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The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Canada- U.S. border to remain closed to non-essential travel until July 21, 2020

... I think Trudeau meant to say he needs to protect Canadians from Americans :( Ironically, more nations will likely bar Americans from entry -- we Americans are radioactive :oops:o_O

Yup, sadly that’s the conclusion. The rest of the developed world is horrified at the US coronavirus response and who can blame them? They did what was necessary and got the coronavirus under control. Now, no way they r going to throw all that away for some US tourist dollars; simple cost-benefit analysis.

The coronavirus is picking up serious momentum in the Southwest which has reopened rapidly. Lots of photos on Twitter showing people hanging out in bars there with no masks & little social distancing. Keep an eye on Texas, hospitalizations r rising rapidly but Gov. Greg Abbott’s oddly confident that he has more than enough hospital beds to handle any & all surges. Arizona, Arkansas, Alabama, California, Florida also not looking good.

The Midwest & Northeast r doing relatively well but gotta be careful w/ the reopenings.


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I don’t understand people blaming the media for blowing the virus out of proportion? I mean the numbers kinda speak for themselves, lol??? It’s been 3 months, there were less than 500 deaths on March 1st, June 17 there are over 100,000? I’m still not getting how media is tilted in favor of the virus? I can’t stand fox and cnns bullshit half the time but I don’t really see don lemon, Anderson and Chris Cuomo running around infecting peeps?

Here’s another thing I don’t get, and it kinda ties into politics, but still covid related. I totally get someone thinking “ok, if it’s perfectly fine for people to gather, throw a brick into a foot locker and steel adidas shoes, I can certainly go gather and support Trump in Tulsa and if none of the looters are wearing masks I shouldn’t either”. But when this bitch is requiring you to sign a F’ing covid-19 waiver, lol, I can’t comprehend how people would still support him?


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Aug 3, 2016
International vacation travels would also be severely hampered by the lack of travel insurance that covers Covid-19 illnesses. As of now, many insurers are excluding coverage for Covid-19 illnesses in their travel products. And if insurers do offer coverage for Covid-19 illnesses, the costs would likely be prohibitive. The majority of the Canadian snowbirders would likely not return to the States (even though they can do so now) until they can obtain travel insurance coverage for Covid-19 illnesses at reasonable costs -- hospital bills could be hundreds of thousands of USD for hospitalizations in any US hospital. Here is what Travel Guard said: "Due to the World Health Organization (WHO) announcement declaring Coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic, please note that as of, at the latest, March 11, 2020, COVID-19 is a foreseen event and certain coverages will not apply."


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
By now we all know, or should know , that masks are beneficial in holding back the spread of the CV . Its fukkin logical , yet the US government and most of the medical hierarchy in the States and Canada were initially advising people not to bother wearing them. Fauci admitted that much yesterday.

Why? To preserve the most effective masks for healthcare workers and first responders . The governments had sold their critical supply of masks to the Chinese government back in January, and now were scrambling to make up for it.

Tough decision ….you have a limited supply of vital N95 you save it for the nurses and Doctors …..or encourage the population to protect their own health. What would you do? BTW stocking up on toilet paper is not the right answer . The answer is don`t trust the government not to fuck things up for us and kill us in the process..


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If you take a look at that map Cloudsurf posted, the entire US northeast is declining except Vermont, which is hard to explain because it is surrounded by states in decline.

I booked an August vacation to Maine, not knowing that Maine has a 14 day quarantine rule in effect. You set foot in that State and your ass is quarantined for 14 days. The hotel told me this order expires on June 24 and I am hoping the quarantine rule is shelved. I can't make a trip to Montreal, so I am hoping Maine will be ready to take my tourist money by then. If the quarantine rule is not shelved by the time of my trip, I will ask the hotel to honor my Priceline booking and give me a credit for some other time.

Have any of you guys had to postpone hotel travel bookings due to Covid 19 and if so did the hotels play ball and give you a credit towards future travel?

I spent over $600 on a 3 night booking, which was a pretty good deal. Got a property right in the Old Port near the water in Portland. The neighorhood is SWANK, it's got 3 of the top 50 rated restaurants in the USA. Outrageous fresh seafood and lobster, the best evah! Not sure there is a better seafood city in the eastern USA- maybe Charleston, SC or Baltimore are in league, but Portland is BIG TIME as a seafood destination......
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I had a trip to Italy planned and after a week there I was supposed to hop on a cruise ship for another week. Talk about bad decisions. Lol. My crystal ball clearly wasn’t working and it never warned me against going to Italy and going on a cruise ship! Anyway, the hotel and cruise line initially offered a credit and as the pandemic continued on they ended up giving me a full refund.

