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Craziest thing you’ve done for a SP!


Active Member
Nov 20, 2021
Okay question. Were you guys also seeing other women/SPs or whatever? If you were then you are/were in a much better position than I was in that July 2004 to Feb 2005 period. I mean I was looking/pursuing a relationship in this hobby and seeing ONLY ONE girl. What a total noob I was. Doh! Still can’t believe that nonsense I put myself into. This is what happens when you make great money in your late 20s and no time for relationships while lacking the skills to understand human/female nature and dynamics. That girl was a 8 months crash course.

As for Ophelie it was the end of the road for our little adventure anyways so I was not hung up on it but she did rip me off for leaving an hour early for our 4 hour dinner engagement.
I met others but this girl was always on my top and I dropped another gems just for her sake ‍♂️


Active Member
Nov 20, 2021
10 Years! That is dedication right there. I truly bow to you. Even in my 8-month emotional insanity I was getting tired/bored and about to call it quits.

For that you get 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. A total trifecta. Okay contest over!

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I tried to get out of this “relationship “ but her ass and skill is one to die for . But now a day I think that we’re good the way it ended.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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I met an MP in a salon and we hit it off so well she started seeing me on the side at motels for FS. It went from there to dinner date followed by motel and FS and eventually she started seeing me on dates only and we would come to my place. She ended up leaving the business and moved in with me and we had a wonderful relationship for 6 years before we broke it off. While with me she left the business and never worked as an MP or SP again. We are still in touch and have lunch and or dinner now and then but nothing more as she is in a relationship with someone else. Thankfully she has never returned to the business and her life is good. Her boyfriend doesn't know about the MP or SP side of her life and doesn't know what my initial meeting with her was like. She is a good person and I will always love her but sadly our path was not meant to be together.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I met an MP in a salon and we hit it off so well she started seeing me on the side at motels for FS. It went from there to dinner date followed by motel and FS and eventually she started seeing me on dates only and we would come to my place. She ended up leaving the business and moved in with me and we had a wonderful relationship for 6 years before we broke it off. While with me she left the business and never worked as an MP or SP again. We are still in touch and have lunch and or dinner now and then but nothing more as she is in a relationship with someone else. Thankfully she has never returned to the business and her life is good. Her boyfriend doesn't know about the MP or SP side of her life and doesn't know what my initial meeting with her was like. She is a good person and I will always love her but sadly our path was not meant to be together.
Now that is a decent “relationship” even though it didn’t work out between you two. Things happen naturally and organically. Maybe in the beginning it was very one sided but you two were able to surpass that. You both wanted things to happen and on the same mental and emotional spectrum.
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
I met an MP in a salon and we hit it off so well she started seeing me on the side at motels for FS. It went from there to dinner date followed by motel and FS and eventually she started seeing me on dates only and we would come to my place. She ended up leaving the business and moved in with me and we had a wonderful relationship for 6 years before we broke it off. While with me she left the business and never worked as an MP or SP again. We are still in touch and have lunch and or dinner now and then but nothing more as she is in a relationship with someone else. Thankfully she has never returned to the business and her life is good. Her boyfriend doesn't know about the MP or SP side of her life and doesn't know what my initial meeting with her was like. She is a good person and I will always love her but sadly our path was not meant to be together.
Stories like yours seem rare. There's a saying (in the US at least) that you "Can't Turn a Ho in a Housewife."

Is Montreal an exception? I can see how it might be -- judging from the SPs I follow online as well as aspects like STELLA and the UQAM's Hely Boudreau, sex work has less of a stigma and that makes it more likely that a ho can be a housewife.


New Member
Jun 26, 2015
I was also seeing one girl almost exclusively for about a year when I was younger and dumber. Missed out on so many better girls in that span I am sure. Service declined near the end of the year and I was able to snap out of it and stop seeing her. She texted me a few times probably wondering where her easy simp money went but I didn't respond.

Now I am more extreme than you @Numerati. No repeats. No bookings longer than an hour. All about volume and variety now.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I was also seeing one girl almost exclusively for about a year when I was younger and dumber. Missed out on so many better girls in that span I am sure. Service declined near the end of the year and I was able to snap out of it and stop seeing her. She texted me a few times probably wondering where her easy simp money went but I didn't respond.

Now I am more extreme than you @Numerati. No repeats. No bookings longer than an hour. All about volume and variety now.
As it sucks one can end up in a situation like this but looking this deeper it is better to hit rock bottom in this hobby with a woman than hitting rock bottom in a real relationship. In this hobby you have your "fallout" with the SP and you snap back and get back up the moment it ends. Maybe a few days a week max and you are back to yourself hopefully smarter and stronger. In a real break up sometimes it may take months or even years for you to reclaim and rebuild your emotional capital. Yeah we may lose a good amount of $$$$ with the SP but that can't compare to say a divorce.

When I always look back I still beat my head and go.... WTF was WRONG with you!?!?!?!? LOL.
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Pizza Hut

New Member
Dec 7, 2011
An SP asked me to bring her a bottle when I called for an appointment. I guess she was running low.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
Just randomly recalling... on one occasion, I treated a agency chick to her favorite singer in concert at the Bell Centre, floor seats. Of course I videoed her. (And the singer).
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