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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉ conf. de presse LEGAULT -DUBÉ.....good new 85% des personnes éligibles ont recu une première dose----impressionnant---et les 2 visent 80% d'ici 2 semaines avec les 2 doses....ce serait excellent MAIS selon LEGAULT le variant DELTA --plus
contagieux et sévère....a changé la donne.....faut donc encore inviter plus de citoyens à se faire vacciner pour la 1ère dose et inviter les autres à devancer leur 2ème dose avant Septembre.....ARRUDA parle même aujourd'hui de viser 95% pour les fully
Selon LEGAULT la 4ème vague s'installe et forcera encore plus d'hospitalisation.....alors vivement la vaccination.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
It might not affect you, but it does harm a hell of a lot of people, particularly in the travel and tourism industries, which will not recover until the vaccinated are permitted to travel without the possibility of having to be quarantined with a positive test.
Death is the ultimate disaster but we also should note that about 25% of hospitalized people have what is called "long COVID'. Some can more or less recuperate within 6-9 months of different symptoms from lost of taste and smell, extreme fatigue, not able to walk more than a few minutes difficulties to breath, etc. For others they have symptoms similar to chronic Lyme disease or even fibromyalgie. So it is about time to cease thinking that if you get out (survive) of the hospital you are all right. Being tested, even if fully vaccinated, does make sense because, again, no vaccine is 100% efficient and it is for yours and the public protection. The only way to ensure this public protection is through quarantine. For travelers, it also allow monitoring of new variant being imported. The threat to economy and tourism is the contamination, not the tests. Vaccination and tests are both essential for all economic activity including tourism.

And by the way, it does affect me but I'm happy to contribute. I'm fully vaccinated since june. I have to go outside Canada by airplane in a few weeks. I will get tested within 72 hours before getting on the plane and when I will arrive to Canada. If unexpectedly I tested positive then, my quarantine plan is all set. We have to get through this pandemic together!


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Je ne me fais pas d'illusions et tu ne liras probablement pas les références fournies. Ceci sera néanmoins utile pour la majorité des gens qui veulent en savoir un peu plus.

I didn't read absolutely all but i checked around the links and there is some good information. I find it interesting to see the return of H1N1 was a lab escape. They say Covid is probably as well altough not proven. Basically humans are responsible for their own misery. Now the question is, was it on purpose or accidental... ahemmm. I don't want to go into "conspiracy" stuff as its easier to get fingers pointed at when you don't follow the gov narrative but its a question worth asking i think. Even tough we will most likely never get an official reply.

If i follow what the articles said, the virus stayed around til they were outclassed by another virus, so as i been saying from the start Covid is there to stay... so as long as the govs do not understand this and allow us to live WITH IT, we will never be back to "normal" then...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Bien d'accord...belle sagesse--prudence à adopter.....faudra s'y vie ne sera plus jamais la même IMHO.....surtout pour ceux--qui comme moi--sommes plus vulné cela vaudra aussi pour une certaine distanciation. à conserver........
Justement ! Moi je suis pas d'accord avec ca. Bon deja comme j'ai dit, le masque partout sa suffit ! A quelque endroits nevralgique comme hopitaux et transport en commun bondé je peux comprendre et accepter, mais pas partout !! Pas un dep de village...

Et je ne veux pas d'une vie ou les gens on tous peur des autres et ne veulent plus se raprocher. Je repense par exemple au show de musique ou on se rentre dedans, ou souvent j'ai pogner des rhumes parce que le monde se souffle dessus, se postillone dessus etc, mais je m'en foutais, sa valais la peine, s'etait le fun ! Ou encore les VIP meeting, ou j'ai pus prendre des photos collé collé avec ma chanteuse favorite, cote a cote avec certain de mes chanteur favoris etc. Ou les comiccons... meme chose, la plupart des artistes invité etait d'accord a se coller sur toi voir meme un bras sur l'epaule. Ces plate si ces finis sa... J'ai pas envie d'allez dans un comiccon ou faut attendre tout le temps pour respecter des 1 metres et ou les artistes sont dans des cubes de plexi...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
^^^^^^ J'aspire aussi à retourner à une vie plus normale. Je crois seulement qu'il y a encore un effort à fournir... C'est comme le dernier 25% d'un marathon. Le pire est derrière nous, mais il ne faut pas lâcher trop vite. Ce qui m'encourage, c'est que les efforts que nous avons fait, au Québec, ces derniers 6 mois, restrictions et vaccinations ont été payants. Allez, on lâche pas!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
....par rapport à la distanciation.....1 mètre.....cela personnellement ne me cause aucun problè m' facon NATURELLE et depuis presque toujours ---sauf avec famille, amis et n'ai jamais aimé sentir la présence d'un inconnu

