At least 7 anti-vaccine, anti-mask, and/or COVID-skeptical right wing radio hosts have died of COVID-19
Pfizer and Moderna both said that boosters are necessary. That is who we should listen to. They have done the studies, and they know their product.
You don't even know de difference between capitalism, socialism, communism and social democracy to speak like that. You just throw up words hoping they make sens but they don't. Democratic government created CDC, FDA and other scientific regulatory agencies to study, make recommandations or apply what they conclude is the best to do in a time point. Trying to push a politic agenda doesn't help. People under 65 received their shot lately and are not yet depleted in antibodies and do not need, for the most part, a booster shot right now. The situation might be different in 3-4 months. For now, the most important thing for the American administration is to find a way to convince stupid people who refused to get vaccinated to change their mind. I don't have the magic recipe as it looks like there is no cure against stupidity. Times are rough now in USA.I have said it before, but I will say it again.
What the fuck did we do here, by allowing these goddamn government agencies to become more powerful than even the President of the United States?
Now I know most Americans can cross a state line and get an unauthorized booster shot by saying there third shot is their first shot, but it is the principle of it that bothers me.
FDA advisers first rejected Pfizer's booster application -- but then voted to recommend a third shot for certain Americans | CNN
Advisers to the US Food and Drug Administration on Friday voted unanimously to recommend emergency use authorization of Pfizer's booster shot six months after full vaccination in Americans 65 and older as well as those at high risk of severe
The vaccine is developed by a pharmaceutical company. A consumer gets the shot. The consumer would often listen to his/her doctor as to whether to get a shot, and the booster. And in a normal capitalist system, that consumer would purchase the shot from a medical provider.
Even Ol’Joe said to get a booster, and he was getting the supply for us.
The U.S. plans to offer booster shots next month. Some health experts are wary.
Officials said data showing decline in vaccines' protection against the Delta variant prompted the
But a bunch of nameless, faceless, unelected people met today and decided who is, and who is not, eligible for the booster in the U.S. Those over 65 are eligible, and certain others that are left largely undefined.
Ww aren’t taking about who is eligible for a free shot in the government cheese and butter line. Since the government controls the vaccination distribution system, the only line is the government cheese and butter line.
It is a hell of a lot like Communism. But without a powerful leader.
Bizarre, first you claim being in accord with Patron. Patron said non-elected people should not decide... (CDC and FDA are non elected) True, he also said he does not want the government to decide... At the end, you conclude: " Vaccinations and matters of health should be decided by the doctors".... It is difficult to follow your reasoning guys. you shoot in all directions.@Patron
Exactly. The issue is the government is involved too much in every aspect of your lives including vaccinations and health. Government turned this about politics it is no longer about protecting ppl anymore it is about gaining votes and winning the next election. Whatever government touches they ruin. As you can see from this board those who love Socialism is growing in numbers. Some never learn from history. Vaccinations and matters of health should be decided by the doctors not the government. My two cents.
The FDA falls under the executive branch of the US government and the CDC is a federal agency founded by congress making both part of the government. Like Patron said these are non-elected agencies and cannot be voted out.Bizarre, first you claim being in accord with Patron. Patron said non-elected people should not decide... (CDC and FDA are non elected) True, he also said he does not want the government to decide... At the end, you conclude: " Vaccinations and matters of health should be decided by the doctors".... It is difficult to follow your reasoning guys. you shoot in all directions.
That is not entirely true either depends where you live. and what kind of medical insurance.Incorrect. If at work a person that is identical to me except for the fact he is 300 pounds, has high blood pressure, diabetic, etc. our health insurance costs are still exactly the same. Pre existing conditions do not determine the cost of medical insurance.
Pre-Existing Conditions
Under current law, health insurance companies can’t refuse to cover you or charge you more just because you have a “pre-existing condition” — that is, a health problem you had before the date that new health coverage starts. They also can’t charge women more than
Thank fucking God these agencies can't be voted out. Can you imagine? If they were held to account by public opinion? They would only do things that win popularity contests and not do what they were meant to do, like make public health decisions based on experts and not a bunch of people whinging all the time about things they know little about.
I would pay them a visit to a jail cell or take away their Quebec health insurance card.Anti-vaccines are demonstrating today in front of Henri-Bourassa school in Montreal.
Please, the police can you intervene.
Very good idea.I would pay them a visit to a jail cell or take away their Quebec health insurance card.
An economist would measure the number of children getting Covid during the FDA review period as a cost.
Anti-vaccine activists: Quebec is considering a special law to ban demonstrations near schools and hospitals.
One law is not enough. I would send them to work in intensive care with the covid patients.