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Money Taburn

New Member
Jul 28, 2011
If you take a look at that map Cloudsurf posted, the entire US northeast is declining except Vermont, which is hard to explain because it is surrounded by states in decline.

I booked an August vacation to Maine, not knowing that Maine has a 14 day quarantine rule in effect. You set foot in that State and your ass is quarantined for 14 days. The hotel told me this order expires on June 24 and I am hoping the quarantine rule is shelved. I can't make a trip to Montreal, so I am hoping Maine will be ready to take my tourist money by then. If the quarantine rule is not shelved by the time of my trip, I will ask the hotel to honor my Priceline booking and give me a credit for some other time.

Have any of you guys had to postpone hotel travel bookings due to Covid 19 and if so did the hotels play ball and give you a credit towards future travel?

I spent over $600 on a 3 night booking, which was a pretty good deal. Got a property right in the Old Port near the water in Portland. The neighorhood is SWANK, it's got 3 of the top 50 rated restaurants in the USA. Outrageous fresh seafood and lobster, the best evah! Not sure there is a better seafood city in the eastern USA- maybe Charleston, SC or Baltimore are in league, but Portland is BIG TIME as a seafood destination......
Drove to Maine from New York late last week. Yes, you will see signs about Executive Order 14 day quarantine. But absolutely NO ENFORCEMENT. I stayed Friday through Monday.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Drove to Maine from New York late last week. Yes, you will see signs about Executive Order 14 day quarantine. But absolutely NO ENFORCEMENT. I stayed Friday through Monday.

You don`t think they time snapped your plate when you entered the state and again when you left ? Is there a fine for dodging the quarantine ?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016

Good point cloudsurf. I suspect that those folks who might get a ticket in the mail would simply flush it down the toilet. If they had the audacity to break the quarantine mandates, they likely don't care about any civil fines.

America is becoming more divided today:

WP (6/24/20)

"The governors of the tri-state area jointly announced the travel advisory, which requires a 14-day quarantine for visitors from states whose infection rates meet certain thresholds indicating “significant community spread,” according to New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D). Nine states currently meeting that threshold, Cuomo said: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, Utah and Texas."

NYT (6/24/20):

"In New York, those found to be violating the quarantine could be subject to a judicial order that could include mandatory quarantine and fines of up to $10,000. Mr. Cuomo also said that officials would not be stopping people at state borders to forbid them to enter, but that travelers were being asked to comply once they arrived. "

"[Governor] Cuomo said that enforcement would be up to each of the three states. In New York, he said, those violating the quarantine order could be “subject to a judicial order and mandatory quarantine.” A first violation could result in a $2,000 fine and a second would bring a $5,000 fine, he said, up to $10,000 for someone who causes “harm.”"

. . . .

“You could argue that even law is the honor system until you get caught,” Mr. Cuomo said. “You can violate the quarantine until you get caught,” he added, then “you’re in mandatory quarantine and fined thousands of dollars.”


Today (6/24/20), CBC is reporting: (I wonder how many people will actually pay the fines.)

Majority of Canada's $13M in pandemic fines were issued in Quebec, report finds

"Provinces across the country issued emergency orders with hefty penalties for violations in March, including closures of public spaces and physical distancing measures. Ticketing soon followed.

In one example cited in the report, a man walking his dog in Ottawa was fined $880 for standing in the wrong place. A bylaw officer in the city also tackled a man walking through a park with his daughter. He ended up with a bruised lip and a fine of more than $2,000.

One woman with her baby in Aurora, Ont., stepped off a park path to let others pass and was ticketed $880, prompting Premier Doug Ford to say the officers "could have used a little bit different judgment."

According to the study by the association and the Policing the Pandemic Mapping Project co-founded at the University of Toronto and the University of Ottawa, police and bylaw officers issued at least 10,000 tickets or charges related to the pandemic between April 1 and June 15. The value of the fines was more than $13 million.

Quebec accounted for 77 per cent of the reported fines, while Ontario saw 18 per cent and Nova Scotia three per cent."
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Is there a ban in USA from people coming from Russia?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Not only Russia , I thought that the USA was off limits for all Europeans . As of right now flights are supposed to resume the 21st of July , but of course that could change any day now

I need and want to fly out to Europe but I’d be required to spend two whole weeks quarantined in a hotel room
Taking in the sun the last couple of days and missing/reminiscing my Old Country . I was hoping to be back this year , but the odds are against that happening , damn Virus . And so I dream ...

