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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Who are the top 3? South Korea and Germany... who else?


"As of March 30 South Korea had tested about 4,000 people per million of its population, the United States had just run five tests per million. And both country reported their first country on January 21 (or 20 it's not clear)."

Listen it's clear USA downplayed this whole thing for a full month (February). No matter what Trump says they did not believe it was a real problem.

Good thing is USA will fare better then Brazil (who are still downplaying the problem) or many other countries because they have no healthcare system to speak of...


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Heard China has sold a shit load of vents to USA. Hope they get there in time.

Quebec’s governor must be on the ball with testing

Hope made in China ventilators are not defective as the masks that were shipped to some western countries.
Just masks for God's sake. (But cashing in the $$$s).
I just feel sorry for our Canada / North America system that they are are now scrambling and asking non medical
companies to manufacture and produce these needed devices in a very short period of time.
This I hope becomes a wake up call that you can not have just one source of supplier.

Yes I think our Premier (Governor) is doing a pretty good job. Quebec was way ahead of taking some emergency and quick actions
even asking closing the borders way before it happened, and now we see most of the Quebec cases are US related as the US was little
too late to take it seriously (Beaches open, big group gatherings, parties, Mardi Gras, believed it was a hoax etc etc).


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This morning in Connecticut it was reported that the fatality rate of confirmed cases is 2.2%. We now have 69 deaths in Connecticut due to Covid-19. Of the fatalities, 59%- the majority- were persons over 80 years old.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
EB an interesting article on fatality rate:

Many factors to consider for all country. Mainly the % tested and average age of the population will greatly affect the rate. Ho that and how a country report the death. Italy reported the cause to Covind-19 even if the patient had other serious health issue. Some other country do differently.

I would not be surprised to see once this whole ordeal is passed and that we have a vaccine to learn the real fatality rate to be below 1%. Just a bit higher then flu. On the other hand it makes you realize how fragile humans are.



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
This song by John Lennon has been resurrected as an anthem for our current circumstances:

"Nobody told me there'd be days like these......strange days indeed!"

John Lennon was a visionary, a genius of his kind.

I love this song, what wonderful memories you brought back to me. It doesn't make me feel younger, it was in 1984. The music and the lyrics are extraordinary.

Thanks again for talking about it.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Interesting how some dictatorships are reacting to the pandemic. One of the "stan" countries has banished the word coronavirus. If you are heard using the word then you get dragged off to jail.
Russia was late coming to the reality of a pandemic, but now is over reacting by giving out hefty prison sentences to those who break isolation. The dictator of Brazil believes that Brazilians are immune to the virus and is carrying on like nothing is wrong and its a hoax .....following Trumps words from a couple of weeks ago.
You knew that I was going to bring the big orange into this conversation. lol


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
haha Cloud look this is how the situation is evolving in North Korea:

Infected case:
8:00 am: 1
8:05 am: 0
8:10 am: 1
8:15 am: 0
8:20 am: 1
8:25 am: 0


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I would not be surprised to see once this whole ordeal is passed and that we have a vaccine to learn the real fatality rate to be below 1%. Just a bit higher then flu. On the other hand it makes you realize how fragile humans are.

It makes sense. Some of us logging onto merb right now may carry the coronavirus without even being aware of it & only a test would shock us into finding it out. As for the fragility of humans i'd say that the majority of people on the planet are literally in shock at how fragile the human being really is. As for me i kind of realized this after watching the great movie 'Contagion' several years ago. I was shocked at how easy it is to spread a virus around the world. I remember thinking: "Holy shit! This thing could happen here!" And people would easily get caught off guard since we've grown to be overconfident over the years in regards to pandemics. But i remember thinking what if it's a brand new virus?? We'd totally be fucked since there'd be no current vaccine since it's a brand new virus!

And the other i'm watching a movie where the actors are hugging one another and i started thinking "Sure, cover him/her with all your germs!!" I the not-to-distant future it's not hard to imagine people giving one another a hug being frowned upon! Even just shaking hands....i'm not sure i'll ever shake hands with another person again!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hope made in China ventilators are not defective as the masks that were shipped to some western countries.
Just masks for God's sake. (But cashing in the $$$s).
I just feel sorry for our Canada / North America system that they are are now scrambling and asking non medical
companies to manufacture and produce these needed devices in a very short period of time.
This I hope becomes a wake up call that you can not have just one source of supplier.

