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Falling in love with your SP/MP


Active Member
Sep 22, 2018
You said, and I quote :

Why would a guy fall in love with an SP who has sex for money?
I hope they are smarter than that, she is obviously not to be trusted.
Ok. If you just didn’t get that joke and how it’s a play on words based on what I replied to with my statement, that’s fine. You’re not the only one.

Maybe it wasn’t the best joke I ever made. That’s quite likely actually. Or maybe some people shouldn’t take everything so seriously. Who knows. It doesn’t matter.

We will probably never meet. But I’m 100% confident that if you knew me and how I treat the girls (or in fact, everyone) that I meet, you wouldn’t think that there is any negative judgment or assumptions that I have. At the end of the day actions speak a lot louder than words.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
please don't be another chump that falls into the trap.

less than 1% chance that she is actually into you, face the reality. Its possible, but use your big brain, not your small one.

The ones who are successful, doubt they will want to share their method, as it most probably doesn't apply to everyone, i hope you have an edge


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
As long as you can get over what she does for a living then go for it. Don't try to change her after the fact. It doesn't matter what either of you do for a living, it matters how you get along when you're together.
I hope it works out.
This hits It right on the head.
The male ego is so frail that it really can’t cope with the fact that she has slept with hundreds of guys before and with the stigma of what she does for a living.
Apart from that these ladies have the same dreams same wishes and feelings as any other woman.
If you fall in love with an escort I don’t see why you shouldn’t try to make a go of it, there is never a guarantee that it will work with anyone, falling in love is easy, staying in love and making it work is not, but when it does there is absolutely nothing that compares to it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
The ones who are successful, doubt they will want to share their method, as it most probably doesn't apply to everyone, i hope you have an edge
There is no method to falling in love ? WTF
It is not a sex technique to achieve multiple orgasm lol otherwise every Merbite would be bragging about it in their reviews.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
As long as you can get over what she does for a living then go for it. Don't try to change her after the fact. It doesn't matter what either of you do for a living, it matters how you get along when you're together.
I hope it works out.

that is rule #1 in chow's book. well said


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Most likely a losing proposition if you ask me ,,, but then again what do you have to lose right??
Well for starters if your both enjoying each other’s company and you think that you got a good rapport with your SP/MP then that’s exactly what you’re risking ..... yess eventually everything runs it’s course , just don’t understand why tinker with something that’s working at the moment and end it sooner
Just remember that once you decide to cross that SP/CLIENT line all bets are off . And if and when it doesn’t work the way you anticipated it would , afterwards you will never be able to go back to how it was
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Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
Probably not the best Idea OP but hey, if you think you have a shot go for it. Worse that can happen is she says no. Like alot of people have said, remember what she does for a living and how that might be giving you mixed signals. Also remember that just cause she likes you as a client doesn’t mean she would want you as a actual boyfriend. But yeah can’t hurt to try if you think you have a chance.
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Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
“What is love?
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more....” by Haddaway

I guess, anything is possible....

Love is Work, and IT needs to be a Partnership.

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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
If two people are gonna hook up, they woulda hooked up already, lol. As broad as it sounds, it just happens. Sometimes no need to think about too much in detail and get ridic. Advice from others


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You do not have respect for us. Saying "I have a lot of respect" doesn't magically make it a true statement. Saying "these girls are not to be trusted" is not a sign of respect. Saying "...wouldn't even date a former one" shows your whorephobia/slutshaming tendencies at it's finest. Acting like we're nothing but whores and don't deserve love in our lives - that is NOT what having a lot of respect for someone or a group of people looks like. Check your own bias.

EDIT : but I'll admit, while I'm not impressed; I'm definitely not surprised. Coming from someone who would write "she's a perfect cum dumpster" in a review, you know, makes sense.

You Go Girl With This Post! I think it received a record number of likes and is worth commenting on. When you first came on MERB I thought you were a bit of a smart ass and a little disrespectful of those with more seniority here. But my opinion of you has changed over time and has done so without having ever met you. You shoot straight with your posts, usually on target and not from the hip. It's from the heart and you don't brook nonsense. And I love it. If sex workers in Montreal ever became unionized, you should run for union rep and you would likely win that election. You would be better union rep than Tony Clark is for the MLBPA.

Your posts effectively keep a lockerroom mentality out of these threads and the respect level where it needs to be. It may be that the post you responded to was meant as a joke, but I am not sure it played that way and these kinds of things do breed disrespect. Although I have been around lockerroom talk conversations in my life, I do understand that a starting point in developing social skills with ALL women, not just SPs, is using respectful language. And we are mixed company here so we all should respect that and leave the lockerroom talk in the lockerroom.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
Here's one of my stories: It was with one of my regular MP that I was seeing on and off for 3 years. I was never tired of her service it always felt recomforting and she was always like I was hoping, she was mature, around my age and I felt that we would get along well asf friends for example but never considered it because she was very secretive, never telling me much about her real life and often saying obvious lies around it.
But one day, out of no where, at the end of the session she started talking about it: saying that she was now sorta single, wanted to meeting someone to get affection but didn't have time to meet new people. Took me sometime to consider that she was possibly suggesting that I ask her to go out so the next time that I saw her I asked for her phone number and real name and she gave me those infos.

