Montreal Escorts

Election 2012: Will History repeat itself? Union National splits vote, PQ wins power.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Tech, I guess you had a difficult night yesterday. You need more sleep. I know nothing about guns but all those who do tell us it was a semi automatic, if not automatic gun, illegal in Canada as it is in USA. It's a damn cheap shot to come back with the Canadian gun control, praising a government that trashed gun control in Canada. Not exactly a good moment for that. A small word of sympathy from you would have been more appropriate in the circumstances.

Are you kidding? Trudeau airport is crowded today. I heard that the one way ticket for Toronto were selling at 3000$ this morning. You should also consider the house values that dropped 75% in Montréal just this morning. Better sell now cause you'll soon have to pay the buyer.

The electoral map in both Québec and Montréal are almost identical to the map of 2008 with the exception of two districts gained by the PQ in Laval, one on the island gained by the PQ (Rosemont) and an other gained by QS (Gouin).

You show here a total ignorance of the Québec political reality. The "profession de foi fédéraliste" of Legeault in the late campaign to gain votes from Liberal supporters was the worst possible strategy for Legeault. He will not repeat this error. Unfortunately for you, Tech, elections are still determined by the francophone vote in Québec. And francophones do not see things the way you do.

First point: semi automatic rifles are not illegal. Also...the gun registry was not gun control and was totally inefficient as criminals do not register their guns. If it did anything at all, it gave law enforcement a false sense of security. LE should approach EVERY situation as if there is a possibility of an unregistered weapon on the premises. To do otherwise is foolish. And by the way...fully automatic weapons really aren't that difficult to get your hands on in Montreal. Gun control, gun registry or not. What I was trying to get across was that this guy was a nutjob. End. Full stop.

Second point: I remember a time when there was a second airport called Mirabel in operation. Where is it now? I remember head office after head office in Montreal. Where are they now? Ah yes...Quebec policies are SO GOOD for business.

Third point: I guess you have no idea what the worde "Once again" mean. :cool:

Fourth point: do you remember the ADQ? I remember them winning 41 seats in the 2007 election. Where are they now? I predict the CAQ will follow in their footsteps.

And now, Marois still insists to go ahead with her plans to toughen 101 and institute even more restrictions against the English language. That will be good for business. I guess she knows her limitations and won't even bother to try and get this province back to where it once was.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
And now, Marois still insists to go ahead with her plans to toughen 101 and institute even more restrictions against the English language. That will be good for business. I guess she knows her limitations and won't even bother to try and get this province back to where it once was.

Je pense aussi qu'elle va poursuivre avec son nouvel projet de loi de langue. Je ne crois pas que le CAQ ou libéraux auront le courage de s'opposer à elle, car ils seront peints comme des traîtres à la majorité française s'ils le font. Comme les trois parties ont mentionné des mesures pour rendre le Québec plus français pendant les élections, les votes des anglophones content pour rien.

I also think that she will go ahead. I don't believe the CAQ or Liberals will have the courage to oppose her as they will be painted as traitors to the French majority if they do. As all three parties mentioned measures to make Quebec more French during the elections, anglophones are effectively disenfranchised.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Et mon vote, est-ce qu'il compte? Je n'ai aucun besoin de faire renforcer la langue francaise parce que je trouve que le présent statut quo est suffisant. La seule raison pourquoi tout ce débat existe, c'est parce que monsieur ou madame sainte-nitouche de la Beauce ont été horrifié a leur pélerinage annuel vers Montréal (en chemin pour l'aéroport direction Fort Lauderdale, Floride) de se faire acceuillir en .... ''gros choc''... en anglais au McDonald.

J'habite a Montréal depuis trente ans et jamais au grand jamais je n'ai eu de problemes ou que ce soit. Tabarnac, on est en train de devenir pire que les américains pendant la guerre froide, ou ils voyaient des communistes en dessous de leurs lits...''Colette, va chercher ma carabine! Mon francais se fait attaquer!!''

Et la, quelle honte ce qu'ils veulent faire avec cette ''Nouvelle loi 101'': effectivement empêcher les francophones de transitionner jusqu'au niveau universitaire vers les écoles anglaises. Que l'abrutissement commence!! C'est grace a ce que je puisses dans ma jeunesse aller du CEGEP du Vieux-Montréal (dégueulasse, cette école) a l'Université Concordia qu'aujourd'hui je peux opérer en trois langues et en comprendre une quatrieme.

Et ca ce n'est que le début des changements que la Marois a en tête.

A tout bien y penser, qu'on déclare le Québec un pays tout de suite...Pourquoi pas, on a fait pareil comme le pays au sud, on vient d'élire nôtre propre version de George Bush avec la Marois: une femme qui a bien la peine a manoeuvrer dans une deuxieme langue, et qui a gaffé de facon majeure les portfolios de l'éducation et de la finance quand elle était ministre il y a plus de 10 ans.

Way to go, Québec!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
on vient d'élire noôtre propre version de George Bush avec la Marois: une femme qui a bien la peine a manoeuvrer dans une deuxieme langue, et qui a gaffé de facon majeure les portfolios de l'éducation et de la finance quand elle était ministre il y a plus de 10 ans.

Je suis totalement d'accord avec Shijak. Cependant, sa comparaison avec George W. Bush n'est pas la bonne. Mme Marois me fait plutot penser a 'Crazy' Michele Bachmann, une extremiste de la droite du parti Republicain.

