Montreal Escorts

Election 2012: Will History repeat itself? Union National splits vote, PQ wins power.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I wouldn't count the CAQ out just yet.

I think the rest of Canada is hoping for the CAQ. As for Pauline I think she shot herself in the foot ( Globe & Mail today ) with her list of demands if she gets elected, or she will hold a referendum. Never knows when to keep her mouth shut or poor advisors.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Where Law 101 becomes abusive is in blocking the learning of other languages.

Ok, Merlot, hide the Stanley Cup for a minute. Québec school curriculum compare with most Western world countries for second language teaching. English is taught all along primary and secondary schools. Cegeps and universities have all levels of language courses. The public system also offer special curriculum in language for those who want their kids to get more English and/or Spanish. Also, there is the programme international offered both in public and funded private schools. Of course, you have to keep some minimum level notes at school in general to get in those programs, but that is for learning reasons, Rump, not classist ones.

The debate over what is the most appropriate way to teach secondary language, the amount of time that should be allocated to it and the age at which it is important to put emphasis are all pedagogical debate, not at all political debates, contrary to what Tec tries to convince you. Lévesque, Parizeau, Landry have all stressed the importance of learning English in the past. Although not fluent in English, like many political leaders coming from the popular class, Marois has also said it on numerous occasions.


New Member
Nov 10, 2010
If the PQ win a minority government, we will be back at the polls in 18 months$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Démarais vient de larguer Charest, faut quand même le faire, pour un journal qui a toujours appuyé, contrôlé aussi, le parti Libéral. C'est dire à quel point il est persuadé de perdre. M'est avis qu'un effort colossal sera mis à reconstruire le Parti libéral au cours des prochains mois. Ils ne laisseront pas la CAQ faire tomber le gouvernement au cours des deux premières années.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
If the PQ win a minority government, we will be back at the polls in 18 months$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I wouldn't bet on that. If the PQ wins a minority, expect the CAQ to show their true colours and back them up against the Liberals. Some CAQ members might also cross the floor to the PQ if they're close to a majority. If the Liberals or CAQ win a minority, I doubt they'll last 18 months.

james t kirk

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Jan 25, 2004
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I didn't read the 12 pages... obviously, but lovemakers comment in the first page make me cringer and smile at the same time... How he said voting for the PQ was voting for french extremist or something like that. I would like to point something out. I respect MERB is english mostly(even tough french is permited) because lots of tourist also come here and check reviews and such, and i guess montreal is really 50/50 in term of french\the rest. But you guys need to understand something, the province of quebec is FRENCH, its the official language, we where conquered by english back then just like france was conquered by nazis in WW2, but the difference is we never got back what was rightfully ours, and thats our province being independant. Outside montreal the province is MAJORITY french, there is only in mtl you will get serve in english first. Never i was served in english at any business in sherbrooke or quebec city, 2 of the other 'major cities".

Oh my. Bringing up the Nazis.

Do you even know the history of your own province?

You do realize that "New France" was never a country - it was a French Colony right?

You do know that France gave Quebec (or New France) to the British after Britain (and parts of present day Germany) defeated France (and Spain and Russia) in "the Seven Years War". New France was never conquered by the British. The truth was that France did not want Quebec anymore because France simply did not have the money to finance Quebec anymore. (I think they were too busy paying for the King of France's lavish lifestyles.)

Here's the history of Quebec / New France.

The British defeated the French in the Seven Years War in 1763.

During the treaty negotiations "the Treaty of Paris", Britain agreed that France was allowed to "protect" (i.e. KEEP) some (but not all) of its various colonies.

It came down to France "protecting” Guadeloupe, or Quebec. The British said, "you can keep one but not both" (Brilliant.)

Guess what. France wanted Guadeloupe. Why? Because Guadeloupe had sugar and Quebec had rocks and beaver pelts and sugar was worth more than rocks and beaver pelts. So France gave away Quebec to the British. The French attitude at the time was one of jubilation at handing over Quebec to the British because Quebec was viewed as a huge drain on the wallet of France. The French attitude toward Quebec at the time was personified by the French philosophe Voltaire who wrote , “it’s nothing more than a few acres of ice”

So the bitter truth is that France did not want Quebec and the British did.

