The porn dude
Montreal Escorts

girls on drugs :(


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Je suis une femme de mystères

À toi de trouver si intérêt.

Si vous souhaitez communiquer, il est à vous de vous exprimer clairement.


Je suis de retour ,,;),
je suis d'acccord avec toi, je vies avec un proches , avec anxiety et parano. il vois de complot dans presque tous.

Oui! Chacun réagit différemment à la drogue douce ou dure ;-)


On ne vous entend que trop peu (et qu'en superficialité, tjrs les mêmes banalités, merci tu sais qui de t'abstenir ici) des raisons pour lesquelles on devrait permettre cette "profession" comme tu dis. Remarquez, c'est peut-être mieux ainsi. T'sé moi pis les chevaliers roses....;)

Moi non plus, je comprends pas, Mel. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Ricky I do not know what I would have done. I think if someone were on opiates I would of took them aside and then called the booker. Bull shit if I am going to put up with that. If she shows up for work like that I think it is already impacting her life and probably not just casual use. This is not a 9-5 office job and she is not an airline pilot but work is work.

I want to say that I do not remember the last time a girl showed up high in Montreal. I think a girl snuck in the bathroom to get high after she provided my service. I am surprized that this is not a bigger problem. Over the past few years I have hobbied very hard and with the exception of a 3-sum in BA Argentina the girls have all seemed clean (the girls in BA were snorting lines in the motel). I know drugs can be a problem because this seems to be a popular reason for girls getting fired. Still, I see little of this. I would love a girl to suggest that we smoke a joint and take a roll in the hay but it just doesn't happen. It is always me offering wine or whatever their favorite drink is on them. Civilians that see the popular Liam Neeson movie Taken and believe that the girls are made IV drug users by their pimps so they have to work(I hate that fucking movie). I can just look at those dirty, street-walking girls and pick out the stoners from a mile away and avoid them like the plague.

Heroin. This is mind boggeling. I toyed with drugs in my youth but I did not know anyone that would consider even trying H because of all the damage that was done to the Vietnam generation that proceeded us. And now Heroin has made a comeback with a vengence. I was just watching some intervention show. One opiate using girl was selling her body for 200$. You could see that she was once beautiful. She left rehab after 10 days. Another young man completed rehab and was doing good for 128 days before disappearing. Long term sobriety is a rarity. WTF would anyone touch the stuff?

A young man that played for me OD a few years ago. He was clean for about a year and then went back to it. Shot himself up with his typical dose after taking some time off. the result was that he stopped his heart. We buried him. Why the fuck would anyone try the stuff?


Ben en tout cas, on discutait friendly. J'aime beaucoup Capt. Peut-être que tu l'as mal compris ou c'est peut-être moi qui te comprends pas.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Une histoire de substance et alcohol

