Montreal Escorts

Go Habs Go!

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Habs just lost 4-1 to the Sens! The Habs once again were never in this game & Arber X took another dumb penalty in the third period when the habs were only trailing by two goals & gaining momentum. Poor Arbour! If he keeps taking dumb penalties he’ll quickly be back in Laval!
But Arber still managed to finish the game with +1 within 16:25 minutes of ice time, not so bad considering it was his first NHL game in 2 months. I’d give him a few more games before judging if he’s more useful than Barron.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
But Arber still managed to finish the game with +1 within 16:25 minutes of ice time, not so bad considering it was his first NHL game in 2 months. I’d give him a few more games before judging if he’s more useful than Barron.

It wasn't his fault that the Habs gave 2 goals in 42 seconds at the very beginning of the game.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Je pense qu’il faut lui donner une couple de parties pour retrouver le rythme LNH, ensuite on verra si il s’est réellement amélioré en défense. Faut pas oublier que l’an passé il se débrouillait assez bien pour un kid qui, au départ, n’était même pas sensé être là. Ceci étant dit, il n’est pas impossible qu’il fasse partie d’un deal avant la date limite des transactions, d’où son rappel pour le mettre en vitrine.
Arber Xhekaj

He hasn’t had a good season at all & that’s why they sent him down to Laval. His defensive play hasn’t been very good & he was sent to Laval due to the numbers game in that the team had better players ahead of him, such as Jordan Harris & Jayden Struble. On the team’s depth chart he’s behind Guhle, Savard, Kovacevic, Mathieson, Harris & Struble. This puts him at #7 on the team’s depth chart & instead of having him waste away in the stands the team decided to send him to Laval in order to have him play regularly & learn how to play defence.

He surprised everyone last season by being a walk-in at training camp & making the team. However this season the team started to realize why he had never been drafted by an NHL team. He came back to Earth. He’s back playing like he’s always played. And now that the defence is better than last season his importance on the team isn’t as important as it was last season. If they don’t trade him maybe they should start playing him on the wing in a 4th line role.

However the team will likely try to trade David Savard at the trade deadline so if this happens Xhekaj will move up on the depth chart & see regular playing time on the team’s third pair of defencemen.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
Arber Xhekaj

He hasn’t had a good season at all & that’s why they sent him down to Laval. His defensive play hasn’t been very good & he was sent to Laval due to the numbers game in that the team had better players ahead of him, such as Jordan Harris & Jayden Struble. On the team’s depth chart he’s behind Guhle, Savard, Kovacevic, Mathieson, Harris & Struble. This puts him at #7 on the team’s depth chart & instead of having him waste away in the stands the team decided to send him to Laval in order to have him play regularly & learn how to play defence.

He surprised everyone last season by being a walk-in at training camp & making the team. However this season the team started to realize why he had never been drafted by an NHL team. He came back to Earth. He’s back playing like he’s always played. And now that the defence is better than last season his importance on the team isn’t as important as it was last season. If they don’t trade him maybe they should start playing him on the wing in a 4th line role.

However the team will likely try to trade David Savard at the trade deadline so if this happens Xhekaj will move up on the depth chart & see regular playing time on the team’s third pair of defencemen.
Ce soir Patrick Roy au centre Bell...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oui de la grande visite....bien hâte de voir l'accueil.....devrait être fait partie de notre histoire for ever.....enjoy the moment.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Ouffff.....on l"a échappé belle à cause encore des punitions et du comportement douteux de GALLAGHER qui sera sûrement suspendu pour son geste stupide....gros merci à MONAHAN avec une grosse soirée et le but gagnant en toute fin de SAM a
fait le travail.......bel accueil pleinement mérité pour victoire des HABS.....difficile d'en demander plus pour cette soirée spéciale.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Ouffff.....on l"a échappé belle à cause encore des punitions et du comportement douteux de GALLAGHER qui sera sûrement suspendu pour son geste stupide....gros merci à MONAHAN avec une grosse soirée et le but gagnant en toute fin de SAM a
fait le travail.......bel accueil pleinement mérité pour victoire des HABS.....difficile d'en demander plus pour cette soirée spéciale.
Je n’ai vu que les 9 dernières minutes du match et le geste de Gally me surprend beaucoup. Gally n’est pas Mark Messier, pour donner un tel coup de coude il devait sûrement avoir eu un coup salaud qui est passé inaperçu pendant le match. Mais bon, il a failli être directement responsable d’une défaite inacceptable. Avec un score de 3-1 en ta faveur et 8 minutes à jouer tu ne pose pas un geste comme ça, surtout un vétéran, très égoïste comme comportement.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Five game suspension for Gallagher. Even local pundits are saying he got off easy & deserved at least eight games. But nothing is surprising about the NHL & the inconsistent George Parros who’s the league’s disciplinarian.

