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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
If I had my way there wouldn’t be a vaccine passport. The supposedly mild incentive created by vaccine passports didn’t work, and the expansion of it to requiring the vaccinated to test negative for Covid in certain situations such as for travel is a major violation of rights. Once some places started requiring proof of vaccine, there had to be some mechanism for conformity to let the vaccinated show proof. But if it hadn’t started anywhere, that wouldn’t be necessary.

But I do think the vaccine clearly reduces hospitalization and death. Now strictly speaking, I can tolerate higher acceptable death rate, as apparently most Americans do, at least in comparison to the majority of folks in Quebec (or at least some of those who post on merb). So I am not that distressed when people keep posting about how the U.S. has a higher per-capita death rate than Canada. I am not a fan of lockdowns, but I have no interest in letting the unvaccinated destroy the healthcare system. So I think hospitals should be allowed to do a prioritization mechanism that puts Covid children patients first, vaccinated/boosted Covid adult patients second, vaccinated Covid adult patients third, adult patients with non-Covid medical issues fourth (unless it is a life threatening emergency), and then non vaccinated adult Covid patients last, if there is room. That would be the only vaccine passport I would use. If they are so smart and so right about not getting the vaccine, they should have no objection to that.

If this were in place, non vaccinated would get no care today. Do you see that happening i.e letting the non vaccinated out in the cold ?

And I'd love to hear Franco and Mike say they'd be ok with this
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
If I had my way there wouldn’t be a vaccine passport. The supposedly mild incentive created by vaccine passports didn’t work, and the expansion of it to requiring the vaccinated to test negative for Covid in certain situations such as for travel is a major violation of rights. Once some places started requiring proof of vaccine, there had to be some mechanism for conformity to let the vaccinated show proof. But if it hadn’t started anywhere, that wouldn’t be necessary.

But I do think the vaccine clearly reduces hospitalization and death. Now strictly speaking, I can tolerate higher acceptable death rate, as apparently most Americans do, at least in comparison to the majority of folks in Quebec (or at least some of those who post on merb). So I am not that distressed when people keep posting about how the U.S. has a higher per-capita death rate than Canada. I am not a fan of lockdowns, but I have no interest in letting the unvaccinated destroy the healthcare system. So I think hospitals should be allowed to do a prioritization mechanism that puts Covid children patients first, vaccinated/boosted Covid adult patients second, vaccinated Covid adult patients third, adult patients with non-Covid medical issues fourth (unless it is a life threatening emergency), and then non vaccinated adult Covid patients last, if there is room. That would be the only vaccine passport I would use. If they are so smart and so right about not getting the vaccine, they should have no objection to that.
If the purpose is to punish the non vaccinated, then that segregation would make sense. However, if a non vaccinated idea is to develop natural immunity, and is willing to take a risk, then his only recourse is the hospital if things get bad. The Vaccinated, should in principle be at very low risk, so Hospitalization should be a last resort for them. In terms of cost, remember that Non Vaccinated pay taxes, so we paid for your Vaccines (3 of them :)) too. The government must allow such thinking and perspective, and accommodate them. Claiming that the Vaccine way is the only way for a Virus that has a low kill ratio is not acceptable. Why should a low risk person take the Vaccine if he is not really convinced of it? It is his right to try a different approach. The media has so much marketed the Vaccine approach that it looks like the most promising and the only one. The first reality was that the situation remain unchanged overall. We are going through the same measures we did before the Vaccine. The experts did exaggerate its success rate at first. Who says they are not exaggerating its success rate still? We know for a fact that most survive it, so there should be room left for those willing to take that road. By all means, people at risk should be advise and even pressured to take the Vaccine, but the others, natural immunity is able to cope with COVID. Understanding each other's perspective is the best solution to get out of this crisis. If the government is going to keep mandatory Vaccines, man radicalization is the only result from this. They are making a bad situation worst by creating other set of problems.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
I don’t agree with your position, but you are helping me understand the Legault fellow.

If the early statistics are correct, this Omicron wave will send a lot of unvaccinated to the hospital.

Hospitals have limited resources, and it has been pointed out that the hospital resources of Quebec are more limited than elsewhere in North America.

So if you don’t limit the hospital access of the unvaccinated, you overrun the health care system if the Omicron virus symptoms are bad enough.

That can’t happen, so you punish everyone equally by limiting freedom and mobility in an attempt to slow the spread, and not overrun the health care system.

