Montreal Escorts

Election 2012: Will History repeat itself? Union National splits vote, PQ wins power.


Kansas Frank

I wonder how the victory and premiership of Pauline Marois affect, if at all, Montreal's Hobbyland. Will Quebec be an independent state? We'll have France and then "little" France as Canada's new neighbor? :confused:

Je me demande comment la victoire et premier ministre de Pauline Marois affecter, le cas échéant, Hobbyland de Montréal. Le Québec est un État indépendant? Nous aurons alors la France et «petit» France comme nouveau voisin Canada? :confused:

I wish Ms. Marois the best of luck in ruling her new constituents.

Je souhaite Mme Marois la meilleure des chances dans son arrêt ses électeurs nouveaux.

After battling back from inner party turmoil and record lows in party support, Pauline Marois and the Parti Québécois have claimed victory over the incumbent Liberals, forming the province’s second minority government in a decade.

Marois, 63, will now become the province's first female premier.

Après avoir combattu en arrière de la tourmente partie intérieure et planchers records à l'appui du parti, Pauline Marois et le Parti québécois ont remporté la victoire sur les libéraux en place, la formation du gouvernement de la province minoritaire deuxième d'une décennie.

Marois, 63 ans, va devenir le premier Premier ministre de la province femelle. :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Nothing will change, KF, other than Quebec having an even more dysfunctional government. The fact it only won a minority government means that the PQ has literally no power in government. They will not be able to pursue their separatist & radical agenda, unless the CAQ sides with them on most issues, which i can't see happening considering Legault & Marois' disdain for one another. The CAQ will hold considerable power by coming in 3rd. They will be making deals with both major parties in order to pursue its own agenda.

It should be quite an interesting year or two in Quebec politics.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Incredible scene @Pauline Marois' headquarters. As she was giving her victory speech just a few minutes ago, the security people suddenly jumped on stage, grabbed her, and puller her away. From what i can gather, they feared for her life & immediately arrested someone outside/backstage. Reporters mentionned that he had a weapon, and i also heard that some type of bomb went off backstage. I also heard that the person arrested did manage to set the place (Metropolis disco) on fire with the bomb. It's still unknown if there were others involved with the incident.

Marois returned after a few minutes and ended her speech.

More to come.....


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Yup unbelievable ! I saw it live on radio-canada !
When the guy was arrested he is supposed to have say "Les anglais se réveillent !" The English wake up !

PS never thought my 400th post will be this one... lolllllllllllll

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Yup unbelievable ! I saw it live on radio-canada !
When the guy was arrested he is supposed to have say "Les anglais se réveillent !" The English wake up !

PS never thought my 400th post will be this one... lolllllllllllll

His exact words were "Les anglais se reveillent! Les anglais se reveillent! It's fucking payback time!"

What an idiot!! :rolleyes:

Update: Two persons were shot by the suspect. One of them is currently in critical condition.

Update: The person who was in critical condition has died.


Apr 29, 2007
Quebec people have to understand they have nothing to defend their country, no army, no police, everything belong to the queen, only the smarters person like me know these private informations.

English could easily take down Quebec .... brittish+rest of canada ! anyway ... i do beleive Illuminati may be behind this or they will do something soon.

That was my 2 words :) (BTW i am Quebecer lol )


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Exactly ... this guy is an idiot and he shot two ppl ... esti what a moron ! :(

PS Matos ... give us a break w ur Illuminati .... lollllll

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As it stands, it's:


Minority government for the Parti Quebecois. Pauline Marois becomes Quebec's first female Premier. The good thing is that they won't be able to pursue their separatist agenda & i predict that another election will be called within the next 2 years.

The popular vote was much closer than anyone expected, with the Liberal Party barely trailing the Parti Quebecois:


I will be updating the results as they come in.....


Jul 30, 2011
Nothing will change, KF, other than Quebec having an even more dysfunctional government.

.....which will in turn screw up the Quebec economy more than the Quebec liberals managed to do
.....which will for a number of related reasons then affect the Escort business negatively.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
.....which will in turn screw up the Quebec economy more than the Quebec liberals managed to do
.....which will for a number of related reasons then affect the Escort business negatively.

Not necessarily. Having such a close election actually might be a very good thing considering the PQ might be unable to fuck up the economy & other things as much, as compared to how things might have been had they won with a majority mandate. The same could be said of any other party who might have won with a majority mandate.

