Montreal Escorts

Curiousity: Men of The Lounge, Why are you Here?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
said the agency women in Montreal were mechanical and boring. Very attractive, but robotic and sterile, halfway through the hour they are already thinking about the next hour long meeting. I think this is the agency's business model of getting maximum revenue per escort per hour.

This is true only in some cases. Obviously you can not always know wich one is gonna be wich type, unless you go to a very safe route with reviews. I realized last year even tough some agencies have good reputation in general, if an SP is not reviewed at all 2 months after she has start its usually a bad sign. The guys sometimes restrain to post negative reviews, its been confirmed a bunch of times, either by fear of hurting the girls business, thinking the problem may have been them, or whatever. Obviously chemistry is YMMV but i just realized it was rare if i saw a well reviewed girl that she would disapoint while for a "newbie" its more of a risk.

I may see a non reviewed girl in 2017, maybe ONCE, and see if the rule will be confirm, but i decided to stay safe from the most part and have 2 or 3 repeats, 2-3 meetings with well reviewed girls i have not seen and maybe a "TOFTT" if budget permit it.

In any case, if guys come here and are disapointed... well its because they where unlucky. The market is smaller in MTL than Toronto for exemple, less agencies, less indies (much less) at least on MERB compare to TERB. I dunno about PERB i check it less, but Toronto win by the volume vs MTL. Are the SPs better in general? I don't think tough, its just if more than there is more that are great right? lol.

I have spot 3 SPs in particular in Toronto that really make me want to make a trip there one day... dunno if ill ever do, but i wish they would come here visit or do it more often.

In any case, i don't think MTL has anything to be ashamed of compare to rest of canada tough.

As for the point of view of peoples vs mine. Sometimes i can be stubborn, sometimes i realize im wrong and its better to learn. I think SPs shouldn't be afraid to post if something bother them. Obviously if one come here and is very negative towards clients in general or pretty much show she hate her job, of course it won't do well with said clients. But if you have a constructive criticism, with valid reasons, im sure most people will be more than ok with reading it.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
10 years ago, ouf! that was a kind of mini exploit to be able to exchange here without been accused of "self-advertising" or even been "attacked" by some who think that Merb should be just "a man's thing". Generally speaking, apart those few, we had a lotssss of fun to exchange back then, the tone was generally more relax and really more on the fun side and some were having "strong exchanges of ideas" but that was entertaining at the end, but eventually when people form some "clique", and came some disputes, the things came bitter. Even some threats and personal attacks in the reality came out. Many have changed their handles for that reason, a lots stop to participate (me included) because it brings more trouble than fun. Now things look to have changed from years, less joy and funny posts, more on the informative side, and we are still having few guys who treats ladies/girls like "things" while talking about them in some reviews or discussions (ei: like putting a number on /10). Respect towards escorts at the same level as other women is a long route, and this because for some still, escorts deserve less respect than other women in the society. But we are getting there, slowly but surely. :)

I know you asked "men, why are you in the lounge", but if you permit me to answer this even if I don't have the right sex... ;-) I will tell you that a lots of my participation were and are to help stop the discrimination towards SW. I wanted to prove that "we are not all crazy, on drugs legal & illegal, alcoolics, uneducated or addicted to shopping or even gambling or any other addiction" This said, I don't want to say that those realities don't exist because I saw it by my eyes. And nope, I don't judge saying that, that was not my point of view, it's more against generalization against victimisation of escorts and all SW. So at the final, I stand my point that we are not all having "the profile" to be "victims" in a way or another. A lots of us could, can and do something else in life, but we choose this activity and having goals in mind and manage it like any other self work.

In fact, I am writing much more for the people who read Merb without participating to it, the other girls/ladies, the all anti-escorting squad (to show them something they can even imagine :) ) , and also, the gentlemen.
Like I said, I am not a "rights warrior" but I think that maybe what I could have wrote might have changed, hopefully positively the life of some people. I hope so, really. If not, at least, I will have tried.

The thing about to be part of the female minority writers here make me learn patience and to try to choose "when it is worth or not". Don't believe that I can't see when someone is writing something completely false or exaggerated or disgracious about escorts & women, some might just proving to anyone that they just have personal issues with women in general -or missing some personal education- But hey, that's part why someone may want to meet escorts because they don't want to deal with women in life generally, whatever is the exact personal reason like just simply to avoid all the hassles to really seduce someone to the point to be kind of asocial based on heavy schedule work or just based on the personality or simply by personal choice and wanting to taste the liberty to make it as a personal spoiling time. Each person his reasons.