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Yea but can Russian come to USA? Cause Brazilians can’t come to USA. Here’s a potential scenario

EU bans americans
Trump begins retaliatory ban
Brazilians ( country next to USA with highest # of cases) already banned

So with EU peeps and Brazilians banned will they then implement a ban on Russians, lol? They r #3 I think with amount of cases? There will be drama about that with press callin trump Putin’s bitch.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
The above scenario is very possible and with good reason because of the way our neighbors handled things ... and then it becomes tit for tat

Who ever thought that the world would be banning Americans

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I could actually see Trump banning Germans and then goin “NO WE’RE NOT BANNING RUSSIANS!!!”


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Drove to Maine from New York late last week. Yes, you will see signs about Executive Order 14 day quarantine. But absolutely NO ENFORCEMENT. I stayed Friday through Monday.

Did you stay at a hotel? Because if you stayed at a hotel it can be easily enforced, whereas if you stayed in a private residence it would be impossible to enforce.

Money Taburn

New Member
Jul 28, 2011
You don`t think they time snapped your plate when you entered the state and again when you left ? Is there a fine for dodging the quarantine ?
Maybe I quarantined. Maybe I didn't. How could they possibly know? Saw many, many out of state license plates. Seems to me the manpower necessary to enforce the rule would be impossible. Also there are many people who live in Maine and for various reasons register their vehicles in NH or MA or VT, which you can do if you also have a residence in those states.

Money Taburn

New Member
Jul 28, 2011
Did you stay at a hotel? Because if you stayed at a hotel it can be easily enforced, whereas if you stayed in a private residence it would be impossible to enforce.
Excellent point. I stayed at my condo. where there were also many MA, CT etc. registered vehicles.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
This is from the CDC listing the travel restrictions. Europe has been restricted from traveling to the US since March. Europe restricting the travel from the USA is fair considering the amount of new daily cases we are having. Some feel it's a tit for tat because the US hasn't relaxed it's own travel restrictions for Europe as well as the suspensions/restrictions of visa's being issued to foreigners to help protect American jobs. With unemployment being at an all time high I guess the logic is to fill the jobs with Americans before seeking workers from outside of the country. I also included a link regarding travel visa's.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Money Taburn,

There is no way to enforce a 14 day quarantine rule on someone staying in a private residence but those in a hotel stand on a different footing. When you check in they have your address and you are red flagged. As I posted earlier all the tourists arrested so far were staying at hotels in Hawaii, and when they left the hotel, the hotel called the cops. As they are legally required to do. If you are staying at a private residence, unless you have "New Yorker" stamped on your forehead and I presume you don't, how would anyone know????
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Jul 11, 2003
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Great Waloo:

The EU is going about it all wrong. Trump is not in charge of Covid 19 regulation, the Governors of the individual States are. They should restrict travel from the States that deserve it. For example Connecticut, where I live, we are a responsible State and whereas we were badly hit at the beginning of the pandemic, now we have declining cases despite massive testing. I am getting tested at one of the many drive through Covid testing stations myself on Saturday (mandatory due to a minor medical procedure I am having on June 29). So hopefully I continue our trend here.

On the other hand those red necks in Alabama and Florida should have their non-evolved Neanderthal asses banned by the EU. They have behaved like nothing is wrong. The Governor of Florida is an idiot and he should be treated like one.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005

Agree with your comments above. I'm from NY and like yourself, played by the rules set out by my state to significantly reduce our cases and hospitalizations. Managing travel within our borders is one thing, I think it would be a huge challenge for other countries to pick and choose which states are permitted to travel abroad. Instead they paint us with a broad brush to include the responsible states with the ones with horrible governors that just don't get it. I wasn't a fan governor Cuomo, but I am now, his leadership and guts have really changed that opinion with the way he took care of NY during this crisis.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
On the other hand those red necks in Alabama and Florida should have their non-evolved Neanderthal asses banned by the EU. They have behaved like nothing is wrong. The Governor of Florida is an idiot and he should be treated like one.

Trump and Florida's DeSantis talk reopening plans and share mutual congratulations.

IT WAS 2020/04/28

It's too late….. (yesterday 37,000 new cases in USA).

Trump and DeSantis, among the worst duets.
They dance well together.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Maine's 14 day quarantine rule is still in effect, the hotel told me, but If we can get Covid tested within 72 hours prior to our trip and produce a negative test result, we will be allowed to roam freely outside the hotel without the cops being called. I am told Maine may revisit the rule before August as the Maine hotel industry is applying maximum pressure for rescission of the quarantine rule. Stay tuned. I may have to have a second Covid Test beyond the one I am getting this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Back to an earlier point. I think the chance of my Sept or Oct trip to Montreal is pegged about 0% right now based on latest US data and public sentiment about resurgence. No way they’re opening border in next 2-3 months based on latest US data, especially while other countries put the US in quarantine.
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