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Does it bother you if an agency owner sleeps with his SPs?

Does it bother you if agency owners sleep with their SPs?

  • Not at all, I prefer it

    Votes: 10 10.4%
  • A little but I am horny so I don't care

    Votes: 9 9.4%
  • Totally indifferent

    Votes: 50 52.1%
  • Big time, they should keep their paws off their ladies!!!

    Votes: 27 28.1%

  • Total voters

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
eastender said:
If you want to debate or comment on a specific subject just start a thread.Do not manipulate polls towards your pre-determined conclusions.


You're giving me way too much credit! I don't think people are influenced by what I think. Not one ioda...just look at the results, most guys are indifferent.

>>Olie, of course there are actresses but you can sniff them out. Maybe not after one encounter but definetely on the second or third one...


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
That is the point

General Gonad said:

You're giving me way too much credit! I don't think people are influenced by what I think. Not one ioda...just look at the results, most guys are indifferent.

Thank you for making my point.You have now revealed the direction of the poll.
The results are only visible after someone votes.Thereby further tainting your poll.

Once a pollster gives an opinion it is difficult for those participating to remain neutral.Specifically the results to date,that you revealed,may have been different without your comments.
Mar 26, 2006
I think that Martin touched a good point that some SPs do throw themselves at the agency owners in the hopes that they will get preferential treatment, which I'm sure they get, but in this case it is up to the owner to decline the offers to keep things professional and fair to all who are involved. It is difficult to not become biased towards other SPs when hanky panky takes place. That said, we can't forget that it happens in the corporate world also, to a much lesser degree obviously...



New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Mod 5 said:
Not true, the results are visable to anyone.


Missed the little rectangle at the far right but this only further exposes a flaw in the polling system on merb since a poll should not show the results until the poll is completed or at least until the member has voted.

Look at how elections are run and how pollsters operate elsewhere.

Marc elegancevip # 1
girls 2

hey oui comment le puige dire .
comme nimporte qui les relation homme femme qui se cotois frequement peuvent a long terme devellopper des relation parfois tres surprenante.

mais avant tout lorsque cest vonlontaire de chacune des part je crois que en dehors du travaille cest en regards de leurs vie priver au 2 personne conserner.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A few years ago, there was also a female agency operator or two rumoured to be sleeping with the talent. It's not only a MAN thing.

Again a few years ago, i was approached by several HDH girls about starting my own agency and they'd come and work for me. "You'd have your own girls and you'd have them for free", they say. So, i figured then that this was the norm more than the exception.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The bottom line is whether or not you get the service promised. If the girl is doing the agency owner but you still get the service you want, then what does it matter? As long as it's consensual I don't see a problem. I really don't know that much about this side of the hobby, but how often do owners push one lady above all others? If you call an agency to book and they always push the same girl just don't take her. Unless of course she is exactly what you want.

On the strip club side of it, it is quite common for owners, managers as well as doormen and dj's to treat the girls as their own private harem. Most of the managers and owners I've known always have something going with a dancer. And often it's the girl herself that initiates it.

Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
Doc Holliday said:
A few years ago, there was also a female agency operator or two rumoured to be sleeping with the talent. It's not only a MAN thing.

Again a few years ago, i was approached by several HDH girls about starting my own agency and they'd come and work for me. "You'd have your own girls and you'd have them for free", they say. So, i figured then that this was the norm more than the exception.


I am almost 100% certain that we all do things at work at one time or anther that we would not otherwie do except for the purpose of keeping our bosses or colleagues happy for whatever motivations we have: power, money, peace, prestige, or just to keep the job, using the options we are willing to put on the table. It is not an allowable option in the normal business world, but in the SP business, I would be more than surprised if sexual flavor is not a common option.

"You'd have your own girls and you'd have them for free" was probably the fantasy they wanted to sell you on, but I am not surprised you did not fall for it. I have myself declined "free sex" in the past because I did not think I could afford it. Sex is never free. You pay for it one way or another.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
I am enjoying reading your responses, restraining myself from replying... for now. I do not want to taint the poll.:rolleyes:

I am also keeping an eye on Terb and Perb where it's moving along.



Jan 18, 2006
General Gonad said:
I am enjoying reading your responses, restraining myself from replying... for now. I do not want to taint the poll.:rolleyes:

I am also keeping an eye on Terb and Perb where it's moving along.


