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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
To think that there is a way to end the pandemic but many people, out of selfishness and ignorance, refuse to do their part.

It really boggles the mind. The vaccine passport can't come soon enough.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
They are already planning a fourth lockdown and now they are talking about the Lambda variant and about a possible third booster shot. Just to clue you in I got my first shot this Monday and will not take anymore shots beyond two. Will not get pricked with a 3rd shot. Whether we are vaccinated or not we still got to wear masks. It will never end till society refuses to accept an authoritarian regime. it boggles my mind that people do not value their freedom. The vaccine passport is another example of an authoritarian government and this is going too far.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
I got my first shot this Monday

What changed your mind ?

I am curious if the threat of restrictions will play a role. Seems to be the case in France.

Sounds like Ontario doesn't plan to follow. We will see if that works out better for them.

While I know it went against some of your fundamental beliefs, at least you are safer moving forward.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
They are already planning a fourth lockdown and now they are talking about the Lambda variant and about a possible third booster shot. Just to clue you in I got my first shot this Monday and will not take anymore shots beyond two. Will not get pricked with a 3rd shot. Whether we are vaccinated or not we still got to wear masks. It will never end till society refuses to accept an authoritarian regime. it boggles my mind that people do not value their freedom. The vaccine passport is another example of an authoritarian government and this is going too far.
You sound like a reluctant kid who was pulled by the ear to get something done, and still not happy with the outcome lol.
I am glad you did it. It will keep you a lot safer. I had friends who didn't think the virus was more than a bad cold, one almost died, he doesn’t think the same anymore.
I don’t like government controls anymore than you do but some things just make sense and getting vaccinated is one of them.
Nothing comes 100% without risk but the risk with the vaccines is far less than without them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Just to clue you in I got my first shot this Monday and will not take anymore shots beyond two.
One should never say never. Only time will tell if a third or an annual shot is requested or even suggested for everybody. Not everybody has the same immunologic respond to a vaccine. All we know is so little by now. What we see is that this Corona virus mutates very easily and when a mutation is best for the virus infection it takes over rapidly. The only way to stop this is by a massive vaccination all around the world. It is very early to talk about a repeated shot, we just do not have the data. It is possible that for people with a weaker immunologic system a booster or even a different vaccine will be requested as for the flue. The difference between the flue and COVID... in the worst years, the flue can kill 30,000 to 60,000 people in USA in 1 year. COVID killed 608,00 americans up to date and there are 39,3 millions known cases. The deaths rate is 1,76% All this in USA only. Not even considering those who survived but with major sequels... Just the last 24 hours, in USA, 38,000 new cases and 393 deaths. This story is far to being over...

This being said, I'm happy you made the move in the right direction. Sometime, it is ok to go with the crowd... Welcome to the party!
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Like It Hot, the story here in the US is far from being over because of the people that are refusing the vaccine. For the most part, the virus isn't infecting vaccinated people. That should be a warning to Canada that it could easily find itself in the same situation as we're in if enough people don't get vaccinated.

I've been vaccinated since January (because of work) and I've had plenty of conversations with people in order to allay people's fears. But even now, I've had plenty people who still choose not to get vaccinated. Even if you don't care about your health, who wants to live life like this where you can't travel or go anywhere? The vaccines have been the only thing restoring life like it was pre-COVID. At this point, if you don't care about your own health or use facts (not fear) to guide you, I can't feel any sympathy if something bad happens to you.

Finally, the vaccine skeptics getting infected are incubators for the variants. We're playing Russian roulette with finally getting a variant that significantly weakens or neutralizes the vaccine. So choosing not get vaccinated when you're medically able to (and have vaccines that the rest of the world wants) affects everybody, not just you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005

Republican Governors have been the most adamant about getting the country reopened, but now their plans are hitting a snag: Their residents within their own Party are the ones refusing to get vaccinated.
Now these governors are having to make public pleas to their voters by begging them to please go and get vaccinated so that we can all move forward.
This plea is coming a little too late for many Republicans who have already made up their minds that they don't want the vaccine.
It's a sad day when people make a medical decision based on political affiliation rather than the advice of their doctors.

These folks want to make their own personal medical decisions.
Of course, they don't want women to be able to make their own personal reproductive medical decisions.
Check out these maskless, beer drinking Texas Dumbocrats on a private jet. It's called hypocracy, look it up.



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Anti-Vax nurse dies of COVID-19

I don’t understand how she worked as a nurse. She is a huge risk to immune compromised patients.

You can hardly say a nurse is victim of anti-science... She of all people should know.

It's incredibly sad she passed away, but even worst is how she decided to put her patients, her friends, her family at risk.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
We have an opportunity to get out of this pandemic, and that is the vaccine

Scientists should think about working on a vaccine against stupidity.

DeAnna Lorraine, a Republican conspiracy theorist and failed Congressional candidate, wildly claims that simply being near vaccinated people affected her menstruation and possibly her fertility.

In her case, maybe her not being fertile is not such a bad idea.

It’s sad how people have this mentality, and watch when people blame Biden for the rise in cases.

It's possible a vaccine you didn't take is the reason you didn't have a period, but I'm gonna go with the likelihood you're just insane.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The percentage of Canadians who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 has for the first time surpassed the United States.