And most of all, the biggest reason why I begun to wrote on Merb, it's because that's the first "place" I found when I began to be escort and be able to exchange with people who were living the same activity than me. I was so isolated with no one really to talk about this. And that's exactly why I have been fired of my first agency when someone report to the owner that I was writing here (when the website went down a day, I just reassure people here that the agency is still open even that when someone tell the site was down and if we were still open or what...) , he did not like that and think that I was about to be indy and that could be dangerous for his "crew" to become all indies. :) And that was not my plan, but hey, that's old story, not really important anymore. :)

So yes, like Lily said, we can have the impression there is more ladies who participate, but we were always around maybe 4-5 to do. That's not a lot indeed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
Visit site
It's definitely a boys club here, but don't expect to get an honest answer about it unfortunately Stephanie.

I do know a large majority of providers feel as though our opinions are only welcome here if it goes along with the views of the male members, or strokes their egos in some way.
If you're speaking honestly as a provider and your comments don't match up with theirs, you get shut down pretty quickly, so most of us have learned it's better to just stay off the board for the most part.

There are plenty of gentlemen on here who welcome open conversation from all folks, including providers, but unfortunately most of these guys don't post much or left the board themselves, so we're stuck with the country club the rest of us aren't invited to.

Hope that helps :)

That may be true of some but certainly not all the members here. As with any discussion I have my opinion and will be hard pressed to change it unless a valid argument is presented. Your opinion is welcomed but I believe it would be boring if opinions are simply accepted as such. A debate is always fun as long as it's respectful, and I have always been respectful of men and women. I would love to have a conversation and hear the opinions of an SP , as far as this being a country club you aren't invited to......not so.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
more on the informative side, and we are still having few guys who treats ladies/girls like "things" while talking about them in some reviews or discussions (ei: like putting a number on /10). Respect towards escorts at the same level as other women is a long route, and this because for some still, escorts deserve less respect than other women in the society. But we are getting there, slowly but surely. :)

Thats actually a good point to discuss. So this is how you feel with numbers? I pretty much always avoided them (exept i think once or twice) because i tough it was weird to rate a person like i would rate a video game for exemple. But then i notice most peoples do it. I don't think all these peoples are to be disrespectfull toward escorts... For me honestly i think its especially akward to rate body or face as its really a personal matter of taste and preferences, but the services i supose it could be usefull? I wonder how many SPs feel the same as you Maria toward numeral reviews.

When i do a review, thats always something i have in mind, does the escorts will think im just a perv, but at the same time i like to be both informative to my fellow hobbyist and maybe even add a tiny touch of erotism, as believe it or not, it make reviews much more fun to read for me.

Im a little naughty, i won't argue it. But i think its an important thing to differenciate bedroom, especially when it comes to paying for a fantasy, with real life. One of my favourite youtuber, Tara Babcock, explain this very well in some of her videos, she is super open with her sexuality and she actually enjoy being disrespected in bed, but would not allow it in real life. She does it with partners of her choice tough, so its a little different than with clients, but thats just an exemple. In her case being direspected is actually what she want and an enjoyement.

I think as long as limits are respected, and stuff is talk about beforehand and everything, its not "wrong" to allow some naughtyness in your meetings. Also as i mentioned to you before, every provider is different and every encounter is as well. Its not because you do something with one that you absolutely want to do it with another. If i see a provider who allow "extras", its always discussed before and paid if asked for. Does its wrong for me to put it in my review? At the same time we all know there is a YMMV factor and its not because it was done with somebody that it will automatically be done with another one. I have seen some "Vanilla Provider" over the years i specifically asked for them, knowing they didn't allowed extras or whatever, and i had good meeting. But then if i see a provider that have said extras in her review thread and i ask for them and she said no problem etc, does it make me bad to enjoy doing it and putting it in my review?

My sexuality is a reflection of me growing up with porn. There is no denying it. I never slept with a woman outside the business, i never had a girlfriend as an adult. therefore most of my meeting with SPs are to fullfill this fantasy of what i see in porn movies. Obviously if i would meet someone in real life, and have sex on a regular basic, our love making sessions wouldn't be like a porn movie everytime ... lol. But when you see 6-7 girls a year, you wait months between meeting, you give money that you put aside for during weeks, well yeah you may want to live the fantasy to the fullest. Again i don't think there is anything wrong with that.