Montembeault was sensational in the Islanders game. Gallagher’s dumb 5-minute penalty allowed the Isles to come back in the game. And Arber Xekaj had another terrible game with two absolutely stupid penalties at the worse time & were it not for Monty’s heroics we’d instead be talking about how Gally & Xekaj’s boneheaded penalties cost the habs the game. Coach St-Louis mentioned after the game that he wasn’t happy about Xekaj’s penalties. We’re now starting to see on a regular basis why he was never drafted & why he’s now looked upon as the worse defenceman on the team. The game is simply too fast for him which causes him to react too slowly & cause him to take stupid penalties. My guess is that he either may be dealt within the next few weeks or sent back to Laval if Hughes doesn’t trade any veteran defencemen by the trade deadline.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Am pretty sure comme on dit que St-Louis en a plein les baskets avec que ce dernier vit sur du temps ici.....

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
So Arber est échanger ce sera à cause de son attitude et non pas à cause de ses performances, si Chara a été capable d’apprendre à jouer en restant dans la LNH, n’importe qui peut apprendre à devenir un défenseur plus que potable. :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
So Arber est échanger ce sera à cause de son attitude et non pas à cause de ses performances, si Chara a été capable d’apprendre à jouer en restant dans la LNH, n’importe qui peut apprendre à devenir un défenseur plus que potable. :D
I don’t see anything wrong with his attitude. Sure he was surprised at being sent to Laval and wasn’t happy about it. But over time he understood the move and accepted it knowing he’d be back with the big club if he played well and he did.

However since he’s been back we realize that the NHL game is simply too quick for him and he’s hurting the team. It’s causing his coach to lose confidence in him. And right now there really isn’t a spot for him on a healthy defence. I firmly believe that his future on the team may lie with trying him on the fourth line. His playing time would be more limited and he’d still have the same role on the team. His size and aggressiveness would be a good fit as a forward. He reminds me of former NHLer Jim Korn who was a big defenceman known for his fisticuffs with Detroit. The Leafs acquired him & turned him into a very useful winger. I could see the same thing happening to Xekaj.

As for the comparaison to Zdeno Chara this is a terrible one. Chara is a giant at 6’9 and was drafted 56th overall which shows that teams saw quite a bit of potential in him. Xekaj is only 6’4 in an era of hockey where being a 6’4 defenceman is no longer a rarity. But Chara always had skills where Xekaj was never really looked upon as a very skillful player & once again repeating myself that’s also a big reason why he was never drafted by an NHL team. And with fighting continously being phased out of the league & likely be totally banned a few years from now (like the Q) his role on any team will be a diminishes one.

However i still believe that there’s no reason why he couldn’t find employment on other teams in the NHL which may find a need for such a player. There are 32 NHL teams, after all. And more teams means the quality of talent is diluted. But if they got rid of Alexei Romanov I see no reason why they wouldn’t get rid of Arber Xekaj, a much inferior player to Romanov.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Just remember Chara’s first years in the NHL, I wouldn’t have want him on my team, he was drafted only because of his height. And, honestly, he never became a great D man in my book, but his big body allowed him to stay out of trouble. I believe Arber has more potential, the kid is 22, with some patience he can be a solid 3-4 defenseman.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Mais l'attitude d'un joueur chez les HABS es FONDAMENTALE dans leur grille d'analyse....plusieurs sont déjà passé par là parce qu'ils ne fittaient pas dans le beau portrait de IMHO le SHERIFF est très près d'aller mettre de l'ordre ailleurs....lollllll

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Just remember Chara’s first years in the NHL, I wouldn’t have want him on my team, he was drafted only because of his height. And, honestly, he never became a great D man in my book, but his big body allowed him to stay out of trouble. I believe Arber has more potential, the kid is 22, with some patience he can be a solid 3-4 defenseman.
I doubt being drafted 56th overall was just because of his height. I’m certain the scouts saw talent & possibly leadership also.

