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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
The government didn’t stand in front of this kid to protect her through its regulatory powers, it just got in her way.
You know why the vaccines are not yet approved for kids under 12, simply lack of scientific datas, following procedures.. But those datas are now accumulating and in a few months we should expect Pfizer vaccines being approved for 5-12 years old. Meanwhile, 12 and over can protect this younger population by getting vaccinated and applying other required actions when advised by the scientific community. Sadly, in US, not much people are vaccinated, less than 52%, considering a target of 75-80%. If you compare those numbers with what is going on in Canada (64% of the population fully vaccinated), USA is a clear lagger. For now I do not blame FDA. I blame adults playing political games and not going to get a vaccine and even standing against wearing a mask in school. Do you think those "parents" will want their kids being vaccinated? Happy to live in Canada!

From your post (thanks for it) I learned that a pediatrician Association ask the FDA to change their way: "The AAP argued the FDA should authorize the vaccines for kids ages 5 to 11 based on the initial trial data already available. Two months of safety data should also be enough, it said. "Waiting on a 6-month follow-up will significantly hinder the ability to reduce the spread of the hyper infectious Covid-19 delta variant," the letter said."
But at the end of the day FDA follows its guidance. For me 6 months seems reasonable.
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Jun 29, 2021
Perso je n'ai rien contre le port du masque et autres moyens qui vont en ce sens. Ça me dérange pas non plus d'éviter les restos et autre si nécécessaire à cause du pass sanitaire. Mais là où ça deviens grave, c'est quand les gens commencent à vouloir te forcer à te faire vacciner quand tu es déjà en bonne santé.

Dans ma région, un seul décès de moins de 50 ans depuis le début de la pandémie, c'est complètement ridicule.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sadly, in US, not much people are vaccinated, less than 52%, considering a target of 75-80%. If you compare those numbers with what is going on in Canada (64% of the population fully vaccinated), USA is a clear lagger.
I wonder who is responsibly for that, I know there was someone who made all kinds of promises and was actually handed several approved vaccines on a silver platter, all he had to do was distribute and convince the nation.

I guess he forgot. I agree, very sad indeed. So much for promises they are only good prior election.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
^^^^^^ You wonder? Come on! I guess you are talking about the present administration. It did a great job organizing the vaccine distribution but you know: One can bring a horse to the water but no one can force it to drink. if you want shoot a target, chose the right one. Living in denial does not change reality.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Living in denial does not change reality.
You see somehow I knew you would understand.
Perhaps you should change the horse that is leading, you would then have a better chance at finding water.
I would not want to refer to him as a horses ass but there are approved vaccines by the millions, now why is it that he can’t keep his promises, yeah I know it is not his fault lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Or you could give the power to doctors to prescribe a vaccination shot to kids under 12 based on the judgement of the doctor and consultation with parents. Of course, you need tort reform, which we never seem to get in the U.S.

It would likely save a lot of lives in comparison to waiting for studies and the FDA to move.

