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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
@ least no field hospitals have been set up


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
"What we've been telling people from directives from the CDC for weeks now that if you start feeling bad stay home, those individuals could have been infecting people before they ever felt bad. But we didn't know that until the last 24 hours," From governor Kemp of Georgia.

No wonder it's bad in the US. Even my 10y old kid knew that back in January!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Donald Trump passed a second Covid test today. It again came out negative.
It's not surprising I supposed. I haven't heard it was tranmissible to pigs


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
No wonder it's bad in the US. Even my 10y old kid knew that back in January!

Exactly, Jalimon.

Here's another huge bitter irony for the US:

USA Today is reporting today:

[FONT=&amp]"American companies sold more than $17.5 million worth of face masks, more than $13.6 million in surgical garments and more than $27.2 million in ventilators to China during the first two months of the year [2020], far exceeding that of any other similar period in the past decade, according to the most recent foreign trade data available from the U.S. Census Bureau."

[FONT=&amp]“Clearly there was a surge in demand going on in China, and fundamentally this was a free market" decision, said Michelle Connolly, a Duke University economist. “What was in the U.S. was clearly going out, and specifically to China.”

[FONT=&amp]"The U.S. exported $11.4 million worth of the breathing machines to China in the first two month of last year compared with $27.2 million in the first two months of this year, just weeks before states and hospitals started begging the federal government to send them more."

[FONT=&amp]The U.S. Department of State also donated 17.8 tons of medical equipment to China in February. The mass donation included “masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials.”

[FONT=&amp]As domestic firms kept exporting lifesaving equipment elsewhere, the Trump administration kept putting barriers on similar imports.

[FONT=&amp]According to Chad Bown, a senior researcher at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, the government continued placing tariffs on Chinese imports of many medical products into the U.S. even as the coronavirus reached our shores.

[FONT=&amp]The Trump administration announced on March 10 and March 12 that they would relax those tariffs. "[/FONT]

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Donald Trump told the world today in his daily press briefing that scarves may actually be as effective as any face mask since "it's thicker" & encouraged people to wear scarves instead of face masks if they preferred to. I kid you not!!! He fucking said that!!! God fucking save us from this fucking clown turd! :help:


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Doc Holliday

Please don't expose your ignorance so blatantly ... if traditional masks are in short supply and needed by first responders, medical professional and those that are ill with this china virus, then God Bless OUR U.S. President Trump for guiding American's, and Canadians that are listening, to use an alternate resource for covering their mouth/nose ... with a thicker scarf .... had he said bandana, would you have then approved Doc?

Geeze, people like you, Jalimon and now womanizer should let the guy do his job, get behind the efforts of the team and NOT be part of the Fake News problem .... frankly this situation needs a rallying cry and what you and Womanizer posts is certainly counterproductive to this global situation.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Larky, he didn’t say anything close to that, lol. Dude I have no political affiliation, but he literally said when asked if people should use face masks in public that they can if they want and that they can wear scarves too and that they are thicker and better. He didn’t say keep the masks for the medical professionals and use scarves, where are you imagining that from? Never! He said people can wear masks if they want as an answer to the burning question by public and press, mask or not?

Jared just looked adorable at the press conference today. “My dad in law got a call from his homie, who works in a hospital. His homie was like “yo dude can u hook us up with some vents? My dad in law said “I got u yo” he then told me, Jared, to hook his boy up. I called the hospital and said “yo homies! whatcha need?” They said “ vents, u little bitch, fucking vents!!” I said “ yo, I gotcha u homies, u know Jared will always be there for U”.

Problem solved fake media!!

peace out

JK (that’s for Jared kuschner)

word to your mothers


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Donald Trump told the world today in his daily press briefing that scarves may actually be as effective as any
face mask since "it's thicker"

Until help arrives from China ($$$s) ...that is.

Now that China is back to normal, almost, since the virus stayed in one place, unlike spreading all over the world thousands of KMs away
yet cities in China like Beijing, Shanghai stayed untouched. (Maybe they could have shared the secret ???).


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Geeze, people like you, Jalimon and now womanizer should let the guy do his job, get behind the efforts of the team and NOT be part of the Fake News problem .... frankly this situation needs a rallying cry and what you and Womanizer posts is certainly counterproductive to this global situation.

