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Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Covid 19 may also cause horrific brain damage in some patients. Stories&pgtype=Homepage

"These domestic reports follow similar observations by doctors in Italy and other parts of the world, of Covid-19 patients having strokes, seizures, encephalitis-like symptoms and blood clots, as well as tingling or numbness in the extremities, called acroparesthesia. In some cases, patients were delirious even before developing fever or respiratory illness, according to Dr. Alessandro Padovani, whose hospital at University of Brescia in Italy opened a separate NeuroCovid unit to care for patients with neurological conditions.

The patients who come in with encephalopathy are confused and lethargic and may appear dazed, exhibiting strange behavior or staring off into space. They may be having seizures that require immediate medical care, and experts are warning health care providers who treat such patients to recognize that they may have Covid-19 and to take precautions to protect themselves from infection."

some patients exhibit altered mental status, or encephalopathy, a catchall term for brain disease or dysfunction that can have many underlying causes, as well as other serious conditions."


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
That Florida governor should get caned or lashes Singapore style

if we're gonna start talking punishment for this disaster, xi jinping and his cronies from the chinese communist party should be locked up in a cage with 1,000,000 blood-sucking bats


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Rep. Devin Nunes of California who is competing for the prize of being the stupidest politician in America, just announced that closing schools till the end of April is overkill.
Yup congressman let those little kids play together at recess....infect each other and then go home and infect their parents and grand parents. Dangerously stupid .

Know who makes up a sizable percentages of this school kids ... illegals ... from countries with squalor for conditions and diseases rampant ... want guess how many are not getting sick from this china virus ... my hunch is the majority ... we have lberal school superintendents talking here of ending all remaining school activities well into May and to consider e-learning carrying onto NEXT school year - this is the fans of fear being stoked and over exaggerated. And if, IF they do do that - then it will be time to push back on all these school over reach for tax dollars, since they are proving there is no need for buildings, maintenance, multiple layers of teachers and especially all the bi-lingual staff - aps can translate across many languages. Pandora's Box for sure - they best be very careful what they push for here.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Yea ur right. It is likely lower. That stat just stuck out, but still 800+ died today! That’s insane!

How many babies were aborted in the same day in the U.S. .... oh, and who paid for those deaths? THAT is insane. Not against abortion - am against any TAX dollar funding it. Want to use it as method of birth control - go ahead, and budget for it then on HER dime.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
At his 3 pm presser, Connecticut's Governor announced there were 16 more deaths in the last 24 hours from Covid-19, including a baby. The fatality of the baby is believed to be the youngest victim of Covid-19 worldwide.

The 6 week old newborn from the Hartford area was brought unresponsive to a hospital and could not be revived. The newborn was tested as Covid 19 positive.

Connecticut has been ranked as the 4th hardest hit state in the USA, currently.

Doesn't say if the small infant dies of SIDS or in a car wreck, or from abuse at the ads of a care giver .... just that the baby 'tested positive' for china virus .... telling ya, news back in Watergate Days was investigate, confirm, report .... today it is make up, sensationalize, distort and disseminate.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Yea dude, me too, full military state! Kids are starting to die now. That Florida governor should get caned or lashes Singapore style

Why, for what? And since on the subject of Governors ... how about Cuomo diminishing the china virus as he and his team did all through Jan and Feb ... he gets a pass cuz he's a lib but DeSantis should be caned or lashed for what, and cuz he's a conservative?

Guess it is true ... without a double standard, the left would have no standards.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Not a big fan of Cuomo. Talks to much. I have no interest in old Italian sayings his mother or grandmother used to say to him when he was little. Not really smitten by the goofy back and forth he has with his brother on national TV and don’t really get many of the inside jokes they are saying to each other during Andrew’s many CNN interviews by Chris. But desantis a republican reminds me of the same bullshit that democratic mayor from New Orleans is trying to pass off, blaming trump or the federal government for not sounding red flags or giving guidance which is bullshit. U can say what you want about Cuomo, but everything he’s doin is preemptive, can’t even say desantis is reactionary, he’s not really moving. By him saying he didn’t move until he saw a change in Trumps demeanor is pretty much telling everyone that some republicans didn’t take it seriously because trump wasn’t

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
How many babies were aborted in the same day in the U.S. .... oh, and who paid for those deaths? THAT is insane.

no idea, but abortions as shitty as they are aren’t infecting healthcare workers/1st responders, burdening health care systems. This is another apples to dildos comparison, that is insane

n wtf is a lark exactly?


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Yes, SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 originated from China but let’s quit all these ‘China Virus’ mentions before people really get hurt bad in racial attacks.

It’s not the fault of the folks in China that their leaders hid information about Covid-19. And there are the American or Canadian Born Chinese who have nothing to do with China. Not to mention all the other ethinicities like Filipinos, Japanese, Koreans, Thais etc whom racist people can’t differentiate from.

These are tough times! Many people r afraid, angry, frustrated and maybe looking for someone to blame. Using terms like ‘China Virus’ only makes things worse by inciting hate & violence within our own communities.

We will get through this crisis faster by working together and keeping each other safe :hippie:


Active Member
May 17, 2013
It should be called the CCP virus and if there's a silver lining to this crisis, it's that this may be the wake-up call the West needs. China is not a respected trading partner but rather a rising enemy. To pretend otherwise is foolish. 5mn people left Wuhan after Chinese New Years celebrations. If the CCP was more transparent, we could have finished this virus off long before now. A strong number two in terms of culpability is the WHO. We've got a date with both. The sooner the better.
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New Member
Oct 1, 2019
When all this is over ? World leaders should do something about China and all these virus's coming and starting from China.It really would make no sense that they don't.What other epedimic will come out of China next could even be worse than covid-19

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
No one will do anything, I guarantee. China has positioned itself where it’s made tons of countries its bitch, USA included


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The Chinese government must be forced to end its trade in wild animals and animal parts. I can live without eating rice...they should be able to live without eating bats.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Is it the eating of all the crazy shit? Or is the sanitation conditions of the markets. They should be able to eat whatever the fuck they want, just conduct the biz and butcher shops with sanitary regulations.

6.6 million applied for unemployment! Their gonna be cranking out those serological test to see who can go back. Watch these tests roll out fast as fuck to get people back vs the slow roll out of the diagnostic tests

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Rep. Devin Nunes of California who is competing for the prize of being the stupidest politician in America, just announced that closing schools till the end of April is overkill.

I agree that the fake farmer isn't the brightest bulb out there. Even more terrifying is that he's one of the co-chairs on the House Intelligence comittee. He's also corrupt as hell. Shame on Fox News to have this prick on their primetime shows on a regular basis!


New Member
Oct 1, 2019
If the whole world would once and for all order the Chinease it's time for change or else there will be consequences they will change .Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Is it the eating of all the crazy shit? Or is the sanitation conditions of the markets. They should be able to eat whatever the fuck they want, just conduct the biz and butcher shops with sanitary regulations.

Sanitary conditions are impossible to control when some of these markets of live animals defecating , pissing and bleeding on each other, are set up on the street.. Besides the viruses live in the animals and jump to humans when they are handled and butchered.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Doug Ford said what is coming in Ontario will b similar to what happenned in ITALY and SPAIN....:eek:
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