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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Those statistics from may, worry me, As of may 13% definitely not, 7% only if required, and 12% wait and see.
So 20% are very reluctant. What will the "wait and see" do. What are they waiting for?
Vaccination willingness.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Those statistics from may, worry me, As of may 13% definitely not, 7% only if required, and 12% wait and see.
So 20% are very reluctant. What will the "wait and see" do. What are they waiting for?

The delta variant has doubled every 2 weeks in the US. This is not going to be pretty.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Un excellent editorial de Patrick Lagacé dans LaPresse d'aujourd'hui:
On y apprend entre autres que:

Taux de mortalité du coronavirus aux États-Unis : 183 pour 100 000 habitants. (US mortality ratio)

Taux de mortalité au Canada : 69 pour 100 000 habitants. (Canada mortality ratio)

Les États-Unis viennent de franchir le cap des 600 000 morts. Et même si les Américains sont plus vaccinés que nous, ils continuent à déplorer 345 décès par jour. Proportionnellement, c’est deux fois et demie le taux de mortalité actuel du Québec !

Translation: And even though Americans are more vaccinated than we are, they still suffer 345 deaths a day. Proportionately, this is two and a half times the current death rate in Quebec!
Vaccination, vaccination, vaccination!!!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
20% of Canadians are hesitant or decided not to get vaccinated...even a larger percent in the States.
When they wiped out Small Pox and Polio , one had no choice and weren`t allowed to refuse a vaccine. Those were the good old days.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
There was no social media.

Much less conspiracy theories.

I can't believe how they managed to make believe that it was possible to put a microchip in the vaccine.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I can't believe how they managed to make believe that it was possible to put a microchip in the vaccine.
I personally asked for the micro chip that gives you X-ray vision.
So many hot girls in Montreal walking around in the summer time, would make girl watching even more entertaining.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I personally asked for the micro chip that gives you X-ray vision.
So many hot girls in Montreal walking around in the summer time, would make girl watching even more entertaining.
Well answered.

Good joke, but that shows how stupid the process is.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
DUCHARME des HABS ET la COVID 19.....soyons clair et pas de panique ;) ....oui testé positif après ses 2 doses.....MAIS rien de l'effet maximal d'immunité dans son cas---suite à sa 2ème dose---est prévu le 23 JUIN...

-deuxièmement les vaccins immunisent à près de 95% contre LES EFFETS NÉFASTES DU VIRUS---DÉCÈS ET HOSPITALISATION----PRÈS DE 88% pour les variants principalement le DELTA....MAIS oui---même vacciné-- on peut quand même être testé positif
et le transmettre .....d'ou l'importance de maintenir les mesures sanitaires jusqu'à ce que l'immunité collective soit atteinte soit minimum de 75 % de la population pleinement vaccinée......évidemment il reste un malheureux 5 % ...mais disons
que les odds sont bonnes en ta.....alors les 18-30 on se grouille.... si comme nous vous voulez reprendre une vie normale asap et retourner en présentiel l'Université ou high school en 2 cents en ce Vendredi doir.:) .


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Guys, your just not following the science. X-ray vision would show you people's skeletons. The vaccine that I got was the one with the "clothing optional" chip that allows me to view only young attractive nude women. It's no wonder we are still in this damn pandemic, you just gotta start following the science!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Not knowing which way to turn, many countries have seen fit to give gifts to those who are still hesitant to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

This is to say what a world of turmoil we all live in. Rather than seeing vaccines as the advancement of science, as a gift to keep us safe from viruses, thousands of people feel more threatened by the vaccine than by COVID-19.

How can we explain that in Quebec, for example, only 63% of young people between the ages of 18 and 29 received the first dose of the vaccine? What are the others doing?

