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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I don't know what people are thinking, coronavirus are existing before We are talk, and Will no disappear tomorrow. It Will be there like other diseases. We have to lived with it.
People don't give a fuck to catch Aids or STD but Panic about coronavirus. For you guys, coronavirus exist 100 years ago and Will stay as long as humankind exist. Better lived with it.

Your post unfortunately is very misleading.
The majority of sane people do give a fuck about catching STI`s and HIV. Even though most of these diseases can be controlled by anti-viral and anti-bacterial meds.
Yes there are dozens of corona viruses that have been around for at least as long as mankind has walked upright.
The coronavirus that causes covid19 is different from other corona viruses like the cold and the flu.
Firsly its brand new in jumped from a wild animal less than 6 months ago. It spreads faster and hospitalises a larger percent of infected people than most other coronaviruses.
So people like you, who try to hide the seriousness of this pandemic, are doing a disservice to mankind by giving them false hope.

BTW I agree with TNB`s comments and I feel that Patron, a poster I used to admire a whole lot, still is in denial.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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In french We call it: "Tu peux jouer à l'autruche".
I'm telling the true. Most guys here, want Gfe, Gfe service. But what about SDT, lol.
Also, I don't hide the seriousness on the pandemic. If you think the coronavirus Will disappear when the lockdownd is over. We have a serious problem.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I don`t feel bad for anyone who is in self quarantine like me ,and they are missing their family, travel, and favourite escort. Even if it will take months or even a year. Suck it up and adapt.
I feel concerned for those who are risking their health and lives by having to work as first responders and healthcare workers. Two in my family are in that position.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Some of you are more concerned about losing a few liberties and pleasures than the welfare of others so.....
Put yourselves in the shoes of thousands of families in Europe and N.A. whose loved ones are dying of covid19 while in full isolation. Dying with no visitors allowed...... and funerals postponed while bodies lie in refrigerated trucks,

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
STDs and this virus are 2 huge different things. I hope ill never catch an STD obviously but if i do one day, ill tell myself it was part of the risk of this business. Ill get heal and then thats it. I won't spread it to anyone else. The issue with this virus is spreading it to others.

Best scenario would be that once you catch it once, you become immune to it, but that would still mean so much deaths...:/

The problem with the confinement is so many peoples just don't listen, it only takes a few idiots to fuck things up for everybody.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

highly doubt this is gonna go on for years. Now that sounds much like some of “media hype” many are criticizing. There is an end game, it’s been eluded too, hinted @. Problem is there is difficulty accepting that. Tons of disruption on daily life’s of people who THINK this has very little to do with them. Everyone wants their lives back, it’s now you’ll see the worst of people and you’ll see the best of people like the kid who is staying home and not playin footy with the lads to keep his “really old grandpa” healthy. Or the Chinese family who owns a restaurant and is sending meals to the local hospital.

the situation may get worse, restrictions may intensify, so I’d stock up on the Jergens and get some of those translated reviews out from the fantasy file cabinet cause no one knows how this is gonna go. Everyone is still in the reactionary phase.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
no It won’t, I think that’s what people have a tough time with. Doubt we will be on lock down for years and years. Pretty sure they will start letting people who have already been infected go back gradually and ease stuff @ some point and life will go back to pretty much normal. But even with a vaccine it’s only gonna be so effective (hopefully a lot) but there’s still gonna be a small amount of peeps who get sick. Guaranteed above 65 year olds will be getting pneumonia, flu, shingles, and now COVID-19 shots. Age and co condition requirement for COViD-19 will prob be same as pneumonia I’m guessing


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
In french We call it: "Tu peux jouer à l'autruche".
I'm telling the true. Most guys here, want Gfe, Gfe service. But what about SDT, lol.
Also, I don't hide the seriousness on the pandemic. If you think the coronavirus Will disappear when the lockdownd is over. We have a serious problem.

Please stop posting your nonsense. Earlier you were writing about how this virus has been around for 100 years or something like that. Perhaps you should read some actual articles written by people educated on the subject, and then come back here to contribute. Until then, your input has no value.