EB, in your situation I’m wondering if Maine can really enforce such a rule for anyone especially for non residents. Good luck!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I had to cancel a bunch of shit. With me the hotels in Europe tried yankin my balls by declining refunds as all this occurred for me just a day or two before March started. I argued and they let up and just began to tickle my nuts by saying they will hold my €€€’s until end of August as credit for which I’m still like out of work(all this was work related trips) and that does me nothing, still working on getting refund

The other shit end of the stick is that you amass all these perks being rewards memebers and they better well extend my f’ing Rewards benefits into 2022.

I lost well over £500 for an amazing concert seats

In the end, I don’t blame the media, not the European Union or any politician, it is what it is? Just gotta keep arguing my case to these hotels and suck it up to it being again, what it is
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Why to stay in the city? Go farther north on I-95 to Acadia National Park and you will be amaized

I have been in Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park, hiked all through there. Been there and done that and it is a much longer drive. For me Portland is only a 3.5 hour drive whereas Bar Harbor is like 7 hours. That's too fucking long a drive. It's an hour more than Montreal. But I like Portland, the restaurants and the microbreweries are the best in New England. Plus I am bringing a ladyfriend and she is not really the outdoors type. Although we did also discuss a trip to Mount Monadnock, which we cancelled when I told her about a bear sighting in the area and she did not want to go. She will be in her element in Portland, she loves lobster and she will like the shops they have there.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB, in your situation I’m wondering if Maine can really enforce such a rule for anyone especially for non residents. Good luck!

I thought about this too. Hawaii had the exact same rule and hotel staff reported to LE tourists who ventured out of their hotel rooms. This was widely reported in the media when some NY tourists were arrested for violating quarantine.

I can't afford to be arrested. I would take the NatureBoy approach of staying home and fighting with the hotels for credits and- if necessary - threatening suit, but I am hoping it will not come to that and that Maine will let the quarantine rule expire on June 25. They need my and other tourist's money pumping the economies in their state. They have a golden opportunity to suck away from Canada all the tourist money of Americans closeted in New England, and there has to be pressure from the local businesses not to blow this opportunity to take that cash that has been diverted away from Canada. Portland is a fucking vibrant, hip little city full of great restaurants, bars, microbreweries and other businesses desperate for the summer tourist blitz........
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Love those Caesar’s with Saturday brunch. McLeans is one of my favorite places up there. And Kenny is great to talk to! I always leave there having made new friends.
Looks like McLeans is opening on June 22!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
WHO warns us against a release of individual protection measures because in the day alone yesterday 150,000 confirmed cases.

And yesterday was the day with the most new cases :(

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Here is a good article with numbers and math. Deaths need to be expressed per 100,000, so don’t forget to set your calculator to have lots of digits after zero if you do division.

Most information from the media doesn’t have concepts like denominators. The media loves increases involving small numbers, since the percentage increase from one small number to another sounds so large.

Have you arrived in Tulsa yet? Do take pics

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Bill Maher complains about everything and looks like he enjoys nothing. Wouldn’t be surprised if him and Michael Moore are lovers.

Wear a speedo and go to the beach, just exercise common sense and wear a mask with that tight little speedo if your six feet’s near someone brother.

Hold up a sign tonight saying HI MERB, I’ll look for you on the Tube, stay outta trouble you little rascal...


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
On June 20, 2020, CBC notes:

Is it safe to have sex or be intimate with someone new during COVID-19?

"Sex tips in the age of COVID-19 according to Dr. Demetre Daskalakis:

  • Face coverings are important; use them creatively.
  • Remember that COVID-19 is transmitted through droplets, so it's exposure from the neck up. Try having sex in positions that don't require face-to-face interaction."

Hmm, so engaging in BJ's and DATY while wearing face masks "creatively" is okay, yes. ;)


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016

It's all good, 2f2s. I got bored reading that particular article and skimmed it and went straight for the bullet points. I was wondering this: so no talking, no moaning, simple keep our mouths closed during sex. WTF! It would be like watching a great movie after muting the sound. No way. I'll watch the movie when I can have the whole experience.

I think I'd be carried away in the heat of the moment and go with the flow. If she starts kissing me, who am I to disengage. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
That’s how I would describe many of the escorts in the states. We need to open that border or my balls are going to explode!
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
“The number of people being hospitalised has also risen in a number of these states, including Texas, where some reopened bars and restaurants are now closing their doors again, reports the Texas Tribune, because of fears over a new surge of cases.”

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