Salutation tous
Pour mettre dans le contexte .....
Je vois un escorte d'une agence compétitrice a la mienne .Mon coloc et amie y est chauffeur .La demoiselle est une petite spinner jolie visage bon service ,Je la voie a 4 a 5 reprises .Ensuite la demoiselle fréquente mon coloc quelque semaine jusqu'à ce qu'une chicane explose entre les deux .Mon coloc donne ca démission comme chauffeur de cette agence moi je suis booker en charge d'une autres agence.Donc la demoiselle l'ex a mon coloc continu a travaillé pour l'agence ces une jeune demoiselle qui aime fêté mes elle est vaillante et beaucoup elle décide de faire 4 jours et quatre nuit consécutive pour avoir l'argent pour payer ces étude mes rester réveiller elle prend des stimulants !Elle est excessivement fatiguer et ça parait les chauffeur d'escorte côtoie les même donc je la rencontre souvent entre les appelles.
Un Samedi soir ou je suis en conger ,je suis a la maison incapable de dormir ,il est 2 a.m. le téléphone de mon copains ce met a sonner a répétition et des textes en plus je lit les textes ca semble Urgent ces le Patron de l'agence ou mon coloc travaillait qui appelle il est dans un état de panique il veut parler a mon chum ca urge donc je le réveille.l'histoire invraisemblable commence on apprend que la jeune escorte est chez un client est endormie et ne ce réveille pas malgré l'insistance du clients et du patron de l'agence 4 jours et 4 nuit sans dormir on fait leur effet .La patron de l'agence demande notre assistance surtout étant donne du milieu je connais la fille donc on y va toute les deux ,on va chez le client elle est non seulement épuisé mes elle a prit de l'alcool chez le client et elle est aussi saoul .Mon la prend dans ces bras ses son ex elle le mord met on quitte l'appartement du client finalement ,le patron de l'agence prend ca sacoche ,rendu dans le couloir elle remord son ex il la dépose elle va frapper a toutes les portes de l'immeuble sur l’étage je reussi finalement a la convaincre que je vais m’occuper d'elle et la ramener chez elle qui est a une heur de route ,Je l’amène elle tombe dans mes bras la fatigue alcool a raison d'elle nos deux van son stationner devant l'immeuble sur un gros boulevard il 3.30 a.m. 3 gars une filles un véhicule de police dans les parages arrête pour nous demander ce que l'on fait ?
Les deux policiers regarde dans la van mon chum explique que ces sa blonde elle a fêter et est saoul l'un des policier sent son haleine il confirme que c'est vrai il vérifie nos documents et il parte .On ramène la jeune demoiselle chez elle on la couche on part! 24
heures plus tard elle m'appelle en pleurant pour me dire quel ces fais voler ces recettes du 4 jours 4 nuits de travaille pénible soi environs $4,000 ,elle ce fait saouler par le client et il lui vole $4,000 en plus ,quel histoire dégueulasse
Quand pense vous ?Moi ca me lève le cœur !

Au Plaisir



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Why do we have to be stereotyped? It really pisses me off when I read things like this...We are NOT all on drugs or booze. We are Not all from broken families or have been sexually abused. Some of us actually love our many benefits from it.

geez! i did not say that ALL girls in the business where on drugs, my exact quote is that drugs are ''a big part of what fuels women into the business''. One thing I noticed for sure, the rate of smokers amongst the general population is about 25%-30%, amongst providers it has to be well over 50%. Is that a stereotype? I beleived that the merb community represented the ''better half'' of the escort community in montreal, and like doc holliday said, when most of us choose to see an sp, it is based on our 'verification' system, hence this skews our perspective. maybe its a small part? So what if it is? drugs are in every part of society. I have been a member of this community for over 10 years, (I was even a member of the canbest form in the late 90s early 2000s), and I have read a lot stories about sps being high while on the job, so forgive me for thinking that, possibly, the rate of drug use/abuse and alcohol was higher than in the general population. I hope you`re right. You are definetely right that I should not have made that statement without something to back it up. I wish I could take it back.

Furthermore, merb only represents a fraction of what is out there. Have you seen the endlees stream of adds on annonce123, backpage, annonceintime,...maybe amongst the non-merb world there are more problems?


Oh soooooo Passionate xox
Sep 22, 2009
geez! i did not say that ALL girls in the business where on drugs, my exact quote is that drugs are ''a big part of what fuels women into the business''. One thing I noticed for sure, the rate of smokers amongst the general population is about 25%-30%, amongst providers it has to be well over 50%. Is that a stereotype? I beleived that the merb community represented the ''better half'' of the escort community in montreal, and like doc holliday said, when most of us choose to see an sp, it is based on our 'verification' system, hence this skews our perspective. maybe its a small part? So what if it is? drugs are in every part of society. I have been a member of this community for over 10 years, (I was even a member of the canbest form in the late 90s early 2000s), and I have read a lot stories about sps being high while on the job, so forgive me for thinking that, possibly, the rate of drug use/abuse and alcohol was higher than in the general population. I hope you`re right. You are definetely right that I should not have made that statement without something to back it up. I wish I could take it back.