What should be offered to citizens besides free car rides? Across Canada and the United States, there are all kinds of incentives. Hot dogs, donuts, pizza, and even savings certificates up to $ 100.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
For Montréal...,,i was thinking about it some days ago....leaving in Old Montréal --Vieux Port ou défilent du Jeudi au Dimanche des milliers et milliers DE JEUNES why not utiliser d'une part le Centre des Sciences---un immense site et y tenir à l'extérieur de l'animation,

de l'information sur les vaccins et offrir un drink gratuitement---par exemple ou autre-- à tous et celles qui décideraient de s'y faire vacciner.......même chose PLACE JACQUES CARTIER...ouvrir sur place un kiosque d'information et de vaccination.

Et tant qu'à y être why not the reopening off the CASINO ....offrant sur un plancher information et vaccination avec un crédit let's say de 25,00 to play....ce serais j'en suis convaincu un immense succès....lollll
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Some of you listen too blindly to the government and quote science a lot but science is constantly changing. 40 years ago they said margarine is good for you and now the whole story changed. They also were using DDT and said how safe it was till it was banned. Covid is real but the effects of the vaccines are unknown. The vaccines are NOT approved by the FDA meaning full data from phase 3 trials are not available. It was approved under emergency approval only. Something to think about. The long term effects are also unknown.

All those yes man to the government took AstraZeneca but it caused some to have vaccine induced thrombosis which is a very serious form of blood clot far more serious then a regular blood clot because it forms in unusual areas like the brain and abdomen. Some of you did not get it and I am glad for you but to those who got it or to a loved one well it sucks. Now the vaccine has been pulled off. All those ppl waiting for a second dose are getting jerked around by the government.

Moving on the Pfizer/Moderna vaccines is causing cases of myocarditis which can be very serious it can cause cardiac arrest. Most of you on this board are over 50+ but this is something that is mainly affecting those under 30 so to them this is very relevant. Some have experienced cases of Bells Palsy. The risk of anaphylactic shock is also real and is life threathening. The vaccines are causing ten times more severe allergic reactions compared to the flu vaccines.

Point is this is all real data and not a conspiracy. Some of you are complicit theorists bowing down to whatever the government says and shaming free thinkers. Moral is taking the vaccine is a personal choice and those ppl who are hesistating got a valid reason to not want it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
How can we explain that in Quebec, for example, only 63% of young people between the ages of 18 and 29 received the first dose of the vaccine? What are the others doing?
I actually had this conversation with a service repairman who was in his mid to late 20s
He said that he is young and does not fear getting covid, to him it is nothing more than a more severe cold perhaps.
He would rather endure the covid symptoms than get vaccinated with a foreign substance into his body which right now nobody has any knowledge of what kind of long range effects it might have.
This guy was not a fanatic he had no problem wearing a mask or social distancing he said all of that made sense to keep him from getting covid or potentially spreading it he was just unsure of the vaccine and he would rather take his chances with covid.
I don’t agree with him and I told him so, it was actually quite a pleasant conversation and I got to see another viewpoint.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Well ...sorry BUT i don't feel like a naive complice du et des gouvernements et des just feel like an human being who cares and wants the better for him and his collectivity....sure it is a personal choice.....but for me it's un choix éclairé et assumé pour que cesse asap l'inquiétude et la psychose sociale qui prévaut don't want it.....ok problem have your views bien exprimées...BUT i don't share it at all.....
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Free thinkers ? LOL, is that we we're calling them in this new politically correct world :)

Tell me the thousands of morons, I mean free thinkers, that when to the Kanesatake party were worried about myocarditis.
Apparently when there is a huge protest for social justice like BLM and Palestine apparently that is correct and no one is worried about covid. Lol
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Apparently when there is a huge protest for social justice like BLM and Palestine apparently that is correct and no one is worried about covid. Lol

equating people fighting for social justice to partiers in oka requires some serious free thinking

both are wrong, one is just next level stupid
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I am much more sympathetic to a young person who thinks he doesn’t want to introduce something into his body that there is no evidence yet as to long term side effects than the morons who refuse to wear a mask indoors or to social distance, this costs nothing is in no way harmful to them and not only protects them but also their fellow citizens.

I have already had both doses and am fully vaccinated, so obviously I think this is the way to get rid of this whole covid thing hopefully.
I am glad I can see my ATF and other ladies and feel much safer than before.
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