It is of course possible, and perhaps even probable, that Omicron does not produce severe enough symptoms to create havoc, but Legault isn’t willing to take that chance.

Most of the U.S. is taking that chance, but it has a little more available resources. And its vaccinated likely wouldn’t tolerate further lockdowns and restrictions.

It wouldn’t be easy to be an elected leader.
Yes, that is his logic. The situation we are in did not happen by accident. This administration has focused solely on the vaccine approach and has disregarded any other one. As such, all their plans and resources were dedicated to that one approach. Instead of increasing capacity, it was reduced. Nurses refusing vaccination were stoped from working, reducing the workforce, etc... One might say that he gambled and believed the vaccine is the miracle solution. Now, he discovered it wasn't, and because he is unable to face that reality, he went on to blame the non vaccinated ( used them as escape goats). His objective is to accomplish 2 things:
1. To remove the blame from himself, and give a reason other then his failure to correctly asses the situation
2. To redirect the frustration and anger that people are going to experience in regards to the old/ new measure toward someone else than himself (non vaxed)
It is very easy to realise that he is repeating the same measures. If things did not work the first time, why will they work the second time?
You do not have to agree with me to give me support. As long as we are working toward the same goal, we need to support each other, because we might both be right, or both be wrong. If we work in solidarity, which a leader should inspire in times of crisis, whatever the result, we will be able to face it better. This man is creating division and hatred.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
If this were in place, non vaccinated would get no care today. Do you see that happening i.e letting the non vaccinated out in the cold ?

And I'd love to hear Franco and Mike say they'd be ok with this
Why would I be ok with that? My position is the exact opposite. I personally have no problem whatsoever with vaccines. I am for them when they are truly necessary, tested, and safe. Now, i do not believe in the effectiveness of this vaccines in the sense that EVERYONE needs it. However, vaccine aside, the real problem is the mandatory vaccination, not vaccination. I believe that nothing, and i mean like NOTHING, should be used as an excuse to touch my rights in any way. It is my rights to have access to medical care or any other care as much as yours. Being vaccinated does not grant you any privilege whatsoever. To summarize, my position is in regards to my rights, not against vaccines. But i do believe this vaccine to be inflated in terms of expectations and as a solution.


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Dec 28, 2019


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Why would I be ok with that? My position is the exact opposite. I personally have no problem whatsoever with vaccines. I am for them when they are truly necessary, tested, and safe. Now, i do not believe in the effectiveness of this vaccines in the sense that EVERYONE needs it. However, vaccine aside, the real problem is the mandatory vaccination, not vaccination. I believe that nothing, and i mean like NOTHING, should be used as an excuse to touch my rights in any way. It is my rights to have access to medical care or any other care as much as yours. Being vaccinated does not grant you any privilege whatsoever. To summarize, my position is in regards to my rights, not against vaccines. But i do believe this vaccine to be inflated in terms of expectations and as a solution.

I am glad your professional medical opinion says not everyone needs them. Because today, that small minority of unvaccinated (less than 10%) is occupying a bed at the expense of a person waiting for surgery. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. Maybe we can identify who needs them before they take resources needed by people who did not have control of their health issue.

The minute they made the extra beds available for Covid, and they became occupied by the unvaccinated, someone paid a personal price. I guess their rights don't count.

And before you say the government just needs to put more in the healthcare system, I want that money going to geriatric care not a numbskull that cares only about his little self and shouts he is doing it for freedom.

If it were private insurance you'd be penalized as an insurance risk. If it were a good like tobacco, you could be taxed. We need a tax on this. A stupid tax. Unfortunately it comes in the form of a very inefficient system called the vaccine passport.

I am all ears for a better form of stupid tax.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
I am glad your professional medical opinion says not everyone needs them.
So in other words, you believe that every single medical professional in this world is saying that we all need the Vaccine? You start presenting whatever point by ridiculing me. In the Medical community, there are professionals that believe this, some of whom were so extreme that they stopped practicing because of the passport. Of, course since they do not support what you like to hear, then they are to be dismissed and considered idiots, or conspiracy theorist.
Because today, that small minority of unvaccinated (less than 10%) is occupying a bed at the expense of a person waiting for surgery. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. Maybe we can identify who needs them before they take resources needed by people who did not have control of their health issue
What about the Vaccinated that are in Hospital? They did not take a bed too? It seems to me it is the same. You are most probably using the 10 percent occupying 50 percent argument. A vaccinated has received 2 shots, now going into his third, fourth coming, and Israel claiming a new variant Flurona (Flu+Corona), so I guess flue shots are also coming in the passport. We, the non vaccinated are paying for them, plus we are also paying for the Vaccinated in Hospital, so is only fair you pay for our beds too. Last I knew, the virus is not caught willingly, so we too have no control over that.

