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Curiousity: Men of The Lounge, Why are you Here?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
It is best if even the stupidest ideas are openly discussed rather than censored.

If an idea is really bad or wrong it can be proven so in the court of public opinion.

Many ideas we take for granted would have been scandalous at one time. Women voting? That's just crazy!

WW, I agree wholeheartedly...except the part about women voting....just kidding! :D


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I have read this thread with both amusement and frustration and have decided to weigh in on a few points.

SP participation on the forums - As some of you may recall, I did participate in the various discussions when I was still in Montreal. I enjoyed doing so, and I was not made to feel unwelcome, or like I was intruding on a "boys club". However it was necessary for me to censor my comments for a couple of reasons. First was to protect my business. Take the political threads for example. Of course I have my own political views, but my clients may have differing views and I do not want to alienate them. So I stay out of the discussion. Also we are forbidden from posting anything that may be interpreted as self-promotion. That means I can't always discuss my likes/dislikes/service/etc. Merb is strict on this and I have had posts deleted when I thought they were acceptable. As far as commenting on reviews, we are not supposed to do so. If a SP wants to comment in a review thread she is to obtain a mod's permission first. Now the mods have been pretty relaxed about this rule, letting comments go unless things get out of hand, but the policy is there.

Reviews and ratings - I like reviews and I don't mind ratings. First reviews are like gold. They give me valuable feedback on the client's perception of the service I am offering. They can be fun, like reading a penthouse letter that I am starring in. They also boost publicity and assure future clients - they are good for business. Now sometimes reviews suck. I was attacked in my review thread basically for my age and body type, even though I fully disclose both, as do my previous reviews. Yes it hurt my feelings, but it was just one jerk and I brushed it off and didn't let it bother me. Ratings are just part of this game. I find a performance rating fair, if you give your best during a session, you should get a good rating. Like Hungry mentioned, we are rated on our performance in many areas of our life, it is part of our culture. We rate others - the doctor, restaurant, uber driver, you name it. Now the looks rating is a little trickier as it is more subjective and harder for us to control. Sure I could have a crooked nose and funny teeth and never be eligible for a perfect 10. But that also does not stop me from doing everything I can to make myself attractive. Style my hair, do my makeup, dress to the nines and I will likely get a higher score. How many times have I heard about girls showing up to a meeting in sweatpants with no makeup? Let's face it, this business is in large part about looks.

Tolerance - one thing this board lacks is tolerance of other people's opinions. Many are quick to attack others based on their opinions, or in some cases a lack of political correctness or even ignorance. Whether it is politics, race, gender issues, there is no sense of acceptance and almost a spirit of hatred when people don't think the same way. Of course I'm sure the same could be said for other message boards, and even society in general, but it would be nice if we could be a little more tolerant of each others differences and opinions and act a little more civilized.

Hope everyone is doing well in Montreal! Miss you tons!


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
If a SP wants to comment in a review thread she is to obtain a mod's permission first. Now the mods have been pretty relaxed about this rule, letting comments go unless things get out of hand, but the policy is there.

Good to hear from you again Tianna, its been a while ! Hope everything is going well in Vegas. Thanks for sharing your point of view.

I quoted a part of your message cause his is something that intrigued me. Terb and Merb are more or less sister boards owned by Fred Zed. But the rules seem different. For exemple i see SPs responding to reviews very often on terb, or even answering threads where guys ask "do you know an SP that does X service". Obviously they are paid advertiser but they do are allow to do so.

Also reviews work different, as peoples make new threads all the time. Usually its a review and then folllowed up by questions and thats it. If another member want to do a review he does a new thread. While here everything is under one thread.

Now i will say i prefer merb, much less confusing to search for reviews, and i would even go as far as creating a new section, where every SP would have her review thread where it would be REVIEWS only. No follow up, no questions. Members would be allow to post a full review and thats it. While the current form we use would still be used in a different section. Some may say that would make doubles but i would eliminate the incall/outcall sections, as i feel they serve no purpose. That aspect if it was an incall or an outcall can be included in the review.

So there would be ...

Escorts Reviews Open Discussions

Escorts Reviews ONLY.

That way lets say i want to find the reviews of somebody, i can search for that specific section with her name (or there could even be a sticky with every SPs listed alphabetically) and the reviews would be all perfectly lined up instead of browsing trough 15 pages with maybe 1 or 2 reviews per page.

Let me know guys and gals what you think about this..


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I have read this thread with both amusement and frustration and have decided to weigh in on a few points.
SP participation on the forums..
Reviews and ratings...

Tianna, outstanding post! It's concise, thoughtful, helpful, sincere and wise.

I never got to meet you for an encounter (though I wish I had), but I did meet you briefly during a GT and I was very impressed by your beauty, intelligence and sexiness. You are also obviously an excellent businesswoman. Have you ever considered starting an agency in LV? The town needs an agency run by someone like you.


Nov 21, 2010
So there would be ...

