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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Do you really think Sanjay Gupta dresses this spiffy @ home when he does these do it yourself home videos on Cuomo News Network?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I said it before and I’ll say it again. Not trying to be racist but the Chinese have been eating weird shit for thousands of years, back even when it wasn’t weird to eat half this shit. This wet market origin theory just doesn’t sound right. Not saying it’s not possible, but just sayin....



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
TNB as an educated individual I`m surprised that you could so easily dismiss scientific evidence as to the origins of most viral epidemics. Recent genetic science all but links the coronavirus to one that is found in a certain species of that was sold in the live markets of Wuhan.
Just because some Chinese (and some Africans ) have been eating bush meat for thousands of years doesn`t mean that humans haven`t had epidemics in the past and present caused by inter species virus and bacteria.
BTW can`t only blame Asians and Africans . Europeans did their share of passing on epidemics of smallpox and venereal disease to vulnerable populations of indigenous people.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Lol but cloudy, not sayin it didn’t come from bats. Take a gander @ article.

“The column says the officials were worried about safety and management weaknesses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and called for more help.
It also claims diplomats were concerned the lab's research on bat coronaviruses could risk a new Sars-like pandemic. The newspaper says the cables fuelled more recent discussions in the US government about whether the WIV or another lab in Wuhan could have been the source of the virus behind the current pandemic.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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BTW can`t only blame Asians and Africans . Europeans did their share of passing on epidemics of smallpox and venereal disease to vulnerable populations of indigenous people.

I think how the Chinese dealt with the situation about their press not being forthcoming insane. Its pretty much a huge "fuck you" to the rest of the world for the sake of attempting to keep face which clearly has had the opposite result. I think everyone can agree that nobody's data is accurate anyways, and we can all agree that people are getting sick and many are dying. There have been multiple pandemics in the past origniating from various of places. I think its unfair to just blame 1 nation, it could have been anywhere... and Humanity as a whole is at fault.

From what I've read, zoonotic transfer is a pretty nasty thing. The stress of deforestation and overall enviromental destruction has repercussions on all living things. This isn't the first: Ebola, salmonella, HIV, bird flu, swine flu, and many more have originated from the animal kingdom and transfered to humans. The entire world is responsible for dumping its global manufacturing and trash onto a single nation. It was just a question of time and to just point the finger seems pretty hyprocritical and passing the buck the way we're hearing the leaders do... its quite disgraceful. Mother nature has once again proven that we are at fault! Just look at how fast its able to heal itself from our stupidities. Can you imagine what it will be when we feel the repercussions of the Amazonian deforestation "The lungs of the world"?

If anything this is a time to unite. I think we're getting yet another chance at it and what we do from now will really validate whether we deserve to be here or not. We need to stop blindly beleiving what our "leaders" are saying and use our own common sense. But sadly, my faith in humanity is pretty low and we will most likely fight really hard to bring it back to how it was pre-covid when in fact we might be better off to reset and bring it to pre-70's time.

I wasn't so much the enviromentalist before, but I can tell you, I've totally become a beleiver now.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Here is the Coronavirus current events quiz of the night.

With regard to funding for Coronavirus testing, who said "don't pass the buck, without passing the bucks"?

(a) Andrew Scheer
(b) A.J. Parkinson
(c) Andrew Cuomo
(d) Francois Legault
(e) Joe Biden
(f) Donald Trump
(g) Dr. Anthony Fauci
(h) Dr. Sanjay Gupta


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
That was too easy Beav . You should have added a few more names like Dr Phil and Oz and Oprah. Judge Judy would be a good candidate too.
Jal, passing the buck means passing on responsibility but by not passing on the bucks (money) you are making the task near impossible. It wasn`t a compliment from Cuomo to Trump.
There is another expression made famous by a prior US President.....The buck stops here. Something not in Trump`s vocabulary.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Research Reveals That COVID-19 Attacks Hemoglobin In Red Blood Cells, Rendering It Incapable Of Transporting Oxygen. Current Medical Protocols Could All Be Wrong!


Note to myself: not everything in print in the” scientific” journals is science


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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The US now has about 33% of the world's Coronavirus cases, despite having barely 4% of the world's population. In particular, even socialist Canada, with our vastly inferior medical system, is doing much better proportionately. WHO's fault is it? Bill Gates, Chinese germ warfare, Chinese eating bats, Barak Obama, the media, the Impeachment, Democratic state governors, General Motors, thieving medical workers.....

It's not Donald's fault. The buck stops anywhere else. He takes, in his own words, "No responsibility".


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
The US now has about 33% of the world's Coronavirus cases, despite having barely 4% of the world's population. ".

The number of cases is proportional to the population and the density of testing (say # of testing per 1 million). Factor this in and the US is better than many European countries.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Errr, not Deutschland. Not even close


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
The US now has about 33% of the world's Coronavirus cases, despite having barely 4% of the world's population. In particular, even socialist Canada, with our vastly inferior medical system, is doing much better proportionately. .

OK. Let’s compare Quebec and the US

US- number of cases is 675000 per 328 M of population, i.e. 2057/M
Quebec- 16798 cases per 8.5 M. i.e. 1976/m
Deaths rate: US, 105.3/M, Quebec 81/M
Where is the MUCH BETTER difference?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There is another expression made famous by a prior US President.....The buck stops here. Something not in Trump`s vocabulary.

Harry Truman. Cuomo's statement "you can't pass the buck without passing the bucks" is rooted in Truman's famous statement, and in that respect, it was a dig at Trump.

I thought I would get one of the Canadian posters to bite on Scheer or Legault.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I agree with the nurses. Every health care professional and first responder should have access to an N-95 face mask and an eye shield when they are dealing with a covid19 patient . That is minimal protection for themselves and their family in a highly dangerous and underpaid environment. Its a bloody miracle that more nurses aren`t protesting and aren`t quitting.
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