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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Agree with you EB. I was thinking today about how hard it is to remember just how "normal" life was a month ago. If you would have told me a month or two ago that basically the world would be shut down for business I would have said you were nuts. I would have never of thought that all sports, bars, restaurants, gatherings, etc. would have been shut down for an indefinite time. Highway checkpoints for people traveling to different states? What the fuck? Borders closed, what?

Walloo go back to posts a month ago like on page 10 of this thread and you`ll see that what was to come was quite obvious to some and a fantasy to others including Trump. Unfortunately, its still a fantasy to the government of Brazil.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Yeh, I know, Trump this, Trump that. Wasn't talking about Trump and I certainly wasn't talking about politics. If you can honestly say that you were able to foresee just how wakadoo the world is right now, then you get my praise. I never would have thought that this was going to be any worse than the average flu, boy was I wrong.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I included Trump because he was in a position to set a good example..... but set a bad one.
I blame most world governments and the WHO because they were too timid to act sooner and place travel restrictions back in January. Yes its political and the WHO should have warned of a pending pandemic much sooner that they did. All the signs were there in February that this was going to be much worse than a bad cold or seasonal flu.
Praise is worth fuck all ….what was needed was Churchillian wisdom and forceful action, and all the world got was chicken shit and an out of control pandemic by a half dead virus..


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I have a friend who left Québec because of family matters. Does that mean he can't come back to Montréal?

Today i learned a couple were headed towards the Rouyn-Noranda/Val d'Or region to visit friends but were turned around by Surete de Quebec officers at the Ontario/Quebec border since the reason for their travel was deemed non-essential. I'm hearing the same thing happening in other areas.

So what i figure is that a Quebecer returning to Quebec will be allowed in but let's say someone from Ontario driving into Quebec & saying "i'm just heading to Montreal for the week to bang a few hookers" will not be allowed in & told to turn around and head back home in Ontario or elsewhere outside Quebec.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think most of the experts were surprised by how contagious the virus manifested itself to be. They expected it to behave like similar viruses had in the past and it didn't, so we were all caught unprepared. It's not something they had seen before.

I had been following the stories that came out of China since mid-January. In mid-february i bumped into people who would joke about the 'coronavirus' and i'd tell them this was no joking matter since it had already started coming this way. They chuckled & told me i was exaggerating just like people exaggerated when SARS & H1N1 happened. I replied i personally didn't know a single person who got infected during those two pandemics but that we were already starting to hear about well-known people getting infected by this coronavirus. And they reacted by remaining indifferent & saying people were just starting to panick for no valid reason.

Then later i'd get home & you'd see Trump, McCarthy & right-wing pundits on Fox News calling this a democratic hoax & fake news just to hurt Trump politically, blah-blah-blah.......

And then the NBA postponed their season after Rudy Gobert tested positive, then the NHL & other leagues followed suit & no one was laughing anymore & people were starting to take this more seriously. But Trump wasted at least 6 weeks to start fighting this pandemic. Now that's a fact. And today i'm hearing that back in February Trump & his State dept. gave away 17 tons of PPE to China!!! And that's a big reason why now there's a major shortage of PPE in the United States & why health care workers, cops & other first responders are getting infected, getting sick & some dying! What a self-created catastrophe!!!!


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
thank god we have the stable genius who can see through these hoaxes continually advanced by the scientific community.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Attempting to put political spins on things really serves no useful purpose. I am of the belief that medical experts also underestimated the virus (including my own pulmonologist, whose opinion I sought back in December) and regardless of what political actions were or were not taken, we would have eventually been in the situation we are now in. Fingerpointing is not helping or improving the current situation. It's now a question of how many people will die and how quickly a vaccine can be developed. Going forward, one of the lessons learned will be to have a stockpile of medical equipment, and perhaps other lessons will be learned. My personal opinion is that the medical community has grown increasingly cocky about its ability to develop effective treatments for everything. Now that attitude has been and will be put to a severe test. The current situation shines a light on the pharmaceutical industry R&D, and now is a chance to put all their profits to work and come up with a winner. We will see what happens.

