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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site article about us in North American are taking things not far enough and that social distancing and well “and then some” goes a long way to quell the virus. We need to get efficient

There will be a series of viral pandemics and the result worldwide will be a rise in authoritarian governments that can deal more efficiently with pandemics. Populations in the weak, inefficient democratic states will be thinned, whereas the police states will be less effected due to the efficient, ironclad ruling of their populations. With a few more pandemics we will see the rise of totalitarian regimes like Hitler's Germany and Stalin's USSR, and perhaps a Mussolini-like leader in the pandemic ravaged Italy. This is what lies in the future. As populations increased all over the world, this was the inevitable result. Pandemics historically have occurred during surges in the populations.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Amazing that no one here talks about this kind of stuff.

Is everyone here, except the providers, just so financially set (including government retirement benefits) that it just doesn’t effect them?

So what is your solution dude? Tell us?

Dude, I’m out of fucking work just like the providers u claim to be an advocate for. Whose gonna come fuckin pay my kids tuition? What am I gonna charge Jalimon and flying guy $100/week for my titty pic texts? I might have to go do shit I haven’t done in years and be in the thick of this bullshit just so you can post step by step tutorials on how to get laid in papa New Guinea on ISG. 10 days after you posted the exact same tutorial to answer the same question but by another dush bag who just can’t read a fuckin forum. This is what it is. Stop being an Ameri-CANT and turn yourself into an America-CAN luv, you can do it!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
What exactly have you done to help a provider out during this period of uncertainty?


Mar 6, 2017
Wish some of you medical experts would explain the logic of this to me.

So a regular doctor can do off-label prescriptions for this type of drug, but if someone is on a ventilator, I guess he can’t very well get to the pharmacy.

There is a simple explanation. The drug discussed in the article, e.g. remdesevir, is an investigational drug. That means it’s not on the market for any approved use. So, off-label use is a moot and irrelevant argument. Off-label implies use outside an approved label for a drug already on the market. I would stick to hyperventilating about topics you actually know something about.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
There will be a series of viral pandemics and the result worldwide will be a rise in authoritarian governments that can deal more efficiently with pandemics. Populations in the weak, inefficient democratic states will be thinned, whereas the police states will be less effected due to the efficient, ironclad ruling of their populations. With a few more pandemics we will see the rise of totalitarian regimes like Hitler's Germany and Stalin's USSR, and perhaps a Mussolini-like leader in the pandemic ravaged Italy. This is what lies in the future. As populations increased all over the world, this was the inevitable result. Pandemics historically have occurred during surges in the populations.

Not at all implausible.

So here's a dystopian perspective:

In which more Trump-ism already feels inevitable ... so, too, does increasing mass surveillance becoming omnipresent ....increasing individual isolation, psychosis and suspicion of neighbors ... nations retreating behind ever-fortified borders, both physically & metaphorically ... economic protectionism becoming a given ... the drastic curtailment of mass transit and air travel between countries ... and even the forced dispersion of populations away from the super-sized cities that help breed contagion ....

Just some possibilities of what may lie ahead given your scenario.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
February, jeezus, and it feels like twenty years ago already ...

Heavy, heavy police presence on Ave du Parc this evening ... have never seen anything like it, between Mont Royal & Parc Jeanne Mance ... counted six patrol cars in the space of just a few minutes, four at Monument Cartier alone, but didn't see any on my jog through the park itself.

Gotta say, the young people around here have been pretty law-abiding, so far as I can tell, and it's the street people further downtown who are, at least anecdotally, more likely to group together ...

Just an observation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Be careful martial law is soon coming. The coronavirus will come and go will never forget how easy it was to control everyones life. Control every roadway, restaurant, stores, etc. And society welcomed it in fact demanded complete lockdown. More prohibition and maybe authoritarian type of government is coming all at the expense of liberty. I dunno about you but I am more worried about this then some virus.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
People are not fighting/complaining about these “ special measures “ that are being enforced on them ,,, well for now at least its “solidarity “

If the pandemic worsened and there was some kind of economic collapse in our not too distant future,then it wouldn’t surprise me to see martial law implemented,,, at this point everything is a possibility so the future may look scary

Now I don’t want to overreact but these posts are kind of depressing and they certainly don’t do anything to alleviate anyone’s anxiety ... but I keep telling myself that it’s just one bad year and after that things will start to get better


