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Go Habs Go!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Radu est parti pour un climat plus du (doux). Montréal lui a offert exactement le même contrat que Dallas, je comprend pas Raduluv.(doh! Les impôts du Texas et jouer avec Seguin et Benn..)
Je sais que la verite fache, mais l'ultime raison pourquoi Radu-love jouera a Dallas la saison prochaine est simple: il voulait plus jouer a Montreal. Le CH lui a offert en premier l'offre qu'il a fini par accepter pour jouer a Dallas. Il s'est ensuite tourner vers les Stars et leur a dit qu'il jouerait a Dallas s'ils matchaient l'offre du CH. Bref, il s'est servi du CH pour aller jouer a Dallas.

Bergevin se serait fait crucifier publiquement a la Place Jacques Cartier si Radu aurait accepte son offre. "Cinq ans a $6 millions par annee??? Bergevin, t'es tu fou?" les gens auraient crier. On aurait aussi crier qu'il etait incompetent et on souhaiterait son congediement.

Le CH et ses partisans devraient se compter chancer que Radu-love prefere jouer a Dallas qu'a Montreal. S'il aimait Montreal et ses partisans tant que ca, il aurait signer a Montreal. Il aurait dit a son agent de revenir avec une 'counter-offer' aux Canadiens et leur guarantir que cette offre finale assurait qu'il signerait bel et bien avec le CH. Mais non. Dallas a matcher l'offre du CH et il a signer avec Dallas.

Quand tu as gagner pres de $40 millions en jouant au hockey, une couple de millions pendant 5 ans c'est des peanuts. Si tu aimes vraiment jouer du hockey dans un endroit et que tu y es heureux, tu joues la et c'est la fin de l'histoire.

Les propos de Radu-love avec les medias pour vanter le Canadiens et ses partisans et qu'il aurait voulu continuer a jouer a Montreal: de la pure 'bullshit'. All talk.

p.s. Cependant, j'aurais re-signer Desharnais pour le reunir avec Pacioretty. Pour alentour d'un million?? Anytime!! Son probleme avec les partisans a toujours ete qu'il valait pas le gros contrat qu'on lui avait donner.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
GALCHENYUK.....réglé.......le prochain sera sûrement MARKOV....Bergevin doit s'amuser avec ce le laisser languir....


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
GALCHENYUK.....réglé.......le prochain sera sûrement MARKOV....Bergevin doit s'amuser avec ce le laisser languir....

Ils va vieillir un peu et redevenir le scoreur de 30 but right?



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Well...this one....i feel it they will badly need it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
Reponse: Y'a pas bien bien d'equipes qui sont pretes a payer un simple gardien-de-but $10.5 millions par annee. Une seule equipe: Les Canadiens de Montreal.

Bergevin saving his career. Without Price it's simple he doesn't make the play offs. With Price, he's a play off team and camouflages his mistakes.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Bergevin saving his career. Without Price it's simple he doesn't make the play offs. With Price, he's a play off team and camouflages his mistakes.

I agree. But there should be more than simply being a playoff team. They won't get anywhere by giving him that $10.5 million/year contract since they won't be able to sign or re-sign more than one or two top guys. They also will keep squeezing into the playoffs and miss out on top 5 or top 10 draft picks which are key to rebuilding franchises (see Chicago, Pittsburgh, Toronto, Tampa, Washington, etc).

Time will tell. Adding Drouin was a bonus, but losing Radulov nullifies that gain. Maybe Galchenyuk will bounce back. Hopefully Pacioretty keeps on scoring. Maybe the defence will improve, but my guess is that it'll be more of the same. And the habs better wish Price's knee problems don't return or else the team is doomed for the lenght of his contract.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Bonne blague de Galchenyukk aujourd'hui en presse à Miami-----là où il s'épuise à l'entraî Il a déclaré avoir fait mettre dans son contrat une clause qui lui permet de mettre fin à une conf. de presse dès qu'on lui demande si il préfère jouer à l'aile ou au centre.....est bonne MAIS y a quand même pas fini d'en entendre parler.....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Bonne blague de Galchenyukk aujourd'hui en presse à Miami-----là où il s'épuise à l'entraî Il a déclaré avoir fait mettre dans son contrat une clause qui lui permet de mettre fin à une conf. de presse dès qu'on lui demande si il préfère jouer à l'aile ou au centre.....est bonne MAIS y a quand même pas fini d'en entendre parler.....