BTW, the entirety of human history is littered with examples of novel diseases that developed from new strains of bacteria and viruses. Did they think it was never going to happen again or that they would just be able to figure it out when it did? This is part of evolution and has been from the beginning of time, and it will NEVER change in living organisms. It may be a 1 in a 100 year event, but doesn't mean it was not going to happen again. It was always going to happen again.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
Well , to be fair , He knew more about ISIS than the generals did , ( November 2015 ) , so why not give him the benefit of the doubt ?

i am sorry but he knows nothing about science and thinks he does, which is dangerous. it is time for him to step back and let the experts take over. of course, his ego will not allow him to do that.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
And then the NBA postponed their season after Rudy Gobert tested positive, then the NHL & other leagues followed suit & no one was laughing anymore & people were starting to take this more seriously. But Trump wasted at least 6 weeks to start fighting this pandemic.

We need to be honest. As much as anyone here know how much I think Trump is a perfect imbecile with absolutely no trace of humanity in him he was not the only one to overlook and shrug off the problem. Many country did.

The scientist (mainly epidemiologist) warned us for the last 10 to 15 years. Bill Gates who has leads a charity foundation dedicated to worldwide health warned us in 2015. And Bill Gates has never been wrong very often when he speaks publicly (he is like the opposite of Trump, a real successful businessman who know when to shut the fuck up).

Europe with all it's fabulous and free healthcare system did not listen to the warning either. Like i wrote earlier a virus 100 smaller then the size of a human hair's width does not care about politics, gender, health status or anything else rational.

We will overcome this but we will be different. Hopefully more respectful about our planet. The economy is switching to the share economy with all these uber, airbnb, etc... company. We will have to do the same as humans.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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We need to be honest. As much as anyone here know how much I think Trump is a perfect imbecile with absolutely no trace of humanity in him he was not the only one to overlook and shrug off the problem. Many country did.

Many countries and many medical experts. My pulmonologist works in one of the best health networks in the northeastern USA and back in December when I asked him about Coronavirus he said the exact same things Trump said to the media. He told me it was a media sensation and was simply no different than a new strain of flu, and it would be handled. He was actually upset that the media did not report on the fatalities caused by common influenza. I think I got the "house" opinion from him that was shared by his network colleagues.

See my last post, this was an all around underestimated virus and pointing fingers serves no purpose, it's here and we have to deal with it.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
I am of the belief that medical experts also underestimated the virus

The scientist (mainly epidemiologist) warned us for the last 10 to 15 years.

i am of the opinion that while many epidemiologists predicted that a pandemic like this one could happen, they were generally fairly lackadaisical about this specific outbreak. its one thing to cry wolf all the time and risk inducing panic but with this specific type of viruses we already had a clear warning that we needed to be globally on our toes

SARS had already hinted that because of the speed at which global traveling happens nowadays an outbreak of a novel virus could happen on the other side of the planet of its site of origin within 24 hours. many people seemed to forgot that SARS only managed to be contained because of heroic efforts by medical staff in countries where it was found. we came within one inch of the outbreak broadening like SARS-CoV-2 just did through community transmission

globally we wasted at least 2 weeks early just by taking the Chinese authorities at their word that there was no human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 being observed. no scientific studies were needed then to know that this was complete and utter nonsensical bullshit

when news broke out in january that this novel coronavirus was related to SARS, health authorities everywhere should all have rung the alarm right then and call for measures to be taken such as advisories against traveling abroad be taken, better screening, etc. when a good number of cases started to emerge in italy and iran in february that should have been taken as clear evidence that we were in the early stages of a pandemic. to lead people in the belief that it had just spread to these 2 countries outside of china was idiotic

there was a lot of complacency all around

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

I remember that post where you mentioned your pulmonologist. He will probably be called in to help man the ICU and be humbled


where the hell in all those articles is there info on weak post exposure immunity after being infected? Can u be more specific? Went through lancet and NEJM articles and found shit?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
EB, your right again. I tried to talk about how things have changed with an uplifting story about people saying hello to each other again and it was spun into an anti Trump rant which I couldn't give two shits about.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
EB sorry but you should change pulmonologist as he as lost his "edge". I have been working for 22 years in the healthcare industry and so far have not met anyone who would have downplayed this.

Now t would important for the US to completely bring down the barriers about insured patient versus non covered patient. This is to important a situation. The focus as switched to try to save the youngest no matter their status.
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