Montreal Escorts

Go Habs Go!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Un mot sur le Rocket de Laval....BRAVO....gain de 3-0 à leur soirée d'ouverture devant une salle comble de 10,000 spectateurs.....bonne décision de s'être installé à la classe d'une grande organisation.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Un mot sur le Rocket de Laval....BRAVO....gain de 3-0 à leur soirée d'ouverture devant une salle comble de 10,000 spectateurs.....bonne décision de s'être installé à la classe d'une grande organisation.

Au moins il y une des deux equipes qui va bien. 10 000 personnes pour une partie de la ligue Americaine c'est absolutely fantastique!! Et si les Canadiens continuent a etre pourris les gens vont peut-etre se deplacer pour aller voir le Rocket a leur place et il paieront une fraction du prix qu'aller voir les pourris Canadiens. Bravo Laval!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Les HAWKS s'amènent en ville ce soir.....grosse commande...heureusement qu'ils se sont un peu vidés hier contre les Leafs....mais je suis persuadé qu'ils ont encore de la ré surtout qu'ils vont vouloir oublier l'amère défaite d'hier....à suivre.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Les HAWKS s'amènent en ville ce soir.....grosse commande...heureusement qu'ils se sont un peu vidés hier contre les Leafs....mais je suis persuadé qu'ils ont encore de la ré surtout qu'ils vont vouloir oublier l'amère défaite d'hier....à suivre.

Le gardien Forsberg a ete fantastique hier soir dans son premier depart. Il est un grand gardien-de-but et je le vois comme le futur a Chicago. Ce soir c'est le veteran Joey Crawford qui gardera le but des Hawks contre l'equipe de sa ville natale.

Les Hawks ont plusieurs nouveaux venus dans leur alignement et leurs jeunes m'ont impressionnes.

Je predit une grosse victoire des Chicago Blackhawks contre une des pires equipes de la ligue.

p.s. En passant il y a encore beaucoup de billets de disponible pour la partie de ce soir.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Assez incroyable qu'il reste des billets en cette soirée d'ouverture du Temple......est-ce un signe des temps....est-ce que les fans s'interrogent à ce point sur la qualité de leur é cette situation devait perdurer ce ne sera pas long que ca va bouger en haut lieu.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Assez incroyable qu'il reste des billets en cette soirée d'ouverture du Temple......est-ce un signe des temps....est-ce que les fans s'interrogent à ce point sur la qualité de leur é cette situation devait perdurer ce ne sera pas long que ca va bouger en haut lieu.

Je crois sincerement que les 'fans' sont tannes de se faire carrement fourrer par les proprietaires de la LNH. En plus que le produit que ces proprietaires leur offre est egalement pourri. Je paierais pas plus que $100 pour aller voir une partie de hockey et ca c'est dans les rouges. Sinon mieux de rester a la maison devant ma tele de 70 pouces haute definition 4K avec une 12 de Bleu Legere et regarder la partie gratuitement. Et en plus avec ma Budweiser Goal Light!!! ;)


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
Comment t'as fait pour avoir une goal light? Ça fonctionne bien? C'est connecté au wifi?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Comment t'as fait pour avoir une goal light? Ça fonctionne bien? C'est connecté au wifi?

Je l'ai achete de Budweiser il y a deux ans. Tu download le Budweiser app et tu choise le ou les equipes que tu veux. Lorsque l'equipe ou les equipes comptent un but, la lumiere s'allume. Oui, ca fonctionne a travers le Wifi.

J'ai aussi un verre de biere Budweiser que j'ai recu gratuitement le printemps dernier. Meme principe mais je trouve qu'il fonctionne pas aussi bien que la 'goal light'.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So Habs Leafs tonight.

Read today on RDS the Habs have not lost against the Leaf in their last 14 games! Will we see the wheel spinning the other way starting tonight?

By the way Emelin got a lot of shit for his play last year. But everyone forgot that when he was on the ice, opponents were scared to get hit as they cross the blue line as he crushed so many. This years opponents are crossing the blue line as easily as immigrants from the US coming to Canada ;)



Jun 14, 2015

Es-tu en train de dire que ça prendrait des "Emelin" à la frontière sud des USA à la place d'un mur?



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

Es-tu en train de dire que ça prendrait des "Emelin" à la frontière sud des USA à la place d'un mur?