Xekaj at 6’4 isn’t as tall or even big as it sounds today. Chara was in a league of his own at 6’9 back in his early years. For comparison reasons 6’9 then would be 6’11 today.

But Chara had other attributes & fighting wasn’t even one of them. Xekaj’s attributes are very limited & his #1 attribute is fighting but other players are catching up to him just look at Tanner Jeannot beating him in a fight at the Bell Centre. He doesn’t scare anyone. Even Martin St-Louis thinks Pezzetta can fill the same role on the team without hurting it as much.

Gabby’s correct. I also believe his days in Mtl are numbered & he’ll soon be the sheriff elsewhere. Let me just say that in a market like Mtl the fact he quickly became popular with the fans probably wasn’t a good thing. By the way would he have become popular had it not been for the Costco story that came out?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Autre dure défaite 3-2 en o/t.....bonne game quand même et bon travail de ALLEN qui nous a gardé dans la game....vivement un bonne période de repos salutaire pour au moins nous amuser d'ici la fin de la saison.

On a vu ce soir 2 équipes qui s'en vont sens opposé......nous avec des jeunes jambes et de la mobilité mais au talent limité.......eux une équipe vieillissante de vétérans avec de vieilles jambes moins mobiles mais avec au volume beaucoup plus de
comme le talent ne lui ne vieillit bien il finit par l'emporter.

DG DUBAS a quitté une équipe les LEAFS avec qui il en avait plein les bras pour se retrouver avec de nouveaux maux de tête....une équipe coûteuse à dépoussiérer avec un virage pas évident vers la un coach qui entame l'an prochain un contrat tout neuf
de 5ans/25 M.....mais pour le moment doit se battre pour faire les séries.....pas évident mais encore une fois au volume de talent devrait y parvenir......à suivre.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Dommage cette défaite contre les Pens, c'était tout de même un gros match pour le classement Wildcard dans l'est.

J'aime de plus en plus Slafkovsky. Il n'a pas les mains de Mario Lemieux mais il se démarque de plus en plus dans plusieurs aspects du jeu. Très belle montée à l'emporte-pièce hier, il manquait juste un but à la fin.

Belle cérémonie pour le 1000e match de Lars Eller. Le temps passe, jamais j'aurais pensé qu'il était rendu là. Montréal avait une relation amour-haine avec lui (et vice-versa), puis j'avoue que sa face ne m'est jamais revenue, mais il faut rendre à César ce qui appartient à César, 1000 matchs et une coupe Stanley c'est pas rien.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
WOW....on s'y attendait MONAHAN échangé aux JETS...perso très très très déçu de cette transaction même pour le 1er choix des JETS....very good move pour les JETS on le comprend bien...MAIS il avait son importance ici tant pour son talent que pour les
jeunes de l'organisation....alors que rien de plus incertain de ce qui nous attend de cette 2 cents .

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
WOW....on s'y attendait MONAHAN échangé aux JETS...perso très très très déçu de cette transaction même pour le 1er choix des JETS....very good move pour les JETS on le comprend bien...MAIS il avait son importance ici tant pour son talent que pour les
jeunes de l'organisation....alors que rien de plus incertain de ce qui nous attend de cette 2 cents .
C’était écrit dans le ciel qu’il allait être échangé, Hugues ne doit pas s’engager à long terme avec un vétéran qui va demander un gros salaire dès la saison prochaine. Depuis qu’il est en poste qu’il se débat pour dégraisser sa masse salariale, ça serait con de recommencer à signer des contrats de 8 ans avec des joueurs qui vont être rendu à 36-37 ans quand l’équipe va atteindre son peak.
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