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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
We are at the start of the 4th wave, in the fall at the pace where the delta variant will settle in we will probably be in 5th wave.

Please take vaccine.

Well i guess that meme of old Legault asking for "one last effort" in the 32nd wave ain't so far fetch

Or as Marcus would say in Gears of War (yours truly favorite game online) HOW MANY GOD DAMNED WAVE are there?

Seriously this whole wave thing is nonsense. Its like the flu, its stronger in winter, weaker in summer... in 2032 wich wave will it be? Time to STOP THE FEAR MONGERING PROPAGANDA once and for all !
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Il reste 3 semaines avant de frapper un mur... Nouvelle pub, excellente!
Oui... oh wow...je l'ai visionné hier soir pour la première fois...et oui comme on dit...ca fesse dans le dash...lol ;) ...bien fait mais surtout fort éloquent.:)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Well i guess that meme of old Legault asking for "one last effort" in the 32nd wave ain't so far fetch

Or as Marcus would say in Gears of War (yours truly favorite game online) HOW MANY GOD DAMNED WAVE are there?

Seriously this whole wave thing is nonsense. Its like the flu, its stronger in winter, weaker in summer... in 2032 wich wave will it be? Time to STOP THE FEAR MONGERING PROPAGANDA once and for all !
I agree with you it is time to stop the fear mongering, this can be achieved by getting fully vaccinated, wearing a mask indoors and trying to keep your distance wherever possible.
You do not need to be afraid if you do all this, guess what, none of this is painful, all of it is free, pretty easy to do and it makes sense.
I am not afraid I have and am doing this and if science says I need a booster shot, I will get one as soon as it is available.
I like being able to see my children, grandchildren and my ATF without any fear of being hospitalized and minimizing the chance of infecting someone else.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I agree with you it is time to stop the fear mongering, this can be achieved by getting fully vaccinated, wearing a mask indoors and trying to keep your distance wherever possible.

And you will do this for a decade? Personally i am not interested to have a facial diaper for that long, its been long already and it is actually pretty excruciating. Covid is not going away anytime soon, you should know by now. As for the vaccine i already explained many times why i chose to not take it.

You see, i do everything you just said and i don't need any of this... ;)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I will do it as long as it takes to be safe for me and others.
WTF is so difficult about wearing a mask indoors for the 30 minutes that I spend in a store or keeping your distance from strangers.
You make this out as if someone is torturing you to death each time.


Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
We are at the start of the 4th wave, in the fall at the pace where the delta variant will settle in we will probably be in 5th wave.

All unvaccinated people will be infected and will infect themselves.

We will call this wave, the wave of the unvaccinated.

Like everyone else I am really tired of living this way.
I can't wait to come back as before.

Please take vaccine.
It’s never gonna « come back as before » You’re already planning waves and waves I bet you’re still gonna count waves in 5 years from now!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Ça ne va jamais « revenir comme avant » Tu prévois déjà des vagues et des vagues Je parie que tu vas toujours compter les vagues dans 5 ans !
Ce sont à cause des variantes. Si nous étions tous vaccinés, la covid disparaîtrait car ce virus ne pourrait plus faire des mutations.
Je ne peux pas être plus clair.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I deleted my last few posts because i remembered the folly of having discussions online about this type of thing. As far as i am concerned no one here can prove they have any credentials to show they know what the fuck they are talking about anyway. I'm not about to start taking advice from people here, so i shouldn't give any either. And i don't really give a shit about anyones opinions here, so I shouldn't give mine either.
So what is the point you are trying to make that it is not worth your time to post, in that case you have just wasted some.
Since when do you need credentials to discuss something. We all have opinions right or wrong, you are not obligated to take anybodies advice.
I find Merbites are experts in many fields especially when it comes to women lol.
It is always interesting to see why someone sees something in a different way than you do, you don’t have to accept any of it but at least it can make you think and maybe understand their reasoning.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Now you compare the leadership of our government to Hitler and Stalin.

Poor you, you are in a country govern by dictators.

You are really in the wrong country.

