Montreal Escorts

Go Habs Go!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Devils have been disappointing. They started Daws in goal tonight because their top 2 goalies haven't been good. Vanecek has an .882 save % in 25 games, while Schmid has been at .893% in 15 games. Both are well below league average, so basically they have had 40 games of well below league average goaltending. No wonder they played Daws, who was at a very respectable .922 in 5 games coming into tonight.

While the Devils goalies have collectively posted an .891 save%, the Habs are at .905%- just above the NHL league average of .904%.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Je me suis ravisé, le Canadien est une équipe à surveiller.
Si le Canadiens se qualifie pour les séries ce sera avec le même line-up, peut-être même un ou deux joueurs en moins (Monahan et Allen). Ils ne feront rien pour aller chercher un joueur d’élite. Le plan c’est le plan!

NJ n’est pas le même club sans Jack Hugues, ça se voit tout de suite que l’équipe est moins solide. Montréal est puni 3 fois pour bâton élevé, pas normal à la mi-saison de pas être conscient de son bâton. Résultat: 2 buts en avantage numérique pour les Devils, sur la même punition double à Suzuki! Autre point négatif, les mises au jeu, à 37.8 % tu passes beaucoup de temps à courir après le puck!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Mais quand même 5 points sur 6 contre de bonnes équipes.....une soirée dont va se rappeler JOSHUA toute sa vie et une grosse game de sa que dire again de SAM qui continue de nous je commence même à trouver ARMIA le fun
à voir évoluer...comme les choses peuvent changer.....pour le on remet ça demain vs les SENS.....un match piège?????


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Ouin...dure retour à la réalité prennent la route pour BOSTON/l'une des équipes les plus hot......vont-ils nous surprendre????.....hum...j'en doute.....lolllll......MAIS toujours le fun ces affrontements.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Ouin...dure retour à la réalité prennent la route pour BOSTON/l'une des équipes les plus hot......vont-ils nous surprendre????.....hum...j'en doute.....lolllll......MAIS toujours le fun ces affrontements.
Est-ce que ce sera le nouveau Price devant les buts?

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
The only HAB that can do it is playing in Laval since december 4th : Arbar Xhekaj.
Yeah Xhekaj and maybe Dach who, at times, could show some roughness in his game. I was surprised to see Pezzeta and even Struble staying put on Tkatchuk, not even getting him with a solid check. Maybe the call from the bench was not to give him too much attention, which is a bit weird considering the nasty body check he did early in the game. Too bad Savard is not keen on dropping the gloves, he’s the heaviest player in the league, he could easily shake Tkatchuk like a rag doll!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Brady Tkachuk seems to own the Habs. Every game against Montreal it's 2, 3, 4 point games. Who is going to finally calm him down?
Brady Tkachuk continues to haunt the habs for not drafting him when they had the chance to & will likely continue haunting them for years to come. Not drafting him likely took them ten years back! It’ll take them years to get over that mistake! Things would be very different today had they drafted him instead of Jesperi Kotkaniemi! Marc Bergevin would likely still be GM, no rebuild, the habs would be contenders every season & Tkachuk would likely be the current captain & be the fans’ #1 favorite player!
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Brady Tkachuk continues to haunt the habs for not drafting him when they had the chance to & will likely continue haunting them for years to come. Not drafting him likely took them ten years back! It’ll take them years to get over that mistake! Things would be very different today had they drafted him instead of Jesperi Kotkaniemi! Marc Bergevin would likely still be GM, no rebuild, the habs would be contenders every season & Tkachuk would likely be the current captain & be the fans’ #1 favorite player!
Are you shitting me? Why would Bergevin have selected Kotkaniemi ahead of Tkachuk? This season, Tkachuk at left wing has twice as many points and twice as many assists as Kotkaniemi does playing center.

As a Yankees fan I have seen the same thing. The Yankees had the chance to acquire David Ortiz as a young player with the Twins, George Steinbrenner said no because he was fat, and Ortiz absolutely killed the Yankees the remainder of his career. Now the Yankees are going through the same thing again with Rafael Devers, whom the Yankees have not been able to get out since he arrived in the majors. Devers has something like 10 HRs off Gerrit Cole in 20 career at bats. I have watched entire series where the Yankees simply cannot get the guy out, and everything thrown to him is hit hard. I thought they should either stop pitching to him or else make a trade and acquire him so they don't have to pitch to him.

At this point Montreal needs to do the same with Tkachuk. Since they don't have anyone who can defend him, use some assets to trade for him so that they can stop his abuse of the Montreal Habs.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Sont chanceux de finir la première à 2-3! Couverture défensive déficiente de Harris sur Carlo ensuite Savard incapable de meonotter Heinen. Avec le cadeau de Monty à DeBrusk pour couronner le tout, ça regarde pas bien pour la suite, à moins que Ullmark s’invite comme père Noël!
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Je bien après 2 périodes on a toujours un match! 1 but de retard avec 1 minute d’avantage numérique pour commencer la troisième! Toujours le fun un affrontement Boston- Montréal un samedi soir! On se croise les orteils pour la suite lol!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oui ...dévoré par les oursons en 3ème.....finalement une défaite gênante vs une équipe qui n'accepte pas les demi-mesures et se donne à fond.......ont quelques jours pour panser les plaies.....MAIS pareille claque laisse des traces.
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