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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I heard some encouraging news this morning. US pharmaceutical companies using artificial intelligence have developed a vaccine for Covid-19. It needs to be tested on humans. With greasing of wheels by FDA we are looking at 3-6 months before the vaccine is on the market. We just need to hang on until then.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I need to back down on some comments i made earlier. The more i know about this and public health i think we will no reopen our school until a vaccine is ready. That means no school next year as well.

Jal you sound like you`ve given up hope for the near future....that can only mean that we are near to bottoming out of this disaster, at least in the West.
By June Europe and North America will be recovering and Africa and parts of Asia and S.A. will be devastated. Brazil in particular will be hard hit, not even sparing the indigenous population in the Amazon.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Am I the only one who will anger if I ever see François Legault with a haircut before the end of this crisis?

Good one curly. How the hell can I go 3 months without a hair cut / Maybe I`ll shave my head .
Talking about shaving do you think that inactive escorts are still shaving their pussy ? Ya maybe for social media.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
For sure, ya for social media.
Or the escorts don't shave their pussy
Maybe he's going to have more that will keep their pussy natural.
Maybe it's time to start a new fashion?

We'll see !!


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Today's update from Germany's DW:

"14:50 The Health Service Executive in Ireland has issued guidelines on safe sex and masturbation during the pandemic.
According to the advice, people should only be sexually active with someone they live with and who does not have the coronavirus or symptoms of it. In addition, it is advised to avoid kissing anyone outside your household or who has symptoms of the virus, such as a dry cough or fever.
New York City, one of the hardest-hit coronavirus cities in the world, has issued similar advice.
Its guidelines suggest it is best to have sex only with people close to you and that masturbation will not spread COVID-19, especially if you wash your hands (and any sex toys) with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex.
British HIV/AIDS charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) released a statement last week saying the need to keep two metres from anyone "has to include not hooking up for sex."
Dating site statistics in the UK show people are sending more messages online to meet new people, flirt, and swap explicit images. In France, porn sites have been reporting 50% more traffic since the country went into lockdown in the middle of March."


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Tony Fauci has said that any vaccine worth using will take at least 12-18 months and that’ll be a world record if it happens. To date, the world’s track record w/ vaccines has been poor. Our best immediate hope is therapeutics/drugs that can speed up recovery or lessen symptoms of Covid-19.

The next 2 weeks will be rough. Apart from New York, other major epicentres r likely to emerge in Chicago, Detroit & NoLa.

In Italy, if Covid-19 continues spreading quickly in the poorer South, it’ll make Lombardy look like a picnic.

Over in the original Covid-19 epicentre of Wuhan, suspicions r high that China’s government had been hiding information about asymptomatic Covid-19 carriers.

Sigh, I’m depressing myself. Planned to stress bake but I hear there’s a freakin yeast shortage :doh:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Beav , China is experiencing their second wave from imported sources. Let`s see how good they`ll be at controlling a widespread epidemic like the States have now.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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In addition, it is advised to avoid kissing anyone outside your household or who has symptoms of the virus, such as a dry cough or fever.

What if you have an asymptomatic carrier in the household? I don't like this advice at all. NO KISSING, period. Masturbation is OK provided your hands have been washed thoroughly. You guys need to start smelling the coffee and behaving in a socially responsible manner and that also means only one person leaves a household to do shopping. Don't bring the fucking kids to the supermarket, it's uncalled for!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Does anyone know about what percentage of the 4162 people who have COVID-19 because they came back from travel?
whether they knew it or not.

However, one thing is 100% sure, they are the ones who transported the virus to us.

Now that almost all air transport has stopped, community transmission begins.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2016

Masks. Was it weird to you guys that medical professionals all over the news discouraged people to wear masks when going outside? The explanation was that particles can still get in from the side of masks so it's not very effective. But I'm thinking at least it can stop the majority of things..
The doctors probably discouraged people from wearing masks because of mask shortages, to prevent panic buying, which totally makes sense. What they should have done is to tell us how to make our own, it's very easy DIY, can make it with t-shirt, coffee filter, etc.

I think one reason why some countries close to china were successful in containing the virus is people wearing masks, like Taiwan, Singapore, HK. What's happening now in Czech Republic is that the government has made mask-wearing mandatory. Of course it's not 100% effective, but it does help a lot, it's not useless. It's not a substitute for physical distancing, which still needs to be done.

I'll make a bold prediction, in the coming weeks, everyone will be wearing masks on the street.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
People are wearing the masks more often now here in NY. Sweetspot I agree with some of what you are saying. I would add that the main reason for wearing the mask is to not spread the virus to someone else if you have it. Not necessarily to protect you especially if you are staying at least 6 feet away from people and avoid touching your face.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I agree also with Sweetspot. Mask would also help, like a cone on a dog, not to touch your face directly. But do wash your hand before putting it on and clean mask right after usage.

They probably ask us not to wear mask because of shortage as Sweespot said but also not to give us a sense of invulnerability. They want us home.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2016
I would add that the main reason for wearing the mask is to not spread the virus to someone else if you have it.
Correct. Since so many who have the virus don't show symptoms, in many cases we don't know if people have it or not, including ourself. So the motto should be:
"I wear a mask to protect you. You wear a mask to protect me"

"YOU get a mask! YOU get a mask, and YOU get a mask"
- Oprah
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