Here are three good articles on vaccinating adolescents. They are worth reading to demonstrate the pros and cons, and how horrific it must be for a parent if they feel they made the wrong decision.
Many parents still haven't gotten their adolescent kids vaccinated. What are they waiting for?
Erica Kensek, a 33 year-old hospital administrator in Columbia, S.C., got vaccinated for the coronavirus as soon as she was eligible in January. Her husband, a manager at an auto service store who has an autoimmune disease, got vaccinated in March. But when vaccination became available for
Should children get COVID vaccines? What the science says
With vaccination campaigns under way in some countries while others weigh the options, Nature looks at the evidence for vaccinating younger
This Florida mother has been living in her teen daughter's ICU room for days, praying she survives Covid-19
Agnes Velasquez remembers the last words her teen daughter said before Covid-19 severely attacked her respiratory
Yep...a very good news......that's the only way to go to win this vicious battle....let"s hope the trend will continue.This seems to be good news.
US vaccination rate hits the highest pace in weeks | CNN
The rate of Covid-19 vaccinations in the United States continues to rise, a positive sign amid skyrocketing cases and hospitalizations after weeks of lagging
Carey, not CoreyPrecisely this is very important, because I want us to all get out of it together.
Corey Price couldn't win a game on his own, his teammates have to do their job.
The same goes for the Covid.
But I am being denied a freedom right now. It is the right for me to purchase a third dose of the vaccine.
But I can’t buy a third dose. The fucking governments not only controls the market through regulation but also by having exclusive purchasing rights.
But we have to wait on the third dose that would give us much better protection than trying to convince the unvaccinated to get their first two shots. Biden has floated offering the unvaccinated $100 to get vaccinated. If economics don’t work, then keep your $100 Joe.
If Pharma had sold the doses to customers, you wouldn’t have this mistrust that is invalidly directed at the government.
And if you eventually still have a hard-core group of unvaccinated that are still greatly burdening the medical system, you simply announce that hospitals will have the right to refuse admission to the unvaccinated who have COVID, if the hospital is full.
From your comments on Catherine @ Euphoria's threadCarey, not Corey
And this is a very different case. Its like the videos you see on twitter. Lets dig into it shall we?
1) Getting Vaccinated offer yourself protection against severe symptoms and death
2) You CAN STILL TRANSMIT IT (Indian variant, wich will become the dominant one soon enough unless replaced by a more dangerous one, strongest source always win)
3) If i do not get vaccinated, i may not protect MYSELF (artificially, but i trust my immunity system), and i could transmit it yes, but so do you as vaccinated
4) So if im unvacinated and transmit it to you, but you are vaccinated, you are still protected from severe symptoms right?
5) So now tell me why in the holly hell should i inject myself with something i don't want if ultimately it does not change the end result? Just so you can have "your norrmal life" because the governements have decided that to be able to do it, they need everybody injected with their product?
Sorry but i ain't buying this for a $
An anti-mask republican who burned masked on TV died of Covid days later, leabving a widow and orphan children.There is a way out of this pandemic and that is the vaccine.
I forgot another way, stay home and not go out, no shows, no restaurants, no places that are not essential.