Je suis une femme de mystères
À toi de trouver si intérêt.
Si vous souhaitez communiquer, il est à vous de vous exprimer clairement.
Je suis une femme de mystères
À toi de trouver si intérêt.
Je suis de retour ,,,
je suis d'acccord avec toi, je vies avec un proches , avec anxiety et parano. il vois de complot dans presque tous.
Si vous souhaitez communiquer, il est à vous de vous exprimer clairement.
Il s'agit de savoir si cela n'est pas de mauvaises graines , des fois il vaut mieux une petite travailleuse qu'une grosse paresseuse! Hi Hi Hi !
On ne vous entend que trop peu (et qu'en superficialité, tjrs les mêmes banalités, merci tu sais qui de t'abstenir ici) des raisons pour lesquelles on devrait permettre cette "profession" comme tu dis. Remarquez, c'est peut-être mieux ainsi. T'sé moi pis les chevaliers roses....![]()
Moi non plus, je comprends pas, Mel.![]()
Pourtant, c'était ta question posée ailleurs.![]()
Tu me perds totalement. Désolée.
Ben en tout cas, on discutait friendly. J'aime beaucoup Capt. Peut-être que tu l'as mal compris ou c'est peut-être moi qui te comprends pas.
Why do we have to be stereotyped? It really pisses me off when I read things like this...We are NOT all on drugs or booze. We are Not all from broken families or have been sexually abused. Some of us actually love our many benefits from it.
geez! i did not say that ALL girls in the business where on drugs, my exact quote is that drugs are ''a big part of what fuels women into the business''. One thing I noticed for sure, the rate of smokers amongst the general population is about 25%-30%, amongst providers it has to be well over 50%. Is that a stereotype? I beleived that the merb community represented the ''better half'' of the escort community in montreal, and like doc holliday said, when most of us choose to see an sp, it is based on our 'verification' system, hence this skews our perspective. maybe its a small part? So what if it is? drugs are in every part of society. I have been a member of this community for over 10 years, (I was even a member of the canbest form in the late 90s early 2000s), and I have read a lot stories about sps being high while on the job, so forgive me for thinking that, possibly, the rate of drug use/abuse and alcohol was higher than in the general population. I hope you`re right. You are definetely right that I should not have made that statement without something to back it up. I wish I could take it back.
Furthermore, merb only represents a fraction of what is out there. Have you seen the endlees stream of adds on annonce123, backpage, annonceintime,...maybe amongst the non-merb world there are more problems?
Those would be my own guesses, and I say guess because I don't actually know
I wasn't saying You piss me was a general statement....I've seen it so many times..on forms and especially in the media .Just drives me crazy.
Client's who post on these types of forums should know better (not singling out anyone here) and unfortunately the Media doesn't know any better and will always make assumptions. Even the perception of clients, from the general public, is of desperate, sleazy men.
I'll admit that my perception of Escorts changed after I started seeing them. I never saw Escorts as drugged up women looking for their next fix though, I just thought it would just be mechanical & very business like. I really didn't think it could be as much fun as it is and would eventually feel like spending time with a really great friend.
The perception of even the most open minded people I have spoken too seems to be the norm. When Escorting comes up in a conversation and I bring up that I see escorts, in a joking way, I get "you're too nice to see Escorts". Which makes me really think "wha….?" and to the couple of really close friends that I have confided in and sometimes tell them about certain experiences I've had with Escorts, I leave out the torrid details, all of a sudden see Escorts in a different light and have a look of envy on their faces lol!
I'm not wearing blinders either, of course there is drug use within the industry as well as sleazy clients, but like others have mentioned in their posts, you have that in all industries.
Unfortunately unless you are living the lifestyle or know someone that is, the perception of sex/companionship for money will always be a negative one.
Heroin. This is mind boggeling..... WTF would anyone touch the stuff?
24 heures plus tard elle m'appelle en pleurant pour me dire quel ces fais voler ces recettes du 4 jours 4 nuits de travaille pénible soi environs $4,000 ,elle ce fait saouler par le client et il lui vole $4,000 en plus ,quel histoire dégueulasse
Quand pense vous ?Moi ca me lève le cœur !