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
At this point everyone wishes that a vaccine could be developed a lot faster than what it normally takes , but I reckon that there are huge risks/dangers in cutting corners
One has to be weary of side effects or even injecting viruses that can become active . I mean there is a good reason why they start testing on animals fist

In any case I’m not that optimistic that they will develop something quickly , from what I’ve read some vaccines take even a decade to be developed so it’s no sprint , more like a marathon
And to this day I’m not even sure that they have developed any vaccines for Ebola or Zika , or SARS , mers
The minimum time required is 18 months everyone is saying unless of course the Chinese are half way there and they are keeping it a secret
In the meantime let’s hope that they can find better ways to treat the infected , I’m guessing that they are constantly experimenting with patients needing urgent care


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Beav don`t make a joke out of how serious a trade war for PPE would be. The USA is a net importer of would harm itself by banning N95 masks from export to countries that supply the US with other essential equipment or parts.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Guys do your souls a favour and read the awesome words of @laylahayek on twitter. She is a gorgeous escort and Playboy centerfold.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No need for such humour EB. Unless it satisfies you personally to do so. All good then.

Will check Layla cloud. By the way i am a bit concerned about Lolathebrat... She quit all social media presence. Truly hope she’s fine. Cannot stop thinking about her since february...

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I said a long fucking time ago in this thread that I would be fine with a true 30-day lockdown. I said what I feared was a long drawn-out half-assed approach, which is exactly what we got.

That is the approach that could lead us to the Great Depression 2.0. I would rather they do nothing and try for herd immunity faster, even if it kills some people, in comparison to the half-assed approach.

“Kills some people”????? U think doing nothing is just gonna kill “some people”? If Cuomo did absolutely nothing in NYC, you don’t think that would lead to some sort of depression?

dude, as this whole scenario as evolved over the last two months it’s more than clear to me you got absolutely no idea of what your talking about. From calling this shit “another flu” to “I suspect the mortality rate will decrease when the virus hits countries with 1st world health care” it’s @ a point where I’m even questioning you believe your own bullshit and are just trying to come off provocative to look cool. I will take the medical expert advise any day over someone’s who has consistently gotten it wrong.

as per that drug? That dude should be given the drug, no question, it’s not fair. But what’s the difference between Gilead denying remdesivir to this dude, and you denying not just the elderly and vulnerable but others the right to a fighting chance from staying healthy with your “go about your biz, some of you will make it, some of you won’t” mentality? I don’t see any difference.

What would I do? Not any of the things your proposing by any means. I’d prob be a bit more hardliners than the moves proposed in this article

to say to some “ur just gonna have to take it on the chin for the rest of us” is just unacceptable, again to quote Trump, “the $$ will come back, you can’t get lives back”

the economy will tank, certainly with what is goin on now, more so with this herd immunity bull shit. What your proposing isnt even anything remotely close to herd immunity, lol, so the Economy is most certainly gonna get fucked

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Canada is now going to be on its own on the N95 masks:


You guys are going to have to suck it up- literally and figuratively.

the way the Quebec governor has kinda been on the ball with stuff, more proactive than reactive, they may have all the N-95 masks they need hopefully. But again, respect the pathogen I’m sure he does, so positive he’s got a plan B


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
What 3M was doing to the USA was criminal. We are in desperate need for these masks and 3M was prioritizing other countries because of the mighty dollar. Putting American first responders at risk so 3M could profit on orders from other countries. Their CEO Roman was trying to spin it as if they were doing the right thing for the world but it was all about the Benjamin's. When this is all over their CEO should be hung.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I do get that Americain are frustrated right now and in need to vent it out.

In my opinion we were 1 week too late in Quebec. Having shut down just before springbreak would have been ideal. But still we were 2 full weeks ahead of the US who were still in denial. These 2 weeks would have been crucial. Look at the numbers now. US has tested only 4,112 per million people. Half of what Canada did. 1/3 of Quebec. The Swiss have tested 17,729 people per million. Efficacy of the Swiss at it's best. Norway is even better. France is doing so poorly on that front it's a shame.

Patron your concept do not pisses me off. But it's the only way to go. Herd immunity does not work because right now who would take the risk to go back to normal life?
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