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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Valentine had been a skeptic of coronavirus vaccines.
But after he tested positive for COVID-19, and prior to his hospitalization, he told his listeners to consider, "If I get this COVID thing, do I have a chance of dying from it?" If so, he advised them to get vaccinated.
He said he chose not to get vaccinated because he thought he probably wouldn't die.

After Valentine was moved into a critical care unit, Mark Valentine said his brother regretted that "he wasn't a more vocal advocate of the vaccination."

"I know if he were able to tell you this, he would tell you, go get vaccinated. Quit worrying about the politics. Quit worrying about all the conspiracy theories," Mark Valentine told The Tennessean on July 25.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

New York City will require public school teachers and staff to get vaccinated against COVID-19, Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Monday, part of a push to get more residents vaccinated and slow the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

Valentine had been a skeptic of coronavirus vaccines.
But after he tested positive for COVID-19, and prior to his hospitalization, he told his listeners to consider, "If I get this COVID thing, do I have a chance of dying from it?" If so, he advised them to get vaccinated.
He said he chose not to get vaccinated because he thought he probably wouldn't die.

After Valentine was moved into a critical care unit, Mark Valentine said his brother regretted that "he wasn't a more vocal advocate of the vaccination."

"I know if he were able to tell you this, he would tell you, go get vaccinated. Quit worrying about the politics. Quit worrying about all the conspiracy theories," Mark Valentine told The Tennessean on July 25.
It takes some, more time to see the light.
The three Stars at Fox News (Fucked News, Carlson, Hannity and the blond nut case) are promoting Drug used for horses to cure Covid.
For men, perhaps they hope that secondary effect will be becoming hung like a horse !
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
BTW, under 12 has not been approved anywhere in the world. The UK does not wait for the FDA.
But, in Israel, the Health Ministry told Israel’s healthcare providers that they can administer coronavirus vaccines to children aged 5-11 who have serious background illnesses that could make them more vulnerable to COVID-19. Authorizations for individual children must be granted by the healthcare provider and then be validated by the ministry. The ministry’s policy would be to minimize the number of authorizations and issue them only for those with the highest risk, it said. The Health Ministry said the medical conditions that could warrant such authorization include extreme obesity (BMI over the 99th percentile for age and sex), severe chronic lung illness, neurodevelopment disorders, congestive heart failure, sickle cell anemia and severe autoimmune diseases.
Time of Israel July 29th 2021


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

A million-dollar machine to help make mRNA coronavirus vaccines has arrived in Melbourne.

The technology will help Victorian scientists begin human trials of a new Australian-made COVID-19 vaccine before the end of the year.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Having the machine is one thing. Operating the machine is easy, even if the product is quite not stable. The other part is, once you get your product, you should kind of embedding it in a special lipid mixture (those mixtures are patented). This embedding will protect mRNA from degradation and will allow the product to get into your cells that will read the mRNA and product the protein that is actually the vaccine. This protein will then get in your blood and then your immune system will respond with antibodies and other factors that will protect you against an infection from the real virus. The video in senehos'post explains what is going on. This one is the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine. But remember producing in large scale is different from what we see in this video. It will take time to build the completed setup. All this has to be in a completely sterile environment. They do not produce vitamins there... it is something that will be injected to humans. You can't afford any mistakes or contamination.

Take note that Moderna already announced they will produce mRNA vaccine in Canada.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
New CDC study---in line with other from US and around the world.......vaccine effectiveness BEFORE DELTA 91%.......AFTER DELTA 66%......but still effectiveness remains high vs hospitalization and death.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
After, USA, Israel, UK and others, FRANCE will give a third shot to its 65+ population to improve this 66% effectiveness toward the delta variant. A notable diminution of antibodies and memory cells is measured 6 months after the second shot. Authorities from France will provide this third shot 6 months after the second shot and no more than 12 months after this second shot. It's possible that this third shot will increase both antibody levels and memory cells to a level that we might never need a 4th shot said Dr Fauci on this subject.

Of course, if a new more contagious and dangerous variant appears, it's a different story. All this illustrates why it usually takes 3 to 5 years to establish a protocol for a new vaccine. Now we are learning while using it but this shit is so dangerous that governments had no choice but to give emergency approval.

Other countries were not so lucky. Some don't have vaccines at all. Others, has less efficient ones as China and Russia. Cuba, have 3 different vaccines (old school technology) and 3 shots are needed. But at least they produce them themselves and all the Cuban population will have access to those vaccines. Vaccination in Cuba started last june. Today 17% are vaccinated (not sure if they consider 2 or 3 shots) and 27% received one shot. Cuba claims their vaccine is 98% efficient. Not sure of the exactness of those data and I doubt they have significant datas for the delta variant. You might read this article from Reuters:


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Anti-vaccines are also against confinement, one thing I don't understand is that by not wanting to take the vaccine, they put themselves in confinement. :oops:
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
When I think of the anti-vaxx, and they complain that they live in a country where their freedom is not respected, then think of the Afghans.
Maybe compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges. Also its precisely the point of not allowing such intrusive measures to pass NOW to not become like China or these type of countries

Anti-vaccines are also against confinement, one thing I don't understand is that by not wanting to take the vaccine, they put themselves in confinement. :oops:

Again you are so out of touch. We could totally just LIVE WITH THE VIRUS. The vaccinated at risk are protected. By not taking the vaccine its only a risk for us. Honestly i would be willing to sign a formal paper saying that if i get Covid i relinquish medical assistance by hospital if it mean i could avoid vaccine/confinement/passeport.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Winterfell DELTA AIR LINES va pénaliser ----surcharge de 200,00 /mois sur leur assurance maladie-----leurs employés non vaccinés......cette mesure devrait assez

Ou alors ils vont trouver une autre job. J'ai hate de voir le system de santé perdre meme juste 5% de ces employées, il est deja a genous... lol. Meme chose pour les profs, ils manque de profs, meme juste 5% va poser probleme. Bon les profs sont quand meme mieux payer, peut-etre la perte sera moins grosse, mais l'infirmiere qui fait des heure de fou, du temps suplementaire obligatoire, qui est deja a boute, mais qui la se fait dire "prend le vaccin ou demissione" ... haha jpense yen a un bon nombre qui vont demissioner moi... C'a paye pas "mal" l infirmiere mais c'est une des job les plus dur.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Again you are so out of touch. We could totally just LIVE WITH THE VIRUS. The vaccinated at risk are protected. By not taking the vaccine its only a risk for us. Honestly i would be willing to sign a formal paper saying that if i get Covid i relinquish medical assistance by hospital if it mean i could avoid vaccine/confinement/passeport.
Such BS or are you really that ill informed ? . There are thousands of anti-vaxxers on ventilators and clogging up ER`s who think just like you. At the end they are begging to be vaccinated but alas its too late.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Ou alors ils vont trouver une autre job. J'ai hate de voir le system de santé perdre meme juste 5% de ces employées, il est deja a genous... lol. Meme chose pour les profs, ils manque de profs, meme juste 5% va poser probleme. Bon les profs sont quand meme mieux payer, peut-etre la perte sera moins grosse, mais l'infirmiere qui fait des heure de fou, du temps suplementaire obligatoire, qui est deja a boute, mais qui la se fait dire "prend le vaccin ou demissione" ... haha jpense yen a un bon nombre qui vont demissioner moi... C'a paye pas "mal" l infirmiere mais c'est une des job les plus dur.
Commentaire hors-propos car tu réponds à un post concernant Delta, une compagnie privée de transport aérien aux USA. Au Canada et au Québec en particulier les soins de santé sont en grande majorité couvert par un système public universel. Aux USA la grande majorité des gens sont couverts par un système privé payés par eux et/ou leurs employeurs. Les plus pauvres ont une couverture minimum assuré par le gouvernement. Un autre système gouvernemental assure une couverture très limité aux retraités. Certains n'ont aucune couvertures... Ce qui pourrait arriver ici c'est qu'une compagnie d'assurance cesse de payer certains avantages comme les journées maladies pour un non-vacciné en cas de COVID, refuse de payer certains traitements (Radiographies faites au privé), augmente les franchises pour ces services, etc. Bref une bien meilleure couverture au Canada qu'aux USA, sans compter le coût exorbitant des médicaments beaucoup plus cher chez nos voisins du sud. Revenons au Québec. Si tu étais infirmier ou enseignant à $60,000 par année, tu quitterais ta job pour aller travailler au salaire minimum chez Dollarama pour ta sacro-sainte liberté? C'est facile à dire mais plus difficile à faire. Ceci dit c'est vrai que c'est difficile de se dévouer dans le système de santé pour des zigotos qui refusent de se faire vacciner. Plusieurs sont carrément ecoeurés et l'expriment publiquement. Seule la vaccination et l'application du passeport vaccinal peut les soulager dans leur dur travail.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Seule la vaccination et l'application du passeport vaccinal peut les soulager dans leur dur travail.
On a vraiment mare de ces commentaires de bullie qui racontent n'importe quoi et impose leurs points de vue. Si toutes ces methods fonctionaient La COVID auraient déjà disparu. Mais non, toujours plus de cas même si on est déjà entre 70 et 80 pourcent vacciné. C'est du n' importe quoi ces mesures et ces vaccins. C'est devenu une agenda politique pas plus. J'ai posé la question a plusieurs infirmier si ils etaient convaincu du vaccin. Leur réponse est toujours oui et non.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
On a vraiment mare de ces commentaires de bullie qui racontent n'importe quoi et impose leurs points de vue. Si toutes ces methods fonctionaient La COVID auraient déjà disparu. Mais non, toujours plus de cas même si on est déjà entre 70 et 80 pourcent vacciné. C'est du n' importe quoi ces mesures et ces vaccins. C'est devenu une agenda politique pas plus. J'ai posé la question a plusieurs infirmier si ils etaient convaincu du vaccin. Leur réponse est toujours oui et non.
Unfortunately we see that many people have no idea what a virus is.


It's weird because I have a nurse in my condo building, who works in a big hospital, and here is her comment "100% of people in intensive care are unvaccinated"


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Unfortunately we see that many people have no idea what a virus is.


It's weird because I have a nurse in my condo building, who works in a big hospital, and here is her comment "100% of people in intensive care are unvaccinated"
Yesterday in Montreal, a man has seen an open heart surgery cancelled because 4 non-vaccinated Covid patients engorged the Intensive Care unit.
Hourra for the anti-vaccine idiots !
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