I hope he would be in boiling water like the y did on farm to help remove hair on slaughtered pigs.The hearings on the events of January 06, start again today.
Trump is clearly going to be in hot water.
I hope he would be in boiling water like the y did on farm to help remove hair on slaughtered pigs.The hearings on the events of January 06, start again today.
Trump is clearly going to be in hot water.
FINALLY....JAN 6 COMMITTE decides to make criminal referrals to Justice Dept.....about time...we all know who is the disgusting responsable......
What's the date today? Let me check. Oh, January 6th, 2023.
That's funny - for some reason January 6th rings a bell, almost like something happened on that day maybe a year or two ago.
What was it? Let me think. Super Bowl? No. Stanley Cup playoffs? I don't think so. My birthday? No, it wasn't that. Wait! I think I'm remembering more clearly and I think it was exactly two years ago. Now what was it?
A new Jack Nicholson movie? That's it - uh, no, I'm wrong about that. Jack's been retired for about 10 years.
Was it something about the Kardashians? Nah, that wouldn't be anything important. Think, dammit, think!
I got it! January 6th, 2021 was the day a bunch of crazed rightwing fanatics staged a violent attack on American democracy after being repeatedly told lies and incited by a corrupt, incompetent, treasonous president.
Yeah, that's it! Glad I finally remembered. The only thing I can't understand now is why the traitor is not yet in prison...especially since I'm told that he also did lots of other bad stuff.
What's the date today? Let me check. Oh, January 6th, 2023.
That's funny - for some reason January 6th rings a bell, almost like something happened on that day maybe a year or two ago.
What was it? Let me think. Super Bowl? No. Stanley Cup playoffs? I don't think so. My birthday? No, it wasn't that. Wait! I think I'm remembering more clearly and I think it was exactly two years ago. Now what was it?
A new Jack Nicholson movie? That's it - uh, no, I'm wrong about that. Jack's been retired for about 10 years.
Was it something about the Kardashians? Nah, that wouldn't be anything important. Think, dammit, think!
I got it! January 6th, 2021 was the day a bunch of crazed rightwing fanatics staged a violent attack on American democracy after being repeatedly told lies and incited by a corrupt, incompetent, treasonous president.
Yeah, that's it! Glad I finally remembered. The only thing I can't understand now is why the traitor is not yet in prison...especially since I'm told that he also did lots of other bad stuff.
If you feel so strongly about this you should bring it up to your local congressman that represents your district.
Not my congressman, who's yours?Certainly not the one that compared the riot to tourists visiting the Capitol !
BRÉSIL/BRAZIL.....des milliers de gringos ----- fanatiques de BOLSONARO----- ont envahi et saccagé les édifices du Parlement......shame on them.....BOLSONARO se cache en Floride ...doit s'être réfugié chez son sordide mentor/coach....lolll......shame shame shame....
Trump is praising the treasonous QAnon supporter and Trump cultist who was shot and killed by a police officer during the failed insurrectionist coup of January 6, 2021. The orange-faced liar, grifter and traitor is also calling the heroic police officer who killed her while defending his country's freedom a murderer. By so doing, Trump is not only once again showing that he is an idiot and a traitor, but he is also possibly putting the officer's life in danger, as some wacked-out far-right psycho might try to take the law into his own hands and commit criminal violence. You know, just like those far-right traitors did on January 6 after the worst president in the history of the universe incited them.
Funny how the corrupt GOP calls itself the party of law and order. Funny how they claim the Democrats are responsible for crime. Funny how they claim the Democrats are anti-police. Yeah, VERY funny, considering that their piece of shit leader praises a traitor and aims to bring harm to a cop defending freedom and his country. Funny how Trump and the other sacks of shit in the GOP are against the FBI for raiding traitor Trump's residence at Merde-a-Lago...yet have the BALLS to say the Democrats are against law and order. Here's the report:
Donald Trump Furious With Kevin McCarthy Over Ashli Babbitt Remarks (msn.com)
If a wacko ever kill that police officer, Trump and MTG should be held criminally responsible of that murder and accused by the Federal Justice Department !
Trump. Rudy, Flynn, Stone, et al their judgment day is coming. Tick tock.The Oath Keepers leader has been condemned today to 18 years in prison.
He didn't himself entered in the Capitol but was directing his members.
To the judge, he expressed no remorses and kept saying that the 2020 election was stolen.
I still wonder why the two persons most responsible for the insurrection (Donald Trump and Rudy Giulianni) have not been yet indicted for the same crimes.