Ceux qui croyaient que Galchenyuk etait un centre ne regardaient pas la meme game que moi. J'ai jamais vu Galchenyuk comme un 'play maker'. Il est un 'shooter'. Donne lui la puck et boom dans le filet!! Il aime aussi tenir la puck....comme qu'on dit en bon quebecois c'est un maudit 'mangeux-de-puck'. Totalement pas un joueur de centre!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
tu sait ta jamais pense si galchenyuk avais des ailier de premier plan quille sera un meilleur centre ( oublie ses mis au jeu )

Galchenyuk n'as pas assez de sens du hockey (hockey sense) pour etre un centre. Il n'est pas un passeux. Il est un poteux. Il a toujours prefere lancer au lieu de passer. Tu mettrait Mike Bossy et Brett Hull comme ailiers et il leur passeraient pas plus la rondelle. C'est juste pas dans n'est simplement pas un 'playmaker'.

Claude Julien l'a vu tout de suite lorsqu'il est arriver (pour la deuxieme fois) avec le CH. Oublier-le tous, il n'y a aucune chance qu'Alex Galchenyuk va jouer au centre la saison prochaine et dans le futur. Aucune chance.

Et disons qu'on le mettrait au centre: avec qui va-t-il jouer?? Pour avoir du talent faudrait qu'ils en echangent et presentement y a pas vraiment personne pour en attirer a part les joueurs que le CH doit absolument garder comme Pacioretty. L'autre option est d'en acheter sur le marche des agents libres mais apres avoir donner un contrat de $10.5 millions par annee a un seul gardien de but jusqu'en 2026, ca sera presque impossible de pouvoir depenser sur des agents libres. Specialement si on considere que Pacioretty sera du pour une grosse augmentation de salaire dans quelques annees si on voudra le garder a Montreal. Et c'est a ce moment aussi qu'on voudra probablement re-signer Galchenyuk et sa risque couter cher. En plus tu dois continuer a payer Weber, Drouin, etc. Ayoye!!!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Andrei Markov was earning $4.25 million last season, which is the main reason why teams (incl. the habs) were shocked when he came out with his demand of wanting $6 million per season for the next two years. He's an aging player in decline and he expects a raise and a multiyear contract? Ridiculous!

Today i was listening to the NHL Network in SiriusXM and they mentioned that Philly GM Ron Hextall admitted that Markov had approached them and they would have been interested had it not been for his excessive contractual demands. He supposedly said that he liked Markov, but not at that price.

I'm starting to wonder if Markov isn't looking at the possibility of finishing his career back home in the KHL. Marc Bergevin would like to have him back for a year, but not at $6 million. And Markov is playing stubborn and not only is pushing to get a considerable raise, but he wants two years. Good luck Marky!!

There's also talk about the habs desperately needing to make a trade for a top centre before the season starts. The name of Claude Giroux of the Flyers has been making the rounds over the past week or so. Philly would consider trading him and his $8.275 cap hit (he's signed until 2022) but would likely demand Alex Galchenyuk and a pick in return. I'm not sure Montreal would want to do this since Giroux will be 30 next season and he's already peaked as a player. Galchenyuk may one day become a superstar and who knows about that pick Philly would want in return? But i agree with everyone on the NHL Network panel in that Marc Bergevin would be totally unfair to the team's fan base if he started the season with the current lineup.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Im not a hockey expert but i think the habs shot a the cup has been closed. I honestly think they blew there chance 3 or 4 years ago. There mistake was not trading markov not for a better defence
but a defence player with a strong caracter to control PK caracter without trying to change his style of hockey. Desharnais should of been traded or let go and Galchenyuk should have been there
number one center with patch on wing. If patch as a leader can t accept the fact that the shooter should be galchenyuk then i think patch is not a real leader. All in all i believe if it wasn t for therrein
chuky and pk would have been the heart of the club with price. Another point i don t understand do they really think drouin will be a better player then chucky i don t think so.

-You don't have to be a hockey expert to come to the conclusion that the habs don't have much of a shot at the Cup. You're quite correct.

-I have no problem with them hanging on to Markov and he may not have welcomed a move from Mtl. My guess is if he can't play in Mtl, he'd rather play back in Russia in the KHL. But Markov has been a good soldier for them for over a decade and i expect him to finish his career with the habs.

-I never would have agreed to sign PK Subban to that huge contract. This wasn't Marc Bergevin's doing. He didn't want to do it and would have preferred taking Subban to arbitration but he was overruled by owner Geoff Molson who ordered Bergevin to give in to Subban's demands. Typical case of the team owner's meddling hurting the organization.

-I would not have traded PK Subban for Shea Webber's equally huge contract. They're in worse contractual trouble now than they would have been had they kept PK.

-Desharnais' contract made him untradeable. They never should have granted him that contract in the first place.

-The big mistake with Galchenyuk was not sending him back for at least one more year after they drafted him at age 18. He had missed his entire final junior year due to major knee surgery and getting one more year of junior hockey in his pocket instead of immediately making the jump to the NHL would have been both beneficial to him & the organization, who would have had longer contractual control over him had he began his career with the habs at age 19 or 20 instead of age 18. I see him as a winger since he's certainly no playmaker and i'm not impressed by his hockey sense. He's got talent and skill, but not much hockey sense.

