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Enhanced or not?

What are your thoughts/preferences about enhanced/fake breasts?

  • Love them, the bigger the better

    Votes: 28 14.6%
  • I like them

    Votes: 43 22.4%
  • Nothing like naturals

    Votes: 134 69.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
More and more women are getting enhancement surgery. They're fine with clothes on but some aren't so attractive nude. What are your thoughts? Do you love them? Personally I only want women with natural breasts, big or small I don't care as long as they're not fake.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Same thing for me.

Like 1st choice I hate

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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
You are missing the option of either or. There is no grey option
My opinion. Their body. Their choice
If an A cup changes to a c-cup. They’re fake. Can you tell?
It’s all about proportions
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Only natural for me. Fake tits look and feel awful. They almost all got that engorged golfball look. I never understood why so many women have this need to get them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
It goes beyond breasts. Everything can be enhanced and modified these days.

I personally prefer natural, but I can see why someone would want to try a girl who is fully "modified" with the extra fake look (Butt, breasts, waist, lips, hair, nose, piercings, tattoos etc. etc.). It would be more of a "fetish-fuck" for me, but each to his / her own.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
A girl who is modified is because she doesn't like that part of her body.

I think one thing is certain is that her changes will be made for her, because if she does this for potential clients, in the long run she will be depressed.

I really like the feeling of naturalness.

If it's just the breasts, I'll be more flexible on my decision.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I prefer natural but a girl with enhanced breasts is not a deal breaker.
When it comes to lips, butt etc... no thanks I have seen photographs with some that have lips like a duck, total turn off.
I like a woman with some natural curves, someone who works out and keeps in shape, someone who is elegant and classy and knows how to dress, someone who is intelligent and can talk easily about anything.
Luckily I have met quite a few.
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Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
A girl who is modified is because she doesn't like that part of her body.
No body like's their body at 100% but most of them don't use plastic surgery and they live a grate life what so ever.

Je ne suis plus a l'age de jouer avec des petite canards en plastique dans mon bain, alors pourquoi je perdrais mon temps avec des faux seins.
J'ai sorti avec 2 ex qui avaient des implants et ce fut la raison que je ne suis plus avec elles maintenant.

Il y a des pilules qui fonctionnent très bien de nos jours sur le marché ou en ligne pour augmentation mamaire, je ne comprend pas pourquoi les filles prennent des risques en chirurgie et en plus la plus part des hommes n'aiment même pas ça.



Active Member
Aug 7, 2007
i really dont like enhanced but for some reason the korean girls that have enhanced breasts are amazing...they stay soft and sometimes you cant tell they are enhanced..guess they have better surgeons their..:)
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
I will always prefer natural boobs, from cute small As to big Ds. In my book, there's no such thing as too small.

I must say some enhanced breasts are really impressive these days, but you can always tell the difference. It's also about proportions, some girls just push it too far to my taste.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
Enhanced or not enhanced? That is the question,.. or not ;)
Victoria Mini had very small breast but beautifully shaped that suit perfectly her tight petite body. Her incredible sex appeal & drive had not much to do with her breast.
Lea (Abrams) now an sp but formerly an mp had beautiful large enhanced one's that look and felt almost natural. And oh yess, she knows how to use them.
Rebecca4u, more a porn-star look without tattoos: fit and petite and beautifull large man-mades with a service and attitude that make you want for more..
3 examples, 3 differents ladies, time spent with each ones : memorable.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
im a little surprised with the results being so towards naturals...maybe the choice should be: natural breast even if they are very soft and/or saggy versus enhanced breast that are visually beautiful but may feel a little and look a litlle fake?
I think we are all in awe when a woman has naturally full, firm and perky breasts that are proportional or even a bit large to her frame, but that is really rare.

I MUCH prefer fake firm breasts over natural soft, small and (sometimes) saggy breasts. In fact, I find saggy breasts a turn off.

Something else i find to be a turn on about enhanced breasts is the notion that a woman chose to sexualize her body . I can only reward her with my appreciation...:)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
im a little surprised with the results being so towards naturals...maybe the choice should be: natural breast even if they are very soft and/or saggy versus enhanced breast that are visually beautiful but may feel a little and look a litlle fake?
I think we are all in awe when a woman has naturally full, firm and perky breasts that are proportional or even a bit large to her frame, but that is really rare.

I MUCH prefer fake firm breasts over natural soft, small and (sometimes) saggy breasts. In fact, I find saggy breasts a turn off.

Something else i find to be a turn on about enhanced breasts is the notion that a woman chose to sexualize her body . I can only reward her with my appreciation...:)
Me I prefer natural unless they are really sagging which is not common with women that didn't have children.
I have known a few strippers and escorts that had surgery for implants.
Almost all of the time the results were very good but not necessary for my taste.
Also, they exaggerated the size.
I wonder if they know that it is not a one shot thing.
After 10 to 20 years, they will have to change them, if there are no problems before.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I like enhanced breasts until they get hard due to capsular contracture (scar tissue that develops around the implant.) The problem is that this is a common occurrence and not necessarily the fault of the doctor.

If a girl is an A-cup and wants some curves or if a girl has saggy breasts due to child birth etc., I’m all for it. My problem is when a girl has beautiful perky, youthful B’s or C’s and they decide that they have to look like some pornstar or something and they get a boob job with that escort money that is burning a hole in their pocket. Sometimes I think it should be a crime. They should have to first go to planned parenthood and be forced to view some botched boob jobs and feel hard boobs or something like this before being able to modify that God given perfection.

I remember the famous Jennifer telling me that she was going to get enhancements. Why????? They were perfect. I didn’t sleep for a week over that statement.
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Active Member
Dec 19, 2006
Mon proverbe à ce sujet est le suivant : ''Petit ou gros, vrais ou faux, tant qu'ils sont beaux'' haha :)

Je vous avouerais que je sais apprécier une poitrine refaite bien exécutée par le chirurgien et qui va avec le gabarit de la demoiselle (grandeur et shape en général).

Il y a aussi un côté pornstar/stripper qui vient me chercher lorsque je rencontre une demoiselle avec une belle paire de seins refaits qui lui vont à ravir : quelque chose de la femme inaccessible pour le commun des mortels, accessible uniquement pour les bellâtres/playboy et ceux qui peuvent sortir le porte-monnaie.
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