Move to a country where there is anarchy.
Perhaps you can explain who and what this post is in response to ?
This is even strange for you lol.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I will do it as long as it takes to be safe for me and others.
WTF is so difficult about wearing a mask indoors for the 30 minutes that I spend in a store or keeping your distance from strangers.
You make this out as if someone is torturing you to death each time.

Carrying one on me at all time annoys me. Having to remove the gloves in winter, move the cap etc to put this on while its -15 degree is annoying. In summer i often stop at the store after a daily fast walk, im sweaty in the face and all, it annoys me to put this on. And of course its not just 30 mins. Most job require it now, you gotta spend a whole day with this on your face, it is indeed terrible. Im just tired of it, especially when it barely make a difference. If its airborn it certainly can slip trough the cracks. And its not just about keeping distance with strangers (altough this mean shows, conventions etc are not like they could ever go back to normal that way) its about Legault making it illegal to see even our closest friends during long period of times just cause a few cases rises.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Ce sont à cause des variantes. Si nous étions tous vaccinés, la covid disparaîtrait car ce virus ne pourrait plus faire des mutations.
Je ne peux pas être plus clair.

De 1 , les virus mute, vaccin pas vaccin il y en aurais pareil. De 2 si s'etait si facile la grippe aurais disparu. De 3 faut arretez de tout croire ce que tu vois a TVA...


Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
De 1 , les virus mute, vaccin pas vaccin il y en aurais pareil. De 2 si s'etait si facile la grippe aurais disparu. De 3 faut arretez de tout croire ce que tu vois a TVA...
Cela serait mieux d'arreter de croire tout ce que tu voit sur Facebook et youtube. Rien de scientifique sur les medias sociaux, juste des conneries.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Carrying one on me at all time annoys me. Having to remove the gloves in winter, move the cap etc to put this on while its -15 degree is annoying. In summer i often stop at the store after a daily fast walk, im sweaty in the face and all, it annoys me to put this on. And of course its not just 30 mins. Most job require it now, you gotta spend a whole day with this on your face, it is indeed terrible. Im just tired of it, especially when it barely make a difference. If its airborn it certainly can slip trough the cracks. And its not just about keeping distance with strangers (altough this mean shows, conventions etc are not like they could ever go back to normal that way) its about Legault making it illegal to see even our closest friends during long period of times just cause a few cases rises.

How can you enjoy your life, besides on this site, there is full of beautiful girls could make you happy, but according to your comments you look at your nombril, and you have no respect for these young women.

Seriously I want you to stay home, and become an expert in five fingers solo.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Seriously there are way more annoying things in life than carrying a mask around. LMAO...And all the research shows that they are quite effective and not only for covid. People should read from media like "New England Journal of Medicine" or university research papers and not social media and youtube totally unscientific hearsay. The anti everything people call us sheep but they are the real sheep who do no research themselves and just accept hearsay from social media as truth.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
How can you enjoy your life, besides on this site, there is full of beautiful girls could make you happy, but according to your comments you look at your nombril, and you have no respect for these young women.

Seriously I want you to stay home, and become an expert in five fingers solo.

You completely put words in my mouth that i never said. Where did you see that i have no respect for women? I do. And your post just simply is orange and apple, we were talking about the mask and such and you switched it on respect and being selfish? Thats obviously a false association you make.

