Patron, 7000/330,000,000, is not a #!!!! It’s health care workers/1st responders going into work with out proper equipment! It’s a field hospital being set up in Central Park, FUCKING CENTRAL PARK! It’s a mom and dad having to tell a 13 yo on a vent good bye via FaceTime. And yes it is also the restaurant owner who is now in the whole cause he’s paying his furloughed workers health insurance. I’m not trying to be a sensationalist but this is happening. You can’t flash fucking numbers up like that and say it’s minimal yea I’d give that dude remdesivir. And dude, why not expend some of that energy you spent writing translations, reviews and step by step tutorials, (all well appreciative mind you but a bit redundant sometimes) to writing to Gilead or leading some campaign for this dude??
Jalimon, well said in post 1720!