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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I agree with you, I also do not want to take this vaccine main reason being the long term effects are unknown plus the chance of severe reactions are possible. It is not FDA approved yet, so till they are FDA approved and all data on phase 3 trials are available I prefer to not get this vaccine.

The FDA has regulatory processes in place to facilitate the development of COVID-19 vaccines that meet the FDA's rigorous scientific standards.

COVID-19 Vaccines Authorized for Emergency Use.

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006

The FDA has regulatory processes in place to facilitate the development of COVID-19 vaccines that meet the FDA's rigorous scientific standards.

COVID-19 Vaccines Authorized for Emergency Use.

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine

Yes, the FDA has a process that they can approve a drug for emergency use IF the risks of not using the drug outweigh the risk of the drug. But there is still a risk with the drug. That risk goes down with "full approval".

Cloud's and Mike's belief is that the risk of the drug, for them, outweighs the risk of disease. While I don't agree with him and I think that argument is flawed because it is incomplete, it is their right.

I have met people that are truly afraid of this vaccine. It isn't political, it's true fear and mistrust of the vaccine.

A good idea is not to use American news, media and publications to get valid data. There are billions of people in other countries that we can learn what to do and what not to do without the ridiculous political and media bias. All countries have these flaws, but the US, like everything else does it bigger than Texas.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Canada has shitty government for many things but I'd say we handled Covid better than most. And unlike many, I think we learned something

How? By being over prudent? By still keeping an emergency state with 77 or so daily cases? By still keeping a mask mandate in the heat of summer with such case numbers while everyone everywhere is lifting it? By barely allowing peoples to see each other at last with crazy regulations, still having to dox ouselves if we want to eat in a restaurant, and other pletera of idiocy.

Im sorry but Quebec in particular (i followed it less elsewhere in Canada) has been TERRRUBLE when it comes to it. Covid is pretty much done and out in many US states, im not saying the disease is gone, but they accept to live with it, they lifted the restrictions, while here we still have a gazillion tons of them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Cloud's and Mike's belief is that the risk of the drug, for them, outweighs the risk of disease. While I don't agree with him and I think that argument is flawed because it is incomplete, it is their right.

More Than 3.41 Billion Shots Given: Covid-19 Tracker

It takes people who will not be vaccinated to care for the millions of people who have side effects.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
How? By being over prudent? By still keeping an emergency state with 77 or so daily cases? By still keeping a mask mandate in the heat of summer with such case numbers while everyone everywhere is lifting it? By barely allowing peoples to see each other at last with crazy regulations, still having to dox ouselves if we want to eat in a restaurant, and other pletera of idiocy.

Im sorry but Quebec in particular (i followed it less elsewhere in Canada) has been TERRRUBLE when it comes to it. Covid is pretty much done and out in many US states, im not saying the disease is gone, but they accept to live with it, they lifted the restrictions, while here we still have a gazillion tons of them.

Canada is currently in the top 3 countries in the world for vaccination depending on what metric you look at
We had fewer deaths than anyone in the G7, probably G20.
There was an economic impact as there was in all countries but it was no worst than anywhere else.

Did Trudeau screw up CERB, hell ya. Did others countries screw up worst by not helping people, hell ya

Did we have more sacrifices ? Yes, and we lost less people because of them.

While you think we can go back to normal, other countries like England and Israel have had to bring back restrictions to deal with the new variants. Hospitals in unvaccinated states like Missouri are struggling again.

Are we being too cautious ?
I have a friend that needs exploratory surgery for what may turn out to be serious. He can't get it because hospitals have not recovered. He is scheduled for September. Hopefully that won't be too late. Hopefully a resurgence won't push it back further.

The only way a resurgence is coming back is if the people that can't think beyond themselves screw it up for the rest.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The highly transmissible coronavirus variant called delta is present in all 50 states and is already dominant in many parts of the United States.
Modeling shows the variant now accounts for 51.7 percent of all new infections in this country, five times the prevalence four weeks earlier, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the week ending July 3.