Did you get lost one day over in the Brietbart comment section and somehow end up here? Because what you write is of the same tone and insight.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The Nature Boy,

My own personal experience is I used to live in Markham several years ago and is an Asian mall there. I used to pass by there often to go to work and let me tell you right outside there was trash everywhere it smelled like rotten fruits and vegetables. A lot of their restaurants are not sanitary and many had health infractions like meat being stored in temperatures not cold enough. Having said that I can only imagine how it is in China. They eat all kind of meats when you are not careful viruses can mutate and jump to humans. Problem is SARS and especially Covid-19 is contagious. Remember mad cow disease officially known as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy is something that got into humans due to farmers feeding cows dead carcasses of cows that spontaneously developed the disease but this disease was not contagious like Covid-19 but it was deadly.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Posts on an obscure Montreal hooker board on a thread with maybe a dozen participants, most of whom are not even US citizens doesn’t stop the US president from doin his job.

Exactly unfortunately. And what a lousy job he’s been doing!

For those interested in development of vaccines and what its a multi-year process:

More very well documented info:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
patron malaria pills and hiv anti-viral drugs took years of research.

But i understand your point by speeding up the process. Still choosing the wrong one could lead to wasting FDA ressources, time and more death.

Short term its ultra rapid massive testing methods with results within minutes... Thats the only short term solutions to get out of our homes before a vaccine is out.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I`m tired of all this bickering, blame throwing and fake news …..even by trusted experts like Fauchi.

Here is some advice that may save you from spreading the virus or infecting yourself.

I saw a slow motion film of a sneeze. The bulk of it travels 5 to 6 feet and stops , droplets linger in the air and eventually drop to the ground. If they contain coronavirus then that virus will live at least a few hours and can be picked up by your shoes as you walk outside or in a pharmacy or super market.

So to prevent spread of the virus in your home....take off your shoes before you enter and rinse the soles and spray the shoes with a fine rubbing alcohol mist.
Wash tour hands right after .

Stay safe and please think of all possible consequences before you act. Stop blaming politicians and the press and start thanking first responders and health care workers for the sacrifice they make .

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Now we're learning that Trump has ordered 3M to stop sending N95 masks to Canada. Just great! :mad::mad:

The other night i was watching a very good documentary on PBS about the 1918 flu pandemic. Medical authorities learned many things from the pandemic. At first they believed they had developed a vaccine for the bacteria. But they realized it wasn't working since it wasn't a bacteria. It was a virus, which at the time wasn't visible under the microscopes they were using at the time. So how can you develop a cure to something you can't see?

Everyone was wearing masks in public but people were still being infected as ever! They realized masks were inneffective against millions of the virus' particles in the air. Those millions of particles could very easily get through the masks. N95 masks have since been invented but they are not effective for everyone. For example i got tested several times over the years for the N95 mask and although it was a great mask for me to wear in the past over time it was no longer effective for me since it didn't make a perfect seal with my face. Therefore i had to wear other types of masks.

One thing i learned about the 1918 flu in the documentary is that the pandemic ended fairly abrupty over the following year or two. Experts concluded that the virus simply ran out of hosts where it could live in & continue to spread itself. By that time people had either died from it or the ones who survived had developed antibodies to it due to previous infection.

So until each person (healthy or not) can get tested on this planet and a vaccine is invented then the only hope we seem to have is social distancing. Social distancing works but everyone has to be on board. You can't have states telling people to stay home & apart from one another and other states (all red states, by the way) ignoring the directives & trying to live life just like the coronarivus doesn't exist. It's like a swimming pool. You can have 10 people in the swimming pool and 9 out of those 10 people don't pee in the pool while only 1 person out of those decides to pee in the pool. It's only 1 out of 10 people who peed in the pool but because of that 1 idiot the entire pool is now infected with pee!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Man911 some studies in Iceland just reported 50% asymptomatics cases. As I wrote before only very rapid massive testing can help short term. Until we get a vaccines in a year or 2.

So we just learn Micheal Rosenberg is in critical care because of Covid-19. On March 16 the family did not cancel the wedding of their daughter. Half participant were from New York. Of course none respected the mandatory quarantine for visitors. 200-300 attended. He is one of richest in Quebec. The fact that he may now die does not do me a thing because they were obviously very stupid (to be polite) to go ahead with that wedding. It's the fact many other may die because of their stupidity!


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Man911 some studies in Iceland just reported 50% asymptomatics cases. As I wrote before only very rapid massive testing can help short term. Until we get a vaccines in a year or 2.

I agreed with you. But there still 4700 people waiting for the results in Quebec. How can We test 8 millions persons?
Also, when the lockdown is over or partially in 2 or 3 month, there still 25 to 50% asymtomatics, It could be your friends, neighbours or co-workers or SP. It not their fault, the contamination still go on.
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