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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
But this goes to the earlier discussion of what happens when antibody tests become available. Will employers simply refuse to hire those without antibodies, or do the antibody deprived have to have their temperatures taken while those with antibodies don’t). If employment is scarce for those without antibodies, are relatively higher unemployment benefits available? If not, will they feel economically compelled to attend covid-19 parties and take a chance of death in order to find work?

Maybe? This is a novel virus and each day brings novel scenarios we need to think of. Whatever they do isn’t gonna be perfect, there will be ethical questions, yes. Much in same way dr.’s are asking who gets a ventilator we will have issues with who returns to work and normal life. It will surely be gradual and measured, not a free for all. Speaking for myself I’ve said to myself to kinda go with the flow, listen to the experts and try to help in all this. But don’t worry! I’m almost positive that if I haven’t gotten sick yet I’ve prob already been exposed. So as soon as I get the go ahead I’ll have one of the girls FaceTime you buddy from my MTL reverse GangBang!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
China is doing virtually nothing now to stop, regulate or discourage the market for wild animals. In that case, the U.S. should step up efforts to provide some encouragement to do so.

We can start by drastically cutting back visas for Chinese students, academics, businesspeople and tourists and we can deport the many illegal aliens from China who are already here. We can reinstate and escalate the Trump tariffs on Chinese goods. We can ban Chinese citizens from buying American companies and real estate. We can draw more attention to China's lax health standards.

Absolutely agree. Fuck 3 out of the 4 deadly virus that spread internationally in the last 20 years came out of China. It is about time that all other country in the world unite together and do WHATEVER they have to do so China understand and fix that problem.

The economic cost to do so cannot be worst then what we are living right now. We need to remember that!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Witches, Jews, Russians, Chinese etc. people need to blame other people. Can’t blame some brainles virus, right? Next time it will be Vietnamese pigs, reindeer or something and we blame people who bread them? Previous deadly virus MERC came from camels. Just by luck it was not transmissive to start epidemic. There is non-zero probability that something will jump on people no meter what. We all live on the same planet and interact with wildlife and animal kingdom constantly. Theoretically, even normal viruses that cause no more than cold now can mutate and become deadly. The only answer for this is to be prepared scientifically. Develop science and procedures that allows designing vaccine and treatment within weeks not months and years. It is entirely possible. Just a few years ago many months were needed to get the genetic makeup of the virus and now it was done within days. Support science fellows and stop blaming scapegoats.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Minutemen I do agree with everything you wrote. Except let's call a cat a cat. China's wet market were responsible for:

Asian Flu in 1957-1958 from a mutation in wild ducks — at least 1.1 million dead
H5N1 Bird Flu in 1997 from Chinese geese — at least 455 dead
SARS in 2002-2003 from wild animals (perhaps bats, civet cats) — at least 774 dead
H7N9 Bird Flu in 2013 from poultry at live bird market — about 610 dead
Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19 which will cause probably a million dead a trillion lost.

So let's put some pressure on them to solves the issue.

That said life after this pandemic cannot be the same. We do need to understand that the planet has it's own limits. If we want to stay alive for a long time we need to have a smaller footprint.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I hope I can maintain an interest in watching.

LOL! thanks...

no idea about those bloodhound gang references your using

those articles u mention, didn’t read them but sounds like they r talking about monoclonal antibody therapy, I think. Fauci’s mentioned it a bunch of times. I would assume you can use it on both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. I’m not an immunologist so don’t hold me to it but think can be used for both.

i think this is what was widely used in Ebola infected patients, in USA back in 2014, not sure though


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
@ minutemenx Sorry sir but why is it scapegoating?
It originated in China’s wet markets like a lot of other viruses in the last two decades so they need to ban or better regulate the wildlife trade
The world needs to put some kind of pressure , we need to be proactive ... take away some of our business and you will get their attention
We cannot expect science to bail us out every time there is an outbreak, although maybe one day we will
We need to learn from this pandemic ,,, suggesting we look the other way , now where is the common sense in that ?
I’m not looking forward to covid-20


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2007
Just talk to any doctor and scientist, all those vaccins developped against the flu are developped based on thr virus originating from China, every year! And those kill tens of thousands of canadians every year. They are over a billion people in the country. There sanitary practices must be improved, sanctions need to happen and we need to bring back manufacturing jobs to our Country. If that’s not clear right now for anyone, its sad....


Active Member
Jul 31, 2016
The virus could have started from any 3rd world country with wet markets, but none would have caused the situation we're in today, except China. The Chinese Communist Party is 100% responsible for forcing this pandemic upon the world by covering up early data, causing other nations to not realize how serious it is at the beginning, thus losing precious time. It took a whistleblower doctor for the world to pay attention.

The CCP will never be an honest player on the international stage, they steal intellectual property like crazy, don't play fairly in trades, try to infiltrate/influence local communities through their embassies and consulates, give a bad name to Chinese nationals, and so on. The world should put as much pressure as possible on shutting down those wet markets, no doubt about it. But the root problem is the nature of the CCP. If the CCP doesn't destroy the world with viruses, it'll do it with something else. I bet the next catastrophe will originate from China as well.

What to do then? You and I can't do anything. But there's hope. There's one single world leader who takes zero sh^t from the CCP and will bring down the hammer on them if necessary, and it happens that he's the most powerful man on the planet. Good times ahead.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I’ll say it again dude, step the fuck up with this vaccine stuff and let us know how it goes. Makes more sense for you to volunteer yourself before suggesting to try it on Africans or prisoners in jail for commuted sentences lol.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Patron;1268897 So maybe I am wrong.[/QUOTE said:
As long as you keep reading Yahoo news..... you will keep being wrong. Its full of Russian fake news.
Try Huffnews for a change.

Charlie Smart

Active Member
Jun 12, 2015
The Godswoods
Here is my view and forgive the absence of political correctness: (i) China is not a friend or ally; (ii) Most/all of the serious viruses came out of China (wet markets, whatever); (iii) China cannot be trusted - they control the State media and all data/communications in/out of the country; and (iv) they have a long term plan - the current President is so for LIFE - creating a new Dynasty that will outlast most elected leaders in the free world today. Perhaps the wet markets are all bio weapons research facilities of the CCO?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I would do it, but I want to be compensated......

there are people volunteering for free or little compensation in America? Why would they pay u?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I need to keep my weight up in case I get covid-19, and HuffPost #metoo propaganda makes me vomit up too many good meals.

Unfortunately a full stomach wont help your lungs survive covid19 . Nor will it keep doctors from shoving a feeding tube down your throat .
I didn`t recommend you read pro #mettoo propaganda and heaven forbid that you barf all over your computer. Only read the factual reports by health experts on viral epidemics …… then maybe you would have got it right a month ago.

BTW even Fauchi and other experts got it wrong and underestimated the severity of this worst in a 100 years pandemic. The flip flop on masks didn`t help their credibility either .

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

But they ARE skipping steps? the virus has been around only a few months? They ARE already testing on live humans, lol? I doubt they are even being compensated? What r u on about?

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
Africa , Africa , Africa...
Patron , I would guess that you know Africa is a continent of 54 countries , therefore , which specific countries do you have in mind for the testing/compensation thing ?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Watch, he’s gonna post some internet article that he won’t even fully read through as a response
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