As of the afternoon of July 17, Canada had vaccinated 48.64 per cent of the population with two doses, according to COVID Tracker Canada.

By comparison, 48.4 per cent of the American population were fully vaccinated, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported.
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2011
Hier, pour la premiere fois dans toute ma carrière j'ai fait un commentaire passively aggresive a un patient de marde. L'idiot a le plus gros post nasal drip de la planète; le mucus coulait à fond et la couleur était verte merb. Lorsque je lui demande s'il s'est fait vacciné il me répond: Non, chui po un mouton.

Moi: Es-tu un immunologue par hazard?
Lui: Non, je travail dans la restoration.
Moi: Donc ton commentaire de "chui pas un mouton" tu l'as apris de qui?
Lui: Groupe de personnes qui savent que les vaccins c'est juste pour faire du cash aux compagnies pharma avec une fausse pandémie.
Moi: Si tu n'est pas le leader de ce groupe, n'es-tu juste pas un mouton de ce groupe?
Lui: bouche-bée
Moi: Bon, je te prescris des antiobios pour ton infection aux sinus. Bonne journée.



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The percentage of Canadians who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 has for the first time surpassed the United States.

As of the afternoon of July 17, Canada had vaccinated 48.64 per cent of the population with two doses, according to COVID Tracker Canada. By comparison, 48.4 per cent of the American population were fully vaccinated, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005

The percentage of Canadians who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 has for the first time surpassed the United States.

As of the afternoon of July 17, Canada had vaccinated 48.64 per cent of the population with two doses, according to COVID Tracker Canada. By comparison, 48.4 per cent of the American population were fully vaccinated, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported.
Not that surprising considering the USA has has around 350 million people compared to Canada with a mere 37 million. Easier to manage a smaller group of people than a larger one. Congrats.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010

money talks: NFL says coronavirus outbreaks among unvaccinated players may lead to forfeits this season​

If a National Football League game cannot be rescheduled and is canceled due to a Covid-19 outbreak among unvaccinated players, that team will have to forfeit and will be credited with a loss, the NFL said. The new rule makes being unvaccinated a competitive disadvantage this year, all part of the league's push to get players and staff inoculated ahead of the coming season. The NFL has said that any team that vaccinates 85% of its players and staff can relax their safety protocols and has applied looser rules to vaccinated players. In addition, if a game is postponed and cannot be rescheduled, players from both teams will not receive their scheduled salary. The memo states the team with the outbreak will be responsible for any additional expenses incurred by the opposing team.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Not that surprising considering the USA has has around 350 million people compared to Canada with a mere 37 million. Easier to manage a smaller group of people than a larger one. Congrats.
Come on! USA have more vaccines than they need to treat all their population. It is the richest country in the world. They have all the requested facilities and they have the staff. Only problem is they have more than their fair share amount of people politicizing this and not wanting to get the vaccines. In Canada, more than 82% received at least a first shot and 52% fully vaccinated and vaccination continues to growth . In USA lest than 57% received a first shot and around 50% are fully vaccinated and vaccination stagnates. Population size has nothing to do with the final result in this case.

In april, more than 3,5 millions shots were given by day. Now as of july 21st, there are only 0,6 millions shots given by day. It is not a question of management, it is a lack of clients.

us daily vaccination copy.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Come on! USA have more vaccines than they need to treat all their population. It is the richest country in the world. They have all the requested facilities and they have the staff. Only problem is they have more than their fair share amount of people politicizing this and not wanting to get the vaccines. In Canada, more than 82% received at least a first shot and 52% fully vaccinated and vaccination continues to growth . In USA lest than 57% received a first shot and around 50% are fully vaccinated and vaccination stagnates. Population size has nothing to do with the final result in this case.

In april, more than 3,5 millions shots were given by day. Now as of july 21st, there are only 0,6 millions shots given by day. It is not a question of management, it is a lack of clients.
And it goes back to what I've been saying all along, if its the "lack of clients" then it's up to our president, sippy cup Joe to get out there and bring in more, how you say, clients. Analogy, the president of a company doesn't blame politics, people not wanting to buy a product, etc. The president of a company would work his ass off to increase sales and not just sit back and do nothing about it. Hiding Biden isn't getting out there and marketing the vaccine. He's to busy focusing on the bullshit instead of a problem that's right in front of his face. As far as the politics, the president and the VP that were the ones that started all of the political bullshit when they were adamant about not taking the vaccine during the presidential debates. Try getting your news from different sources, you might just learn something.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

A California man who mocked Covid-19 vaccines on social media has died after a month-long battle with the virus.

Stephen Harmon, a member of the Hillsong megachurch, had been a vocal opponent of vaccines, making a series of jokes about not having the vaccine.

"Got 99 problems but a vax ain't one," the 34-year-old tweeted to his 7,000 followers in June.

He was treated for pneumonia and Covid-19 in a hospital outside Los Angeles, where he died on Wednesday.

In the days leading up to his death, Mr Harmon documented his fight to stay alive, posting pictures of himself in his hospital bed.

"Please pray y'all, they really want to intubate me and put me on a ventilator," he said.

In his final tweet on Wednesday, Mr Harmon said he had decided to go under intubation.

"Don't know when I'll wake up, please pray," he wrote.

Despite his struggle with the virus, Mr Harmon still said he would reject being jabbed, saying his religious faith would protect him.
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