-Giving the captaincy to Pacioretty at the time they gave it to him may have seemed like a mistake to some, but there was pressure from the fans and media on the organization to finally name a captain and they didn't have much of a choice at the time since they players wanted to give it to Brendan Prust. Management didn't want this and i can't blame them. They went with whom they thought was the obvious choice since they figured he'd be with the team for years and you can't deny he's a classy person.

-I think giving Carey Price $10.5 million/season for another 8 years is a mistake which will haunt the organization for the next 10 years. He's an aging goalie with bad knees. You don't give that kind of money to a goalie, especially in a hard salary cap era. I don't care if he's the team's best player and they can't win without him, but you won't be able to get the help you need in the future when so much of your cap money is invested on one player & that player is the goalie. They never came close to a Cup when Price was in his prime and there's no reason to believe that they'll get any closer now that Price's play is on a slow decline and it's basically the same team once again playing in front of him. If they would have thought about their future, they should have traded Carey Price two years ago after he won all those awards once the season was over. His value around the league was sky-high and it's never been any higher since, nor will it ever be.

-Drouin will be a good winger but for the team's sake i sure hope his personality doesn't negatively affect the team. He was a big problem at first in Tampa and he hadn't even made the team yet. Now playing in Montreal where he'll be treated like a mega-superstar (this often happens in Mtl) may not be good for his development. But time will tell.

What i'd do:

-I'd re-sign Markov but for not more than $4 million/season, which is what he was earning last season. He's a year older now and wants $6 million? Good luck, Marky!

-I'd trade Andrew Shaw. He's not worth the big contract Bergevin gave him.

-If i can get good value back for Brendan Gallagher, i'd trade him. His play has regressed and his small body has taken quite a pounding since he first entered the league. He doesn't really bring anything to the team any more and he won't get any better over time for the reasons i mentioned.

-They need a couple of veterans at the forward positions. There are several out there that would interest me and would gladly sign for one-year to play in Montreal. This would be beneficial to the likes of Pacioretty and Galchenyuk. The team never recovered in that aspect from the losses of Brian Gionta and Josh Gorges.

-And finally, now that Galchenyuk was re-signed for three years and does not have a non-movement clause in his contract, i certainly would trade him if i can get a legit #1 centre. If Colorado wants to trade Duchesne to Montreal for Galchenyuk, i'd do it in a second! If Edmonton would be interested to move Leon Draisaitl for Galchenyuk, Lindren & a high draft pick, i'd do it. Heck, maybe all it would take is adding McCarron to either package and either Colorado or Edmonton might just bite.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Curieux.....seuls EMELIN et SUBBAN ont assisté au mariage de MARKOV......aucun joueur des Habs.....bizarre......serait-ce le signe d'une union possible avec les Preds..........chose certaine Markov doit avoir bien hâte de signer.....afin de combler sa nouvelle épouse et ses trois enfants.....


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I think Doc pretty much nailed it here.

A dozen years ago I predicted that neither the Habs nor the Leafs would win another Cup in my lifetime (or likely the lifetime of any but the very youngest MERBites).

A few years ago I thought that my prediction on the Habs might end up failing. It looked like they were within reach of a possible Cup. However they have gone backward not forward and it now looks like my original prediction will still be good (and trust me, I'm not planning on dying for a long, long time).

At this point...unbelievably...even the Leafs are in better Cup position than the Habs! However I also stand by my prediction on the Leafs: because they're the Leafs, they will always find a way to screw things up. Granted, they have washed away all traces of the Titanic-like disaster created by Burke and Nonis...but they are now showing signs of reverting to at least a little bit of the boneheaded signings that Burke and Nonis were infamous for. To wit: the ancient trio of Marleau, Moore and Hainsey. Yeah, I know: nowhere near as bad as the signings of Phaneuf, Kessel, David Freakin' Clarkson, Jonathan "Tie Game" Bernier (whose favorite hockey player was Nelson Mandela), and on and on and on...but still not encouraging for Leaf fans. Lamoriello was once the second best GM in the league, but I think a little thing called old age has rendered him far less useful in that capacity. Babcock? Good coach, but even with Detroit he only managed one Cup, and he had losing records with both Anaheim and Toronto. Shanny? Good hockey man, no doubt, but he can't do it by himself. Good youngsters? Yeah, but they'll need more than Matthews, Marner and Nylander to take it all the way. A really good d-man, for example....and also an NHL-calibre goalie (NOT Freddy!).

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think Doc pretty much nailed it here.