“Although we expected the delta variant to become the dominant strain in the United States, this rapid rise is troubling,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said Thursday during a White House news briefing.

In some parts of the country, she said, delta is even more widespread. For example, in parts of the Midwest and upper mountain states, including in Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa, the CDC’s sequencing of infections suggests the new variant may account for about 80 percent of cases.

The good news, Walensky said, is all three coronavirus vaccines authorized in the United States offer strong protection against severe disease and death from covid-19. Preliminary data from several states over the past several months suggests that 99.5 percent of covid-19-related deaths occurred among unvaccinated people, she said.


Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
Your hospitalization example illustrates the point I have been trying to make.

Everyone has a right to an action until that action interferes with the rights of others.

If 40 percent of people remain unvaccinated by their choice, and if they crowd the hospitals as a result of catching Covid (I said if - no one knows if it will happen), a legitimate argument exists for each hospital to
limit the number of unvaccinated people it will admit to the hospital, so it can treat the non-Covid illnesses of everyone, vaccinated or not. All minors would be excluded from this demarcation of course, since their parents are largely responsible for their decisions.

That one is going to be a hard sell to a lot of people.

But if we continue to burden the health care systems as a result of continued Covid infections of the unvaccinated, eventually fewer young people will want to enter Health Care.
You have a good point there, let’s put the non-vax in a bidonville or build a wall or something…


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
Your hospitalization example illustrates the point I have been trying to make.

Everyone has a right to an action until that action interferes with the rights of others.

If 40 percent of people remain unvaccinated by their choice, and if they crowd the hospitals as a result of catching Covid (I said if - no one knows if it will happen), a legitimate argument exists for each hospital to
limit the number of unvaccinated people it will admit to the hospital, so it can treat the non-Covid illnesses of everyone, vaccinated or not. All minors would be excluded from this demarcation of course, since their parents are largely responsible for their decisions.

That one is going to be a hard sell to a lot of people.

But if we continue to burden the health care systems as a result of continued Covid infections of the unvaccinated, eventually fewer young people will want to enter Health Care.
if we follow your "logic", hospitals should put a limit on:

people they admit whose health conditions are due to substance abuse or excessive drinking. they had a choice, they decided to party instead of taking care of their health, so to hell with them

people they admit whose health conditions are due to smoking. they could have decided not to smoke, so to hell with them

people they admit whose health conditions are due to some irresponsible actions like getting into car accidents because they were speeding. to hell with them

people they admit whose health conditions are due to having a diet rich in fats or sugary stuff. everybody knows to eat lots of veggies so to hell with them if they decided to eat crap food

and the list goes on

If we get rid of all those people, think of all the room we would have in hospitals


Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
As far as I’m concerned it’s Alberta and B.C. that handle the COVID situation the best in all major provinces. With less ridiculous restrictions than here or Ontario they kept the number of death at 2300 for a population of 4,5 millions…


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
How? By being over prudent? By still keeping an emergency state with 77 or so daily cases? By still keeping a mask mandate in the heat of summer with such case numbers while everyone everywhere is lifting it? By barely allowing peoples to see each other at last with crazy regulations, still having to dox ouselves if we want to eat in a restaurant, and other pletera of idiocy.

Im sorry but Quebec in particular (i followed it less elsewhere in Canada) has been TERRRUBLE when it comes to it. Covid is pretty much done and out in many US states, im not saying the disease is gone, but they accept to live with it, they lifted the restrictions, while here we still have a gazillion tons of them.
I think everybody gets your point that you are against the vaccine and all the regulations that have been enforced.
What you don’t get is that there are many more people that don’t agree with you and that all these measures especially the vaccines are the reason that you will now be able to enjoy a normal life again.
I didn’t agree with the curfews as I think the virus is not able to tell time and will spread unless it is a real lock down, curfews are nothing more than inconvenient but not helpful.
Wearing masks, social distancing, and vaccines that work are not crazy at all and there are millions upon millions that will dispute that with you and I am one of them, it not only works for covid but for all infectious viruses including the flu.

