Ça sent les électionsGood news....OTTAWA will announce today que MODERNA ouvrira au Canada et fort probablement à Montréal un Centre de recherche et une usine de production--y fabriquera des vaccins à ARM messager-----très très bonne nouvelle pour reprendre au Canada
la fabrication de vaccins....et combattre les futures pandémies. Ce sera un Centre d'Excellence et un pôle mondial de fabrication. ....grand pas pour le développement de la science chez nous....![]()
Good news and its about time. Goes to show you that the scientific community believes that covid and all its future variants is not finished with us.Good news....OTTAWA will announce today que MODERNA ouvrira au Canada et fort probablement à Montréal un Centre de recherche et une usine de production--y fabriquera des vaccins à ARM messager-----très très bonne nouvelle pour reprendre au Canada
la fabrication de vaccins....et combattre les futures pandémies. Ce sera un Centre d'Excellence et un pôle mondial de fabrication. ....grand pas pour le développement de la science chez nous....![]()
Oh que oui...et malheureusement y a pas de vaccin pour traiter cette épidémie...lol....Ça sent les élections
Moderna makes a lot of different vaccines and others therapeutics, notably to fight cancer. Moderna, Inc. engages in the development of transformative medicines based on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). Its product pipeline includes the following modalities: prophylactic vaccines, cancer vaccines, intratumoral immuno-oncology, localized regenerative therapeutics, systemic secreted therapeutics, and systemic intracellular therapeutics. The company was founded by Noubar B. Afeyan, Robert S. Langer, Jr., Derrick J. Rose and Kenneth R. Chien in 2010 and is headquartered in Cambridge, MA. This company existed long before COVID and will be there for long after... It is a big error to make a link between COVID and this company investing in Canada to continue developing diverse therapies. Those decisions are there for the next 20 years, not short term.Good news and its about time. Goes to show you that the scientific community believes that covid and all its future variants is not finished with us.
A buddy of mine who doesn't consider himself an anti vaxxer but is "pro immunity" would of course go to the hospital if he needed to.So, for the ones who are completely anti vax on this. If you caught covid and got sick... i mean sick not mild fever and cough, would you go to the hospital? I'm curious.
Passengers wishing to travel on commercial planes, interprovincial trains and cruise ships will also be required to vaccinate in order to board, Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra said.
I'm vaccinated. I have been listening, it's clear that your not. Your original post said something about an anti vaxer going to a hospital. I gave my example of a friend that would obviously go to a hospital if he needed to. Then you started talking about profiting off of people being hospitalized. So I'm not really sure what your point is. If it's to say people should get vaccinated then I would agree with you, but I think your barking up the wrong tree.Well, you could also just you know... Follow public health regulations and get vaccinated. That would work also. But after 18 months of relatively being ignored by a percentage of the population who gets all their info and news off sources that tend to be disreputable...
Well got old. Slowly, but it did. So don't want to get vaccianted? Fine. If you end up taking an ICU bed for about 10 days, which is about the average covid stay, you've delayed 5 heart surgeries.
BUT who the fuck really care about that argument. Its been made for over a year repeatably. If you haven't listened yet you aren't going to. I'm also not the one who decided on the pay scale. I'd rather there are no cases but its not up to me.