The current parties will all be policing one another & kissing one another's asses (PQ/CAQ & LIB/CAQ) in various side-deals which will occur during Marois' current term. Like in Ontario when the NDP agreed to support the Liberal government's budget due to a side-deal the two parties made, many side-deals between the parties will likely lead to anger among some Quebecers.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Suspect identifie

L'homme qui aurait tué une personne en plus d'en blesser une autre hier soir durant le discours de victoire de Pauline Marois et qui a tenté de mettre le feu au Métropolis est un homme de 62 ans de Mont-Tremblant, a appris le Journal. Le suspect, Richard Henry Bain est propriétaire d'une pourvoirie située à La Conception, au nord de Mont-Tremblant.

Selon un ami contacté par le Journal, Bain est malade et serait suivi par un médecin de Montréal. On a aussi appris que le suspect est également actionnaire d'une autre entreprise près de Labelle.

Richard Bain est arrivé dans la région de La Conception il y a environ deux ans et travaillait très fort pour avoir des clients selon le propriétaire d'une entreprise d'hélicoptères approché par Bain, Jean-Benoit Daigneault, de la compagnie Héli-Tremblant.

«Il est allé voir toutes les entreprises de la région, comme par exemple les hôtels, pour avoir des clients. Je ne sais pas comment allaient ses affaires. Il voulait qu'on lui amène des clients mais en deux ans, nous ne lui avons amené personne», a dit M. Daigneault au Journal. Ce dernier a rencontré Bain à une dizaine de reprises en deux ans. Jamais il n'a remarqué de problème de comportement de la part du présumé tireur. «Nous n'avons jamais parlé de politique. Je n'ai jamais eu la perception qu'il pouvait en avoir contre Pauline Marois ou les Québécois», a dit M. Daigneault au sujet de Bain, qui lui a toujours parlé en français lorsque les deux hommes se sont rencontrés. M. Daigneault n'a jamais eu l'impression que le suspect était attiré par les armes ou les affaires militaires.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
This is not directed to anybody on merb it is a general comment.
I hope all the doomsday profets are now happy? Keep predicting the apocalyps with a PQ government and more crazy peoples like that one will come out of the dark. None of the doomsday profets realize they are the one causing the panic. The more you yell fire, the more peoples will think there is a fire, it does not matter if there is no real fire.
PQ is now in charge, with a strong Liberal opposition. Big deal. There will not be a referendum tomorrow and not even a talk about it in any close futur because PQ will not get the support for it. Things will be business as usual as long as the opposition decide to work together with the PQ instead of pushing pack on any PQ idea just because it come from the PQ.


Jul 30, 2011
Not necessarily. Having such a close election actually might be a very good thing considering the PQ might be unable to fuck up the economy & other things as much, as compared to how things might have been had they won with a majority mandate.

We'll see.
A lot of it depends on the perception of the business community and if they want to invest in Quebec.

I lived in Montreal most of my life, this just reminds me of the huge exodus of businesses in the 70's with the result that Montreal was no longer a "world class" city.
Even today, after all these years, Montreal has never recovered from that and Marois announcing that getting all the anglophones to move out of Montreal as one of her mandates, sure doesn't help things.

Yeah, a minority government stifles what any one party can do, but that is not exactly what Quebec needs either.

Quebec has the second highest population of any province in Canada but they have been the recipients of transfer payments from Ottawa for many years and the RBC analysis of real GDP growth for 2012 and 2013 puts Quebec at the very bottom of the list for both years.
There is something wrong with that picture.
That analysis was done before this last election - I wonder if the projection will now get revised.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
This is not directed to anybody on merb it is a general comment.
I hope all the doomsday profets are now happy? Keep predicting the apocalyps with a PQ government and more crazy peoples like that one will come out of the dark. None of the doomsday profets realize they are the one causing the panic. The more you yell fire, the more peoples will think there is a fire, it does not matter if there is no real fire.
PQ is now in charge, with a strong Liberal opposition. Big deal. There will not be a referendum tomorrow and not even a talk about it in any close futur because PQ will not get the support for it. Things will be business as usual as long as the opposition decide to work together with the PQ instead of pushing pack on any PQ idea just because it come from the PQ.

First off, the nut with the gun was just a nut with a gun. Nothing more. We should all be happy about Canadian gun laws because if they weren't there the nut probably would have walked in with an AK47 and grenades and who knows what else and blown a couple of dozen people away.

Now... Business as usual? That's just what we don't want in Quebec. We need someone to attract business to Quebec, to make things better, not keep the status quo. Instead of that, we have a lame duck minority government who will have to make deals with the opposition if they want to get anything done. Marois is not in any position to push the agenda she spoke about during the campaign and will actually have to govern responsibly. The big question is if she is able to do that and if the hardliners in the party will allow her to.