One problem with these devices is that they are quite difficult to operate. You need a health care professional such as a respiratory technologist to operate these. Hospitals do not employ that many. So you could have 50 ventilators available but what good would it be if you only have 1 or 2 respiratory technologists in the building? I've personally seen a doctor figure out a way to operate the machine one time since the RT was away on vacation at the time (many smaller hospitals are lucky to even have one RT on site) but most of the doctors i've seen would probably have an easier time figuring out to drive a car blindfolded! And the thing is every patient is different & the rate of ventilations often differs from one patient to the next. Unless it's an expert handling the machine it'd be very easy to be negligent with it and practically no use to the patient requiring that treatment.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is officially the first thing exported by the Chinese that has ever lasted this long. I went to the knock off market last time I was in Shanghai. Most of the stuff I bought broke before I ever got on the plane to return to the States. On a lighter note, I understand the wet markets have opened back up in China. They should shoot a season of Fear Factor in one of these places. Chick-fil-A temporarly changed their slogan to "EAT FEWER BATS!"
This is not as funny as the meme going around FB with a bat hanging upside down with a sign in it's mouth reading "EAT MORE CHICKEN."


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
On a lighter note, I understand the wet markets have opened back up in China. ]

Why do you call it a lighter note? It is highly irresponsible if true. Do you have a link to a legit source of information. Are these markets government sanctioned or run by gangs ? Maybe there would be no difference.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I just saw that in 411 section.
By Mod20
This section is closed until further notice.

Very good initiative to close this section. Besides, on several occasions I had spoken about it to the guys who posted in this section.

Their answers unfortunately let me predict that they didn't respect confinement.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Why do you call it a lighter note? It is highly irresponsible if true. Do you have a link to a legit source of information. Are these markets government sanctioned or run by gangs ? Maybe there would be no difference.

Here is a link to an interesting Op Ed about the wet markets. The article considers all the diseases that we can attribute to the wet markets:

I've heard they opened them again. Here is an article: The light note were the two amusing sentences that followed about Eat More Chicken.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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At his 3 pm presser, Connecticut's Governor announced there were 16 more deaths in the last 24 hours from Covid-19, including a baby. The fatality of the baby is believed to be the youngest victim of Covid-19 worldwide.

The 6 week old newborn from the Hartford area was brought unresponsive to a hospital and could not be revived. The newborn was tested as Covid 19 positive.

Connecticut has been ranked as the 4th hardest hit state in the USA, currently.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Rep. Devin Nunes of California who is competing for the prize of being the stupidest politician in America, just announced that closing schools till the end of April is overkill.
Yup congressman let those little kids play together at recess....infect each other and then go home and infect their parents and grand parents. Dangerously stupid .

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
A 13 yo just passed today in England. Reports of youngsters succumbing to “The Beast” are popping up

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Maybe this will sound extreme to some, but i wish the governement would go full stream ahead with this so it past faster.

Full lockdown on everything, including grocery store for 2 weeks. Peoples would have time to do one final shopping before its effective, its not that hard to buy 2 weeks of food, even if you eat a bit of "ramen" during that time. Delivery could still be done for peoples who REALLY need it. And if some peoples can't buy 2 weeks of foods, governement could issue some stamps or i dunno, stuff that need to be paid back later. Only hospital would remain open for obvious reason.

Army and police in the streets, no going out of homes. Too much peoples right now still gather and ignore the orders. I see it first glance with my neighbor.

This is a 2 weeks virus, so if everything is totally shut down for 2 weeks, does it not fix the problem as borders are close? Or am i too optimistic?

I know the reason why we doing what we do right now is to protect old folks and peoples who would die if they catch it. They don't want too much peoples in the hospital at the same time cause it would mean tough choices on who die and who get threated like Italy. I get that. But i feel the current "half progressive measures" just really stretch the damn thing too long for nothing. Its been 2 weeks and im getting sick of it already and im not even somebody that goes out that much usually.

In my proposal obviously borders would remain close for a while as other countries/provinces would still be infected maybe, but at least Quebec could go back to normal.

I just don't see myself like right now for another 2 months, maybe 3... sucks too bad.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Yea dude, me too, full military state! Kids are starting to die now. That Florida governor should get caned or lashes Singapore style
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