I always enjoyed my life even with the small things i have in it. I don't need a lot, give me good games/movies, a few beers, a meeting with an escort once in a while and i am overly satisfied. I enjoyed the small things like going to the cinema once or twice a month, going to a bar maybe 4 times a year, but these times were taken from me (and everyone) by Legault for long period of times, and now they will be taken permenantly (or at least for a long while) simply base on a choice i taught long about and decided to make in a direction that does not go with what the governement want. That is unnacceptable. I think the collective hysteria and non sense that has been going on need to stop, and i want it not just for me but for EVERYONE. Am i selfish to look at the futur and hope the kids of today do not have to live in a similar regime as communist China? I don't think so.
Cela serait mieux d'arreter de croire tout ce que tu voit sur Facebook et youtube. Rien de scientifique sur les medias sociaux, juste des conneries.
Faux. Beaucoup de témoignagne d'expert médical d'un peu partout dans le monde, des gens qu'on veux bayonné ici au Quebec et qu'on ne vois pas dans les medias ou quand on les vois on essaye de les discrédité.
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Faux. Beaucoup de témoignagne d'expert médical d'un peu partout dans le monde, des gens qu'on veux bayonné ici au Quebec et qu'on ne vois pas dans les medias ou quand on les vois on essaye de les discrédité.
Ces "experts" representent peut etre 1% du domaine tandis que 99% ne sont pas daccords avec eux car ils suivent les etudes credibles. La plupart ont faits aucunes etudes scientifique selon les normes scientifiques etablis. Ils racontent des histoires qui ont aucun sense. ce sont des connards. Cest des gens qui ont invente leurs propres science. Cest pour cela quils sont discredite. They are a bunch of quacks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
De 1 , les virus mute, vaccin pas vaccin il y en aurais pareil. De 2 si s'etait si facile la grippe aurais disparu. De 3 faut arretez de tout croire ce que tu vois a TVA...
Un virus ne peut muter s'il ne se réplique pas dans son hôte. Pour COVID, l'hôte est l'humain. Par la vaccination, la réplication est de beaucoup diminuée et ainsi les probabilités de mutation le sont aussi. Pour la grippe, influenza, c'est différent. Les réplications où se produisent les mutations se produisent dans leurs hôtes de prédilection soient les canards (et autres oiseaux) et les porcs. Ces mutants passent ensuite chez l'homme. Étant donné la haute densité de population en Chine et la promiscuité, dans la campagne surtout, avec ces canards et porcs le virus passe relativement facilement de ces animaux aux humains. Il est faux de prétendre que les virus mutent "vaccins pas vaccins". Ça dépend des virus, et si tu lis les références jointes, tu comprendras pourquoi les vaccins contre influenza sont peu efficaces, à ce jour. Heureusement, ceux développés contre COVID sont exceptionnellement efficaces, 90% et plus. Sans parler du virus de la variole qui a été pratiquement éradiqué par la vaccination.

Radio-Canada, via son émission Découverte, est une source fiable d'information pour comprendre la science. TVA, plus généraliste et parfois sensationaliste, fait quand même un bon travail d'information même si ses émissions ne vont que rarement au fond des choses. Je joins aussi un article puisé dans "Le Devoir" expliquant pourquoi la Chine est un réservoir naturel de l'influenza. Bonne lecture!

Je ne me fais pas d'illusions et tu ne liras probablement pas les références fournies. Ceci sera néanmoins utile pour la majorité des gens qui veulent en savoir un peu plus.

La grippe, dans le monde, tue entre 0,3 et 0,6 millions de gens par an. À ce jour COVID a tué 4,4 millions de personnes. C'est de la pure ignorance ou de la mauvaise foi de faire un parallèle entre les deux.

Voici un schéma illustrant comment la grippe atteint différentes espèces. Bien qu'il y ait, à l'origine, 5 virus différents pour la grippe (chez le canard), 1 seul affecte l'homme, l'influenza.

grippe virus entre espèces.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
La grippe, dans le monde, tue entre 0,3 et 0,6 millions de gens par an. À ce jour COVID a tué 4,4 millions de personnes. C'est de la pure ignorance ou de la mauvaise foi de faire un parallèle entre les deux.
Bonne information.
Oublions pas que la grippe tue entre 0.3 et 0.6 sans restrictions sanitaires. Le 4.4Million est avec des restriction sévères.
Imagine si on aurait rien fait.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
^^^^^^^^ Il faut cependant reconnaître que, depuis longtemps, les populations asiatiques ont adopté le port du masque, dans les transports en commun entre autres, lorsque la situation l'exige. Que ce soit contre les contaminations par les virus et bactéries ou contre les particules en suspension dans l'air dû à la pollution, ils adoptent spontanément le masque lorsque approprié. Nous devrions suivre cet exemple dans les années à venir. En tout cas, je le ferai.
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