Montreal Escorts

girls on drugs :(



Parlant de dents blanches, mes amis, n'allez pas dépenser des fortunes chez le dentiste pour avoir un sourire blanc et frais. Le citron est votre ami :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
99% of the ladies I have met in this business are either heavy cigarette smokers and/or have alcohol problems and/or take all kinds of drugs to work. It gets worse with time just like any addiction.
From my experience, most girls couldn't hide it (you could see from the behaviour and service) but in some other cases you would swear these girls are not high on anything... but you're wrong.
Some just hide/"control" it better than others (which isn't necessarily's still an addiction to deal with personally...).

I am not saying ALL GIRLS in this industry have addictions but some of you guys are really disillusioned thinking you can read someone from one 60min meeting or two... or half a dozen

Bravo :thumb: You nailed it on that is the point I made... Some of these guys are so sure the girls they meet are not on drugs. Loool Think again the majority are not all but most of them and majority of them hate the work and taking drugs and alcohool is the only way to get through. There is one regular girl I meet as a stripper she gave me extras in the booths and her main work is as an escort. She takes ecstasy to be able to provide a very good service it makes her very sexual and it shows she gave me one of my best DFK but you would not be able to tell she is high she looks sober. She also takes alcohol to be able to perform. She told me this. Many others are high on all kinds of drugs and most of the times it is to get through the work and to be able to perform.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Me my drug of choice is very natural , it is the gym or sex and the body secretes a natural substance that is the endorphin ouff ca ... I could not live without it loll

Hahahhaha. Oh same here. After a grueling one hour boot camp class that natural high feels awesome! Only "downside" is I am horny as ever. My other addiction is my blender and my muffin pan.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Tsk - You guys have found me out: I drink 2-3 cans of Diet Coke a day... sometimes 5. I know it's a problem and I'm thinking of switching to Perrier.

I am not a fan of sodas but i do love my fruity water, wedge of lemon or a strawberry, just about anything and sex is so much better without alcohol in the equation. I always offer something to drink to be polite, and if she says no or if all she wants is a glass of water, i am happy for this and i wont indulge if the lady doesn't.

Now i just take out the ice bucket, pop in a can of whip cream and dump some ice on it and i am good to go...:thumb: Who doesnt enjoy a lady sundae.....?:nod:

Thor Jr


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Bravo :thumb: You nailed it on that is the point I made... Some of these guys are so sure the girls they meet are not on drugs. Loool Think again the majority are not all but most of them and majority of them hate the work and taking drugs and alcohool is the only way to get through. There is one regular girl I meet as a stripper she gave me extras in the booths and her main work is as an escort. She takes ecstasy to be able to provide a very good service it makes her very sexual and it shows she gave me one of my best DFK but you would not be able to tell she is high she looks sober. She also takes alcohol to be able to perform. She told me this. Many others are high on all kinds of drugs and most of the times it is to get through the work and to be able to perform.

Le pensent-ils vraiment ? Sincèrement, je ne sais pas. Je pense surtout qu'ils ont un problème de conscience et ainsi, qu'ils ressentent le besoin de se convaincre du contraire. D'où cet archarnement à écrire des romans sur le sujet et de se cacher derrière des études pour lesquelles on dit bien d'elles ce que l'ont veut bien comprendre.

En passant messieurs, c'est un compliment ce que je viens d'écrire..

Au fond de moi je me dis, non, ils ne peuvent pas être aussi cons.


New Member
May 31, 2011
anywhere and everywhere
Bon, est-ce que j'y vais en français ou en anglais? Bah! Je peux toujours faire un texte en anglais plus tard.

Dois-je écrire un témoignage? Pourquoi pas? je vais y aller de ce pas.

Alright, l'an passé, on m'a confié qu'une dame avait des sentiments pour moi, je fus charmé, et en retour je fus curieux, et éventuellement, nous avons développé une attache émotionnelle. A priori, on m'a avisé qu'elle consommait, mais qu'elle avait arrêté, et à cause de son arrêt de consommation, cela causait un gain de poids, moi je disais à mon interlocuteur que je m'en foutais, je la trouvais toujours aussi belle et tant mieux si elle arrêtait de consommer. Elle avait arrêter de consommer mais elle continuait toujours de pratiquer le métier.

