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Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
"[FONT=&amp]Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canada and the United States have struck a deal to extend current border restrictions between the two countries by an additional 30 days.

[/FONT][FONT=&amp]"This is an important decision and one that will keep people on both sides of the border safe," Trudeau said at the top of his daily COVID-19 briefing Saturday [18/4/2020]."

The other main question is when will the airlines resume operations in any meaningful way. And when will consumers regain sufficient confidence to get on commercial flights again.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yes, well done Mr. Trudeau. In short everything will remain as before.

Not easy to negotiate with Trump, because he wanted to reopen its borders with Canada. Finally Mr. Trudeau and his government are very good diplomats.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I'd love to see a movement where Canada could be a country-wide Wall along the US border. With beautiful doors to allow essential traffic to go through. With testing stations at each door. And better yet: America would pay for it! :)

I fear that more & more states will succumb to Trump's pressure & will re-open within the next few weeks. Things will only get worse & more people will unecessarily die. If people think it's a catastrophe now it'll only be worse in a few months! Testing in the US currently is a joke & unless country-wide testing is the norm there's no fucking way any consideration to open the border should happen!

Even Ontario Premier Doug Ford whom i never really liked much in the past said the other day that he doesn't want any Americans entering Ontario & wants them to stay in their country. This problem is very far from being over & it'll take a lot more sacrifice & patience for things to get back to being semi-normal again!


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Even Ontario Premier Doug Ford whom i never really liked much in the past said the other day that he doesn't want any Americans entering Ontario & wants them to stay in their country.
I too agree with that sentiment.

For the foreseeable future, Canada is likely to maintain a two-weeks (3 weeks might be more preferable) self-isolation requirement on anyone entering or returning from abroad.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
There is no way that the border will reopen in 30 days if any provinces object, even if it is under federal jurisdiction.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
The hot spots other than Florida are logic friendly, ie ny/Cuomo, NJ/Murphy, CT/Lamont, Cali/Newsom, Michigan/their hot governor. Even states like Ohio and florida r skeptical of trumps rhetoric. It’s Florida’s desantis who scares me. Reminds of a frat pledge desperately trying to impress the senior frat bros during rush week.

I do agree with DJT halting funds to WHO. Although why all the rhetoric against the Mexicans and Mexico? Why not halt the funding like he did and get CHYYYYYNAHHH to pay? He’s keeping quiet about that. A lot of that $$ came from bush jr. he did a lot for aids research in conjunction with WHO


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I fear that more & more states will succumb to Trump's pressure & will re-open within the next few weeks.

Many more people travel from Canada to the USA so it will be Trump succumbing to Canada's pressure. I see the border opening up sometime in June, so we will get back to you.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Thinking about it this is a blessing for Boeing. A shut down following by many months of very weak demand with free money from a bailout it give the 1-2 year they need to fix their fucking plane ;)


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
OK. Let’s compare Quebec and the US

US- number of cases is 675000 per 328 M of population, i.e. 2057/M
Quebec- 16798 cases per 8.5 M. i.e. 1976/m
Deaths rate: US, 105.3/M, Quebec 81/M
Where is the MUCH BETTER difference?

Before we throw numbers away, I like to remind you that Quebec had 3X times the senior homes / facilities run by the
Quebec government (And some privately also) compare to any other provinces in Canada
(Don't know the ratio / seniors home in the US).

So there are more seniors in the system in Quebec who were taken care of 'Very nicely' prior to this, it is is unfortunate
that this virus hit the seniors homes big time where the majority of the victims are over 70 or so (Lets not forget also that
Quebec had the most testing done way before anyone else)...
Also when thousands of people were returning to Quebec from The US.

While in the US people are bitching, fighting, believing its a hoax, not respecting the SDing rules, testing per capita...maybe way
lower then anywhere else in the world ??? etc etc, the final numbers are still to be determined, then we can compare
real numbers / differences.

Also in the US, whats with the line ups of thousands of cars waiting for hours for food basket ???
Some of the cars I see in the line ups are not all shit boxes, I see some fancy cars people bagging for food ?

Although Quebec and so many other countries taking care of the needy, the poor by distributing food baskets etc
but didn't see anything like whats happening in the US.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
There is so much we do not know about Covid-19 and all of this fear mongering is causing panic. There is a complete lack of evidence. It is not clear of the majority of people are carrying the virus and are just asymptomatic. We do not know if social distancing is effective. We do not know what kind of effect reopening the economy will have. Only way is to try it out, an experiment if you will. We need data. On the other hand I was looking up on Polio and the epidemic during the mid 20th century. It bares many similarities even though the disease is different. Polio is far more worse and dangerous then Covid-19 and it was very contagious yet they did not do this kind of complete lockdown that they are doing today. The epidemic lasted decades till an actual vaccine was developed in 1954. There is still no cure for Polio but it can only be prevented. Point is one has to look at the past to see how things played out. There may never be a vaccine for Covid-19. Do we live in fear and locked up at home for decades? That is not living life if you ask me. I rather take my chances. My own personal opinion.

An interesting article of the Polio epidemic using the lens of Covid-19 ->

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Do you know how polio is transmitted brother?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
No, but I’m asking you directly. How is polio transmitted?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
TNB , He knows shit ...pun intended.
C500 you better read up a lot more before you come on here and write nonsense.
Coronavirus spreads far easier and faster than Polio and is a lot more deadly.
Polio caused paralysis in about .05% of the infected population pre 1950`s. Over 99% of the rest had very mild or no symptoms. The kill ratio was 10% of .05%....a tiny fraction of the 2% killed by covid19.
Transmission was highest among those living in poverty and unsanitary conditions. Transmission was through digesting fecal matter and rarely saliva and not by breathing or touch like coronavirus .

Careful with DATO guys.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I’m not reading the fucking articles cause I know how it spreads, and I’m asking you, do you Bizarro Cloudy?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I thought Montreal instituted weeks ago what London (England) will begin doing Monday (20 April 2020) -- disallowing passengers from boarding buses in the front.

AFP/ga reported:

"LONDON: London's transport authorities on Friday (Apr 18) announced new measures to protect bus drivers from coronavirus, as colleagues held a minute's silence for 20 who have already died.

Mayor Sadiq Khan, whose father was a bus driver, led tributes to the victims as authorities said passengers would no longer be able to use the front door near the driver.

"It breaks my heart that 20 London bus workers have lost their lives to #COVID19. It could easily have been my dad and his friends," Khan wrote on Twitter.

The seats at the front of buses closest to the driver have been roped off and drivers sit behind a clear protective screen.

In the new measure to be introduced from Monday, the front doors will now be kept shut with passengers asked to get on and off using the middle doors.

The RMT union reported that one bus operator in south-west England responded to its demands for more protection by fitting "what can best be described as a shower curtain" to the driver's cab.

Drivers complained that "the curtain is so flimsy members of the public have been pulling it to one side in order to speak to the driver" -- which risks greater contact with passengers.

Khan is also lobbying the British government to advise people to wear face masks on public transport, to try to stem the spread of coronavirus.

Ministers have expressed scepticism about the idea in the past, but say the issue is under review."

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Okie dokie. I would imagine you take dining @ the Anus to another level my friend


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

I never did DATO. Not really my cup of tea and high risk of transmission of many different diseases.
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