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Curiousity: Men of The Lounge, Why are you Here?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Yes in the end i think we can say nobody is perfect, and what matters is when you try to be the best you can. I used to be extremely shy not that long ago. Lately i have open up a bit more. I may be a bit more graphic in my reviews (but without overstepping the bounds), unless of course an SP ask me to not mention something in my review is wich case i will not. i also ask more questions to the SPs as the worst that can be said is no. After all its a fantasy, why not want to make the best out of it.

There is SPs for every type of guys, a fantasy of a client can be seen as gross by one provider and welcomed by another. I was actually reading some post on terb how one of the provider there seem to love facials, like genuily, or at least she says she does, and most of her reviews are very graphic and appearing on her website. There has been a discussion about this on terb and i realized more providers than not are actually open to it, so thats why i started discussing a bit more about it here. If i recall correctly im sure i read that even Amber was open to it, so she must not consider this disrespectfull. Obviously it may be different for another provider. But if you don't ask, how can you know right?

We are on a special board, no matter what, we are bound to talk about special stuff :p


Sweet Baby Succubus
Aug 27, 2016
But if you don't ask, how can you know right?

true true, questions are rad and important~ i value open communication about specifics of what makes people feel good, and think that being open to peoples boundaries is useful!

We are on a special board, no matter what, we are bound to talk about special stuff :p (revised)

also true, except for me of course, I only hold hands :p c:< I think you understand what I'm saying, just not being disrespectful x


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yea it is very tough sometimes to read other peoples thoughts.

One thing that was easy to read from my thoughts (especially if you know me) about the guy leaving Washington today was the good riddance part ;) I know HM would agree which STILL totally surprises me lol. :clap2:

I think he was talking about Obama leaving office tomorrow. Proves point that what some people read in their mind is not actually what was expressed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Yea it is very tough sometimes to read other peoples thoughts.

One thing that was easy to read from my thoughts (especially if you know me) about the guy leaving Washington today was the good riddance part ;) I know HM would agree which STILL totally surprises me lol. :clap2:

You say that, but if Trump hadn't chickened out from running against Obama for his 2nd term, he would've been pummeled. Even against Hillary, it still ended up being close (which isn't saying much for Trump).


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
End results are what counts in this world my friend. If that is true what you think about a "pummeling" then he was smart to wait, about time the US has smart leadership ;)

You say that, but if Trump hadn't chickened out from running against Obama for his 2nd term, he would've been pummeled. Even against Hillary, it still ended up being close (which isn't saying much for Trump).


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
I also personally think leaving a little space for mystery is more sexy, so appreciate a little reservedness in reviews (within reason, of course!)

For me as a client, in general: the more info, the better. Acronyms, positions, etc are all fair game in a review, imho. The only time when it's "too much information" is when whatever's being described is at the cost of demeaning/degrading the SP.

Also it has to be said: we write reviews for the sake of other clients, and not necessarily for the SP. If a SP happens to benefit from a good review, then that's an added bonus. But the main point (always) is to share information with our fellow peers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
End results are what counts in this world my friend. If that is true what you think about a "pummeling" then he was smart to wait, about time the US has smart leadership ;)

You mean Putin? ;)


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
And gugu, I'm not talking only of the Indycompanion providers, though I would say statistically speaking a majority are not conservative at all..I'm also talking about the many, many other providers from all over the world who are having the same discussions about this stuff, who seem to mainly all be in agreement as well.

I suppose that by "this stuff" you mean how clients review providers on this of board, not the political affiliation or the transgender issue.

If such is the case, I suppose what you say is probably true. Providers do not like to be given number ratings for professional and personal reasons. I understand that. I'm not sure, however, that number ratings is the real issue in itself because many will say that even if they don't like it, it's acceptable to use number to talk about the service provided. The real issue is that girls don't like to be criticized negatively on their physicality. Here, yes, a sweeping generalization applies. If all were rated exclusively between 9 and 10, number ratings would not be an issue.

Guys can be pretty harsh when talking about girls physicality. I don't like it and always try not to be offensive either here nor in my personal life because it causes distress to some women. But I understand it's part of nature. Guy are attracted by women they find beautiful and not by women they find ugly. Most women fall in between the two in their eyes and mine also.

But, but, but, this is not the real world.There is money involved and many pay the money exclusively because they want to have sex with women they find physically beautiful. For them, a lot of value is in the global physical appearance. For many others, the physicality is less important. They'd rather go with a less attractive girl but one who respond better to emotional needs. Others have specific tastes for specific aspects of the physicality: they like big tits, saggy tits (miam miam) or small tits, this or that type of ass, legs, feet, face, colour etc. They are ebony lovers, tit lovers, etc. You all know that shit and you all accept that it's impossible to appeal to everyone.

What I have noticed here is that most guys are quite respectful and try not to hurt. The big problem is when the girls are not what they say they are. A guy who want to pay to have sex with a spinner may get upset when a 160 pounds girls, who advertise as a spinner opens the doors. His preference was not met because a lie occurred. The best way for him to pass his frustration is to come here and say an ugly girl opened the door. Not respectful. Sure, but he was lied to. That the girl who opened the door gets hurt in her feeling, not many will care about it even if she would deliver a good service. She needs to adjust her publicity.