There is all sorts of fantasy peoples may want to experience, and i think its cool agencies like Unicorn are appearing to fullfill those fantasies, no matter what they may be, without judging the client. Life is like that, there is even well respected business men that find there enjoyment by getting humilated and such. They want to be the slave. Others may prefer to be the "master". Others just want to be Peter North for 1H or 2. But down the line, if those peoples behave in society and respect peoples, both men and women, and obviously respect there partners limit in bed, paid or not paid, i think thats fine for everybody. Just my point of view obviously.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
It's definitely a boys club here, but don't expect to get an honest answer about it unfortunately Stephanie.

I do know a large majority of providers feel as though our opinions are only welcome here if it goes along with the views of the male members, or strokes their egos in some way.
If you're speaking honestly as a provider and your comments don't match up with theirs, you get shut down pretty quickly, so most of us have learned it's better to just stay off the board for the most part.

There are plenty of gentlemen on here who welcome open conversation from all folks, including providers, but unfortunately most of these guys don't post much or left the board themselves, so we're stuck with the country club the rest of us aren't invited to.

Hope that helps :)

First thing I did on that board was go on a rant about how people here are SO not welcoming and SO paranoid and blablabla. But I did it with solid arguments. I stood up for myself and that's exactly what made guys of the forum interested in me. You can't even imagine all the PM's that brought me. I ended up making money because I voiced my opinion. I think the members are okay with girls opinions. What they don't trust or care for is actually the newbies opinions.

I post here on a daily basis and I never felt rejected. Never ever ever ever, except the first day I used the board, but since I posted my rant (not sure if it's still there I would have to find my review thread), everyone have been friendly and welcoming with me and my opinions. I also made a post about breast surgery, my opinion was obviously against the one of most of the guys, yet no one tried to shut me up or anything. Debating is good as long as it's done with respect.

I myself will PM members sometimes to tell them something they wrote was a bit harsh, or the words used are not the best, or whatever. I'm that annoying kind of girl. I LOVE giving my opinion on any subject and nothing will stop me from doing it. But everytime I get surprised, the guys again don't reject my opinion, they even apologize and edit their posts sometimes because they realize they really did chose the wrong words lol.

So yeah I think our opinion and presence is totally welcomed in the club, now maybe if you see it as an egocentric country club yes maybe you feel like you're not welcome in the club but it makes sense...

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
It's definitely a boys club here, but don't expect to get an honest answer about it unfortunately Stephanie.

I do know a large majority of providers feel as though our opinions are only welcome here if it goes along with the views of the male members, or strokes their egos in some way.
If you're speaking honestly as a provider and your comments don't match up with theirs, you get shut down pretty quickly, so most of us have learned it's better to just stay off the board for the most part.

There are plenty of gentlemen on here who welcome open conversation from all folks, including providers, but unfortunately most of these guys don't post much or left the board themselves, so we're stuck with the country club the rest of us aren't invited to.

Hope that helps :)

I can't speak for the others but personally I welcome conversation from SP's on any and every topic.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
That may be true of some but certainly not all the members here. As with any discussion I have my opinion and will be hard pressed to change it unless a valid argument is presented. Your opinion is welcomed but I believe it would be boring if opinions are simply accepted as such. A debate is always fun as long as it's respectful, and I have always been respectful of men and women. I would love to have a conversation and hear the opinions of an SP , as far as this being a country club you aren't invited to......not so.

Country club... That comment of Amber made me think that some people come here with the same mindset as in real life... Which is wrong. This is an open board Internet forum with a subject that of course will attract a vast majority of men versus woman... Anyone can say pretty much anything. This is why honestly I do not give a fuck if someone disagree or agree with me. I just like the exchange of ideas and point of view, I surely do not let any comment affect me. The only thing that matters to me is to make sure post are well written. If someone, in French or English, does not make the effort to write so people will understand, I pass...


Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Thats actually a good point to discuss. So this is how you feel with numbers? I pretty much always avoided them (exept i think once or twice) because i tough it was weird to rate a person like i would rate a video game for exemple. But then i notice most peoples do it. I don't think all these peoples are to be disrespectfull toward escorts... For me honestly i think its especially akward to rate body or face as its really a personal matter of taste and preferences, but the services i supose it could be usefull? I wonder how many SPs feel the same as you Maria toward numeral reviews.

I know this is a sub subject of the main subject, but I answer quickly to you HM ;-)

You were the one right to feel that's weird to rate a person like rating a video game. :thumb: and I appreciate very much that you consider Sp's as a person. Maybe because you are younger you are not having those ancient way to think and to act toward ladies in life?