Bonne idée! Puis ca ferais travailler plus de monde aux USA. C'est l'objectif premier de Trump non?



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Les Leafs ont mis fin à la belle séquence de 14 victoires des quel but encore une fois de Matthews pour donner la victoire à son é Price again n'a pas été à la hauteur. Montréal prend la route pour disputer 3 matchs dans l'Ouest....hiiiiii...ce ne sera pas facile......risquent de ne pas vouloir revenir....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Last night Montreal played as well as it could. Carey Price was ordinary like he's been so far all season (except maybe their season opener vs Buffalo) and Toronto can and will play better.

This is scary for the habs. It means that Carey Price will likely have to be the Carey Price of old in nearly every game if they want to have a chance to win. But he's 30 years old and starting to show his age. Habs management and their fans better hope he gets his game back since he's expected to stay in Montreal for another 8 years. Trade him? This wouldn't be as easy as people think since not that many teams in the league can fit in his cap hit within their salary cap plus not many teams are either looking for a #1 goaltender or would even want to give $10 million/season to a goalie.

Charlie Lingren is probably a bigger trade asset than Carey Price ever will be.

My thoughts on last night's game:

-Montreal's best line was the Plekanec line once again.
-I was impressed by Victor Mete. He's one of their best defencemen but i'd still send him back to his junior team.
-I was not impressed by Shea Webber. He looked slow and old. And the habs are stuck with him for a long time.
-I liked what i saw of Charles Hudon & Jonathan Drouin was okay.
-Max Pacioretty was invisible all night long.
-Other than scoring a powerplay goal Alex Galchenyuk did not impress me, although some will say it was his best game of the past dozen.
-The Auston Matthews line was the best line all night; Matthews and Nylander work well together.
-Freddie Andersen was the other best Leafs player; he played very well although surrendering three goals most goalies wouldn't have stopped anyway.
-Toronto's defence played well as a unit and did the job.
-Matt Martin had a strong game for the Leafs; he was a presence on the ice all night long and delivered several big bodychecks including a thunderous one on Brendan Gallagher early on; he showed there is still room in the league for such big players who can skate, hit & create the odd scoring chance.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Apres San Jose.....croyez vous que les Habs vont rebondir ce soir face aux Kings??? Le bon côté c'est qu'on peut se coucher plus tô Devraient peut-être s'inspirer des Golden Knigts et du jeune two cents.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Les Habs vont se faire battre ce soir. Peut etre meme par un blanchissage.

C'est une equipe qui commence a paniquer en ce moment. Surprenant (non, pas vraiment) meme si on vient de debuter la saison.

Marc Bergevin agi comme depisteur aux matches impliquant les Islanders. Ma source me dit qu'il leur a offert Max Pacioretty alors ca doit etre pour soit Nick Leddy ou John Tavares. Moi je vois pas les Islanders leur echanger soit Leddy ou meme Tavares a moins qu'ils sont 100% certains qu'il ne re-signera pas avec eux. Mais si c'est le cas ca va prendre bien plus que Pacioretty pour l'avoir car les Islanders savent (ou devraient) qu'ils peuvent probablement obtenir plus en ayant une enchere. On verra.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Max a un mauvais début de saison----comme l'équipe d'ailleurs. Sûrement pas le meilleur moment pour l'échanger surtout pour Tavares. Ce dernier na va beaucoup mieux mais je crois plus en sa valeur,,,et d'accord que ca prendrait beaucoup plus que Max pour compléter une telle transaction.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Another night, another game, another loss.....

Habs lost 5-1 last night in LA. Al Montoya had kept them in the game throughout the night and the game remained tied 1-1 into the third. But then LA scored the go-ahead goal and i knew it was over so i went to bed. I woke up this morning and was surprised (nah, not really!) to see that LA had scored three more goals.

It's panic time on the Mtl airwaves this morning. "Trade Pacioretty!" "Trade Galchenyuk!" "Trade Weber and Price!" "Fire Bergevin!" "Fire Claude Julien!" Unbelievable!!!! :lol:

I can't see any of those scenarios happening. For one, it's still way too early into the season. Yes the habs are in last place (and the Leafs are in first). But the habs actually played quite well over their past few games. They could have beat the Leafs. They could have beat the Kings. They didn't play too badly in San Jose but the last time they won in San Jose Saku Koivu was captain of the team and Craig Rivet was the last hab to score in that game.