Bien sûr, la dame et moi avions continué de se voir plus souvent, je n'avais que d'éloges pour elle, surtout quand il y a des vrais sentiments. Mais elle a fait face à quelques critiques ici et là, ça la blessait durement, je faisais de mon mieux pour la réconforter, mais elle trouvait difficile de résister à consommer, surtout qu'elle faisait face aux critiques, mais elle résista tout de même, je lui lève mon chapeau. Elle me confia qu'elle détesta ce travail à en mourir, mais elle retrouva réconfort avec moi, même elle se sentait mal à l'aise quand quelqu'un lui faisait une belle revue car elle avait des sentiments envers moi.

Tout ça pour dire que oui, j'ai vu une dame me témoigner qu'elle devait consommer pour garder une apparence mince et de passer à travers ce métier, mais elle a réussi d'arrêter de consommer, elle a éventuellement quitter le milieu, mais on demeure des amis.

Voilà une histoire, et je prie que mon amie reste sobre et qu'elle découvre le bonheur.

Depuis de temps, ça me lèves le coeur quand certains critiquent le corps de ces dames pour des petits détails pour rien du tout....


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Bon, est-ce que j'y vais en français ou en anglais? Bah! Je peux toujours faire un texte en anglais plus tard.

Dois-je écrire un témoignage? Pourquoi pas? je vais y aller de ce pas.

Alright, l'an passé, on m'a confié qu'une dame avait des sentiments pour moi, je fus charmé, et en retour je fus curieux, et éventuellement, nous avons développé une attache émotionnelle. A priori, on m'a avisé qu'elle consommait, mais qu'elle avait arrêté, et à cause de son arrêt de consommation, cela causait un gain de poids, moi je disais à mon interlocuteur que je m'en foutais, je la trouvais toujours aussi belle et tant mieux si elle arrêtait consommer. Elle avait arrêter de consommer mais elle continuait toujours de pratiquer le métier.

Bien sûr, la dame et moi avions continué de se voir plus souvent, je n'avais que d'éloges pour elle, surtout quand il y a des vrais sentiments. Mais elle a fait face à quelques critiques ici et là, ça la blessait durement, je faisais de mon mieux pour la réconforter, mais elle trouvait difficile de résister à consommer, surtout qu'elle faisait face aux critiques, mais elle résista tout de même, je lui lève mon chapeau. Elle me confia qu'elle détesta ce travail à en mourir, mais elle retrouva réconfort avec moi, même elle se sentait mal à l'aise quand quelqun lui faisait une belle revue car elle avait des sentiments envers moi.

Tout ça pour dire que oui, j'ai vu une dame me témoigner qu'elle devait consommer pour garder une apparence mince et de passer à travers ce métier, mais elle a réussi d'arrêter de consommer, elle a éventuellement quitter le milieu, mais on demeure des amis.

Voilà une histoire, et je prie que mon amie reste sobre et qu'elle découvre le bonheur.

Merci pour le français ;)

Mais surtout, si cette histoire est vraie, merci d'avoir ouvert les yeux.

On ne peut pas les sauver, mais on peut les aider.

Non, vous n'êtes pas tous des worms.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I am generally excluding low volume providers... xyz is not "profitable" in their case.

Thanks for pointing that out. I can't imagine doing this on drugs, but maybe I would have a different perspective if I was doing multiple meetings per day, day after day, I don't know. A few times I inadvertently had too much to drink before a session, and it negatively impacted my performance, it was still fun, but I wasn't fully present in the moment, so the experience was less satisfying for me, and likely for my partner as well.

I truly hope that most girls don't hate this work, that would be really sad in my opinion. Life is far too short not to do what you love. I don't know many providers but the majority of the ones I do know are fun-loving girls who do enjoy the work for the most part.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Merci beaucoup Melyssa, j'apprécie beaucoup venant de toi. Et je t'assure que l'histoire est véridique.


C'est bon la reconnaissance...

Des amitiés comme ça, c'est à vie. Parfois la relation évolue, mais c'est à vie.

Salutation à madame...mes félicitations pour son courage et sa force.



Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Parlant de dents blanches, mes amis, n'allez pas dépenser des fortunes chez le dentiste pour avoir un sourire blanc et frais. Le citron est votre ami :)

Pouhahahaha !