You are in a market where physical appearance count. It's bad that physical appearance would count to work in the tech industry or almost all industries. Not in this one.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Ahhhhhhhh another CNN worshipper aka the leader of FAKE NEWS :pound:

For the record, I don't believe the "PeePee video" story (although I soooooooooooooooooooooo wish it were true)!

Speaking of Putin, I love the quote he gave about Russia having the best prostitutes. Even Putin reviews apparently :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Good one :pound:

What is this thread about again :confused:

For the record, I don't believe the "PeePee video" story (although I soooooooooooooooooooooo wish it were true)!

Speaking of Putin, I love the quote he gave about Russia having the best prostitutes. Even Putin reviews apparently :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And there lies the problem, dreamers dream, realist's make things happen ;)

PS...... name the price, I will bet you any dollar amount the Leafs win a cup before the Canadians do. $1000?, $5000? 10k?

And I actually dreamed


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ok give your 10K to Pat98 to hold and I will do the same, within one week from today.

"and for the record" I stopped dreaming the leafs would win a cup 20 years ago :pound: about the same time les canadien last won anything ;)

Who said I thought the habs would win anytime soon?? ;)

Ahhh screw it, 10k it is!! lol

And for the record, I actually dreamed it, just thought you would find it funny.


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
(BTW, this post is partly inspired by the quote above, but it's not a direct reply to the poster in itself.)

I feel that the point being missed in this thread is that there can be often a lack of sensitivity towards other people's realities. It's not always on purpose, but if we put ourselves in the other's shoes before speaking up, we wouldn't have the same conversation.

Here's a strong example : take the N word. At first it was just referring to black people, but after it's been used with so much hate and racism, it became perceived as a racist insult in itself. And as much as we could argue that it's just a word with no connotation in it's pure definition, I sure as hell wouldn't revendicate the right to use it freely, and I'm pretty sure the authorities of the board and members would not tolerate such a word being used and would consider it disrespectful. Because of it's history, the word's usage became wrong, and I wouldn't feel confortable hearing it from a friend, not to mention saying myself, as I'm aware of the impact it would have.

What I mean by the example is that it's relative. In the history of transgenders, we haven't been sensitized to the realities they've been dealing with yet as much as the previous obvious example stated above. Arguing that a certain vocabulary is fair according to a pure definition doesn't take those realities into consideration. It's not about just being PC or prentending to know better, it's just about understanding what are the impacts of our words and actions. I have a gay friend who's been advocating strongly for gay and queer rights, writing in some papers and expressing himself publicly on various matters. I admitted to him that I didn't understand much about transgenders and had prejudice, but I wanted to know more. We had a very interesting conversation and it opened me to understand at least a little what are the issues, thoughts and feelings that trangenders can be dealing with, starting from youth and so on. After that I became a little more sensitive about their realities.

Same thing goes with numbers being used (or lots of graphic details), and as much as Hungry's point was good (about him getting rated by his superiors with a number, school grades, etc...), we have to keep in mind that we're talking about people's intimacy. I read often on the board that it's a buisness transaction, as simple as that, but I believe it's much more than that. It involves both parties intimacy, feelings, vulnerability, secrets, to various degrees of course. I think most of us guys would like to be considered a little more than walking wallets, so it's fair to think that most providers would like to be considered more than sex machines of a certain body type of one's pleasing (or not). That, of course, is just a simplistic example to illustrate my point on the matter.

I believe that when we think about others before we think about ourselves (ego, being right, the need to constantly prove MY point, get what I want from an interaction, wanting people to think MY way, focusing on MY feelings, etc...), we can start having more positive conversations, interractions, meetings, arguments, etc... I doesn't mean we should toss out any type of rational thinking and start to second guess everything and always be afraid of hurting someone, but trying to understand a little more what others are going through makes sense as a positive way to approach things humanely. I won't pretend that I always act according to this philosophy, as I'm dealing with my ego as much as the next guy, but I feel it's a good starting point to be aware of it.

Well said!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
yeah well it's hard to win the cup these years (go ask the Sharks!), definitely not like the good ol times! lol A lot of good teams, good competition, and teams that are at the top had to go through rock bottom (thinking about Chicago and Pittsburg for example). That would be a disaster here if the habs had to miss the playoffs for a while, it was already a disaster last year lol.

The problem is the Canadiens got to keep a competitive team and for the most part they have done so in the last 10 years. They managed to make second round and conference final... The team this year have a problem. After a strong start i dunno whats going wrong but its more than just 1 thing. Price seem to have lost its edge lately, maybe due to sleeping a bit less at home (new baby lol) but the defensive has also had bad moments. While the attack can score against lesser team, but seem to have all the trouble in the world to score against great goalies and great teams (dubnyk, holtbi etc) So will the habs make the playoff this year? I would think yes, but i will not be surprised if they go as the bottom 7 or 8 team and get sweep in the first round or loose 5-1 unless something change.

Now the leafs on the other side, the problem is they have hit rock bottom and stayed rock bottom for over 15 years... minus one year where they had the choke of the decade against Boston. They always had lots of trouble in goaltending despite promising defenses and forwards. Will they make the playoff this year? If they do i would say the same will happen as the habs, but i would take a guess and say no.

Will things change in the near futur with Mattews? Probably if they can find a decent goalie... wich is NOT Andersen.

Wich team will win a cup first? I think the habs have a better chance but with with the ever increasing number of team (31 next year, 32 hopefully in a couple years when the Nordiques are back) i wouldn't be surprised that Pat actually die of old age before paying any of you with that money :pound:
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