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girls on drugs :(


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
99% of the ladies I have met in this business are either heavy cigarette smokers and/or have alcohol problems and/or take all kinds of drugs to work. It gets worse with time just like any addiction. From my experience, most girls couldn't hide it (you could see from the behaviour and service) but in some other cases you would swear these girls are not high on anything... but you're wrong.
Some just hide/"control" it better than others (which isn't necessarily's still an addiction to deal with personally...).
I am not saying ALL GIRLS in this industry have addictions but some of you guys are really disillusioned thinking you can read someone from one 60min meeting or two... or half a dozen

I think your statement is an overly broad, unsubstantiated and unfair characterization of Montreal escorts. It certainly does not correspond to my experience with agency and indy outcall escorts who advertise on MERB. I don't have any experience with streetwalkers and Backpage/Annonce123 escorts so I can't say anything about them, but I am doubtful that your incredibly broad generalization is an accurate description of them either.

We don't have any reliable statistics on levels of cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse and drug consumption among Montreal escorts. You citing "99% of the ladies I have met in this business" is meaningless. It's particularly meaningless because your "99%" includes any kind of substance use from tobacco to alcohol to various drugs. I wouldn't be surprised that 99% of the ladies you "have met" have at least tried one or more of those substances at some point, but it is a very big leap from the "have tried" level of consumption to the level of having an addiction and needing those substances in order "to work."

I'm sure you know some escorts but how many do you know well enough to know whether they have a substance abuse problem? 10, 100, 1000? Do you work in a substance abuse facility that treats only escorts? Even if you did, that would be a self-selected sample of already addicted escorts.

You casually dismiss the experience of clients on MERB because, as you say, we can't "read someone from one 60 minute meeting or two." Though I can't "read someone" in the sense of knowing what their personality and lives are really like, I can generally tell over the course of an hour whether a person with whom I am interacting is a smoker, drunk or high on drugs. It's not that hard. Maybe you are suggesting that addicted escorts somehow manage to appear completely sober for hours a day when they are meeting clients but then they gorge on cigarettes, alcohol and drugs when they are off duty. And how is that you get to observe them doing so when they're not working and indulging their addictions? And if, as you say, escorts need their addictive substances in order to work, then they should be showing up to work drunk or high.

Sorry, Tina, while I respect the fact that you are a working escort and must know some inside information about the business, your characterization of the "99%" is such a ridiculous exaggeration that I don't think that it contributes any useful information to this discussion.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
You would be surprised how much you can know about a person after 60 minutes, or especially half a dozen 60 minute encounters, especially when you work with the public, or work with peoples personality's and habits for a living.
If you're good at picking up the signs, you can understand more from the unsaid than people whom are close to them know from what they are saying.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I don't take ANY drugs.
What I know about it, I've learn it from the hobby.
Many years of walking out with street walkers, I can say from my experience, that SW are 99.99 % Junkies on hard drugs (Coke in many forms (most popular is Freebase), and also Heroïne (Smack))
I do not believe there are that much Heavy drug SPs (and bookers) users in agencies/indies (Merb), there are, but often other type of drugs like Molly, Speed, MDMA, and of course WEED.
I would say that 90 % of SP (Bookers) I met over Merb Agencies are on WEED lol (At different level)...
(And also Ad sites). Ok I may exagerate a bit ;)
On ad sites, You also have quite a lot of heavy drug users as RB pointed out. Most have pimps though.
Another good amount are on weed.
And some I would bet they are clean... But who knows... They might hide it pretty well.

I would say that after all these years of hobbying, I can most of the time (not always I admit) detect some level of drug use, not from one 60 min session, but within the first 5 min :)
For some type of drugs or depending if the person is an experience user under control, it takes longer.

Note: My experience is mostly with Young sp's in the range 18-24. :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
... And for strippers, I would say 99% are on weed, alcool (shooters mostly ;) ) and speed :)

Please, the numbers I use are only to express my feeling according to what I observed... (which I truly believe was Tina's intents...)
No strong statistical analysis :)


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
... And for strippers, I would say 99% are on weed, alcool (shooters mostly ;) ) and speed :)
I second that ...
99% doesnt mean any strict and formal statistical data but an obvious general tendancy ...

My experience in SC is that most of the girls are on ... something legit or not!
Probably because it makes their job let say easier as it is not at all at first! Not encouraging at all of course!
Problem is when this behavior is no more under control and it is very sad... :confused:


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Exactly, I think most sex workers takes "something" at some level.
But when it is under control, It can even make the experience better :)
However, when out of control, it could become quite a problem.
I have not seen too much of Out Control cases in the Merb world (there are some though). But out of merb is another story.

But what makes me extremely sad is when I see a girl I like going down hill progressively...