I simply don’t think government does anything here. The vaccines were developed by good companies. I would trust the opinion of their scientists as to which children the vaccine is safe for.
Perhaps you need some kind of Warp Speed approach, no that was only good once, it probably saved millions of lives around the world but who is counting right .
The main thing is now we have an administration that will heap study upon study while kids are getting sick.
It must be so comforting to know that red tape is back in style and here to stay again.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
^^^^^^^^ Il faut cependant reconnaître que, depuis longtemps, les populations asiatiques ont adopté le port du masque, dans les transports en commun entre autres, lorsque la situation l'exige. Que ce soit contre les contaminations par les virus et bactéries ou contre les particules en suspension dans l'air dû à la pollution, ils adoptent spontanément le masque lorsque approprié. Nous devrions suivre cet exemple dans les années à venir. En tout cas, je le ferai.
Bien d'accord...belle sagesse--prudence à adopter.....faudra s'y vie ne sera plus jamais la même IMHO.....surtout pour ceux--qui comme moi--sommes plus vulné cela vaudra aussi pour une certaine distanciation. à conserver........
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
^^^^^^ You wonder? Come on! I guess you are talking about the present administration. It did a great job organizing the vaccine distribution but you know: One can bring a horse to the water but no one can force it to drink. if you want shoot a target, chose the right one. Living in denial does not change reality.
..surtout quand certains Gouverneurs et Sénateurs irresponsables s'en mê risque de faire déborder les hôpitaux comme c'est le cas et de multiplier les décès.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
..surtout quand certains Gouverneurs et Sénateurs irresponsables s'en mê risque de faire déborder les hôpitaux comme c'est le cas et de multiplier les décès.
What happened to the buck stops at the Presidency, guess it depends who the President is.
There was no qualms about blaming the previous ass hole when he fucked up, why the two tier system?
Yep, evil Republicans again lol. Guess this forgetfulness is more contagious than covid.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
You see somehow I knew you would understand.
Perhaps you should change the horse that is leading, you would then have a better chance at finding water.
I would not want to refer to him as a horses ass but there are approved vaccines by the millions, now why is it that he can’t keep his promises, yeah I know it is not his fault lol.
You got it wrong... in this moto, the horse is the citizen who got offered water (the vaccine) and refused to drink (take the vaccine). A lot of those horses even fought and are still fighting against drinking the provided water (taking the vaccine and/or wearing mask). Stop the "blame game" and go out to promote vaccination that is what should be done now in USA.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
No you should put the blame squarely on shoulders of the asshole in chief in charge right now and stop with all the excuses and horse shit if you will pardon the pun. He is the one that made promises of a certain percentage of people being vaccinated by a certain date.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
No you should put the blame squarely on shoulders of the asshole in chief in charge right now and stop with all the excuses and horse shit if you will pardon the pun. He is the one that made promises of a certain percentage of people being vaccinated by a certain date.

If you were him, what would you have done to get more people to accept vaccination ?

For one I would have pushed to end the "emergency use" label.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
A third shot is coming soon....very soon. Those who don`t have any shots are going to be even more isolated and in danger of ending in the hospital.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yes.... US recommend third booster shots after 8 month fully vaccinated for vulnerable populations such as heath workers and old populations + sure we will do the same here soon.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I was thinking of getting one anyway.
You can get one simply by walking in to a vaccination sight and saying that you need it for travelling because you have a mixed dose right now, no questions asked.
Only problem for me is then I would have a mixed dose of three vaccines, Covishield ( even though it is identical to AZ not all countries recognize it as such ) AZ and third would be Pfizer.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
But if he/she is an international air traveler, and tests positive for the bad cold outside the U.S. while traveling abroad but in the process of trying to return to the U.S., he/she gets detained in the foreign country until the bad cold goes away.
Their is not such a test for a bad cold. Stop playing with words. A COVID test is perform. Nobody is detained in foreign countries. First they are forbidden to take the plane by US authorities and second they should quarantine. Then, if they want to take an other plane to enter USA, they have to test negative to COVID. All this because what you call a "cold" is not a "cold" and because of the COVID delta variant which is highly contagious and more severe than the original virus from 1 year ago. Get informed and stop this propaganda that is misleading people. You will not convince anybody but yourself and some followers who don't give a sh... about the truth.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Playing with words lol
So nobody is detained they are just quarantined and forbidden to go outside.
Strange how some people put themselves up on a pedestal and whole heartedly believe their version of things is the truth.
I don’t think they can actually handle the truth or someone claiming a different version of the truth than theirs.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Playing with words lol
So nobody is detained they are just quarantined and forbidden to go outside.
Strange how some people put themselves up on a pedestal and whole heartedly believe their version of things is the truth.
I don’t think they can actually handle the truth or someone claiming a different version of the truth than theirs.
^^^^^^ I suppose those are "alternate facts" as defined by a former advisor on the previous administration.
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