I also can't see them trading Max Pacioretty right now. They need scoring and he's one of the few scorers on the team that they have. Galchenyuk's value has never been as low as now so they can't trade him. Weber and Price have contracts that literally make them untradeable. And why would anyone want them now? Weber looks very slow and older. Price has played poorly to ordinary since the start of the playoffs last season and i know of no other team in the entire hockey world who'll be willing to pay their goaltender $10 million/season (other than the habs) for the next 8 years. Many people thought Charlie Lingren actually their top trading chip but he's struggled so far this season while playing in Laval.

Marc Bergevin signed a contract during the off-season which is for another 7 years. Claude Julien signed a contract last season for $5 million per season for 5 years. So they're not going anywhere.

So if the team continues to struggle i only see shrewd trading will improve the team. But this has never been Marc Bergevin's trademark. He's made good moves and bad moves. But let's be honest: he was lucky in most of his good moves by acquiring good third or fourth liners in Paul Byron and Philip Danault. The risks were low when he acquired those players and they brought dividends. But other similar players he picked up were total busts.

I keep hearing that they've yet to pick up a true #1 center ever since the days of Vincent Damphousse and Pierre Turgeon. Sorry habs fans, Johnny Drouin is not a #1 center and i don't even consider him to be one. He loses 9 out of 10 faceoffs on a regular basis. That's not even a #4 center! Was Saku Koivu a true #1 center? I saw him more as a number two. Matt Duchesne is available but Sakic's asking price is too high. But there are other options elsewhere throughout the league where many natural centres are playing on the wing since there's a log-jam at the centre position on their respective teams. Take William Nylander as an example. He's a natural centre but has had to play the wing since the Leafs have an abundance of centres. Last season coach Babcock stated that Nylander would likely be playing centre this season. For for the reasons i've mentioned it still hasn't happened. I expect him to take over as the 2nd line centre next season once Tyler Bozak departs due to free agency. A team having as it's centres the likes of Auston Matthews, William Nylander and Nazem Kadri will be well off for years to come. But the way William Nylander and Auston Matthews play together makes me wonder if that move will ever happen.

However, you have the likes of Connor Brown, Patrick Marleau and Mitch Marner playing on 3rd and 4th lines at various times since there's a log-jam at the forward skill positions. Josh Leivo hasn't dressed for a game yet and he's easily a skill NHL forward on most teams in the league. Same thing with Kaspari Kapanen who could easily be the team's fastest player but due to the log-jam with the Leafs has to spend another season with the Marlies.

What i'm saying is that the habs will have to be creative and try to obtain players like the ones i mentioned in order to upgrade themselves at centre and other skill forward positions. A habs legend once pointed out that the habs are a team with a first line and three fourth lines. It's still the case this season.

The habs will also have to improve at developing players. They have a very poor record in that department. The culprit is Trevor Timmins, who has never impressed me in whatever job he was doing over the years. Many promising careers in the organization have been ruined due to poor development. And if Victor Mete is not returned to his junior team this season it'll be a huge mistake. The team is going nowhere and losing all the time will be demoralizing. Returning him to his junior team will give him more time to develop and will also keep him in the organization longer. It will also make him a much better player in the future. The habs currently have $8 million to spend on any other defencemen in the league to allow them to return Mete to the London Knights. Vegas and several other teams have good defencemen available so that's where they should look.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Et le Calvaire continue....pourtant les Ducks étaient prêts à se faire moitié des joueurs et pas des moindres sont sur la liste des blessé une autre défaite. Plus de 100 tirs ont été dirigé vers les gardiens...pas tous menacant bien sûr.....mais quand même...allo défensive. L'année va être très longue et le
pire c'est que même avec 8 millions en poche Bergevin est dans l'impossibilité de bouger pour changer les choses.....du moins à court terme.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site

As I already said........BLOW IT UP. Trade Price, trade Pacioretty, and go into full scale rebuild mode. Don't talk about it, just do it. The team is going nowhere with Price and Pacioretty, so it can go nowhere without them and be richer in draft picks and prospects for the future. History teaches that one must be mindful of the future and developing a youthful core, or the franchise will be doomed to descend into oblivion.

Look at the standings. Montreal has 3 points, is 1-6-1, dead last in the Eastern Conference. The stats say blow the fucker up, now.
Toronto Escorts