Stupid tax? How about this: the unvaccinated, who were basically confined, minding their own business, were swept by the new wave and the new variant, because the Vaccinated were careless, moved everywhere, had fun, traveled, and brought it on us. Because of that carelessness, they put us at risk, some were hospitalized, could not work (opportunity cost), so how about a Carelessness Tax? You see, nothing is easier than pointing fingers, and saying BS stuff.

Tobacco is a product you use willingly, is it not an essential one, it has been established over thousands, upon thousands of researches that it is bad for your health. This Vaccine, and precisely this one, not the others, is highly controversial. You need to treat as such, you do not have a 100 percent certainty that this Vaccine is the solution, especially with a virus that keeps mutating. So it is only fair that people make their choices, and not get penalized for it. I cannot understand how this is not clear with people just pointing fingers.
And before you say the government just needs to put more in the healthcare system, I want that money going to geriatric care not a numbskull that cares only about his little self and shouts he is doing it for freedom.
Calling people who do not want to get vaccinated numskull... Your attitude is similar to the religious zealots that call all the others that believe differently unfaithful. Their proof is the Words of Gods in the form of scriptures, your is ":Officially" approved Science and Meaningless Statistics. Yes government should put more into beds and respiratory and less into Vaccines and Boosters. It is my opinion, and I think it is better than yours (my choice).

Freedom is not a selfish concept, quite the opposite. Forcing me to take the Vaccine so that you can enjoy your hobbies is selfish, not getting penalized and ridiculed, or loosing your job in the name of protecting your rights, is admirable. The real heroes in this struggle are not the ones supporting the Mandates, ridiculing and bullying the others, it is the ones standing firm in their beliefs and facing those bullies. Freedom and rights has never been cheap, countless death has always been the price.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
So in other words, you believe that every single medical professional in this world is saying that we all need the Vaccine? You start presenting whatever point by ridiculing me. In the Medical community, there are professionals that believe this, some of whom were so extreme that they stopped practicing because of the passport. Of, course since they do not support what you like to hear, then they are to be dismissed and considered idiots, or conspiracy theorist.

No, I believe the 98% of them that say the vaccine is safe and effective. I believe the ones that back their recommendations with data that follows rigorous review process. You cannot find a single piece of scientific literature that has gone through some type of review that shows vaccines are not effective or not safe.

You use the fact people and unvaccinated can be infected as your argument they don't work, rather than the very high multiple chance of being hospitalized if not vaccinated. You use the argument we will need to be re-vaccinated. Yes, so what ? The vaccine is not perfect, it will get better, but in the mean time it's effective and safe.

What about the Vaccinated that are in Hospital? They did not take a bed too? It seems to me it is the same.

The vaccinated are costing the system 10x less on a per person basis. If they did their part trying to slow this thing down, they should be first in line to the medical resources. If they were vaccinated but negligent, they should pay the stupid tax.

Calling people who do not want to get vaccinated numskull...

I am open to a better word. What would be a better word for people who think they know better than the doctors and came make up cockeye stories about how dangerous vaccines that have been administered to billions of people and back up their stories with "it's big pharma", "it's communism", "it's .....".

Forcing me to take the Vaccine so that you can enjoy your hobbies is selfish, not getting penalized and ridiculed, or loosing your job in the name of protecting your rights, is admirable. The real heroes in this struggle are not the ones supporting the Mandates, ridiculing and bullying the others, it is the ones standing firm in their beliefs and facing those bullies. Freedom and rights has never been cheap, countless death has always been the price.

I do not need you to take a vaccine so I can enjoy my hobbies. My hobbies are very safe as long as there is snow. (Just don't screw up global warming). I am fortunate that I have access to all the things I need. I have inconveniences but can live with them.