I believe in results and science and it is not a coincidence that countries with the best record of vaccination are the ones able to return to a normal life sooner, you do not need to be a rocket scientist to see this.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I think everybody gets your point that you are against the vaccine and all the regulations that have been enforced.
What you don’t get is that there are many more people that don’t agree with you and that all these measures especially the vaccines are the reason that you will now be able to enjoy a normal life again.
Or pretty much some peoples believe in the false fear mongering and are fine allowing control to govs if it keep them in "what they believe is safe"

I was enjoying normal life again in 2020... just not anything gov regulated. Had even an SP wich i won't mentiom name of course tell me she had her nail, hair etc done while gov dictatorship was on. She knew peoples.

We may be the resistance. But we are right. You are Skynet. Control.. autority...never been my thing. And if you indulge in this hobby... it shouldn't be yours either. Cause you are outlaw from partaking in it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Linking this to the Hobby is rediculous.
I am control how did you figure that?
I don’t give give a shit what other people do normally, however that all changes when they thumb their finger in the face of all common sense and start endangering me, my children and grandchildren by potentially spreading something that may be deadly to any and all.
No it is not everyone else that needs to lock themselves away so that you can enjoy life to the fullest, that is not the way the majority of people think luckily.
What other people do I cannot control but I will try not to infect others as best I can, and yes I am one of millions that wear a mask in public places, keep the social distance required where possible and have gotten both doses of vaccine.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The highly transmissible B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant continues to spread across the United States at a rapid pace.
Early data suggest that B.1.617.2 now makes up more than 50% of COVID-19 cases. In some parts of the country, this percentage is even higher, especially in areas with low vaccination rates.
This rapid rise is concerning and threatens the progress the United States has made toward ending the pandemic.

Fortunately, we have safe and effective vaccines that prevent severe disease, hospitalization, and death.

People who are fully vaccinated are protected from B.1.617.2. If you are not yet vaccinated, you are at risk of infection and should continue to practice prevention strategies and get vaccinated as soon as possible.
Turning the corner on the pandemic, getting back to normal, and stopping the spread of B.1.617.2 requires all of us doing our part.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Les autorités médicales américaines sonnent l'alarme....le DELTA VARIANT fait de plus en plus de ravage et les hospitalisations sont en croissance dans plusieurs états.....rien de rassurant....et ces mêmes autorités plaident évidemment en faveur de la vaccination..

D'ailleurs selon CDC 99.5% des personnes décédées du COVID depuis Janvier n'étaient PAS VACCINÉES......n'est-ce pas assez clair ???....puissant message non???? alors un effort...on fait ce que doit plz plz plz. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011


SECOND DOSE..CANADA 45% ONTARIO 49% QUÉBEC 41%.......c'est IMHO un MINIMUM acceptable mais faut faire plus.....et j'ai bon espoir que tous ceux qui ont recu une 1ère dose sont de bons candidats LOGIQUES pour une seconde......on devrait at the end of the

day avoisiner le 70%.....ce qui serait satisfaisant pour nous ramener ENFIN à une vie COMPLÈTEMENT normale.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Les autorités médicales américaines sonnent l'alarme....le DELTA VARIANT fait de plus en plus de ravage et les hospitalisations sont en croissance dans plusieurs états.....rien de rassurant....et ces mêmes autorités plaident évidemment en faveur de la vaccination..

D'ailleurs selon CDC 99.5% des personnes décédées du COVID depuis Janvier n'étaient PAS VACCINÉES......n'est-ce pas assez clair ???....puissant message non???? alors un effort...on fait ce que doit plz plz plz. :)


This is so shameful. People's ignorance putting every hope we have of normality at risk.

That’s a feeling I seem to experience almost every day in today’s world.

And these anti-vaxxers are cheering that Biden didn't meet his goal. I despise every one of them.
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