Now you are being funny lol.^^^^^^ I suppose those are "alternate facts" as defined by a former advisor on the previous administration.
Now you are being funny lol.^^^^^^ I suppose those are "alternate facts" as defined by a former advisor on the previous administration.
Death is the ultimate disaster but we also should note that about 25% of hospitalized people have what is called "long COVID'. Some can more or less recuperate within 6-9 months of different symptoms from lost of taste and smell, extreme fatigue, not able to walk more than a few minutes difficulties to breath, etc. For others they have symptoms similar to chronic Lyme disease or even fibromyalgie. So it is about time to cease thinking that if you get out (survive) of the hospital you are all right. Being tested, even if fully vaccinated, does make sense because, again, no vaccine is 100% efficient and it is for yours and the public protection. The only way to ensure this public protection is through quarantine. For travelers, it also allow monitoring of new variant being imported. The threat to economy and tourism is the contamination, not the tests. Vaccination and tests are both essential for all economic activity including tourism.It might not affect you, but it does harm a hell of a lot of people, particularly in the travel and tourism industries, which will not recover until the vaccinated are permitted to travel without the possibility of having to be quarantined with a positive test.
Je ne me fais pas d'illusions et tu ne liras probablement pas les références fournies. Ceci sera néanmoins utile pour la majorité des gens qui veulent en savoir un peu plus.
Justement ! Moi je suis pas d'accord avec ca. Bon deja comme j'ai dit, le masque partout sa suffit ! A quelque endroits nevralgique comme hopitaux et transport en commun bondé je peux comprendre et accepter, mais pas partout !! Pas un dep de village...Bien d'accord...belle sagesse--prudence à adopter.....faudra s'y vie ne sera plus jamais la même IMHO.....surtout pour ceux--qui comme moi--sommes plus vulné cela vaudra aussi pour une certaine distanciation. à conserver........
Je croyais que le "plan" était de faire une deuxième dose pour beaucoup d'enfants 12-17 a l'entrée scolaire. Si c'est le cas on devrait voir un petit blip d'ici 2 semaines.QUÉBEC......85 % une dose......74% deux doses.....on progresse bien...mais encore un petit effort...on se dirige vers les en prendra encore davantage.....mais on est sur la bonne route..
The guy is a hero....he died to save other lunatics.
Vocal anti-vaccine and anti-Fauci right wing radio host Dick Farrell has died of COVID-19 complications.
I would say more "of the illuminated"The guy is a hero....he died to save other lunatics.
Does anyone really think that a vaccine that didn’t kill 90 year olds is going to kill 11 year olds?