Désolé pour le rire en différé, j'en perds, c'est la vieillesse. :lol:

En parlant de worms justement ;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
…As for drugs, based on discussions of this topic with numerous SPs my understanding is that their use is ubiquitous in this industry. Interestingly, all of them admit its widespread use but often claim themselves as an exception :). Ever wonder how girls can do shifts from 10 pm to 6 am? Amphetamines (aka speed) is the answer. Cocaine is next. For the day time low volume ladies the use of weed and its derivatives is common. Ones legendary Lily Love (boy if she was amazing in her late 50s!) told me that she does not do any hard drugs but a couple of joints per working day is the norm :). Ever occasionally have enjoyed this amazing click and connection with an SP? Small ecstasy pill might be the culprit :). On the other hand the use of opiates and especially injection variety is rare and is usually not tolerated by agencies’ owners.
What about alcohol? This is another story as it is really woven in into our social fabric… :)

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I really appreciate everybodys insight, comments and opinions on the matter in this thread.
Just to give a following on the lady in question (the young student who has her head on straight and i was somewhat disappointed to see clearly under the influence)
I folded and had a discussion with her. We are sort of friends and she texts me quite often, so in the end i felt that i had to bring it up.
She rarely used drugs or even drank according to her and she apologized for seeing me that particular day. She was having a rough day and being a young unexperienced girl in the party world, she was given cocaine by her roommate.
Not knowing the effects it would have on her, she took it regardless and didn't enjoy her experience.
She claims to have not seen any customers that day and that when i texted her, she wanted me to be there as my usual comforting self.
Obviously when i saw her in that state i got down to business and left..and it bothered her that i didn't stay longer like i usually do.
Anyways, she apologized and has come over to talk about it. The good thing is that she insisted on reimbursing me even though i initially refused.
I can only take her word that being high isn't her cup of tea and something she doesn't want to do too often.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I am going to be a cold heart dick to the Nth power and say this.

WALK AWAY from this one.

You don't owe her anything and you can probably end up paying more than just an envelope in the end.

It is most likely very tough and the last thing you want to do but for self preservation and keep your sanity intact this is the best course of action.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sure sounded like it was an opiate but OK it was cocaine. I think if it were crack, meth, or an opiate I would stay away...or if you ever see her again in that state I would stay away. One time shame on her and the next time shame on you. What do you have to lose anyway? On the other hand, there are so many fish in the sea of Montreal if you get a bad vibe why not switch providers?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
I don't think I could have a meeting with someone that was high or drunk... well unless we got high or drunk together :p

In all seriousness. I know this might sound stupid considering that I'm paying them for the time and they are aware of it, It would feel too much like i'm taking advantage of them.

As much as I wouldn't mind their vision being blurred when they were seeing me naked, I'd feel too sleezy :(

I am going to be a cold heart dick to the Nth power and say this.

WALK AWAY from this one.

You don't owe her anything and you can probably end up paying more than just an envelope in the end.

It is most likely very tough and the last thing you want to do but for self preservation and keep your sanity intact this is the best course of action.

I agree with Numerati but if it's someone I saw consistently and was really close with, like Ricky Bond mentioned, then it would be hard for me to walk away without having some sort of discussion (not preaching).

If it kept on recurring I would have to walk away, As difficult as it might be.

Lily from Montreal

Johnybird? You want her to have blurry vision? Look for a lady with glasses...voila! No need for drugs and I know for a fact that anybody will look good in the ceiling mirror loll

As for the thread subject,stay clear and put away your shining armor...saving knight sounds good only in books...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Sorry to be pessimistic but I have to disagree with that romantic image some of you have.
Hello all

I would use the realistic more then pessimistic ,I have seen from the inside this business for many years and met thousands and thousands of young ladies escorting ,some things are difficult for clients to realize ,after all escorting well done is a fantasy and phantasm and it is unreal or not true ,if they wouldn't be any problem in wonderland the turnover would be radically lower,but its not .




Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Johnybird? You want her to have blurry vision? Look for a lady with glasses...voila! No need for drugs

You are a genius Lily!!!! Now if they would only advertise it in their stats, would be so much easier to find :p

Green eyes
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Blurred Vision
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