Patron, for the endgame... this article may provide some insight. It will be a gradual affair, and herd immunity may play a factor. We'll see.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

Maybe in 1St world countries. Those Chinese prob don’t have working thermometers?z

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
#COVID19 - Au Québec, en date du 28 mars 2020 à 13h, la situation est la suivante :

➡️2 498 cas confirmés
➡️22 décès
➡️6 757 personnes sous investigation
➡️43 589 analyses négatives (cas infirmés)

Pour connaître le détail par régions :


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Nature Boy Covid-19 is not the same as Pneumonia. Pneumonia is a medical conditions caused by different bacteria, virus and infections.

We just need to buy a few months.

Quick testing kit will be available for a few dollars at your regular pharmacy after being available at clinics.
Medical treatment will be found to help those who develop critical conditions because of it.
And eventually a vaccine will come.

I just hope it will take another 120 year before another of those virus comes. But I really doubt. There will be other one. And all those who lived troughs this one will have a different take on life.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Jalimon, let me clarify. I never said covid-19 and pneumonia is the same. What I’m saying is the things that a practitioner will use to judge who should strongly get a covid-19 vaccine/shot will likely be similar to what criteria is already used to get a pneumonia shot/vaccination. Ie agenof patient, presence of asthma, smokers, COPD


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Jalimon, let me clarify. I never said covid-19 and pneumonia is the same. What I’m saying is the things that a practitioner will use to judge who should strongly get a covid-19 vaccine/shot will likely be similar to what criteria is already used to get a pneumonia shot/vaccination. Ie agenof patient, presence of asthma, smokers, COPD

There is NO shot for covid-19, I repeat, there is NO SHOT so the criteria is not the same, not even close !

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Anywhoo doggy, the criteria may be closer to the flu vaccine. Maybe, but like flu there will be many who don’t even get the covid-19 vaccine


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Interesting that Man911 seems to be of the mindset that we’ve had covid_19 since forever and it is here to stay , but I don’t really get it
Patron is asking some really good questions of how this whole thing is going to play out and if we will be seeing SP’s back pretty soon ,,, but I think if they would to rush back it would be incredibly foolish and dangerous

Let’s hope that Jalimon is right and that soon the situation will have greatly improved... who knows maybe in just a few months we will all receive “envelopes” with a quick testing kit and even a vaccine

Stay safe fellas


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Please stop posting your nonsense. Earlier you were writing about how this virus has been around for 100 years or something like that. Perhaps you should read some actual articles written by people educated on the subject, and then come back here to contribute. Until then, your input has no value.

Patron, for the endgame... this article may provide some insight. It will be a gradual affair, and herd immunity may play a factor. We'll see.

You should do your research before writing stupidities.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
Interesting that Man911 seems to be of the mindset that we’ve had covid_19 since forever and it is here to stay , but I don’t really get it

there are multiple coronaviruses already known to affect humans and this has been the case for centuries if not millenia. theyre mostly associated to the common cold so not that dangerous

however coronaviruses like SARS, MERS an SARS-CoV-2 (which causes COVID-19) have only been recently introduced in human populations due to encroachment on wildlife

because the entire human population has never been exposed until now to SARS-CoV-2 everybody is at risk of being infected. fortunately most people wont die from it but still because the virus is more pathogenic that the flu, more people are expected to require hospitalization and even going to icu

its unlikely at this point that globally well be able to contain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 like what happened with SARS in 2003. there are now just too many countries where the virus can be found, some of them with very basic health care systems like for example most african countries. so the virus is probably going to be circulating for good in the human population

the entire strategy behind physical distancing is meant to slow the spread enough that the health care system wont be completely overwhelmed like what happened in wuhan in the early stages, and now in italy or in new york. hospitals are getting hit so hard that the staff gets infected as well and the health care system collapses. thats what we're trying to avoid

maybe well be able to slow the spread enough to get a chance for a vaccine to be developed (timeline uncertain, and so far the science seems to indicate that the immunity developed post-infection is weakly protective) or maybe a treatment that may help people suffering from the most severe forms of COVID-19

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
maybe well be able to slow the spread enough to get a chance for a vaccine to be developed (timeline uncertain, and so far the science seems to indicate that the immunity developed post-infection is weakly protective)

where r u getting that science from luv?
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