Then I sent a text message to invite her to the Spa and... crickets.

Meanwhile messenger linked her name and phone number to her Facebook which shows that she's in couple and has a 14yo girl.

Went to see her again and she told me a story about getting in trouble for giving me her phone number and that she needed more time. That was the last time that I saw her / talked to her.

I just wish that I could have done more with her than those massage sessions.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Thank you EB! I appreciate.

I am fully aware that I come off as an annoying 20 something brat who's way too opinionated or even comes off as disrespectful sometimes. Especially considering I'm much younger than the vast majority of you guys yet I run my mouth loud and proud haha! I'd lie if I said I never looked back at one or some of my comments a day later and facepalmed even. But in the end I'm all about authenticity. I don't like to watch and stay silent when I see or read something that I feel is not okay.

Some people like to think it hurts my business but it really doesn't. I just meet with more people who share my values. Staying true to oneself has its advantages :) I don't hate anyone on here, I just try to be a voice for us sex workers and women I guess, because so few of us speak up on these boards yet so many of us see what's being said here and it is not always nice.

At the end of the day I think this board has interesting discussions and I wouldn't come here if it didn't. God bless the moderators for tolerating me all these years x)


Active Member
Aug 25, 2019
It can definitely happen. And why wouldn't it or shouldn't it? But it can definitely tricky for both sides to navigate the transition.
Her: "Is he just trying to get something for free?I s it just a fetish? Is he just falling for my SW persona?"
Him: "Is she just into my money? Is she just acting?"

But most importantly, the key is to respect boundaries. Lots of guys just want to keep things transactional; lots of girls also want to keep business relationships as such.


Oct 29, 2019
Such a fine line. Sometimes when you open up and confess your true feelings, Things get ruined.
Some girls are good at making you feel special. Maybe you are a special client. Maybe more. Hard to judge with the info we know.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

You have never come off as a 20 something brat.
As EB has said you tell it like it is from the ladies view point and are a voice on their behalf, I know a lot of the guys here see this but many of the ladies have a great deal of respect for you also.
I wish there were many more who would be brave enough to follow your lead.

I guess you can consider me a white knight where she is concerned because I know her to be one of the kindest and sweetest young ladies I have met.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2018
I'm moving on. Back on topic.

I think if you're a guy in this situation, you should first honestly evaluate yourself and which category you fall into.
This will sound tough, sometimes things are when you're really honest with yourself.
  • Unavailable for dating, i.e. you're married, in a serious relationship or something.
Move on. Unless you're willing to risk it all and blow up your marriage, existing relationship, etc... In that case, see below.
  • Willing to date, but unable to.
If you fall in this category, you should realize that you're (most likely) dealing with a super hot girl who could go out to a bar or make a Tinder profile and have a bunch of guys lining up, begging for her attention, in a matter of hours. Why should that SP suddenly decide to start dating some leftover dude who wouldn't even have sex, or maybe like once a year, if it weren't for SPs? Because she takes pity on him? Because she's the one who finally realizes what a nice guy he is? That sort of thing literally never happens. Honestly, forget about it ever becoming anything serious and just enjoy that someone you're paying for is making you feel in a way that no woman is willing to do for free.
  • Unwilling to date, but able to.
Now if you know how the game works but for whatever reason made a decision for yourself not to date anyone and/or avoid the drama that tends to come with one night stands, then this might be a scenario where it could potentially work out. But if you made this kind of conscious decision to stay away from dating, how quickly are you willing to overthrow that and change your mind? Was it love at first fuck? Ok, let's be real, if that's the case it's more likely that you're a type of guy who is actually willing to date, but unable to. If you are really this type of guy who doesn't want to date anyone, you don't have to do anything, just go about your daily life. She has to change your mind about dating if she's really interested in you.
  • Willing and able to date.
If you're this type of guy, just go out and find a civilian with the same frame of mind! There are a huge amount of women out there who are complaining all the time that they never meet any guys who are available for a relationship. Do them a favor and make yourself available.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
Oh, no, lets not bring the "You should date non SP girls instead" answer!

Not an option for me, I am into 8+/10 girls / SP and my value, without junior is a bout 5/10, I think junior raises it to 6-7/10 which I think gives me a chance with 8/10 girls but then it has to be SP... because I can't attach a picture or junior to my dating site profile.
  • Haha
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