And yes, we are a bunch if not the majority of ladies that don't like the "/10 thing" and to be rated like "a steak" or what else. I know, it comes from the old times when "macho-paternalist-phallocrate-mysogyne" talkings toward women in general was more "ok" even if this has been always stupid to denigrate the right to be consider equal as human. Just a chance in our modern days this changed/improved a lot, but in the "Sp's world" things are changing way slower, because there is a mentality in many populations around the world and directly the clients of Sp's that Sp's are "sub-humans" (des sous-humains) and that we deserved then much less respect than other women.

Don't forget also there are a kind of women's anger that some clients are living (for personal reasons) and to be able to expose it when they are writing anonymously in a board is just taken because it has and is "tolerate". And reify (chosifier) someone is litterally telling that you think that you are superior of the person you are talking about. And I simply think, that we are all in this equally, nobody is better or worst than his or her partner of encounter.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I do not mind SP's entering into any conversation. One site I do hate is CAF in Alberta where after every review the SP's replies to the poster, there are not single threads to a SP but many of them. If a bad review is written there the SP's will not see the poster ( I have been warned by PM by a few members ). The SP's enter intoevery conversation and a igh majority of the members agree with the SPin fear of getting banned from the SP's. If you talk about SP pricing there you get instantly attacked by the SP's and the members have no balls to reply. One SP was complaining that business was slowing down a lot for her, I replied that during hard economic times they should drop their rates ( and they are high, $300 hr ), instantly I got attacked by SP's telling me they do not need advice on how to run their business even though the OP was asking what to do, after I argued wth her the mods shut the thread down, probably by request of the SP's... CAF is a shill board run by the SP's. Kind of got off track and do not expect that it would happen here but just showing the other side of the hand. For SP posters like Maria and Lily their comments are always welcome.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Maria! Thanks for that new word "phallocrat" :)

Years ago I did do the numbers rating.
Now I just look at things differently.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
You were the one right to feel that's weird to rate a person like rating a video game. :thumb: and I appreciate very much that you consider Sp's as a person. Maybe because you are younger you are not having those ancient way to think and to act toward ladies in life?

And yes, we are a bunch if not the majority of ladies that don't like the "/10 thing" and to be rated like "a steak" or what else. I know, it comes from the old times when "macho-paternalist-phallocrate-mysogyne" talkings toward women in general was more "ok" even if this has been always stupid to denigrate the right to be consider equal as human.

I can't say for all, but obviously i think everybody is equal no matter the gender, race, color or size. Thats a given. I know there is still prejudice to peoples, especially in foreign countries but honestly i don't think the peoples who rate by the number do it in a way to not respect the person or to consider her inferior. I think its a good thing you write about it and if lots of SPs don't like it , i do think they should change there way, but i really think its not done in a malicious way.

I know there is jerks, but i will advance myself and say that on merb i am sure most of the guys do not consider any women, SP or not as sub human...

Personally im always very thankfull that i can live fantaisies and spend quality time with beautifull and nice women.

What they don't trust or care for is actually the newbies opinions.

Haha i think it has to do with the shill potential or the reverse of it, a dude with 2 post making a very negative review for a well love provider usually don't come out too well on the board, wich is understanble. I guess reputation and all have to be earned :)


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
First thing I did on that board was go on a rant about how people here are SO not welcoming and SO paranoid and blablabla. But I did it with solid arguments. I stood up for myself and that's exactly what made guys of the forum interested in me. You can't even imagine all the PM's that brought me. I ended up making money because I voiced my opinion. I think the members are okay with girls opinions. What they don't trust or care for is actually the newbies opinions.

I post here on a daily basis and I never felt rejected. Never ever ever ever, except the first day I used the board, but since I posted my rant (not sure if it's still there I would have to find my review thread), everyone have been friendly and welcoming with me and my opinions. I also made a post about breast surgery, my opinion was obviously against the one of most of the guys, yet no one tried to shut me up or anything. Debating is good as long as it's done with respect.

I myself will PM members sometimes to tell them something they wrote was a bit harsh, or the words used are not the best, or whatever. I'm that annoying kind of girl. I LOVE giving my opinion on any subject and nothing will stop me from doing it. But everytime I get surprised, the guys again don't reject my opinion, they even apologize and edit their posts sometimes because they realize they really did chose the wrong words lol.

So yeah I think our opinion and presence is totally welcomed in the club, now maybe if you see it as an egocentric country club yes maybe you feel like you're not welcome in the club but it makes sense...