Furthermore, merb only represents a fraction of what is out there. Have you seen the endlees stream of adds on annonce123, backpage, annonceintime,...maybe amongst the non-merb world there are more problems?

I wasn't saying You piss me was a general statement....I've seen it so many times..on forms and especially in the media .Just drives me crazy.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Those would be my own guesses, and I say guess because I don't actually know

Hello all

I would more qualify the situation as a case per case scenario .
The situation I was watching is that the girls where not intoxicated when they started there shift ,but sometimes at the end of it ,some needed assistance to go back home !

Its a complicated business !




Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
I wasn't saying You piss me was a general statement....I've seen it so many times..on forms and especially in the media .Just drives me crazy.

Client's who post on these types of forums should know better (not singling out anyone here) and unfortunately the Media doesn't know any better and will always make assumptions. Even the perception of clients, from the general public, is of desperate, sleazy men.

I'll admit that my perception of Escorts changed after I started seeing them. I never saw Escorts as drugged up women looking for their next fix though, I just thought it would just be mechanical & very business like. I really didn't think it could be as much fun as it is and would eventually feel like spending time with a really great friend.

The perception of even the most open minded people I have spoken too seems to be the norm. When Escorting comes up in a conversation and I bring up that I see escorts, in a joking way, I get "you're too nice to see Escorts". Which makes me really think "wha….?" and to the couple of really close friends that I have confided in and sometimes tell them about certain experiences I've had with Escorts, I leave out the torrid details, all of a sudden see Escorts in a different light and have a look of envy on their faces lol!

I'm not wearing blinders either, of course there is drug use within the industry as well as sleazy clients, but like others have mentioned in their posts, you have that in all industries.

Unfortunately unless you are living the lifestyle or know someone that is, the perception of sex/companionship for money will always be a negative one.


Oh soooooo Passionate xox
Sep 22, 2009
Client's who post on these types of forums should know better (not singling out anyone here) and unfortunately the Media doesn't know any better and will always make assumptions. Even the perception of clients, from the general public, is of desperate, sleazy men.

I'll admit that my perception of Escorts changed after I started seeing them. I never saw Escorts as drugged up women looking for their next fix though, I just thought it would just be mechanical & very business like. I really didn't think it could be as much fun as it is and would eventually feel like spending time with a really great friend.

The perception of even the most open minded people I have spoken too seems to be the norm. When Escorting comes up in a conversation and I bring up that I see escorts, in a joking way, I get "you're too nice to see Escorts". Which makes me really think "wha….?" and to the couple of really close friends that I have confided in and sometimes tell them about certain experiences I've had with Escorts, I leave out the torrid details, all of a sudden see Escorts in a different light and have a look of envy on their faces lol!

I'm not wearing blinders either, of course there is drug use within the industry as well as sleazy clients, but like others have mentioned in their posts, you have that in all industries.

Unfortunately unless you are living the lifestyle or know someone that is, the perception of sex/companionship for money will always be a negative one.

I agree, just like some "people's" perception of clients as all being fat,ugly and greasy. I guess we can't change the world. Sad


Jun 9, 2015
24 heures plus tard elle m'appelle en pleurant pour me dire quel ces fais voler ces recettes du 4 jours 4 nuits de travaille pénible soi environs $4,000 ,elle ce fait saouler par le client et il lui vole $4,000 en plus ,quel histoire dégueulasse
Quand pense vous ?Moi ca me lève le cœur !

Ok wow, une histoire bien triste booker. Est-ce qu'elle disait la véritée? Et si oui est ce que quelqun est retourner voir ce salaud de client qui lui a voler son argent?? Est-ce qu'elle va mieux maintenant??


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

Oui une histoire triste ,bien concernant le vole elle a bien été volé mes pas nécessairement par le client ou nous avons été la chercher.
Malheureusement il y a des événements très étranges Parfois.

Au plaisir

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