I don't know why but Quebecers seem to think that they were conquered in "the Battle of the Plains of Abraham". That was only 1 battle during the Seven Years War (and truth be told, "the Seven Years War" was really World War 1) and while it showed just how brilliant the British were when it came to military tactics and war, and how cowardly the French soldiers defending Quebec were, the truth is, "the Battle of the Plains of Abraham" was a minor skirmish in a very large European war. In fact, British General Wolfe (who defeated the snobbish French General Montcalm) would often lament how he was out of the real action that was going on in Europe. Some say he deliberately committed suicide on the day of the Battle in fact.

And if you know your history, the local population of Quebec at the time was quite happy to be rid of the corrupt and exploitative French Governors. (You see, at the time, the rule was that Quebec was not allowed to have industry that competed with France. If a Quebecer needed durable goods, he had to import them from France, he could not establish a competing industry in Quebec. The result was sky high prices and black market industry in Quebec that was well known about by the French overlords and the French Overlords would usually demand very expensive bribe money from the local Quebec entrepreneurs. The British took over New France and they changed all that. They allowed local commerce, encouraged entrepreneurs, gave language and religious freedoms, permitted the civil code and the Catholic Church to remain intact. The result was that the Quebec economy flourished for the first time.)

So many Franco Quebecers have been raised with the romantic notion that they are a “conquered people” who one day will reclaim what is rightfully theirs. (I guess it sounds better than you were traded away by your corrupt French masters and it looks good on your license plates.)

But ask yourself this. How did those other French colonies make out? Guadalupe today. Boy, they really did well under the French. Haiti, Algeria, Ivory Coast, Shining examples compared to the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

james t kirk

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Jan 25, 2004
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One last hypothetical question for you.

Where do you think Quebec would be today if France had chosen to keep New France (instead of Guadeloupe) back in 1763?


It would be a state (or states) in the United States of America because the French would have SOLD Quebec to the United States just like they did Lousianna. (I wonder if French would be the language of Quebec today if that had indeed happened way back when. Somehow, I doubt it.)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
In the news today. The Quebec real estate matket slows until after the election. People know that if the PQ win the housing market will drop, businesses will leave. Not a good sign.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
You may have valid point on some parts for the past, but one thing remain is that today , RIGHT NOW, what does we have in common with Canada? We are badly see by the US, we are badly see by the english canada, they don't want us, we don't want them... There belief is so different then ours, they still want royalty, we despise that(and it piss me off to have the queen on my money) and back then the immigration was not as huge as today. If we don't do something to protect french in quebec, we may loose it just because the flood gates have oppened those past 10 years on immigration. Its important that those people if they wanna live in quebec, learn and speak french.

james t kirk

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Jan 25, 2004
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^^^ I have no problem with people learning to speak French. J'etudie francais en ecole et je travail pour une compagnie qui est situate au Quebec.

But here's the funny thing.

1. Do you think that everyone who lives in Toronto speaks English? Not in a million years. Just walk around a costco and listen to all the different languages. No-one cares. Toronto is a welcoming city. As long as you can work and produce, we don't care.

2. People in Toronto are lined up to educate their kids in French immersion schools.

3. If Quebec were to separate, Quebecers would find that French would be even more obsolete. The rest of Canada would just abandon official bilingualism and the States - well, they are the States.

There was an article in the Globe and Mail just yesterday that the attitude of something like 1 in 2 Canadians in the rest of Canada is that they would be glad if Quebec separated because they are so fed up with the whining and the ethnic hatred. It's come down to, "you wanna go? Go."

I personally do not fall into that cateqory as I do love Quebec. But enough of the the ethnic hatred already. It's gotten a little old already and idiots like Pauline Marois really would never EVER be elected in any other province. Can you imagine if Dalton McGuinty campaigned on an anti French platform (solely). He would be thrown out by his own party in about 1 second flat. But for some reason, it looks like Marois is going to win on her platform of racism and hatred.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I dont "hate" on other races, contrary i would love to visit all of these other places. The problem i have is that quebec should not be turning into a multilanguage place... If i go to china i expect people to speak cantonese, if im a tourist i will ask politely if they speak english as a SECOND language for direction. Now with the people arriving by thousands, they speak THERE language first(thats normal), and there second language is starting to be english all around. Where is french in there? Nowhere to be found.