Thank you. I agree with part of your statement, but won't bother commenting on what you wrote about the Leafs considering all the negative stuff i could say about your team, the Red Wings. A team that currently isn't going anywhere, a team in big trouble, a team that no one seems to want to play for, a team with a dying fan base, and i'll start the day off on a positive note and won't comment. ;)

Jonathan "Tie Game" Bernier (whose favorite hockey player was Nelson Mandela).

NBA player.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Curieux.....seuls EMELIN et SUBBAN ont assisté au mariage de MARKOV......aucun joueur des Habs.....bizarre......serait-ce le signe d'une union possible avec les Preds..........chose certaine Markov doit avoir bien hâte de signer.....afin de combler sa nouvelle épouse et ses trois enfants.....

J'ai pense a la meme chose avant de me lever ce matin. C'est pas surprenant voir PK Subban assister au marriage car ils ont joues ensembles a Montreal pour plusieurs annees et PK aime se promener a grandeur du monde pendant l'ete, mais ca m'a un peu surpris qu'il n'y avait pas d'autres coequipiers et surtout personne de l'etat major du CH. Cependant, la Russie n'est pas a la porte d'a cote et c'est pas l'endroit le plus attirant a visiter.

A propos d'une union possible avec les Preds, aucune chance. Ils ont deja pleins de defenseurs et en plus tous les equipes dans la LNH sont d'avis que Markov demande trop pour jouer au hockey presentement. Le moment qu'il va baisser sa demande annuelle a $4 millions, les equipes vont le contacter. Et c'est a ce moment qu'il signera probablement avec le CH. Probablement? Oui car il y a toujours la possibilite qu'il reste en Russie.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
i also agree pretty much what doc said. but i have to disagree about galachenyuk seeing one more year in the junior. I strongly think that therrien burned galachenyuk by his, im the boss here attitude.
In stead of favoring desharnais and giving more l attitude to galachenyuk, I strongly believe 5 years later he would have been a 30 plus putter. Same goes for subban a good coach would have fould a way .
either by getting markov to be his big brother or gettting someone to groom him in the attitude. like i said im no hockey expert but if subban had a player such as a larry robinson or a carbaneau or
a gainey on the team today it would have been his team.

I still disagree in regards to Galchenyuk. I always was totally against him making the jump directly from junior to the NHL at age 18 and less than a year away from major reconstructive knee surgery. I posted about it here several times at the time and i'm sure those posts are around. Making the jump from junior doesn't happen very often unless the player is a very gifted player (e.g. Sidney Crosby, Connor McDavid, etc), has already proven himself over & over at the junior level and it would detrimental to his progress to keep him there, if he's no longer eligible to play in junior or if he's ineligible to play in the AHL, which was the reason why the Leafs chose to have Mitch Marner start with the Leafs last season. They couldn't send him to the AHL due to his age and sending him back to junior once again would have been a waste since he had already been dominant there in his last season.

But that's why they chose to send Nazem Kadri back for one more year of junior and why they then too their time calling him up to the big club while he got used to the pro game while playing with the Marlies. A lot of people including the infamous Donald S. Cherry were incensed they were keeping him in the minors, but today Kadri may be the best of the bunch of that draft year which included Nail Yakupov and Galchenyuk. They did the same thing with William Nylander. First they kept him in Sweden and later in the season they brought him to Toronto to play for the Marlies. He spent the following season there and last season finally made the big team. He was one of the team's top players by the end of the season after a slow start and was absolutely fantastic playing center on the winning Swedish team and was named the tournament's MVP. It was a well-deserved honor and he was dominant! The Leafs are currently doing the same thing with Kaspari Kapanen, Kerby Rychel and countless others.

The problem with Desharnais wasn't necessarily his play but mostly the lucrative multiyear contract given to him. He was also playing in the wrong chair. He wasn't and will never be a #1 center. But he was top gun Pacioretty's favorite center. Had Desharnais been paid $2 million or less no one would have criticized him and would have been praised like they're currently praising Paul Byron's play. I wouldn't have had a problem with them bringing him back for $1-1.5 million instead of signing 34-year old Ales Hemsky. But who knows, maybe they tried and he preferred to play with the Rangers.

As for Subban, he was a great habs player and i'd even add a model player. He was beloved by the fans and the things he did for charity and sick children were remarkable. There were rumblings he had an attitude problem but those were just rumours. I never heard a player or even a coach admit to this. The big problem with PK Subban was the contract Geoff Molson ordered Marc Bergevin to give him. It's quite possible his attitude changed afterwards but i'll give him a pass considering his age and the fact the organization had just granted him a $72 million contract. I'd feel invincible also were i in his shoes and given the fan's adulation for him. The team owner also supposedly liked him very much. Isn't it entirely possible that they felt they were getting a better player back in Shea Webber and that's the main reason why they made the trade?
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