but their fucking leaders.

And in America

I guess the Chinese communist party way of governing seems to be the best system out there , control the population like crazy, human rights abuses and issues,
no freedom of speech, you can hide an outbreak and silence the doctor, hijack innocent Canadians and jail them with no explanation and yet the whole world lead
by the American big companies, (Some forced to give up their intellectual properties in order to do business in China)
(Backed by the American and world consumers) running to China to do business and make these leaders lots of $$$$s,
man that sound excellent to me.

Feel bad for the Russian though, I guess they didn't know how to run communism, they went hungry for years, our today's toilet shortages was normal
for them for 70 years or so (Along with empty shelves).

Feel bad for the Iranian as they are getting screwed by their own government / system and double whammed by the sanctions

For the Americans
FOX news decides (Decided) when its real and serious and when stopped being a hoax.

Just few thoughts while stuck at home, having few drinks, going crazy and no babes to run too...


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2007
Just read this page and must point out that most agencies advertising on this site have now decided to close. Most massage parlors too. I think it took more time for this industry to react but now they have, even though they will be left out of the financial bail outs. This pandemic raises the importance to legalize the industry, ensuring own ers act like good corporate citizens in case of pandemic and std prevention management.

Congrats to all the owners who closed and all the patrons who have decided to put the hobby on hold. Those who have not yet done it well... better late then never, please act now.
Toronto Escorts