I can't tolerate knowing people I care about have their health at risk because others can do a simple gesture to try and do their part. You call them heroes ? I have other names but don't want to offend you :)


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
You call them heroes ? I have other names but don't want to offend you :)
No worries i do not get really offended, i respect everyone's opinion. I am not sure where you get the 98 percent, but hey whatever, i mean you guys the pro mandates are know it all. History does show that sometimes less than 2 percent were right while 99 percent were wrong. So again meaningless statistics. It is funny that instead of recognizing that the vaccine is not very effective and that you have to keep bolstering it, you find it regular, and you think me dumb for saying this vaccine is bs. Now penalizing me for my opinions, then saying you are against tyranny and communism, or whatever, is kinda ridiculous. Either you accept the others or you don't, there is no slicing here. I need to specify that I do not mean you personally, but the group where the you belongs.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
My 2 cents towards this heated conversation. It is a very delicate balance between rights of an individual and the collective good. This balance is especially difficult to maintain in modern western societies that are partially socialist by nature (sic, public health care systems). Countless crimes were perpetrated by communist, Nazi, and other dictatorial regimes for the sake of the collective good. If you start on this road, it will lead you straight to hell. Thus, it is very important to be very careful not to infringe rights of an individual even if they, seemingly, go against common good at the moment like the current pandemic.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Tobacco is a product you use willingly, is it not an essential one, it has been established over thousands, upon thousands of researches that it is bad for your health.
Tobacco is an interesting one!
Some great verified authentic corporate ads from a generation ago.
The point of this is how powerful media is.
If any doctor then had any study that cigs were bad I am sure they would have been silenced and destroyed.
Specifically the Covid19 vaccine will give us freedom they now say.
They have done this campaign to our beloved women before

Torches of Freedom - Wikipedia › wiki › Torches_of_Freedom

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Voicemail caller explains his sister's anti-vaccine conspiracism, which has gone completely off the rails.

Once a person becomes a cult member, they would rather die than have their beliefs challenged.

As much as I hate to admit , I think his sister is a lost cause, if she could use logic, she wouldn't be so far gone.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
As much as I hate to admit , I think his sister is a lost cause, if she could use logic, she wouldn't be so far gone.
The ineffectiveness of the "Medicine" is blamed on those who did not take it.
Vaccinated or Not Vaccinated is still Not Vaccinated Enough.
This is the media "logic" making us all crazy.
Yea people are going crazy but why did he not play the "off the rails rant"??
I wanted to listen to it.

That Infowars guy is ranting by coincidence today of "Mass formation psychosis"

In the anti anti vax video above:
"Zimbabwe study that everybody got worms from the vaccine and died of covid anyway"
That was freaking funny but it is outright gaslighting.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Yea people are going crazy but why did he not play the "off the rails rant"?
It is not part of the objective that you listen or hear the other side. The video's whole purpose is to ridicule the logic of anyone that rejects this vaccine. First they talk about vaccines in general, notice the "you think vaccines do not work" which is unrelated, and then ridicule their logic without really listening to it. They are trying to associate past vaccines success to this one.
I tried researching the Zimbabwe case talked about, all I could find was a study pre- Covid about their resistance to Vaccination, and had nothing to do with COVID, so not sure why it was raised here.
We can clearly see how media is again used to push a certain opinion and ridicule the opposite ones. The major media streams are of course siding where there is more money to be made. I am of the opinion that both sides are extremist when it comes to facts. One would emphasize and inflate the danger of the Virus, and create an enemy, the non vaccinated in their case, the other would do the same inflating the danger of the Vaccine, and their enemies not really clear, as we have all sorts of categories (including conspiracies).
In every war and conflict, of course, the victim is the truth :(
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Trustworthy Associated Press.

Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately?

Ya wonder if the answer is in the title.
A lie so big it is hidden in plain sight??
Short article but just another Vax push.
I could subtly interpret the title as very SARDONIC

"Doctors say to wear masks indoors, avoid crowds and get vaccinated and boosted."
Sounds like in the cigarette ads above if they aren't deleted yet hehe.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Just for fun. My whole Marketing 101 from University is flashing before my eyes.
Love the orange and yellow chevron stripes. Powerful ads.
The big "O".."Orgasm"??? hehe. Right on her shoulder where you get the vax needle.
What an incredible subliminal association.
The other two "OO" on the Indian woman's breast.
Also the Indian woman's third eye dot is skewed to the side maybe representing fallen awareness.
These are official ads. Unreal.

PM: Get boosted now as UK has record daily cases - BBC News › news

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