près de moi, derrière si je suis quelqu'un je vais ralentir ou le dépasser.....j'évite aussi les foules et les attroupements......comme mentionné c'est dans ma nature profonde. Cela ne veut pas dire que je ne vais pas dans des endroits achalandés---cinéma--

restos---centre d'achats--épicerie--etc........mais même là je reste dans ma bulle autant que faire se peut......évidemment distanciation à 2 mètres était plus problématique.....mais à 1 mètre absolument aucun problème pour moi.

À l'égard du port du masque....PERSONNELLEMENT je crois que jais conserver l'habitude de le porter là ou il y a n'aime pas vraiment la sensation....mais je préfère ne prendre aucun risque.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I am in favor of compulsory vaccination for health personnel.
This virus foiled all our forecasts.

Because an aunt's best friend, resident in an RPA in Lanaudière, died of covid after being infected by an unvaccinated attendant.
She was 84 and she still had several years ahead of her.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
^^^^^^^^^ Same here, a friend died in similar circumstances
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Arruda sets a new vaccine target of 95% (with good reasons if anyone is interested)


Step 1 make healthcare workers mandatory
Step 2 add more passport restrictions
Step 3 education workers mandatory
Step 4 add more passport restrictions
Step 5 civil servants
Step 6 add more passport restrictions

until he gets there.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

TORONTO - Elected members of provincial parliament will be removed from Ontario’s governing Progressive Conservative caucus if they don’t get vaccinated against COVID-19.

A spokeswoman for Premier Doug Ford is confirming to The Canadian Press that MPPs have been directed to take the shots in order to stay in caucus.

Ivana Yelich says it’s the government’s expectation "that every single PC caucus member and candidate be vaccinated” given that their work requires daily interaction with the public.

Yelich didn’t give a date by which members are expected to be vaccinated.

Ford has previously said he’s against mandating vaccinations because he considers it a constitutional right not to take the vaccines.

Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca called earlier on Tuesday for mandatory vaccinations for all MPPs.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC......85 % une dose......74% deux doses.....on progresse bien...mais encore un petit effort...on se dirige vers les en prendra encore davantage.....mais on est sur la bonne route. :) .
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
QUÉBEC......85 % une dose......74% deux doses.....on progresse bien...mais encore un petit effort...on se dirige vers les en prendra encore davantage.....mais on est sur la bonne route. :) .
Je croyais que le "plan" était de faire une deuxième dose pour beaucoup d'enfants 12-17 a l'entrée scolaire. Si c'est le cas on devrait voir un petit blip d'ici 2 semaines.

Mais la grande victoire sera quand Mike dit oui :)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
:) Done......FDA fully approves PFIZER-BIONTECH Covid vaccine....very good news with still 29% of eligible peoples or 82 millions non vaccinated....schools, business....will now mandate the vaccine....should give a significative boost.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Agree....matter of you know FDA is a serious institution....PFIZER was authorized DEC 11, 2020 for emergency use authorization....MODERNA Dec.18,2020 BUT on JUNE 25 2021 FDA revised the use cause of SUGGESTED increased of myocarditis and pericarditis.....August 12 they again allowed MODERNA for also emergency use....IMHO this could explain the delay.....should follow soon.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Does anyone really think that a vaccine that didn’t kill 90 year olds is going to kill 11 year olds?

I share your frustration.

But while I am not a doctor, I do know that pre-puberty, puberty, child bearing years, pre-menopause, post-menopause, "meet me at the old folks home" and cleo's dayTime age groups for women are quite different biologically :)

If you look at the vaccine "side effects", although minor, they were more prevalent in specific age groups.

BTW, under 12 has not been approved anywhere in the world. The UK does not wait for the FDA.
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