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From US-Visiting strip clubs, do I need to carry my passport? and do I need a car?


New Member
May 6, 2007
Hi Guys,

Some questions about visiting Montreal strip blubs.

1.) In the US, when I visit strip clubs, I just show them my State driver license. I am not sure about strip clubs in Montreal. Can I just show them my US State driver license? Or Do I need to show them my passport (I hope not)?

2.) From what I have read, most of the intown clubs tend to be conservative. So, if I want to have more fun, I should visit more liberal clubs outside downtown area. What are the name of those clubs? How far are they from downtown? Also, do I need to have a car to go those clubs?

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By the way, I might have a chance to travel coming up soon. So, I probably will be asking a lot of questions in different topics. I hope that you guys would help out a newbie like me out. Thanks in advance, guys. :)

Any info about the above questions at all would be greatly appreciated.:D
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Non, rien de rien...
Jul 10, 2003
New England, USA
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The answer to #1 is yes. The answer to #2 is it depends on what you plan on doing. If you are staying in the city, public transport works very well. If you are planning on driving into the countryside, you might need a car.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Jackyo, where did you get your info? Are you always showing your passport at SC? :D

JustC, you need your passport to get in Canada and back in USA if you fly.Road or track, you need a driver licence and a birth certificate won't hurt either. But I get you have a passport so, no big deal.

To get in stripclubs, your driver licence will do. Unless you look like a 12yo!

SC downtown are mostly low mileage. Best for mileage is Cleo, but less eye candy. Compare to what can be had elswere in North America, specially in the USA, almost all you'll get in Montreal will be high mileage!

I suggest you do a bit of reading on this board instead of expecting all the info provided to you on a silver plate.


Non, rien de rien...
Jul 10, 2003
New England, USA
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Ooops! I just re-read his post

metoo4 said:
Jackyo, where did you get your info? Are you always showing your passport at SC? :D
I thought he meant to cross the border. Better to have a passport when you do that.

As to gaining entry at a SC... you'd have to look like you were really, really young for them to want to look at an ID.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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No, you do not need a passport to get throught the border ( at this time )

No, you do not need a passport to get into the strip clubs, a drivers licence will do.

Yes and no, some clubs in Montreal are very conservative. Chez Parree is conservative with no touching but they have the most beautiful girls. At this club the girls are 8-9-10/10The Cleopatra is sort of a dive, but the girls can be 5-8/10, but will allow touching.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Unless you look under 18 to the bouncer, you don't have to show anything. If you look under 18, your driver's license or your passport will do fine as long as your driver's license has a photo that looks like you.

I'm not sure what you mean by conservative strip clubs. If you are referring to how people are dressed when they go in, most strip clubs don't care what you wear. During my last bachelor party, I noticed that people with suits normally go to Chez Paree or SuperSexe. A lot of the strip clubs downtown also allow touching. The touching is done in private booths. Anything more than that, I don't think that you will find it downtown.
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