So you've been on this board for how long? I would think you're more a newbie then I am ;P

I've been on here messaging and chatting and so on and so forth for almost three years(not that long I know) and at first I was like you, but that's also because my posts were complimentary towards the guys. When I started objecting to some of the awful, degrading or downright wrong things some posters would say, well let's just say none of them took it nicely ;)

All in all, the providers I know avoid this board because of the things written on here. The know for their own mental well being it's better to stay off unless it's for advertising.
I actually do encourage other providers during our marketing workshops to participate in the threads here and show their personality, but it's difficult for a lot of us to feel okay doing it when morally we disagree with so much that is written on here.

The thing that confuses me, is how open and welcoming you all sound on this thread to Sp's, yet many times when some disagree or counter to your arguement(and I'm not speaking only of myself here, since I'm a huge observer too) many members just get downright nasty, so it would be lovely if the openness I'm reading about here could be brought into other threads as well.

I do understand people get defensive when someone argues with an opinion they believe to be right, but the way it's done a lot of the time doesn't make providers feel they can jump into it without a bulletproof vest on first.

Lexie, If you would like, I can explain to you in PM exactly why you're seeing things from a different perspective than most other providers,at least from a sociological perspective, but also just from experience (and yes, a sweeping generalization I'm making again, but I'm talking about like 300+ providers here so I think I can tentatively use it in this context)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The thing that confuses me, is how open and welcoming you all sound on this thread to Sp's, yet many times when some disagree or counter to your arguement(and I'm not speaking only of myself here, since I'm a huge observer too) many members just get downright nasty, so it would be lovely if the openness I'm reading about here could be brought into other threads as well.

There have been some comments towards certain SP's comments that a few have taken offense to, I do not recall exactly which ones but I do remember the SP's but from what I remember the SP was grouping all the members into one category and the comments towards them were not pleasant, of course it would upset the ones who were thinking, hey I am not like that, of curse they would comment back.
Also, and not generalising all but a lot of men can bitch, argue and complain to each other and still go out for a beer together after and be social, not so with " some " women, some men also but the percentage is quite different. Look at the sports and political threads here, mainly the men were in on these but some comments ( mine included ) were not the most politically correct, the people I argued with I would still have a beer with them after, just because we do not see eye to eye on everything and argue on topics does not mean that they are not great people otherwise. Argue, something many men do with passion and get over it, a lot of women are not like that. And this is just my opinion.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I'm more of a reader and I check out this section once in a while to see if there's anything interesting and i may find even more interesting some of the comments posted by the members of both sexes.

Throughout my lifetime i've appreciated being kept informed. I was told decades ago by a very intelligent person that knowledge is power. Knowledge also makes you more aware of the world and people surrounding you and i also believe it makes you a better and more productive person.

Since i've been a disciple of 'information' throughout my life, i also enjoy giving back to those who want to and share my knowledge with them. The more informed we are, the better off we are. The more informed we are, the least likely are we to repeat mistakes. And of course, i'm always happy to participate in a topic which will bring me (and others) enjoyment. Life is too short.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
.... i don't think the peoples who rate by the number do it in a way to not respect the person or to consider her inferior. I think its a good thing you write about it and if lots of SPs don't like it , i do think they should change there way, but i really think its not done in a malicious way.

I know there is jerks, but i will advance myself and say that on merb i am sure most of the guys do not consider any women, SP or not as sub human...

Personally im always very thankfull that i can live fantaisies and spend quality time with beautifull and nice women.


Let's take an example of 2 situations to make an image

If someone is dropping accidentally something on your head and you are having an ecchymose of 3 cm VS someone is dropping intentionally something on your head and you are having an ecchymose of 3 cm.
What is the difference in the result to you? You still have a bruise at the end, n'est-ce pas? Same result.
So to say that rating women on /10 is not, not respecting women or treating her like an inferior object, because there is no malicious intention behind it, it's not a valid argument. It exists only because it has been tolerate to talk about escorts as objects from years (and not only with the /10 rating, if you know what I mean, that was just an example)

What did you mean by : "and if lots of SPs don't like it , i do think they should change there way" I don't understand. Who is the "they"?

-And yes, there is jerks everywhere, and I think the real dangerous are a tiny minority, thank to the universe. I don't know how and why exactly being part of Merb, that is open to anyone who want to make a free profile without any screening/recommendation process will prevent anyone with malicious and hate toward women to become a merbist, and even write with some intention? If you are honest HM, you even saw already some writing harsh commentaries, and like I told, maybe it is a phallocrat thing, or simply, just a "miseducation" but reflecting what? I'm not surprised then that some anti-sw of any kind, when they read Merb could have the impression that "we, the SW are poor victims" when we can read how the guys here are talking about the girls they met sometimes. That's something to be aware.

