No disrespect Beav, but you're way out of line here.
No disrespect, but nobody likes having their intelligence insulted. The poster is here to warn because she CANNOT go to the cops. Her warning amounts to absolutely nothing, because she cannot post a pic, and has not even described the perp in any fashion whatsoever except to say he claimed he was an American, implying that she doubted it. So her warning is a huge ZERO, other than to generally warn that someone is out there trying to pass counterfeit money. And it is not exactly the first time this has happened or been posted about. It is not exactly news that escorts are targeted for those wishing to launder counterfeited monies, or that they are easy targets.
It may be the policy of some indies to accept American $ but whether that is a smart policy is another question. That is open to debate. You can all post that you accept American $ but whether it is a good idea to do so is another matter. If you continue to do so, you are telling me that the warning you are getting from MissErotica has not been heeded. So how can you praise the post and at the same time ignore it?
By the ways, I have been paying for escorts in Montreal since 2002, and was told no to REAL American dollars on several occasions by HDH operators/indies. Lots of money was involved in those deals. I was told Canadian cash, PLEASE. Nobody ever said yes. But I understand and get that these are tougher times now. It was never any big deal to me to pay the minimal transaction fee involved in exchanging money.
Once last week there was a post where I was (surprisingly) agreeing to EB comments and my view of life was shaken but true to form he added a derogatory comment about sp's, so universe balance was restore...
Lily, my so called "derogatory comment" you are apparently referring to was that I did not like tattoos. Please explain how it was derogatory? Only about 50 other people posted to say the same thing. Most of them posting far more explicitly than me. There is nothing at all derogatory about anyone posting their true feelings on any subject. It is not a crime to dislike tattoos.
I would also suggest you stop posting in this manner as it is likely going to make yourself look foolish. I have long had a reputation for being a little too escort friendly in my postings on this board and have been criticized for it. Most senior members know that, and they know me, and they know why that is. These kinds of posts are not very credible by you as you don't know me and have not met me.