Escorts Reviews Open Discussions

Escorts Reviews ONLY.

That way lets say i want to find the reviews of somebody, i can search for that specific section with her name (or there could even be a sticky with every SPs listed alphabetically) and the reviews would be all perfectly lined up instead of browsing trough 15 pages with maybe 1 or 2 reviews per page.

Let me know guys and gals what you think about this..

I would like it also it there was a way to check other members' reviews more efficiently, instead of searching through a plethora of posts. A "flagging system" for the type of posts we make would help in that case!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
For the record 20 something means 20-29 years old. Yes, I will see girls older than 29 years old but Montreal has such a nice line up of 20 somethings (there's that word again) that it is a shame not to see them. In the US it is difficult to see girls in their 20's that provide a good service.


Oct 21, 2016
Thanks Tiannas for restoring my belief in womankind.

I read some of the posts and wonder, do the escorts I see and converse with really feel about me and other johns the way a few female posters on merb seem to indicate?

I always think, no that is not possible. And I feel even more so after reading your post.

How they really feel is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Only adds to their appeal IMO.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
There's a forth choice that will work most of the time: she can tell her clients that if they intend to do a review, she would appreciate that they avoid using rating numbers.

Yeah, but then she's censoring the review (which I don't approve of). As long as the review isn't offensive, the reviewer should be able to write whatever he wants. Again the review is mainly for the sake of other clients, and not as promotion for SPs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
not using numbers... isn't so bad. You can still do a very good review without them. I personally do not like to use numbers...

It's not censoring necessarily, just put it in words. imo


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
not using numbers... isn't so bad. You can still do a very good review without them. I personally do not like to use numbers...

It's not censoring necessarily, just put it in words. imo

Personally, I like numbers. It allows me to skip to the end of the review, and right away get a gist of what kind of review it is for a given SP.

If I want, I can then dig through through the rest, and check the reasons why certain things were good/bad.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003


New Member
Jan 9, 2017
For my 2 cents, men walk on eggshells here too. If you write anything negative about a SP you will get lots of pushback from certain people. I actually got a call from an agency !!!!! On my cell !!!! My review was tame. So many of the reviews on here are just plain bogus !!!!!! Lots of shills. So most of the time, I don't say anything. Find a few people you trust and stick with them.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
For my 2 cents, men walk on eggshells here too. If you write anything negative about a SP you will get lots of pushback from certain people. I actually got a call from an agency !!!!! On my cell !!!! My review was tame. So many of the reviews on here are just plain bogus !!!!!! Lots of shills. So most of the time, I don't say anything. Find a few people you trust and stick with them.

What do you mean, "most of the time?" You just joined MERB this month. :rolleyes: I don't see any reviews by you. If you removed it, you shouldn't have.

How did the agency know that it was you who wrote a certain review? Did you give the agency or girl your MERB name along with your cell number? If so, that was not smart and there's no need to do that.

You don't have nearly enough experience on MERB to be making blanket accusations of "shilling," "lots of shills" and "pushback." Try building up some credibility before you make wild generalizations about MERB. If you think you spot a shill, report it to the mods.


New Member
Jan 9, 2017
See. It already happened. I had to change my handle when the old one stopped working. I notified the mods. Been here for several years. But thanks for your concern

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I adored the post of Tianna! I was happy to read you again with all you common sense and able to say all without hurting the feelings of anyone <3

This said, it took me many minutes to read all the new posts because I wasn't on Merb since many days since my last post.

I would have like to be able to "improve" things in the "hobby", like I said previously, for the benefice of everyone, men & women.
We have to convince that men and women are seeing and feeling things differently sometimes. And that's fine. I hope we are going to keep those differences at the end. C'est la beauté de la chose lorsqu'on parle des meilleurs côtés, et en même temps ce qui nous éloigne ;-) I am far from to be sharing here in the spirit to be confrontational.

I just hope that at least, I gave a little hint or 2 if maybe, the idea of taking in consideration what some women might think that could be an amelioration eventually. Anyway, is this important at that point? If we are putting this in a balance, if it is taking to have a /10 scale showed, so be it. I just want to underline that I have been myself rated a 10/10 in all 4 departments rated that way, once or twice, and I can tell that I would have never evaluating myself that high never (because we women, tend to be very judging hardly ourselves generally :tape: .....) But for those gentlemen who did, that was that.

This all said, that's years that I accepted that there are little things less appreciable sometimes in any fields of life, and I just try to concentrate on the more positive sides. The very best side of all my escort experience (including my participation on Merb as an escort) is the superb encounters I am blessed to share. The real life encounters. And that's the most important at the end to my eyes. xox

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
See. It already happened. I had to change my handle when the old one stopped working. I notified the mods. Been here for several years. But thanks for your concern

May as well say who your old handle was, it will solve future questions.


Sep 24, 2009
I enjoy people who pretend 'democracy' exists or even if it did that it's a good system. :pound:

That being said, the ladies can always create a thread!
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