This said, if we go back to the main subject, the lounge and why we can exchange on it, the subjects are variable, and I have been one that have been, a couple of months ago, have this kind of treatment of degradation toward my feminine-&-escort-&-person by someone who respect everyone other in that discussion, even if they said even worst that I could have said myself to this member, who just continue to attack my integrity and having a big focus only on me, and I was the only woman in that discussion. I tried to continue and explained myself, but nothing worked. And this, I feel to be one of the most respected lady writing here generally speaking. I am not someone attacking people and trying to keep the dialogue open, but sometimes, when you read something, you just may think that's "peine perdue" we can't do nothing in some case, and that was clearly sexism maybe mixed with a pinch of phallocratie, maybe?

Anyway, I have the feeling that my point presently is refused by you, "that you can't believe it" like something possible. Ok. Maybe you were not ready for it. ;-)

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
You know what I saved my post on my phone and deleted it. Amber I'd like you to PM me bout whatever you wanted to tell me, I'm curious. I'll repost what I just posted afterwards if that PM didn't change my point of view.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Review boards and message boards are two different things. I personally witnessed the demise of TBD which was in the beginning a review board but ultimately became a message board where the only reviews posted were by shills and White Knights and there were more posts by providers than clients. That business model was a proven failure.

In the very beginning MERB starting in 2003 was just a bunch of Anglophone male clients with a base of operations in Toronto area. Eventually it developed into a bilingual board. In regards to reviews there were more of them at the beginning than there are now. SP participation was minimal at the beginning and the first Indy I remember posting regularly was Ronnie aka Naughty Lady. From what I remember she was mostly well respected as a poster. She came to parties and seemed to be a social person and by all appearances did well for herself. Others later followed her lead.

As more SPs began to participate, my perception is and was that reviews went down in quantity and became less graphic and more respectful in content. The real details of the sessions became the subject of PM. This evolved slowly over time. In the MP thread it is necessitated by board rule, but in other cases by a basic sense of discretion which most clients have, the experienced ones any way.

In around 2010 or so there was a very graphic and negative review posted on an agency girl which caused her to register and attack the Reviewer in a very personal way although not divulging personal or private info but nonetheless making highly unflattering comments on his appearance. He responded and apparently complained to the Mods who deleted the SP's posts. It should be noted it was her very first bad review after a year of stellar reviews. I protested the deletion of the posts. The Mods enacted a rule stating only agency operator can reply if he or she wants. The reason why was so that reviewers would not be discouraged from posting reviews. I don't think that poster was ever heard from again.

It seems to me that the number of the regular Indy SP posters has grown. The early pioneers were Ronnie and "The Bitchelor", a dancer at a strip Club - Cleos as I recall. The Bitchelor and Karma were strong minded women who backed down from nobody. Sort of like Maria Divina with some aggression is how I would describe their posting styles.

There were a few SPs who came and went a few years ago who gave the impression of simply being man haters. They fought everyone on everything. They didn't seem to be able to distinguish the concepts of opinionation and marketing. They came and went.

I think most fair minded clients get that SPs need to be here to market themselves and they also have the right to express their opinion even if we don't agree. Some have had real trouble separating these two things while others pull it off extremely well. There is no doubt that some ladies have a posting acumen that enhances interest in them. Others have absolutely no need or use for the board, no time or else they just don't like the board purpose and tone.

I saw a highly popular agency girl last summer. She told me the agency recommended she not go on MERB. I had scheduled a 3 hour appointment with her based on MERB reviews and told her this. I also told her that although all her reviews were stellar she wouldn't gain anything from reading them. So for the agency SPs many are told not to post although a few of them appeared in a few of the party threads.

Anyway my sense is SP participation on this board is way more significant than it was 5 or 10 years ago. But most stay out of review threads. I think it's an overall positive and the fact that review content is inhibited isn't a big issue due to the PM function.


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
You know what I saved my post on my phone and deleted it. Amber I'd like you to PM me bout whatever you wanted to tell me, I'm curious. I'll repost what I just posted afterwards if that PM didn't change my point of view.

Feel free to post it, your point of view isn't wrong and it's valid in relation to you, I was more saying if you're curious why most other independent providers dislike the board and avoid it like the plague I could let you know, and also why currently you're seeing it differently.
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