Montreal Escorts


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
One more question:

Someone told me today that Quebec is now barring anyone outside of Quebec from entering the province (unless it's for essential reasons) by stopping incoming traffic at various entry roadways & highways at various areas of the province. Is this true? If it is are they turning people around at the airport?


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
One more question:

Someone told me today that Quebec is now barring anyone outside of Quebec from entering the province (unless it's for essential reasons) by stopping incoming traffic at various entry roadways & highways at various areas of the province. Is this true? If it is are they turning people around at the airport?

Not sure about entering Quebec but this article has few info.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
One more question:

Someone told me today that Quebec is now barring anyone outside of Quebec from entering the province (unless it's for essential reasons) by stopping incoming traffic at various entry roadways & highways at various areas of the province. Is this true? If it is are they turning people around at the airport?
Not so ....

Cutting off non-essential traffic, within Quebec, to the 8 regions mentioned above ... and police at the U.S. border to monitor returning snow birds, as I understand it.

Batista Mason

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2011
One more question:

Someone told me today that Quebec is now barring anyone outside of Quebec from entering the province (unless it's for essential reasons) by stopping incoming traffic at various entry roadways & highways at various areas of the province. Is this true? If it is are they turning people around at the airport?

I have a friend who left Québec because of family matters. Does that mean he can't come back to Montréal?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
P.s There is a lot of information out there that is confusing/conflicting
Some say that this damn virus can live on surfaces for days , and some that it can only survive for hours :/

In your hands a few hours. On colder hard surface there has been trace found that survived 72h or more.

The most worrisome and probably the reason this virus is so contagious is the researchers found it can remain in the air for a few hours.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Interesting to learn 2 shipment of 5000 urns were sent to Wuhan. But China reported 3000 death. If they had really told the absolute truth do you think america and europe would have been better prepared?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Interesting to learn 2 shipment of 5000 urns were sent to Wuhan. But China reported 3000 death. If they had really told the absolute truth do you think america and europe would have been better prepared?

It's quite probably they didn't report the real numbers... but then there's also just a lot of people in China dying from other things quite regularly. So maybe some of those urns are for that...


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I have a question for merbites:

If an escort posts that she tested positive for coronavirus & after her quarantine she's ready to go back to work & see clients would you see her? Since she's already battled the coronavirus she would likely feel that she's now immune to it (although there still isn't proof of this) and figures from now on she has nothing to risk. Would you now agree to see her? Or should you still be afraid that she may carry the virus or previous clients of hers may turn out to be positive of the virus?

I think you answered your own question.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I have a question for merbites:

If an escort posts that she tested positive for coronavirus & after her quarantine she's ready to go back to work & see clients would you see her? Since she's already battled the coronavirus she would likely feel that she's now immune to it (although there still isn't proof of this) and figures from now on she has nothing to risk. Would you now agree to see her? Or should you still be afraid that she may carry the virus or previous clients of hers may turn out to be positive of the virus?

Would you now agree to see her? NO, because if she had the virus, it's probably (I mean probably) that she didn't respect confinement, whatever the reason, for me it's impossible to trust this escort.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
If China had really told the absolute truth do you think america and europe would have been better prepared?

thats a tough one. On one side, there are countries that have better handled with testing. USA had plenty of time to get tests kits ready, make sure they have a reasonable amount of ventilators and PPE for providers. Wouldn’t blame Trump completely as his health minister and CDC chief are supposed to be his eyes and ears. You also have to take into account the nature of the pathogen, it’s highly transmissible and has a wide variety of ways it can manifest clinically, that’s prob how it spread like a bushfire in Europe. Yea u can blame China so much, yea they shoulda been more transparent, but I’d say it’s better to blame the virus more?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I think most of the experts were surprised by how contagious the virus manifested itself to be. They expected it to behave like similar viruses had in the past and it didn't, so we were all caught unprepared. It's not something they had seen before. What's concerning is that we are not doing a great job flattening the curve, meaning a lot more immune systems are being tested than we would like to see and many cannot handle the infection without treatment. The hospitals could overflow to the point where people will be dying while waiting to get treated.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yesterday,Trump won’t impose quarantine on New York and surrounding areas.

No comments...

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
What's concerning is that we are not doing a great job flattening the curve,

EB, your not gonna see that flattening for weeks. Remember in the states the numbers are gonna keep rising because those peeps were tested a week or more ago. Your governor is an unsung hero from the clips and info. He is short and sweet and gets to the point. One reason Cuomo is getting the attention he gets is because of his brother being an anchor on CNN.

Anyone know now what the turn around time is in Quebec for someone who gets tested to getting their results?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Agree with you EB. I was thinking today about how hard it is to remember just how "normal" life was a month ago. If you would have told me a month or two ago that basically the world would be shut down for business I would have said you were nuts. I would have never of thought that all sports, bars, restaurants, gatherings, etc. would have been shut down for an indefinite time. Highway checkpoints for people traveling to different states? What the fuck? Borders closed, what? Unemployment, holy shit! On a positive note, I did notice the other day when I went out for a social distancing walk that people I have seen on the street are all giving a waive, saying good morning, ect. Very similiar to how people were acting on the days after 9/11. And lets all remember just how lucky the Houston Astros are for not having to play baseball!

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
#COVID19 - Au Québec, en date du 29 mars 2020 à 13h, la situation est la suivante :

➡️2 840 cas confirmés
➡️22 décès
➡️6 313 personnes sous investigation
➡️49 364 analyses négatives (cas infirmés)

Pour connaître le détail par régions :


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
If they had really told the absolute truth do you think america and europe would have been better prepared?

Who knows...would be the common question now, big IF.

For communist regimes, no matter what, they are always in "Competition" with the West that they or their system is better then the West.

So for the above reason, I think they are willing to sacrifice few thousand of their own hoping the news (And the virus) won't get
out of their territory and become what became now (I think they were little too late to kick out Western media, same with the Russians in this case).

Lets not forget Chernobyl (The Russians) , they kept it secret until radioactive clouds started to appear over western Europe, never mind with the
famines they went through during Stalin's and Mao's regimes where the death count was up to 10 to 20 million people .(Who knows about North Korea).

So as long as they can get away with this, they will continue until the West comes up a with a solution/system that triggers instant travel ban or a stop
at first sign or a hint of a major fuck-up like this.

Lets not forget, they got the West by their balls now, almost everything is manufactured in China, the West needs them so badly now that they are
bagging for materials to combat the virus in the West, so I think their system of communism seems to be a "Success"... in their eyes anyway.
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