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
99% of the ladies I have met in this business are either heavy cigarette smokers and/or have alcohol problems and/or take all kinds of drugs to work. It gets worse with time just like any addiction.
From my experience, most girls couldn't hide it (you could see from the behaviour and service) but in some other cases you would swear these girls are not high on anything... but you're wrong.
Some just hide/"control" it better than others (which isn't necessarily's still an addiction to deal with personally...).

I am not saying ALL GIRLS in this industry have addictions but some of you guys are really disillusioned thinking you can read someone from one 60min meeting or two... or half a dozen

Moi je ne te connais pas, enfin, je crois...

Mais je t'adore ;)

Ils sont saoul, si tu m'a lu ailleurs, c'est comme essayer de dire a un ivrogne dans son bar à 2:30 du matin qu'il est peut-être temps qu'il cesse de boire.

Ils veulent entendre que les filles sont là pour leur gros pénis dur sur lequel ils font une fucking fixation.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
99% doesnt mean any strict and formal statistical data..

Please, the numbers I use are only to express my feeling according to what I observed...
No strong statistical analysis

SW are 99.99 % Junkies on hard drugs (Coke in many forms (most popular is Freebase), and also Heroïne..
I would say that 90 % of SP (Bookers) I met over Merb Agencies are on WEED...
(And also Ad sites). Ok I may exagerate a bit..

In other words, the "statistics" and percentages you cite are meaningless.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
In other words, the "statistics" and percentages you cite are meaningless.

Our experience, observations are meaningful though if it means something to you...

Because indeed, statistic is really NOT the essence in many discussions here but numbers are only to reflect how each ones that use them see the importance of some phenomenon.

Actually, you can replace 99% by "In General" or "Most", or "In general, most" :)


Sep 18, 2005
Over the years, I had just a handful of meetings with girls obviously on drugs. The firts time was with a girl from Asservissante, and Martin was suspecting something since he called me just after the meeting to ask about the girl. Then a girl from FKS who was obviously high on cocaine. Both are retired now. More recently, a girl from an agency in Quebec city (dilated pupils) and a popular independent, also from Quebec city (cocaine).


La femme aux fleurs
May 30, 2015
Tsk - You guys have found me out: I drink 2-3 cans of Diet Coke a day... sometimes 5. I know it's a problem and I'm thinking of switching to Perrier.


Jun 9, 2015
Tsk - You guys have found me out: I drink 2-3 cans of Diet Coke a day... sometimes 5. I know it's a problem and I'm thinking of switching to Perrier.

5 cans a day...The same thing happened to me a while ago. I was drinking Diet 7up like it was water. Everytime I went for a jog I was ready to sell my soul for a can, hell for a sip. I needed an intervention. Really bad. Now I only drink water and sparkling water.


La femme aux fleurs
May 30, 2015
5 cans a day...The same thing happened to me a while ago. I was drinking Diet 7up like it was water. Everytime I went for a jog I was ready to sell my soul for a can, hell for a sip. I needed an intervention. Really bad. Now I only drink water and sparkling water.

Ah, someone who understands! I used to think it was just my lack of will power but now I wonder if it's also the aspartame - regular Coke and Coke Zero do nothing for me. I think it's either time to get a SodaStream or find some sort of Soda-Addict support group.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Tsk - You guys have found me out: I drink 2-3 cans of Diet Coke a day... sometimes 5. I know it's a problem and I'm thinking of switching to Perrier.

I just discovered perrier for the first time this week after a friend suggested it was good for the body in heat waves.
I fell in love with perrier, perrier citron, and san pellegrino and have been consuming them daily, i can't believe i only discovered this now lol


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Tsk - You guys have found me out: I drink 2-3 cans of Diet Coke a day... sometimes 5. I know it's a problem and I'm thinking of switching to Perrier.

Oui tu devrais car l'aspartame, c'est d'la "m". Responsable de l'obésité de bien des gens car incite à manger plus, massacre l'email de tes dents (ça ne revient plus) et même des études prétendent qu'elle affecte notre intelligence.

Le Perrier est probablement mieux, mais encore là, bourré de sodium. Hello rétention d'eau.

Peut-être que tu devrais essayer l'eau plate et la santé, l'amour de soi c'est un bon départ dans la vie.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Merci Melyssa! Un bon départ en effet!

J'ai découvert le rooibos aussi. On pense a tord que c'est un thé "rouge", mais il n'en est rien.

Pas de théine donc ne tache pas les dents
Contient du fluor donc bon pour l'email des dents (contrairement au coke di et)
Effet sur l'insomnie (donc à consommer avant de dormir, c'est excellent)
Effet sur les maux de ventre (les asiatiques en donneraient depuis tjrs à leur bébé pour effet sur les colliques)
Et plus
Et plus
Et plus

J'adore, j'ai bu tout l'été froid, mais excellent chaud aussi bien entendu.

Ça se vend un peu partout dans les boutiques de thés.
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