In sherbrooke, i see many chinese store owner, and they all speak very good and fluent french, wich is perfect. I even had a russian taxi driver once and he speaked just like in the movies, french with a big deep accent... loved it ! I welcome other people but is that a crime to push them to learn french as a second language? Its not normal that as a white dude im getting asked for direction in english(the guy didn't know i was a tourist of mtl also lol) or that some homeless have english signs to ask for money... Or that (put nostalgia critic angry voice) THEY SHOW A FREAKING MOVIE IN THE STREETS IN ENGLISH SUBTITLED IN FRENCH !!!!! damn it... its montreal, its the province of quebec, it should be in french... especially since its a perfectly dubbed american blockbuster(Inception) and not a b serie small budget movie from romania....

Its actually killing me to see this. I don't like Marois, i despise her, but i like that particular fact about the PQ, they do want to preserve the french. Now if they where not wearing that damn red square crap and supporting the baby students... i would had vote for them... well with another leader at least.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Quebec Liberals lodge robocall complaint with police

On the last day of the provincial election campaign, the Quebec Liberal Party filed complaints with the province’s chief electoral officer and the Sûreté du Québec, alleging that Quebec City voters have been receiving bogus robocalls – putatively from the Liberals.

Michel Rochette, director of communications for the Liberal party, said the robocalls were made exclusively in English in predominantly French-speaking ridings.

“What we know is that people have been receiving these calls in the Quebec City region, saying that with (Tuesday’s) election, the Liberal Party will take care of them and to call the following phone number,” Rochette told The Gazette.

When people called the Quebec City number, they heard a fake automated answering phone message, in English first and then in French, saying they have reached the Liberal Party of Quebec and asking callers to leave their name, number and a long detailed message, Rochette noted.

The Liberals posted the automated phone message on YouTube, but not the original robocall.

“Unfortunately, we don’t have this message because the people who answered the phone did not record it,” he said.

The Liberals have provided police with the phone company to which the bogus Liberal number belongs in the hope of tracking down the perpetrators, he added.

Rochette refused to specifically blame either the Parti Québécois or the Coalition Avenir Québec, except to say that the robocalls were made by “ill-intentioned political opponents.”

A number of polls have shown that the Liberals have been lagging in Quebec City ridings, with the upstart CAQ poised to win big in the region.

A provincial police spokesperson said that investigators are looking into the complaint, but could not comment further. An official with the Directeur-général des élections du Québec confirmed it has also received the complaint, and that the agency would be verifying the matter.

The incident recalls allegations of unethical robocalls that surfaced following the last federal election.

In a separate incident, Rochette said that a number of Laval residents have been receiving live calls from people claiming to be from the Liberals in the past two days.

“These callers have been speaking very aggressively in English,” Rochette added, noting that some of the callers have phoned the same homes up to four times.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
PQ leading in 60, QS in 2. There's a report that Charest is losing in his own riding.


New Member
Aug 1, 2011
Sad day for quebec let`s see what they can do, for my part i am not expecting much

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Did Charest win his own riding?

He's currently trailing by 2 668 votes. He did not win his riding.

However, even though it lost the provincial election, it's still a victory for the Liberal Party since it wasn't expected to do as well as it did. My guess is that Marois & the PQ are somewhat disappointed that they didn't win by a much bigger margin.

It's an absolute disappointment for Francois Legault's CAQ, which was expected to do much better. However, his party holds a lot of power since it'll be able to be the swing vote in the government. If it sides with the Liberals, they'll own the PQ. If it sides with the PQ, it'll be the opposite. Still, the CAQ obtained 27% of the popular vote, which is great considering it's a new political party.

This is also a defeat for the protesting student movement.

I'm updating the results as they come in....
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