Once again, the PQ was almost shut out in the power bases of the province - Montreal and Quebec City. She has less than a third of the popular vote, not nearly enough to give her any mandate to make demands of Ottawa, not enough for her to have a mandate to mess with the language laws and nowhere near enough to give her a mandate to hold a referendum. Basically she's in a worse position than before the election because now she has to prove she can actually make a difference and I don't think she's capable of doing so. I think the hardliners in the party will push her to try to toughen the language laws and to make demands of Ottawa and this will blow up in her face. If she tries, she will fail and if she doesn't try, the hardliners will eventually push her out.

My prediction is that she will be very lucky to survive longer than 18 months. And when she fails, she will be replaced as leader of the party. As for the CAQ, I think their fate is totally dependant on their performance in parliament. If they support the PQ in language issues and demands to Ottawa, they will lose out in the next election. If they stand for good financial policy and for building a strong province and move past the usual crap the PQ will try to push through, then I think they have a chance of survival through at least another election. Eventually I see them going the way of the ADQ.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
First off, the nut with the gun was just a nut with a gun. Nothing more. We should all be happy about Canadian gun laws because if they weren't there the nut probably would have walked in with an AK47 and grenades and who knows what else and blown a couple of dozen people away.

Tech, I guess you had a difficult night yesterday. You need more sleep. I know nothing about guns but all those who do tell us it was a semi automatic, if not automatic gun, illegal in Canada as it is in USA. It's a damn cheap shot to come back with the Canadian gun control, praising a government that trashed gun control in Canada. Not exactly a good moment for that. A small word of sympathy from you would have been more appropriate in the circumstances.

Marois is not in any position to push the agenda she spoke about during the campaign and will actually have to govern responsibly.

Are you kidding? Trudeau airport is crowded today. I heard that the one way ticket for Toronto were selling at 3000$ this morning. You should also consider the house values that dropped 75% in Montréal just this morning. Better sell now cause you'll soon have to pay the buyer.

Once again, the PQ was almost shut out in the power bases of the province - Montreal and Quebec City

The electoral map in both Québec and Montréal are almost identical to the map of 2008 with the exception of two districts gained by the PQ in Laval, one on the island gained by the PQ (Rosemont) and an other gained by QS (Gouin).

As for the CAQ, I think their fate is totally dependant on their performance in parliament. If they support the PQ in language issues and demands to Ottawa, they will lose out in the next election.

You show here a total ignorance of the Québec political reality. The "profession de foi fédéraliste" of Legeault in the late campaign to gain votes from Liberal supporters was the worst possible strategy for Legeault. He will not repeat this error. Unfortunately for you, Tech, elections are still determined by the francophone vote in Québec. And francophones do not see things the way you do.

Kansas Frank

I understand Quebec province is highly indebted. Every politician the world over these days must focus on improving the local economy, if he/she wants to keep his/her position. So, let's hope the PQ will work its hardest to create good jobs first and then deal with social issues, which will likely improve on their own once the economy improves and create personal wealth for the person on the street. The PQ should look at what's happening in France, Spain, Greece and other Euro nations that are experiencing exceptionally high unemployment.

The election is over and let's hope those who won will govern responsibly. Quebec is a beautiful province and Montreal is a special place. Why can't Montreal, with a great institution like McGill University, be like Massachusetts with MIT, and Palo Alto with Stanford University?


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Wow, c'est beau de voir que la nouvelle garde a t-EEEEEEEEEELLEMENT les vrais priorités de la population ENTIERE dans leur agenda:
(ce projet mentionné a nouveau pendant la conférence de presse d'aujourd'hui)

Avant que les lecteurs se méprennent en ce qui concerne mes intentions, la premiere phrase ci-haut est INONDÉ de sarcasme! Bon sang, la province frole la banqueroute, le taux de jeunes qui décrochent de l'école est catastrophique, le gouvernement est écrasé par une main-d'oeuvre trop nombreuse et extremement inefficace, et j'en passe!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Pauline Marois.......

It would be up to her, she'd probably want english-speaking Quebecers to start wearing emblems, reminiscent of Germany in the mid-1930's.

She & her cronies are so out-of-touch with the problems facing Quebec today. Quebecers can count their blessings that she was only elected to a minority government & will thus be able to be kicked out of government in a year or two.

By the way, i heard that Jean Charest was to announce his resignation as leader of the Quebec Liberal Party today. I'm not sure if it's been announced yet.
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