Bush Jr. etait plutot gaffeur et une marionnette des factions neo-conservatrices du parti Republicain. Aujourdhui, M. Bush serait probablement considere comme un liberal de la gauche d'apres ce qu'est devenu le parti Republicain d'aujourd'hui, domine par l'extreme droite du parti.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
Dormez tous sur vos oreilles ,la guerre interne pour son remplacement comme chef du parti va commencer bientot.C'est sur que cette fois elle ne pourras survivre a une purge initié par son groupe de pur et dur dirigé par Jean Francois Lisée.


Jan 27, 2006
Between a rock and a hard place


New Member
Oct 9, 2010
He knows all the back doors to get government contracts for the multi nationals, somehow I do not think he will be shopping at Walmart.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
So, let's hope the PQ will work its hardest to create good jobs first and then deal with social issues,

:lol: Her plans are to raise taxes for both personal and business plus raise the royalties. Not much of a plan but I quess it is the best she can come up with. :lol:
Lucky she has a minority government to keep her in check.


Jul 30, 2011
Are you kidding? Trudeau airport is crowded today. I heard that the one way ticket for Toronto were selling at 3000$ this morning. You should also consider the house values that dropped 75% in Montréal just this morning. Better sell now cause you'll soon have to pay the buyer.

I needed a laugh, thanks....


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Funny, I was gonna reply to those who were thinking that nationalism was dead.

But then I thought... it's easy it goes like this : OWNED !!!

Cuze even if it's not the majority.
The majority doesn't want to separate either.
And... the majority doesn't want to kiss Ottawa's *ss ! or even Alberta's for that matter !

So like they say in non-nationalism land "Suck it up" !
It's there to stay and you can't do anything about it !

I must say I loved seeing Charest and all his pals crying like babies !
Didn't I did say he was going to get kicked in the *ss with his so called bogus 'silent majority' ?

Pots and pans did the job :lol:
Wanna buy some ?

To all of you I say : 'THANK YOU'

Marois gives me the creeps but I know for sure she ain't gonna be there 9 years like Charest did ! Mwouahahahahaha !!!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
And... the majority doesn't want to kiss Ottawa's *ss ! or even Alberta's for that matter !

Why would you bring Alberta into the matter? What have they done to Quebec except hire the Quebec people and give 5 billion in transfer payments.
The real joke is that a no mind like Marois got into power. Since the separation is a no go her only plan is to raise taxes and charge businesses more.
Her planned 75% tax on capitol gains should bring in lots more PQ people. LMFAO. Wake up to reality, Quebec just stepped backwards.


Nov 12, 2007
If you don't want to kiss Alberta and Ottawa ass, don't take handouts.
Like the Tommy Douglas era folks would say, if you don't want to be beholden to bankers, don't borrow money.

However in this day and age, it seems the cool thing for the kids to do is go heavy into hock and blame the bankers for your problems. Opa!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Hey, Gentle! I'm a nationalist too. The thing is that my Nation happens to be a real country, it's called Canada. Being a member of the 'Quebecois Nation' is like being part of Red Sox Nation, or Leafs Nation. It may sound good to say and maybe you can buy the t-shirt, but that's about it. And just to you understand...the rest of Canada is tired of kissing Quebec's ass and they aren't interested in doing it anymore. I think Marois is going to be getting a rude awakening if she tries to stir the pot with Ottawa.

And you can all forget about Charest going back into Federal politics. He's burned out his welcome for at least the next few years or so.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I'm a nationalist too. The thing is that my Nation happens to be a real country, it's called Canada. Being a member of the 'Quebecois Nation' is like being part of Red Sox Nation, or Leafs Nation. It may sound good to say and maybe you can buy the t-shirt, but that's about it. And just to you understand...the rest of Canada is tired of kissing Quebec's ass and they aren't interested in doing it anymore. I think Marois is going to be getting a rude awakening if she tries to stir the pot with Ottawa.

Well said, Tech. I couldn't have said it any better! :thumb:

Egg Roll

New Member
Feb 25, 2011
Best case scenario : Pauline can not do anything because she has a weak minority government so nothing big will happen by her governments initiative. The students will continue to protest for free university tuition ( there is a protest coming up on the 22 of Sept. ) and make her look bad. Her government will be defeated and a new election is called within 18 - 24 months. The corruption commission will be all done by then. ( The now defeated Marois government will have pass strict anti corruption laws ) and Charest will breeze right back in to power.


Aug 30, 2009
Egg Roll:
I am afraid that your "Best case scenario" may be just wishful thinking on your part. Here's why:
Best case scenario : Pauline can not do anything because she has a weak minority government so nothing big will happen by her governments initiative.
The newly elected PQ minority government already has achievements under it's belt. Here are a just a couple of examples:
Her government will be defeated and a new election is called within 18 - 24 months.
This is to be expected and is normal for any minority government in Canada, for which the average duration is just under 18 months:
However, there can be special circumstances under which a minority governement may last longer. For example, if the Quebec Liberal Party is totally discredited by the findings of the Charbonneau Commission, as is quite likely, the Liberals will be in no postion to defeat the government, and the PQ minority goverment may last much longer than the norm.
The corruption commission will be all done by then.
If you think that the currently elected Liberal members are all lily-white and will be totally unaffected by the revelations and findings of the Charbonneau Commission, I am afraid that you are setting yourself up for major disappointment and disillusionment:
Remember what happened to the Federal Liberals after the Gomery Inquiry. They still haven't recovered to this day, more than 8 years later:
Charest will breeze right back in to power.
News Flash: Charest couldn't even get elected in his own riding and resigned the day after the election:
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