Well GG, it is interesting how the TERB and MERB results differ doesn't it? Same number of voters but poll swings more to the right on TERB...which I guess supports the notion that politically, Montreal has always been less conservative than Toronto...hmmmm.

And to your point, I firmly believe this situation is more prevalent in Toronto than in Montreal.
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New Member
Aug 31, 2005
My only issue is about an Owner taking advantage of his position IN THE SAME SENSE as a Boss doing sexual harassment so that his secretary blows him in fear of loosing her job. I think it's morally wrong. But if the girl wants to do her boss, I guess there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I always figured that in this biz, the boss sleeping with some of the girls comes with the territory. A few years ago, some girls told me that with a particular agency they used to work for, they had to sleep with the drivers and the bosses before they got the okay to be hired. Whether or not the rumours/gossip were true, i can't say & i didn't particularly care.

I accept the fact that due to the nature of the biz, these things happen more often than they should . I don't condone it, but shit happens, and men are weak. But what irritates me is when i hear stories where the girls are nearly forced to sleep with the boss (for free, on top of that) or else he won't give them any calls or good clients until they follow the 'company line'.


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada
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Do you not think that there is a slight slippery slope in an industry where women are offering either glimpses of their naked bodies or sex.

In an office, people do extra work or extra hours to get ahead, salary increases and/or preferential treatment but in the sex industry, there are few extras the a sex worker can offer to a boss or co-worker.

Favours in this industry are not sometimes the same as favours in a office setting, to say the least.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I put my vote in the "totally indifferent" category which I believe is the appropriate vote in this poll.

It can be argued that a male agency owner has a duty to attempt to "test drive" the ladies he hires so as to give clients an honest, well informed evaluation of their services.

It can also be argued that one should not fuck one's employees, in any business for any reason.

I could argue either position and win, if there was a Court trial on this issue and I could present as witnesses all of the male agency owners as witnesses. In the final analysis, however, because I could argue either position and win, I do not believe that either position is intrinsically right or wrong. Hence my vote of indifference.
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Jan 18, 2006
StripperLover said:

I'm not saying that it is or isn't more prevalent in Montreal or Toronto or vice versa, I'm just wondering how you came to such a conclusion ?

Hope this didn't come off as I am stating a known or proven fact, only that I "firmly believe it more prevalent in TO". Though I am from Toronto, I tend to hobby more in Montreal and generally find this topic interesting. My statement is drawn from a couple "sources"...primarlily the number of instances it shows up on TERB vs. MERB (granted I am neither an archivist nor an administrator/mod on both boards, but am a pretty damn good researcher and user), and lastly my own experiences hearing from other hobbyists and SPs (never owners) in both cities. The latter is obviously a smaller sample of the total pie but nonetheless, coupled with the previous...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Karma said:
When I read your answer to the poll, EB, I almost threw up. How can you use the law to justify your answer when our judges and other there have clearly stated that prostitution is immoral ?To me, your answer is more than immoral.

What are you talking about????????????? This poll is not about prostitution and it is not necessarily about morality. It's about a business decision. And excuse me but I never gave an answer, nor did I ever say that this issue was actually triable in a Court of law. I said that IF the issue were triable I could argue either side and win. And that would also involve arguments under Unfair Trade Practice laws. Do you know a single fucking thing about Unfair Trade Practice laws? What if I were to tell you that arguably an agency owner who did not sleep with his girls would be in violation of unfair trade practice laws, if he later advertised their services as being GFE? You would be unprepared to rebut the argument and I would whip your ass due to your lack of preparation for not having recognized the issue.

Since you are so knowledgeable about the law, please tell the readers what the standard of proof is under most unfair trade practice laws and why that standard would arguably be violated here.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Also, the issue is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT as a practical matter. This is a theoretical discussion piece. A real discussion piece for those who live in reality would be, what male Montreal agency owner has not slept with his SPs?


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada
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Is it not possible that our views on this topic are skewed by the fact that we are solely clients & thus do not know or understand the effects of crossing the proverbial line(s) in the sex industry ?

If test driving is what is needed to be an informed agency owner then I guess the female agency owners are less informed than the males ?

Following up on this theory, all those male women's clothing designers & women's clothing retailers must be less in tune with their ultimate clients too ?
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